Super College

Chapter 147 Unlucky Wang Chen

Soon, Yi Xuanning found several lost brothers. These days, they have run a long distance. Of course, they have also suffered a lot. When they saw Yi Xuanning sitting on the back of this unknown monster and rushing towards them leisurely, they were so happy!

"Are you all right?" After Tianyuan Beast rushed to several people, Yi Xuanning immediately jumped down and looked at the ragged clothes on several people. Even when there were several wounds on Xiao Yimo's body, he guessed that these people were not having a good time these days!

"It's okay, boss, as long as you're free. We just met a few little monsters. What have you experienced in the past three days? Why do I feel that you are a little different from before?" After Xiao Yimo and Yi Xuanning hugged, they said their problems. Yi Xuanning did give him a very different feeling!

"Yes, boss, you are indeed different from before. You feel that you have become mature!" After Qin Lang saw Yi Xuanning smile, he also said his feelings, and Liao Binyu beside him also nodded, meaning that he also felt it.

"Ye, I did experience a lot of different things this time. Even I feel that I am too mature, but our relationship will still remain unchanged. You will still be my brothers in the future!" After Yi Xuanning said this, he hugged the three people again. He didn't mean anything false. He really regarded them as brothers!

After chatting with each other for a while, several people embarked on the journey again, about ten days before the end, so they still maintained a sense of vigilance and continued to wander!

Yi Xuanning's cultivation level has been improved, so his role is greater. Coupled with his defense jade pendant and Tianyuan beast, their harvest is even greater!

Yi Xuanning originally wanted to go back to the college to see Master Wan Yan one night, but after thinking about it, he finally held back. First, his cultivation level still did not break through to the Jindan period. Although Chen Zhenlong said that he would help him make love, he still wanted to wait until after the Jindan period in his heart. !

Another thing is that his knowledge of refining has not improved. It has been a few months, and he still has no enlightenment, so he still doesn't want to go in now, so as not to lose his master!

Yi Xuanning is really speechless about this refining. He has spent a long time studying this thing. Even in the fantasy, he will find time to recall the words in the book to understand this refining, but there has been no breakthrough.

So in terms of refining medicine, Yi Xuanning is still very anxious!

Time flies, and more than ten days really pass in the blink of an eye, because there are monsters in Yi Xuanning's team that have been in the Jindan period. In addition, Tianyuan's bloodline is very awesome, and Yi Xuanning, who is only one step away from becoming a real person in the Jindan period! So basically, the four of them were not disturbed by any monsters.

Although Yi Xuanning is very comfortable these days, some people are scared!

Wang Chen, an old monster in the Yuanying period, originally wanted to avoid the sight of everyone and attack Yi Xuanning, but he did not expect that his behavior had been discovered long ago, and he was specially warned!

Time went back to Yi Xuanning when he was trapped in the fantasy of the refining beast. At that time, Xiao Yimo and several people had just run out of the attack range of the refining beast, but they did not know that the first person they met was Wang Chen!

After that departure, Wang Chen originally wanted to take the opportunity to follow Yi Xuanning, but he was afraid that his brother Zhang Dengtian would find out! So I left, and later it was troublesome to look for it again. The forest was so big that I couldn't find it for a long time, so I could only do a carpet-style search in the end. Fortunately, I saw a few people Xiao Yimo!

Wang Chen hid behind the tree and listened carefully to the conversation of Xiao Yimo to see if several people would tell Yi Xuanning's whereabouts.

"We have been running for so long, the boss should have solved that guy, right?" Several people ran for a whole few hours, and Qin Lang was the first person who couldn't stand it.

After sitting down, Xiao Yimo said, "Well, although I don't know what level of monster the boss summoned later, I can see that the alchemy beast is afraid of the monster summoned by the boss!"

"Yes, so we don't have to worry about the safety of the boss. We just need to take care of ourselves. Now as long as we live, the old nature will come to us!" After Qin Lang finished speaking, he leaned against the tree trunk behind him and dozed off.

The dialogue between the two surprised Wang Chen, who was hidden in the dark. He knew the empty beast. There seemed to be only two in the whole forest, one was the Yuanying period, and the other was this son. Because the empty beast was relatively special, no one provoked it in the forest, but now listens to Xiao Yimo and several people talked. It seemed that Yi Xuanning was fighting with the air refining beast, and also summoned a monster that scared the air refining beast!

Is this possible? Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Wang Chen doesn't believe it. This guy is too evil. He knows that Yi Xuanning has a card, but he doesn't think about pets, because this is a little too incredible. Monsters are still monsters that are stronger than air refining beasts, or summoned by Yi Xuanning. Is this possible?

Wang Chen did not embarrass these people. His target was Yi Xuanning, so he did not take the initiative to provoke other people and flew in the direction of Xiao Yimo. After a long time, Wang Chen finally found the trace of Yi Xuanning!

Wang Chen, flying in the air, constantly explores with spiritual knowledge, so you can feel that not far ahead, there is a cave. There is a beast on one side of the cave. When the cave is Yi Xuanning, the beast Wang Chen can't recognize it, but this doesn't matter. This monster is just a golden elixir period!

But he didn't feel that the Tianyuan beast kept turning its head and looking at the air. It was entirely because there was another one next to the Tianyuan beast, that was Chen Zhenlong! However, with his spiritual knowledge, Chen Zhenlong could not be identified at all, so he thought that there were only two people in this cave!

Just after his observation, when he rushed in the direction of Yi Xuanning, he did not find that Chen Zhenlong's eyebrows were wrinkled.

Chen Zhenlong looked very carefully and saw Wang Chen's movements clearly, and although he could not recognize who this person was, it seemed that the speed and appearance of people must have come towards them!

"This is it!" After seeing the cave in front of him, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said that he had arrived. The cave in front of him was the place where Yi Xuanning and the monster stayed!

Just when Wang Chen wanted to step into the cave, a person appeared silently at the mouth of the cave and appeared without warning. What surprised Wang Chen was that a person appeared in front of him, but his spiritual knowledge did not give him any reaction!