Super College

Chapter 158 Increase in power!

After talking for a few words, they stopped talking, because Yi Xuanning's natural disaster has arrived!

At this time, Yi Xuanning has adjusted to the best state. Now she has completely mastered the strength of her golden elixir period. The disaster is coming, and Yi Xuanning is still somewhat worried!

After Yi Xuanning adjusted, he strode to the yard. At this time, he could not care where the disciples in the door were, but put all his thoughts on the disaster!

At this time, the sky was completely dark, the sky was gloomy, and the dark clouds covered the sky tightly, and the heavy depression almost made people breathless.

A huge whirlpool appeared directly above Yi Xuanning's head, and the dark red electric snake appeared in the dark red sky. After a while, the electric snakes were sucked in by the whirlpool. In just a moment, the whirlpool stopped rotating and instantly turned into a huge purple cloud. The flashing electric snake seemed to tell that the disaster had come.


A shiny electric arc like a silver snake cuts through the sky, followed by a 'boom and click' through the eardrum. The silver snake dancing, lightning and thunder are the portrayal of this time.

The sky instantly turned dark red, giving people a heavy sense of depression.

"It is said that the first thunder is the weakest and the most relaxed, but the last three are a little difficult." Yi Xuanning looked up at the disaster cloud motionless, with a trace of worry on his face. Although he has heard of the disaster, he has never really experienced it. He doesn't know how fierce the disaster is!


A purple dragon rushed directly from the cloud, and the dragon head rushed towards Yi Xuanning. The momentum of Tianlei was really scary, which made people feel breathless and depressed.

Yi Xuanning did not move on the ground, but the ground around Yi Xuanning had all been scorched and sunk. Form a huge pit.

After Yi Xuanning was hit by this lightning, he did not have much reaction. When the sky disaster came down, he had taken out the charm knife and moved the true elements of his whole body to the knife. When the first lightning strike was on the knife, the charm knife just trembled slightly, and the disaster scattered everywhere. It shot around Yi Xuanning.

"A brand-buttered knife! This boy is very smart. If you give him this knife, it seems that you really value him very much!" At this time, although Chen Zhenlong and others were a few kilometers away, they saw the scene on Yi Xuanning's side clearly, and everything that happened here was in their eyes!

"I hope he can get through it safely!" Although Wan Yan could see that the first disaster was not so powerful, he was still worried about Yi Xuanning.

Time has passed, and an hour has passed in a blink of an eye, but Yi Xuanning's second thunder has not yet fallen!

"You two, hurry up and see what's going on. How can it take so long? Isn't it said that there are more than ten minutes between thunder? Why has this road passed for an hour and hasn't come down yet!" It has been an hour since Yi Xuanning's first thunder fell, but the second thunder still hasn't fallen. This situation has made Tianyuan Beast unbearable. Looking at the dark clouds in the sky and the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds, Tianyuan Beast's heart has hung up!

"Let me calculate!" Chen Zhenlong can't wait. They have indeed been waiting for such a long time!

Three minutes later, Chen Zhenlong finally opened his eyes!

"Wan Yan, go and inform the head of this sect. The scope of the heavenly disaster may be expanded. Let them recruit all their disciples away, so as not to increase the power of the heavenly disaster!"

"Good!" Although Wan Yan was puzzled, he did not ask Chen Zhenlong why. Chen Zhenlong's solemn expression made Wan Yan's heart somewhat convex.

Not far from the three of them, the head of the Hanshan School and the two scattered immortals in the door were also observing Yi Xuanning's situation at the same time, but the three of them did not find Chen Zhenlong and the other three.

"I didn't expect that it was Yi Xuanning who survived this disaster. How long has it been? He has cultivated to the late period of Jindan and wants to enter the Yuanying period!" The cold fairy stood next to the cold wind real person and stared at the situation on Yi Xuanning's side. Yi Xuanning's promotion so fast was really beyond his expectation!

"Yes, I didn't expect that he could be promoted so quickly. This morning, my disciple Shengtian was still saying that Xuanning was just going to be promoted to Jindan, but who would have thought that he had survived the disaster at this time! By the way, where is Shengtian?" When Hanfeng Zhenren was preparing to sigh, he suddenly remembered that Zhang Shengtian told himself in the morning that Yi Xuanning was going to be promoted to Jindan, so he was closed, but now Yi Xuanning is going to overcome the disaster.

After thinking about this, the cold wind immediately began to explore with spiritual knowledge.

"For good, my disciple is now in the practice place of the sect, and it is far more than two kilometers away from the place where Yi Xuanning crossed the disaster. It should not be affected." After exploring, the cold wind's heart was relieved. And he also found that his victorious disciple seemed to be about to break through!

However, the cold wind did not pay attention to this matter. Although he did not know how Yi Xuanning practiced, it would take at least ten days to buffer after the breakthrough!

"The cold wind is a real person!" At this time, a voice suddenly came from the cold wind's ear, which surprised the cold wind and the two scattered fairies in the door!

"What is the senior?" The cold wind quickly turned his head and looked at the visitor motionlessly, but he had no impression of this person in his consciousness. At the same time, his heart was also very shocked. He could not see through this person's cultivation!

However, what Hanfeng didn't know was that the two scattered immortals beside him were basically as shocked as him! Because they also can't see through this person's cultivation!

"Don't call me senior, my name is Wan Yan, and I'm Xuanning's master!" The person who came was Wan Yan. At this time, he was ordered by Chen Zhenlong to come and ask Han Feng Zhenzhen to order the people under the door to leave quickly!

"It turned out to be a friend! I'm really sorry that I haven't been there for you!" As soon as Hanfeng heard that Wan Yan was Yi Xuanning's master, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the two scattered immortals around him had the same expression.

"You're welcome. The reason why I came out is to tell you whether you can withdraw all your disciples now. According to my speculation, the power of Xuanning's natural disaster may be increased, so the scope needs to be further expanded. In order to avoid hurting innocent people, it's troublesome for the head of the cold wind!" Wan Yan also spoke very politely, but his tone was very heavy.

"Is this actually the case? Haven't you come down for so long? Good, Wan Daoyou, don't worry, these things will be handed over to me!" After Hanfeng answered, he immediately began to send a message to the disciples and asked them to evacuate quickly. The disciples who received the notice did not think much about it. The order of the leader must be heard!

Soon, the disciples of the Hanshan School moved a few kilometers to the periphery, and at this time, Yi Xuanning's second thunder finally fell!

This second thunderbolt presents blue, pure natural blue, just like the sky, giving people a very peaceful feeling, but Yi Xuanning feels that this blow can't be stopped by the charm knife alone!