Super College

Chapter 198 Yuan Lingzhu

Although the alchemy was successful, Yi Xuanning also realized the true meaning of his own refining, but Yi Xuanning was not in a hurry to find Qian Tongtian.

Although Wang Lei immediately asked himself how to understand after refining the elixir that day, Yi Xuanning himself could not say it, so Wang Lei had nothing to do. Originally, after Yi Xuanning came out, he wanted to enter the college directly and officially worship Qian Tongtian as his teacher, but Tianyuan's exit made him temporarily give up this idea.

"Tianyuan, you said you wouldn't let me learn to refine medicine. It's important to bring me here. There is no one now. Tell me!" After Yi Xuanning understood the true meaning of refining medicine, he still practiced medicine every day. In addition, he talked with Liu Yulin and took a walk with Yunchen. His life was not leisurely. At the same time, he kept giving them elixir to speed up their practice!

"There is indeed something important. You should know the purpose of this retreat!" Tianyuan spoke mysteriously. Before speaking, he also looked outside the room and arranged a sound insulation array.

"I know, didn't you refine the spiritual power of the three eyes!" Yi Xuanning is not very clear about the specifics. As long as he didn't make it clear to Yi Xuanning when Tianyuan was closed at that time, Yi Xuanning didn't want to know very much, so he didn't ask so clearly.

"That's not right. This time I'm going to decompose the spiritual power of the three eyes!" Tianyuan saw the expression that Yi Xuanning didn't want to hear, but he directly ignored it! You can't stop talking about such a big thing because Yi Xuanning doesn't want to hear it, right?

"Decomposition? What's the difference between this and refining? Yi Xuanning is not very clear about these professional terms of Tianyuan. In fact, in his heart, Tianyuan is nothing more than absorbing the spiritual power of the three eyes this time. Whether it is decomposition or refining, it means that!

"Of course there is a difference!" Tianyuan was really speechless to Yi Xuanning. After staring at Yi Xuanning fiercely, he continued to say, "Refining, that is directly absorbed, which means that I directly absorbed the spiritual power of the three eyes. Do you think it is possible? Although I have made some progress in these days, do you think absorbing the spiritual power of a fairy is only a little progress?

"Impossible!" Yi Xuanning shook his head very definitely. He probably knew the division of the ancestors, and when he was fighting with the three eyes, he also heard that the three eyes were a golden fairy-level old monster, and now he looks at Tianyuan. Although he can't see through it, it's not much higher!

"That's right! So now I'll tell you about the meaning of decomposition! This decomposition is asked by the university. This is related to my talent. Although I can directly refine the spiritual power of the three eyes and store them in my body and slowly absorb them, I did not do that, but directly decompose the spiritual power of the three eyes!

Look, that's it! I call it Yuan Lingzhu!"

Speaking of this, Tianyuan took out five or six fist-sized beads from his space and handed them to Yi Xuanning.

"What a powerful spiritual power!" After seeing these beads, Yi Xuanning had only one feeling, that is, these beads contained great spiritual power! No, it is not only powerful, but also very pure! It seems that the whole bead is transformed by spiritual power!

"How about it? Awesome! This is decomposed with the spiritual power of the three eyes, and I specially removed all the impurities in the three-eyed fairy power, and also transformed all his fairy power into spiritual power! It's perfect for you now!" This is an honor for Tianyuan! So when introducing to Yi Xuanning, Tianyuan was excited to a certain extent!

"Awesome! How much has been refined in total? Yi Xuanning held these five beads in his hand and only felt that his heart was pounding. This guy really helped him too much. Although he could go to the practice room in the college and practice under the spiritual power several times larger than usual, after all, he had to pay points, and there were many! This time, won't it be saved?

"A total of... Why do you ask this? You can use it slowly. If you don't have it, just come and ask me for it!" When Tianyuan was about to speak, he found a faint blue light in Yi Xuanning's eyes, and suddenly there was an uneasy mood in his heart!

"I mean, if this is more, I want to help a few people." Yi Xuanning's idea is very simple, but I'm afraid these beads are not enough!

"Yeah, let me listen to it. Although there are many beads, I will definitely not give them to those who have nothing to do with it!" The principle of Tianyuan is also simple. After all, it took him a lot of effort to get it out. If Yi Xuanning is allowed to say goodbye, he won't want to!

"You see, Yulin and Yunchen can't be missing. My three brothers, Qin Lang, Xiao Yimo and Liao Binyu, should give them, right? After all, they have such a good relationship with me, so naturally they can't fall behind! And I have a servant in the mortal world, Li Ang. You certainly don't know him, but he is very loyal to me. I also have to cultivate him, so you can see if it's enough!" Yi Xuanning just found a few very good relationships, and now he just wants to see if Tianyuan's beads are enough!

"En, you said six people, plus you and me, a total of eight people. Now the beads are sloppy enough for us to cultivate to..." When Tianyuan said the previous words, his expression was very serious, which made Yi Xuanning think that his beads were not enough, but when he heard the word Fanxian behind, Yi Xuanning knew that he had been fooled!

"Fanxian? How can it be so awesome?" Yi Xuanning doesn't have time to clean up Tianyuan, and he can't clean up Tianyuan now, but he has doubts in his heart. The eight immortal realms are not for fun!

"Hum, I knew you would underestimate this golden fairy, and you don't think about it. There are several levels between this golden fairy and the mortal fairy. To tell you the truth, a golden fairy in the fairyland is equivalent to at least hundreds of mortal immortals, and the three-eyed guy was injured. At the same time, I removed the impurities in his immortal power, which is less. So many, eight, eighteen, I think it's too little!"

After Tianyuan's explanation, Yi Xuanning understood!

In this calculation, it is not much to make eight immortals, but Yi Xuanning is also satisfied. With sufficient spiritual power, then everyone will work together!