Super College

Chapter 248 Book Pavilion

Thank you to those brothers who continue to support me. I will try my best to write a book. This book will never be an eunuch!


Hearing this, Yi Xuanning couldn't help but have a curiosity. Why can the Book Pavilion and Xingshun Academy become the second largest school in the fairy world? Why can Yi Xuanning feel the strong smell of books as soon as he enters the college? All of this is related to books, so since it is related to books, the book pavilion is It must be the source of these things!

Everything must come from the Book Pavilion!

Yi Xuanning did not ask, but quietly looked at Liu Han and waited for Liu Han to speak.

"This book pavilion was left from a generation of ancestors, but according to some information left by the ancestors, we have received some information that this book pavilion was not built by the ancestors!" Liu Han looked at Yi Xuanning and slowly talked about the book pavilion!

"According to the records on the ancient books in the door, the ancestor also inadvertently came to our current mountain gate, and at that time, the ancestor was still a young man who had just ascended. It is said that the ancestor quickly became a golden fairy because he entered the book pavilion, and later created the mountain directly here. Door.

And the Book Pavilion has also become a treasure that only the disciples of our sect can enjoy. The major forces in the fairyland want to have the Book Pavilion very much, but because our sect also has the existence of the Immortal Emperor, no one dares to compete. If we don't have enough strength in our school to protect this treasure that can make us grow quickly. Then this baby will soon be contested by others!

Therefore, all the disciples in our sect are practicing hard. Even if they reach the immortal king, there will be no slackness at all. All disciples are proud of the sect. Therefore, all glory and loss will be lost!"

When Liu Han said this, his eyes showed a look similar to faith. It seemed that Xingshun Academy was his faith and everything. Yi Xuanning knew at a glance that Liu Han was the kind of person who could pay for the college. Yi Xuanning really couldn't figure out how charming Xingshun Academy is.

Listening to Liu Han's tone, it seems that all formal disciples can sacrifice their lives for the sect like him. At the same time, Yi Xuanning also began to doubt the Shuge. Is it because of the Shuge that these people became like this? It seems that this doesn't make sense, because I heard from Liu Han that the pavilion can't be opened at any time. Therefore, Yi Xuanning did not ask any questions about this, but continued to look at Liu Han.

"With that, it's a little off topic. Let me tell you about the book pavilion. As I just told you, the book pavilion is not only in it, but all kinds of things that can help you improve your level, fairy medicine, fairy weapons, all kinds of secrets, all the treasures you imagine can be obtained in it, and even, There is still time acceleration and time deceleration. The maximum amount can slow down time ten thousand times, but if you want to use all these resources, you need to complete certain tasks. Only by completing the task can you get points. These points can be exchanged for these items, or time deceleration!"

When Liu Han said this, there was a hot light in his eyes, which seemed to make him more excited than what he just said about, but when he said this, Yi Xuanning was about to open his mouth in surprise.

Yi Xuanning's heart is really like magma that is about to be sprayed. Isn't what Liu Han said just a translation of the super college? Yi Xuanning suddenly turned upside down. Now he dares not think about it any more, because the more he thinks about it, the more he will feel that this book pavilion is related to the super college!

"How is it? Are you scared by the powerful ability of Shuge? Don't be so surprised. I was the same at the beginning. Although I have never entered the library, the master will not lie to me. According to what the master told me, the library will last for 2,000 years. In these two thousand years, all the real beginners can enter the library. When you enter the book After the pavilion, it will be automatically marked by the Book Pavilion. In this thousand years, you can enter the Book Pavilion at any time, because the tasks in the Book Pavilion are in the Book Pavilion and the fairyland! Well, it's useless to tell you so much now. The key is that we need to see it with our own eyes, and I haven't really entered it. We can't waste this time this time, so let's go there now!"

Liu Han talked for such a long time, and he really didn't want to talk any more. He was also very looking forward to the Book Pavilion, and he had never entered, so now he wants to go to the Book Pavilion to find out and see if it is really the same as what his master said. It's so magical!

"Well, brother, you go first. I need to prepare well." Yi Xuanning has some other ideas in his mind. Naturally, he can't talk to Liu Han, so he must get rid of Liu Han first.

"Well, brother, come quickly when you are ready. There are not many such opportunities. Two thousand years have passed in a flash. I'll go first!" Liu Han didn't know what Yi Xuanning wanted to do, but he would not ask, because it was not in line with the rules. He had no right to ask other people's affairs. After saying this, Liu Han left.

When Liu Han left, Yi Xuanning disappeared in an instant. Now he is not in that square, so there is no need to use a puppet to directly bring the body into the college. There will be no problem at all!

After entering the college, Yi Xuanning immediately found the master, Wan Yan.

"Master!" After Yi Xuanning found Wan Yan, he immediately walked to him.

"What's wrong? Why are you so panicked?" After seeing Yi Xuanning, Wan Yan only felt that his apprentice should have something urgent, otherwise he would not be so panicked.

"Master, I have something to tell you. Didn't I join Xingshun Academy in the fairyland? I just heard that Xingshun Academy has a library, and what surprises me more is that the functions of the library are very similar to our super college. All functions are almost the same. Exchange medicine Pin, exchange of weapons, time deceleration, and the exchange of skills are all almost the same as our super college. What on earth is going on?

After Yi Xuanning sat down, he said everything outside without saying a word.

After hearing what Yi Xuanning said, Wan Yan did not say anything, but bowed his head and was silent, as if he remembered something. There seemed to be a trace of anxiety between the eyebrows, and it seemed that he didn't think how Yi Xuanning would suddenly mention this matter.