Superman Academy

Chapter 16 Yunxing Society

PS: At the beginning of this chapter, I must give you a strong shot. In the next chapter, the reason why Liu Jianyun's anger dissperated, everyone turned their heads to recognize it. In fact, you can think about it carefully that Liu Jianyun has devoured Jiuyang Lian Tiantu, which is Chiyou's treasure and devoured a It can be said that Liu Jianyun has carried the momentum of Chiyou, so there is the content that someone worships as soon as his momentum disperses.

To be honest, Xiao San also especially hates the kind of the anger of the protagonist Wang Ba, and there are countless masters who are willing to be his little brother's dog blood plot. Xiao San also thought about deleting this paragraph, but Liu Jianyun's influence of Jiuyang Lian Tiantu is also an important part of the plot development, which can be said to be a big pit. Therefore, after struggling again and again, Xiao San still decided to leave this bloody paragraph, but now Xiao San doesn't have many readers, and I'm afraid that he will lose valuable readers, so I will make a statement in advance. Xiao San can guarantee that "Superman Academy" will never stick to the rules and follow the traditional novel. After 50 chapters and 100 chapters, you can slowly discover the characteristics of this novel. I hope you can give more support.

The broadcast is far more sensational than expected. As a result, Liu Jianyun and Zhang Daxing have become school celebrities and idols in the hearts of the weak.

In the morning, before class, the 3 of the 13th Psychiatric Department crowded hundreds of students, including 12th, 11th, and even 10th. Hundreds of people were squeezed into the class, making the classroom extremely crowded.

However, these people from other classes and grades are basically third-class awakeners and second-class yellow, and the highest is only second-class Xuanlevel. Because of their poor talent, what these people don't say in school is the existence of the bottom.

What you often have to do is to be called back and going by those geniuses, or be beaten and scolded by those powerful people, and live a life of inferior people than pigs and dogs.

Originally, they had lost confidence in their future, but the emergence of Zhang Daxing and Liu Jianyun made them see hope and a better future. They generally believed that since Liu Jianyun and others can change from third-class talent to superior, there is no reason why they can't?

So they coincidentally came to Zhang Daxing and Liu Jianyun's classroom to ask them about awakening.

"Brother Xing. Why did you wake up for the second time? Can you talk to the little guys? A very shrewd student asked.

Zhang Daxing replied with great interest when he heard the words, "Ha ha, Wu Fei, how do you think I look? Isn't it handsome and earth-shaking?"

"Well, that's, not to mention anything else, just talk about your appearance, Brother Xing. The shocking ghosts and gods can't describe your handsomeness and charm. My admiration for Brother Xing is like a torrent of river, which is out of control. Your temperament is even more unparalleled. I can feel the breath of your fascinating girls from afar, so I was conquered by you..."

Zhang Daxing enjoyed Wu's compliment. He laughed, stood up, put on a classic meditative style, and said, "You're right. You've already said the reason. Maybe it's because I'm so outstanding, so the goddess of luck may be careless. Just fall in love with me. Then I accidentally woke up for the second time. Haha..."

Seeing that Zhang Daxing's answer did not reach the top, a thin and sloppy man squeezed out the crowd and came to Liu Jianyun and couldn't wait to ask, "Brother Yun, how does it feel to become a superior awakener? Is it super cool?"

"Well, hehe, it feels good, just like turning on a cheater. It's fast to practice. But as long as you work hard, you will also have such an opportunity. Remember, as long as you don't give up on yourself, you have all possible opportunities. Liu Jianyun encouraged.

seemed to be moved by Liu Jianyun's sincerity. At this time, a man with a plain appearance but outstanding temperament stood up gracefully, and his face was moved.

"Well, Brother Yun and Brother Xing, you are so good. Only you won't dislike us. They are all very arrogant. They usually don't treat us as human beings at all, not to mention talking to us so much and teaching us so much."

The elegant man opened his mouth as if he had expressed the voice of everyone, which immediately attracted bursts of consent.

"Yes, yes, Brother Yun, I just don't like those bastards. I think how great I am. Compared with our Brother Yun and Brother Xing, I'm not even a hair."

"That's right, I've decided to be shouted like pigs and dogs by those bastards every day and bullied by those perverts every day. I might as well turn to another master and enjoy a free life. As long as Brother Yun is willing to protect me, I will always follow Brother Yun in the future."

"Yes, Brother Yun, look, although we are nominally a super awakener, we are not as good as pigs and dogs in school. It's just the tools played by those princes and girls. I've had enough of these days." Those who are often suppressed by those talented people have complained to Liu Jianyun and Zhang Daxing.

"Brother Yun and Brother Xing, we will fool around with you in the future. At least I like you, at least you really treat us as human beings."

"Well, well..." Everyone echoed.

Looking at everyone's bleak face, even Zhang Daxing, who is usually obscene, can't help moving.

"Lao Yun, you see, they are also quite pitiful. Although they woke up and became Superman, their treatment is not as good as that of pigs and dogs. We are all experienced people. Our previous despised life is really unpleasant. They should be able to understand their feelings. Should they be looked down upon because of their poor talent? Are there many of those geniuses? I don't think so. As long as we work hard, one day we will be able to trample those high and self-righteous ignorant guys under our feet.

"Well, yes, we are all brothers. We can't let others laugh casually because of our poor talent. We also have our dignity. What right do those geniuses have to laugh at us? Aren't we human? Are you born to make them look down on you?

Can we look down on them just because we are not as good as them? No, the lives of us weak are also noble. Even geniuses, even giants, are not qualified to laugh at us, look down on us, and should not be self-righteous. They are my boss all day long, and everyone has to listen to me.

Because I have always believed that only those who never work hard and there are no eternal weak. As long as we work hard, we will not be weak in the future. We can also trample on those high geniuses.

In this case, I set up Yunxing Society with Daxing in this class today. No matter what your strength is, as long as you have an upward heart, you can join.

I, Liu Jianyun, swear here today that as long as I, Liu Jianyun exist for a day, I will protect you for a day and will never let you be bullied by others again. I want to create a paradise for the weak.

However, only when you have strength can you have the right to speak in this world, so you can't completely rely on me. You have to work hard by yourself. Only when your strength improves is the king.

After listening to everyone's complaints, Liu Jianyun kept thinking about his former girlfriend running away with others. His parents were hit by a car, and his parents became vegetative because he couldn't afford to pay medical expenses. Why did this happen? Just because I am not as good as others.

"Is it the fate of the weak to be fooled, despised, shouted and despised by others? Have those geniuses always been superior and have the right to fool the weak, look down on the weak, summon the weak at will, and abuse the weak at will? No, I don't believe it, because there is no absolute in the world. As long as I work harder, one day, I will turn the treatment of the weak and genius upside down, and I will trample those self-righteous people under my feet. Liu Jianyun felt a continuous rise of anger in his heart. He couldn't help clenching his hands and made a big wish to heaven: the way of heaven is unkind, and then I will walk for heaven and pick out injustice.

Liu Jianyun suddenly opened his closed eyes, waved his hands, and shouted loudly: "Anyone who enters our Yunxing Society, regardless of their talent is fair. Anyone from Yunxing Society will not need to be shouted by others in the future. We will maintain your dignity. Yunxing Society, I, Liu Jianyun, vowed to build a paradise for the weak.

Hearing Liu Jianyun's promise, everyone suddenly had a feeling of finding the backbone of the heart. Invisibly, they felt an unparalleled domineering bang out of his body, forming waves, constantly spreading into the distance. Anyone who was touched by the waves felt that Liu Jianyun's figure was suddenly tall. When I get up, there is a king's demeanor and a sense of being upright.

"Well, I heard that Zhang Daxing's waste material has established a Yunxing Society. Although he turned to him, he took away all the waste materials, so what else can we use to run errands? Wu Yu, you take people to teach them a hard lesson and let them understand who can make the decision in our school. Zhang Yang was very angry. As the boss of the Sunlight Alliance, the largest force in the school, the most unacceptable thing was that the ants in his eyes before began to do whatever he wanted in front of his eyes.

"Well, hey, young master, this kind of little thing is not worthy of us to take action. I heard that the boss of the angry business on the side of 'Angry Overlord' is already very angry, and he sent a message to teach Liu and the boy surnamed Zhang fiercely. People like angry business have higher eyes and can't tolerate others at all. As soon as they hear that the school has set up another organization, they will go to Liwei in a hurry.

"Haha. Angry business, Superman ranked fifth. The qualifications are not bad, but the temper is too grumpy. If it's not a big thing, let them fight for it. We just need to be optimistic about Li Shuang and the guy who is a new and excellent awakener. Don't pay too much attention to others. Zhang Yang is not only an awakener of excellent talent, but also infinitely close to the Huangji realm. It is possible to break through at any time and stay at the top of the Superman list. In the whole school, only the frost beauty Li Shuang and her power Frost Yehong can make him a little afraid. He doesn't pay attention to others at all.

"Ha ha, Liu Jianyun? Zhang Daxing? Not bad, I think they have a chance to compete with the Sunlight Alliance. At this time, in the northeast of the college, there was a tall building that towered into the clouds and was octagonal. A woman in white, as beautiful as a bright moon, looked at the white clouds in the sky and slowly sighed.

"Oh? Even Bai Mingming, the white flower fairy, thinks so. I really don't know where Liu Jianyun deserves the fairy's affirmation. Listening to such a big evaluation of the white flower fairy, a graceful teenager next to her asked elegantly.

"Not at all. If I have to say it, my intuition told me."

"Oh. The fairy's intuition has always been very accurate, and it seems that this matter is inseparable. However, I can't control it so far for the time being. I don't know if Liu Jianyun's Yunxing Society can fight against the first organization of the school in the future. All I know is that if you can bring your white flower building to merge with my Tianxuan Pavilion, then I think it is enough to fight against Zhang Yang with our strength and power, and even suppress them. The elegant and beautiful man seemed to be eager to attract the white flower fairy, with eager eyes on his face.

"Haha, the dark horse prince Yue Tianxuan is really as good at calculating as the legend. You and I, one is the sixth master of the school Superman list, and the other is the fourth master. Coupled with your brother Jian Xianjian Wuya, the seventh master, the master of your power suddenly occupies the top ten of the Superman list. Although it may be slightly weaker than Zhang Yang's Sunlight Alliance in terms of top strength, your power and my power are enough to compete with Zhang Yang. But unfortunately, I can't agree.

"Why? Isn't this good? It's good for you and me." Yue Tianxuan doesn't seem to be dead.

The white flower fairy took a look at Yue Tianxuan with an urgent face and sighed deeply: "Don't mention this matter again, otherwise we won't even have friends to do it."

And now in the north of the school...

Originally, Superman Academy was a large piece of land hanging in the air, in which mana was clamped. The four seasons are like spring, but at this time, the north is a sea of snowflakes. There are continuous snowflakes dancing in the sky. The branches, the ground and the eaves are full of snow-white snowflakes, embellished perfectly.

At this time, on the lake surrounded by snowflakes, a beautiful woman with a frosty face also pouted, held a piece of newly fallen snowflakes in her hand, and muttered, "Wei Wei, we really missed last time..." After that, the snow fell into tranquility again, and it was even more comfortable.
