Superman Academy

Chapter 30 Kill the Zhang family

Zhang family, the golden gate of Zhangjiabao...

"Zhang Ming's scum hasn't come out to die..."

A loud noise was like a spring thunder, which woke up hundreds of thousands of people up and down Zhangjiabao. Suddenly, all the Zhang family showed surprised eyes: "Who is it? It's okay to call the patriarch's name, but he dares to insult the patriarch in front of so many people. I really don't know whether to live or die.


"When will Zhang Ming's scum not come out to die now..."

There was another loud noise.

"The Ming scum of the Zhang family hasn't come out to die? Uncle is free today. Come and deal with you. Why don't you let me get out of here..."


The insults to Zhang Ming at the gate of Zhangjiabao came one after another, and a louder and worse...

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people in the Zhang family were shocked and talked about it endlessly.

"Who are these four people? Isn't it afraid that the patriarch will be angry and smash them into ten thousand pieces?

"Yes, Zhang Ming's man is not a good stubble. He is usually very grumpy and completely looks down on people with other veins. Today, someone dares to insult him in public like this. Zhang Ming will definitely leave. Alas, these people are miserable. However, hey, we have a good time.

"Well, it makes sense. If we can take the opportunity to see Zhang Ming's golden decision, we must be able to see something mysterious from it. At that time, it will not be difficult to advance in cultivation. Haha."

"Yes, Zhang Ming's man is becoming more and more outrageous. Now even the highest law of the Zhang family refuses to show the people of the Zhang family, saying that they are afraid of the loss of skills. Who believes this? Who doesn't know that the big day of the Zhang family can only be cultivated with the blood of the Zhang family? As a harm, we Zhang people still have to rely on peeping to practice our skills. Shit, this is really not a human..."

"Well, that's right, in less than ten years, the whole Zhang family will inevitably fall into Zhang Ming's vein. Unfortunately, if it goes on like this, will the Zhang family still be the original Zhang family?"

"Oh, forget it, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Let's say less. Look, Zhang Ming's running dog, Elder Zhang Zou, has come out...

Just as hundreds of thousands of people were talking endlessly throughout the Zhang family, an old man flew out of the towering cloud building in the middle of Zhangjiabao.

Although the old man is 70 or 80 years old, he gives people a feeling of being in his prime. There is a trace of horror everywhere. The slightly leaked breath is like a magic sword, tyrannical everywhere. Everything that has been in contact with that breath is in a moment. It was smashed and turned into dust...

"The four little ghosts, how noble the identity of the head of the Zhang family is, how can you arbitrarily abuse them? The time of nine stars is coming. The patriarch and the ten elders of the Zhang family are preparing to welcome the world of the legend of the Zhang family. There is no time to pay attention to you little ghosts. I now announce that Zhang Daxing and Fang Ming will stay, and the others will go back wherever they come from. The Zhang family has no time to entertain you. Humph." The old man slowly landed on the gate, carrying a blood-red sword in the other hand and pointing condescendingly at the people. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was the tone of the envoy, as if he were the legendary king of heaven, who could casually arrange the fate of mortals.

"Oh, so, what about my parents? Where are they?" Liu Jianyun raised his eyes and looked around. Except for the people who were surrounded by the Zhang family, he could not find his parents. Suddenly, he was anxious and his whole body was released. The momentum of the mysterious situation exploded, which forced the onlookers within 100 meters away and confronted Zhang Wrinkled from the south and north.

Looking at Liu Jianyun's momentum faintly full of the supreme breath, Zhang wrinkled his heart and was shaken a lot, but the master was a master. He quickly calmed down and said with disdain.

"Haha, joke, how noble the Zhang family is. They have never let go of the examples of those who have been arrested. I can tell you that your parents are now suffering from the punishment of the Zhang family in our prison. Haha, how's it going? Since you dared to offend the Zhang family at the beginning, you should be aware of being retaliated by the Zhang family. We won't let people go. If you have the ability, you can choose to break through the 18th layer of defense of my Zhang family and save your parents by yourself. Hahaha..."

"Okay, very good, haha, the Zhang family is really like the legendary barbarians. They are unbred and unreasonable. Since your Zhang family chooses to perish, I, Liu Jianyun, will not give you a chance to live today. Let's see how I trampled on the noble Zhang family in your feet. Ah..."

With Liu Jianyun's roar, a blood-red light that was close to solidity suddenly rose to the sky, shooting straight into the boundless sky and cutting through the sky...

Suddenly, with a "bang", there was a blazing fire around the blood light. For a moment, it burned into the depths of the sky along the blood light, dyeing the floating clouds into blood red...

Just like the sunset, the whole sky is immersed in a piece of blood at this moment...


"Wrath reappears, burning the sky? So you caused the last angry incident? Hahaha, that's good. Are you angry now? Your parents are now being tortured by the Zhang family in the heavenly prison. They are in deep trouble. Maybe they will die painfully under torture for a moment. Haha, well, is your anger getting bigger and bigger now? Are you getting more and more angry? Do you want to kill me now? Haha, come on, ignite the anger in your heart. I'm right in front of you. If you have the strength, you can kill me in minutes and save your suffering parents. Come on."

Looking at Liu Jianyun's burning anger, Zhang frowned first, and then clenched his teeth. A sharp light flashed in his eyes and shouted wildly in the direction of Liu Jianyun.

In fact, when he saw Liu Jianyun's burning anger, a trace of unhavior flashed in his wrinkled heart, because any person who can be angry is not a person with extraordinary strength must be a very talented person. Both of people can be said to be the darling of heaven, the leaders of an era, and can often lead a time. Generational progress.

So, at this time, Zhang Wrinkle's heart was full of extreme jealousy, but when he thought that such a genius was about to be destroyed in his hands, his heart inevitably flowed through a trace of perverted pleasure.

"Since I'm not a genius, why don't I destroy the geniuses one by one with my hands? Ah ha ha ha..." Zhang Wrinkle found that he was more and more jealous of Liu Jianyun's talent. Thinking of the excitement, he couldn't help laughing abnormally.

"Okay, I'm angry, but I just don't know if you uneduled people can withstand my burning anger? Everything is one."

Liu Jianyun looked angrily, suddenly pulled out his hands, and stood on his toes. The original angry face suddenly turned into a serious scene, not stimulated by the wrinkled words at all, and his heart was clear. In anger, you can still maintain a clear mind, which is a very untouchable ability, not in strength, but in the right mentality.

For Liu Jianyun, who has experienced all kinds of ups and downs and suffered various twists and disasters, his heart has already forged a thunderous quality. Although his emotions are stronger than ordinary people, it is difficult to destroy his heart...

"The Sword of Burning the Sky." Liu Jianyun shouted expressionlessly, and the wind and clouds suddenly changed color. With the rolling thunder, the blood light rising to the sky actually emitted a silky sword light, mixed with the momentum of destroying the world.

Looking at the blood light that was constantly cut off, Zhang's wrinkled body trembled slightly and muttered; "Anger turned into thunder, seducing God's punishment?" After that, it quickly flashed to the side.

"Bomb." As soon as Zhang's wrinkled body dodged, the bloodlight fell straight on the gate of Zhangjiabao, making bursts of roaring. The original 100-mile Zhangjiabao actually broke from the middle. Looking down from the sky, you can find that Zhangjiabao was separated by a huge deep ditch. Zhangjiabao, which was originally unusually magnificent, was in a mess at this time. Even the people watching looked sideways, showing full of fear. With Liu Jianyun as the center, they kept retreating around.

Zhang Wrinkle was half suspended in the air at this time, looking at the huge gully that crossed the whole Zhangjiabao, and his heart was shocked.

"Who on earth did the patriarch provoke? How did Liu Jianyun do this? It doesn't matter if you are furious, how can you attract divine punishment? Moreover, I actually felt a feeling of supreme and noble from the heavenly punishment, overlooking the world, which made me, a person who is two levels higher than him, feel a little scared. Unexpectedly, I can't help but have a feeling of being convinced of him, which makes my strength greatly suppressed and I can't play a day at all. The strength that extreme masters can achieve. Humph, but the more talented this son is, the more he will die.

"The golden body on the big day."

Zhang wrinkled his words and shouted loudly. His half-hanging body suddenly rushed to the sky, and a magnificent golden atmosphere gushed out of his wrinkled body.

The moment this golden qi came out, it began to rotate around the wrinkles. Within a moment, the golden qi like a golden thread was entangled and condensed into a huge skeleton.

"Bomb." When the huge skeleton formed, there was a sudden explosion between heaven and earth, and the originally sunny sky began to collapse, and even the light around the huge skeleton was rigidly swept into the center of the skeleton.