Superman Academy

Chapter 43 Ancient Tombstone

After self-deprecating, Liu Jianyun quickly rectified and began to take a closer look at the situation around him.

But after looking at it for a long time, there was nothing around except the huge tombstone in front of me.

However, after observation, Liu Jianyun found a strange thing: there was no water here.

This is the bottom of the deep sea. How can there be no water?

With deep doubt, she turned over tens of millions of possibilities in an instant, but they were rejected by him one by one. Finally, Liu Jianyun sighed faintly and muttered to himself, "Well, there are only two possibilities now, either made by this small hole or the trouble caused by this fast tombstone. Otherwise, it is impossible to have no water at the bottom of this deep sea.

Thinking of this, Liu Jianyun raised his head again and looked carefully at the huge tombstone in front of him.

"There is no pearl in the North Sea, and the tomb is like this." Along the two sides of the four words "Eye of the North Sea" in the middle are carved with these eight slightly smaller words, which are pale and vigorous. Although these eight characters are like tadpoles, crooked and swaying, they are not Chinese characters at all, but when Liu Jianyun first saw these eight words, a sense of familiarity surged in his heart. I feel like an old friend I haven't seen for many years, and I actually have an impulse to cry.

Except for these twelve words, there is nothing in front of the huge tombstone, which is particularly monotonous and sad.

However, when I went around and came to the back of the tombstone, the scene suddenly changed, which was very different from the front. The back of the whole tombstone was either engraved or painted with dense mung bean-sized fonts and patterns. These patterns include mountains, rivers, birds and beasts, gods and demons, etc., and you can see what you want to express at a glance.

But the tens of thousands of small words shaped like mung beans next to these patterns made Liu Jianyun very depressed...

With the familiar feeling in his heart, Liu Jianyun kept searching for the small words on the back of the tombstone. Whenever he encountered that kind of intimacy, he would carve them on the ground. As a result, Liu Jianyun only wrote down more than a dozen from the tens of thousands of small characters.

Looking at the more than a dozen small words written on the ground, Liu Jianyun slowly closed his eyes and kept touching and feeling with his hands, hoping to wake up the source of familiarity in his heart in order to understand something.

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Jianyun finally opened his eyes faintly, but sighed deeply: "Oh, what does this tombstone record?" Although I successfully awakened the impression of these ancient fonts in my heart this time, I only understood that these dozens of words are around 'god', 'Buddha', 'destruction' and so on, and I can't get a glimpse of the whole situation.

Well, why is the feeling in my heart only familiar with these dozen words? Aren't there tens of thousands of words next to it? Why didn't I have the intimacy of these dozens of words when I saw them?

Do these words come from different times, or come from different civilizations?

By the way, it must be like this, because among these small characters, there are many different fonts, and some even the structure of fonts is different. If it is divided according to the different structure and composition of these fonts, it is estimated that... Well, there will be more than a thousand.

Tut, what is this concept? Doesn't that mean that this tombstone records thousands of different civilizations and times? How valuable should that be?"

Thinking of this, Liu Jianyun was deeply shocked. Indeed, it is just a tombstone, which is described in thousands of Chinese characters. What is this concept?

It can be seen that the value of this tombstone is extremely huge.

"Wow." Liu Jianyun finally recovered. After standing up, he took a deep breath, looked up at the tombstone, and bowed slowly.

Indeed, whatever it is, as long as it is wrapped in such a heavy history, it is respectable.

"Well, shall we dig it out?" Looking at such a precious tombstone in front of him, Liu Jianyun only felt that his heart moved, and there was a sense of greed, and there was a feeling that he wanted to take the tombstone for himself.

It was not enough to compare the size of the tombstone, but he found that the tombstone was at least dozens of meters high, which was not within his ability.

Thinking of this, Liu Jianyun sighed again: "Well, after digging out my eyes, now the small world of King Ming can't be displayed. In this case, I don't think such a large tombstone can be taken away. Ha ha, but this is also good. Let him sleep here for a long time and avoid external interference from now on.

thinking about this, the greed in Liu Jianyun's heart also dissipated. Finally, he looked at the tombstone reluctantly and muttered, "Goodbye, tombstone."

After saying that, Liu Jianyun turned around and walked all the way to the north, hoping to get out of the sea and try to see his brother as soon as possible.


A month later.

"Wow, where is this place? I've been flying north for a month. Why is there no end? If it were on the earth, my flight this month would be enough to cross the whole earth. Now I don't even see the side. I'm depressed. Liu Jianyun lay on the ground at this time, gasping for breath and complaining with hatred.

"No, if it goes on like this, my generation will be trapped here. Look, I have to change my direction. Well, I'll go to South Africa this time and take a look at the tombstone again, hoping to find any clues.


Another month later.

After a whole month of sleepless flight, Liu Jianyun finally returned to the place of the tombstone again.

When he came here again, Liu Jianyun first found that the small hole that originally exuded great attraction next to the original tombstone was gone, and the location of the original small hole was covered by a tortoise shell.

"Turtle armor?" Liu Jianyun looked at the tortoise shell that appeared out of thin air, and felt even more curious in his heart. "Is it a turtle, otherwise it would not have appeared here out of thin air? The first time I was here, I didn't see anything. Now there is a tortoise shell that seems to be a turtle suddenly. I have to see what it is.

Driven by this curiosity, Liu Jianyun finally couldn't help moving gently in the direction of the tortoise shell.

When he was about to approach the tortoise shell, Liu Jianyun suddenly kicked his feet and rushed to the tortoise shell: "Haha, finally let me catch you."

Liu Jianyun grabbed the tortoise shell in his hand, but found that it was not a turtle, but it was just a tortoise shell, not a living thing, which disappointed him and made him more confused.

"Since this is not a living thing, how did it appear out of thin air?" After meditating for a while, Liu Jianyun found that he still couldn't figure it out, so he smiled and put the tortoise shell in his pocket, no longer wasting his brainpower.

"What should I do this time?" Although the puzzled Liu Jianyun came to the side of the tombstone again, after observing for a day, he still couldn't see anything. Finally, he stood up fiercely and said harshly, "In this case, I will fly to the south this time. I still don't believe in evil spirits. I don't believe that I will not fly out of this deep sea and will be trapped here forever."

As soon as his heart moved, Liu Jianyun stopped delaying for a moment. He stamped his legs and flew quickly to the south.

Another month has passed.

Looking at the almost identical land and shape under him, Liu Jianyun almost had a feeling of collapse.

"It's not a way to go on like this. What if I really can't fly out? At that time, I will be trapped here, let alone go back to meet my brother. I think my parents must be anxious at this time. What should I do?"

Just as Liu Jianyun was thinking deeply, at the south pole courtyard, a huge light curtain gradually came into Liu Jianyun's eyes.

"What is that?" Looking at the light curtain in the distance like a huge pot lid, covered upside down and then flat on the ground, Liu Jianyun couldn't help but widen his eyes and his face was unbelievable, "What a mysterious light mask, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, black and white, a total of nine colors, which are perfectly reasonable. I really don't know what is covered by this nine-color light mask. ? And this light mask is extremely large. I guess it's a hundred miles in size. What's inside?

Liu Jianyun, who flew close, stood next to the light mask. Compared with the huge light curtain, Liu Jianyun seemed to be a small ant at this moment.

"Broad..." Liu Jianyun raised his right hand and gently knocked on the light curtain, making a knock-like sound, which also shows that this large light curtain is physical. And because this huge light curtain is completely covered by nine colors, it is impossible to see the situation inside.

Annai held his inner curiosity and excitement. Liu Jianyun carefully stared at the light curtain and saw that his brain was running faster.

In the past, when Shanhe Shejitu was still on Liu Jianyun, whenever Liu Jianyun encountered any problems, Shanheshe Jitu would send out a clear stream and wash along his brain, so that Liu Jianyun could calm down his excited temperament and look at the problem objectively.

Although Shanhe Shejitu is no longer on Liu Jianyun's body, due to the habits developed for so long, Liu Jianyun can now calm down and think almost every time he encounters a problem. Although the effect may not be as obvious as that of Shanhe Shejitu, it has also changed Liu Jianyun's previous impulse. Move.

"It seems that I can only make an explosion, using strong against strong." After thinking for a while, Liu Jianyun suddenly stood up, bowed his thighs, clenched his fists, and violently hit the light curtain. Suddenly, I heard a "bang", and a dazzling white light followed Liu Jianyun's fists to the light curtain.

"Bum." There was another loud noise, and the white light and the light curtain collided, but after the sound, the light curtain remained almost unchanged except for a slight vibration.

"Am I not using enough power?" Looking at the unchanged light curtain, Liu Jianyun muttered to himself, and then put his fists in the abdomen. After brewing for a few seconds, he bombarded the light curtain again.

"I used 12 points of strength this time. I must succeed." Looking at the white light that kept blowing towards the light curtain, Liu Jianyun couldn't help praying secretly. However, the result is still disappointing, and this ending is even more entangled, because after the white light that was far more violent than the last time hit the light curtain, the light curtain did not respond, and even the last slight vibration was directly omitted.

Looking at such an abnormal scene, Liu Jianyun almost had an impulse to scold his mother. Resisting the unhaughtiness and curiosity in his heart, Liu Jianyun raised his fist again, suddenly rose into the air, and pressed directly towards the light curtain.

"Bum. Puff..." As a result, the ending was even worse. When Liu Jianyun's fist touched the light curtain, there was a sound of metal impact, and then he quickly flew back, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood in the air and fell to the ground.