Superman Academy

Chapter 68 Level 5

In Shu, the four-level imperial examination system is adopted. Candidates who go to participate in the imperial examination have to go through five steps: the township examination, the township examination, the county examination, the Beijing examination, and the final emperor's interview. Among them, the relative levels are scribes, Juren, Jinshi and Sanyuan.

In the blink of an eye, it was February 10th. At this time every ten years, the whole country of Shu will boil.

The imperial examination is not like practice. The first thing to pay attention to is talent, and talent is an illusory thing that people can't master. Those who are not talented can only sigh and be depressed.

Therefore, the imperial examination has become their only way out, because the development of Shu requires not only military generals, but also good talents who can make suggestions. Therefore, any talent selected in the imperial examination can still be treated like a martial artist, stand out and become a presence under one person and above ten thousand people.

On February 10, the literati in the whole state of Shu who were usually studying scriptures began to move and threw themselves into the imperial examination army.

Liu Jianyun was no exception. In order to get the opportunity to enter Wanlong Villa, he rushed to the countryside as early as February 9 and stood in the Luxiang Academy in the countryside waiting for the start of the exam when February 10.

Luxiang Academy was originally just a private school, in which there was only an old man and the orphan he adopted, but what he didn't expect was that this orphan became a scholar in the first place in a imperial examination a hundred years ago. Rumors are even worse. I heard that the orphan was going to win the three yuan, but it seems that the father-in-law was not happy at that time, so he was demoted to the fourth, thus dropping the position of three yuan, but this is enough to prove the power of the orphan at that time.

Since then, the old man and the orphan have become legendary in Shu, and the Luxiang Academy they once stayed in has also become the representative of Meilan Town, becoming the first choice for every township and town test in the future.

After a hundred years of development, the current Luxiang Academy has also been regarded as a second-rate college in the country. In the past hundred years, it has also successfully trained hundreds of scholars, thousands of scholars and countless scribes, which are famous in the whole Meilan Town.

Liu Jianyun stood quietly at the door of Luxiang Academy and looked up at the wooden plaque that had begun to rot on the edge. It was not that the people in Meilan Town were reluctant to repair it, but that the words in the book in this plaque were from the hands of the orphan a hundred years ago.

Is there anything extraordinary under the sage's pen? With this idea, everyone hopes to use the aura written by the scholar to get a good ranking and be amazing in the imperial examination.

"If you look around the world, Lu Xiang is nameless."

Liu Jianyun opened his lips, stared at the eight powerful words on the plaque, and whispered gently.

Suddenly, Liu Jianyun felt that his heart suddenly calmed down, and the noisy voices around him were getting farther and farther away, and finally gradually disappeared. It seems that in the world at this moment, only Liu Jianyun and the plaque he looked up at.

"If you look around the world, Lu Xiang is nameless."

Liu Jianyun said gently again, and at this time, the eight words on the plaque seemed to suddenly come to life and began to twist slowly. Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be twisted with the eight big words. However, the space around Liu Jianyun has not changed, and it is still quiet, as if it is isolated from the space around the eight big words, which is irrelevant to each other.

Gradually, as Liu Jianyun looked up at the eight big words, the more he felt that his mind was slow, as if the time had been infinitely elonged, and everything in the whole world became slow, even time was no exception.

However, at this time, he can clearly feel that his thoughts are not really dull, but that he can't think more at this time, as if his thoughts are imprisoned by something. Although he is active, the scope of activity is limited, and he can't convey what he wants to express at all. I can't continue what I think. I often think half of things. As soon as I look back, I forget what I just thought.

When the eight big words 'in the world, Luxiang nameless' were twisted to the extreme, they began to gradually break away from the control of the plaque, slowly and fast, floating to Liu Jianyun.

Liu Jianyun was shocked and wondered, "I understand the meaning of the first four words, but what about the last four? What does it represent?"

"Oh, what I was thinking just now seems to be an extremely complicated problem. Why don't I remember?"

"Bright, what was I doing just now? What am I going to do now?"


But with the passage of time, every time Liu Jianyun blinks his eyes, he will forget what he thought before and can't find the root cause of the problem at all.

Seeing that the eight big words were about to integrate into Liu Jianyun's mind, but at this time, he still looked at the front with a blank face, his mouth closed one by one, and he didn't know what he was talking about.


With a burst of sound, the four words "Eye the World" in eight words were integrated into Liu Jianyun's mind in a blink of an eye...

"Oh, are you also here to participate in the township examination?"

When the four words "Luxiang nameless" were about to be integrated into Liu Jianyun's mind, an exclamation suddenly sounded next to him. Liu Jianyun returned to reality with excitement, and the remaining four words roared and seemed to return to the plaque reluctantly.

"Ah, did I say you came to see the township test? The exam is about to begin. Hurry in. If you miss it, you will have to wait another ten years. How many decades can ordinary people like us squander? Go in, hurry in."

With that, a beautiful little brother did not allow Liu Jianyun to react, so he pulled him into Luxiang Academy.

At the moment when he passed the plaque of Luxiang Academy, Liu Jianyun suddenly felt a tingling pain from the depths of his soul, as if his soul was about to be pulled away, which was unbearable. However, as soon as he turned his head, he smiled softly, thinking that it was his hallucination and didn't care. He let the beautiful young man pull him and walk into Lu Xiang.

More than 1,000 people participated in the Moyun Township Examination this time, but Fortunately, Luxiang Academy is not what it used to be at this time. After hundreds of years of development, it has expanded greatly, occupying almost one-third of Moyun Township. It is not a problem to settle tens of thousands of people, not to mention thousands of people.

As soon as he entered the Luxiang Academy, Liu Jianyun saw two rows of feather forest soldiers neatly arranged around him.

This imperial examination is related to the talent recruitment plan of the State of Shu, which is of great significance for the future development of the State of Shu. Therefore, the monarch of Shu attaches great importance to this. Whenever the imperial examination begins, he will send Yulin warriors to use them as invigilators. The malpractice is directly dragged out and cut, and there is no emotion to talk about.

"Brother, when you take the exam, you would rather not do it than do anything. Otherwise, hey, they will kill you directly. Even if your old man is Princess Tianluo, you won't be saved, do you understand?"

The young man holding Liu Jianyun's right hand pointed to the neat Yulin army in front of him and said. Liu Jianyun nodded and said nothing.

After that, Liu Jianyun was taken down by an old man to a small house as a place for scientific research.

After taking Liu Jianyun to his destination, the old man took the initiative to retreat, leaving him to sit quietly in front of the desk and examine the significance of this scientific examination.


A quarter of an hour later, a melodious bell rang. Liu Jianyun understood that a bell represented the beginning of the scientific examination, and the three bells represented the end of the scientific examination. In this process, candidates will play for three hours.

Liu Jianyun didn't care much at this time. He still sat quietly waiting for the examiner to issue the examination papers.

Sure enough, in a moment, an old man came up with an unopened roll of paper. After putting down the roll of paper, he left quickly. During this period, he did not say a word to Liu Jianyun and didn't even look at it.

Liu Jianyun didn't care about it. The severity of the imperial examination was beyond everyone's belief. The founding emperor of Shu once set a law. During the scientific examination, examiners were not allowed to talk to candidates. If they were found, they would be executed. So even if he gave the examiner courage, he didn't dare to say half a word to Liu Jianyun.

Gently opened the scroll, and only the four words 'the general trend of the world' were reflected in Liu Jianyun's eyes, and the rest were blank, waiting for the candidates to play.

Liu Jianyun frowned gently. He didn't understand what the emperor of Shu was selling this time. The first-level township test alone came up with such a big question. So what about the next town test and county test? What other topics can be put out at that time...

With a gentle smile, Liu Jianyun didn't care so much. This kind of big event was considered by the emperor, and all he had to do now was to do well in this scientific examination.

After a short pause, Liu Jianyun wrote 'The general trend of the world, which will be divided for a long time, and the division will be combined for a long time' as the beginning of the whole examination paper.

After that, he wrote tens of thousands of words below. At the end, Liu Jianyun calculated the time, and only one-third of the time had passed, and there were still two long hours before the end of the scientific examination.

"It's just a township test."

Liu Jianyun smiled disdainfully, gently put down his brush and walked out of the door. After Liu Jianyun passed through some other small rooms, he saw through the window that most of the candidates inside were scratching their ears and cheeks, and the whole volume was still not moved. The fastest one has just written thousands of words, and it seems that there is still a long way to go after the exam.

"Hey, brother, is that you? What a coincidence, have you finished the exam?

As soon as Liu Jianyun stepped out of the door of Luxiang Academy, a rapid sound suddenly came from behind him.

"Hey, I didn't expect that anyone would take the exam faster than me? I said, brother, you're not in a mess, are you?"