Superman Academy

Chapter 73 Iron Orchid

Calculation day, the Beijing test will be held in the second half of the year, that is to say, Liu Jianyun still has at least three months to prepare.

one day,

In the incense restaurant in Meilan Town.

Liu Jianyun held a book that had begun to fade and looked at it carefully. This is the miscellaneous news of the Yuan Dynasty, which is his preparation for wandering the mainland in the future.

"Do you know? I heard that an iron orchid was found in the mountain? It will mature in a few days. Now young masters from all over the world have gone to Heshan to seize the iron orchids?

"Iron orchid? Isn't it true? Is it the spiritual flower with three petals, each of which can increase a hundred years of power?

"That's not it. However, recently, Xuanwu appeared in Lianyun Valley, followed by Kirin, and now mature iron orchids have been found in Heshan. Last time, I heard that someone brought out the heavenly fruit from the forest of death. Look, Lianyun Valley, Heshan, and the deep forest of death. Aren't these all the outer places of the sunset mountains? The sunset mountains are very involved. If something really happens in the sunset mountains, then the top masters of various countries will definitely be here at the first time.

"Hey, this is not what we have to worry about. What we should pay attention to is this iron orchid. It is said that the iron orchid blooms once every ten years, and it only takes only for an hour. It can not only increase people's skills, but also has the effect of living dead and white bones. You see, shall we go and have a look? Although we may not be able to win the iron orchid, we also have the opportunity to see the young masters of all walks of life. In case, maybe we fisherman will benefit, hey hey..."

"No more daydreaming, but it's for sure."


Suddenly, several red-armed men at the table next door talked loudly, attracting Liu Jianyun's attention.

"Iron orchid? Increase the power? There are still three months before the Beijing test. It seems that God has let me go.

When Liu Jianyun heard the iron orchid, he didn't care much, but after he heard the role of the iron orchid, he couldn't help opening his eyes wide and secretly thought of it.

For him, the biggest thing at present is to be able to explore his own mystery in the deep forest of death, but this has to be based on strong strength. So at the beginning, he went to take the scientific examination in order to gain stronger strength, and now there is a shortcut in front of him. Of course, he will not miss it.

When reading this, Liu Jianyun quickly packed up the package and hurriedly ran home. After returning home, he told Chen Yin and Yuan Tianya, and hurried to Heshan.

This time, Liu Jianyun did not bring Jinjia. Although the strength of Jinjia may have reached the realm of immortality, with his strength, Liu Jianyun can obtain the iron orchid without effort.

But he was worried that Chen Yin and Yuan Tianya stayed alone at home, so after thinking about it, he finally decided to go to Heshan alone to compete for iron orchids.

and the northeast of the sunset mountains are no longer completely within the territory of Shu, but three-quarters of them are located on the close neighboring Crescent of Shu.

The Crescent Kingdom, like the State of Shu, has only a history of more than 100,000 years and should be regarded as a new small country. However, it is not as lucky as the State of Shu. After more than 100,000 years of development, it is still a small country in the Yuanyuan mainland, not as a medium-sized country such as the State of Shu.

But even so, the status of the Crescent State in the world is still not lower than that of Shu, mainly relying on the totem and guardian family of the Crescent State.

The guardian family of the Crescent Kingdom is born with the ability to summon the new moon, and the brilliance of the new moon has the effect of increasing, which means that as long as there is a guardian family of the Crescent Kingdom by your side, it is equivalent to having a magic weapon with more than a shape, which can increase your strength anytime and anywhere. It is a must-have item for killing people and traveling at home.

Liu Jianyun traveled overnight and finally arrived at Black Bear Town, a border town in Shu.

The mountain is dangerous. There is only one road leading to the top of the mountain, and this road is not in Shu, so Liu Jianyun can only walk half a circle around Heshan and lead from the realm of Crescent to Heshan.

It is estimated that it is only half a day away from Heshan. In order to prepare for the competition for iron orchids, Liu Jianyun decided to have a good night in Black Bear Town tonight to eliminate the fatigue of three days and adjust his state to the peak, which is more conducive to grabbing iron orchids.

During the three days on the road, Liu Jianyun obviously felt that many people were gathering in the direction of Heshan. As soon as I inquired about it, it turned out that there were two reasons.

One is that the iron orchid will mature in these two days, and some of them are for the effect of the iron orchid. Most of them have to see the spiritual flower even if they can't get the iron orchid. After all, this kind of spiritual flower is rarely available. Now there is such a good opportunity, and many people are certainly unwilling to Let it go.

Second, I heard that ten days ago, the angry roar of the Blood Python Emperor suddenly came from the palace of the Blood Python Kingdom, and then the Blood Python Emperor invited the ministers for no reason and secretly discussed for a day.

A day later, everyone found that the minister was only half of the original, and the Blood Python Emperor changed his previous peaceful attitude and ordered the whole country to attack the crescent moon. It is also strange to say that the blood python and Crescent are at least three countries apart, which is not a close neighbor, but the Blood Python Emperor insisted on crossing three countries to attack the Crescent, and the three countries took the initiative to make way when the blood python army approached and let the blood python army pass.

Everyone knows the truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, but why are the other three countries willing to watch the blood python destroy the new moon and be indifferent? Moreover, there was almost no intersection between the blood python and the crescent moon in the past. Why did the blood python emperor suddenly go crazy to destroy the crescent moon? This is very thought-provoking.

For a while, the southern part of the Yuanyuan mainland was surging, and politicians from various countries were sitting on the shore to shut down the fire, intending to reap the profits of the fishermen.

The blood python legion of the three legions under the Blood Python Emperor did not leave the legion. The Tianmang Legion showed unparalleled strength when it first appeared, and even attracted the attention of the superpowers in the central region of the Yuan Dynasty. Of course, small countries like the new moon can't resist, but in nine days, the new moon has lost one-third of its territory and has reached a precarious state.

Three days ago, in order to prevent the approach of the blood python army, the crescent moon arranged ten masters of the long life and the strong among the 20 crescent guardian families, intending to capture the thief to capture the king first and destroy the blood python emperor in one fell swoop.

Ten masters of Longestation, plus 20 humanoid magic weapons with increasing effect, it is estimated that more than a dozen cities can be destroyed in a moment, and even people who exceed one level of Longestation can't stop it. But that day, the Blood Python Emperor suddenly appeared, and one of them blocked the attack of ten long-Habitat masters alone, but in the end, both of them were seriously injured, and the new moon's sneak attack plan ended in failure.

In a hurry, the emperor of the crescent country took his little princess as bait and issued a heroic order, intending to hold a competition a month later. The winner can not only marry the little princess of the crescent moon, but also get the sword of the new moon.

It is rumored that this sword was a magic weapon at the peak thousands of years ago, and it is a peerless magic soldier waiting for the advanced psychic realm. As soon as this sword is released, the owner can immediately increase his strength by a hundred times. Even if it is used by a beginner of the golden body, he can immediately have the strength of eternal life, far from being comparable to Flame Armor.

Needless to say, the beauty of the little princess has the title of the first beauty in the south. In the whole south of the Yuanyuan continent, she thinks she is the second most beautiful, so no one dares to think she is the first.

With her appeal alone, she can immediately attract countless men to go there, not to mention that the emperor of the Crescent Kingdom also sent a peerless magic soldier as a code.

So for a while, almost everyone who heard the news rushed to the Crescent. Since then, they wanted to praise the beauty, and secondly, they wanted to get the peerless magic soldiers.

As for why the new moon emperor had to do such a comparison when the new moon was about to destroy the country, so too many people don't know the situation.

Is it to recruit a master of long life as his son-in-law and want to turn the tide of the war with his strength alone? However, it is rare for the new moon to send ten masters of Longitu. What's more, one moreover, the influence of one more master of Longshengjing on the battle situation is not great at all. This kind of national station is not a child's play. There are tens of millions of people rushing on the battlefield at any time. Even if the master of the realm of Longsheng goes, there is no return.

So only the crescent king knows about the conspiracy to recruit relatives. Even so, countless people rushed to the crescent country like moths.

To be honest, Liu Jianyun, the peerless sword of the crescent moon, is also very much, but he still knows how many catties he has.

That involves two countries and dozens of masters of the realm of long life, which is different from the matter of iron orchids. Although the iron orchid is precious, it has not yet been enough for anyone to use the strength of the whole country to grab it, and there is no master of the realm of immortality to grab it, because the depth of the skill of any master above the realm of immortality is no longer important. All they have to do is to strengthen their perception of heaven and earth and deepen their understanding of themselves. With Liu Jianyun, it is still possible to win the iron orchid. But once he is involved in the new moon's marriage, he is very likely to lose his wife and soldiers in the end. Maybe he will have to lose his life.

So after thinking about it, Liu Jianyun felt that the recruitment of a new moon may be beneficial to him. He believes that the vast majority of people who come to seize the iron orchid this time will be attracted and go by the new moon country. At that time, there will naturally be fewer competitors, and the chance of winning the iron orchid will be greater.

With a smile, Liu Jianyun no longer worries about the divine soldiers.