Superman Academy

Chapter 114 Silent Night Thought

After thinking for a long time and looking at everyone looking at him with waiting eyes, Liu Jianyun finally crossed his heart and said secretly: Go out. He raised his eyes directly and looked at Luo Cheng and said, "Since everyone wants me to make a poem, I will make one. I'm far away from my hometown. When I come here, let's make a song of homesickness.

At this time, everyone looked at Liu Jianyun with doubtful eyes. Luo Chengdu climbed on his head and pooped. Unexpectedly, he did not refute it. Instead, what kind of homesick poems did he make? Is it thick-skinned or really painted with a false watch?

Despite the contemptuous eyes of everyone, Liu Jianyun just wanted to finish this poem quickly and then wait quietly. Although he was humiliated at this time, it doesn't matter. As long as he can win the first place in the Beijing test, this contemptuous look will automatically disappear. Thinking of this, Liu Jianyun immediately increased his voice and said, "This poem is called Quiet Night Thought. It is a poem that I sing whenever I miss my hometown late at night. The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the moon and bow your head to miss your hometown.

"Although the idea is new and the artistic conception is sufficient at this time, it is too ordinary. In the line, the charm is not enough. Although it is a good poem, it is difficult to go to the elegant hall." At this time, even Sun Lili shook her head helplessly. Liu Jianyun was full of the title of false fame.

This world is not the earth. Although on the earth, quiet night thought is widely praised and many people like it, what this Yuanyuan continent pursues is the gorgeousness of poetry, but the artistic conception falls second. Therefore, Liu Jianyun, a plagiarized quiet night thought, was put into the cold palace at the beginning and could not raise his head.

After seeing everyone's contempt for Liu Jianyun, Luo Cheng also took a proud look at Liu Jianyun, just like a general who won the battle, very excited.

Seeing this scene, Liu Jianyun only sighed secretly. Originally, he wanted to change the topic with the artistic conception of quiet night thought. Although this was not enough to counter Luo Cheng's "flower non-flower" satire, he would not gain a false reputation, which was a relatively moderate practice. But how can these princes have never been far away, so how can they understand the mood of homesickness in Jingye? Therefore, Liu Jianyun's defeat is inevitable. However, Liu Jianyun didn't care much. After all, at this time, his thoughts were indeed the most homesick. Although he did not win the praise of everyone, he expressed his heart.

Liu Jianyun's defeat, except for Li Li and Li Qingshan's eyes that have not changed, most of the other people's eyes are the meaning of contempt and gloating. As a result, everyone's eyes turned to other famous talents, which was a complete neglect of Liu Jianyun.

Then Sun Lili made a song "Long lovesickness" by herself, which pushed the whole conference to **. Although many people present have expressed their opinions, there is still a gap compared with some famous talents.

Just like Mei No Regret, Luo Cheng, Cai Ming and others, every time they say a poem, it will attract the shock and praise of everyone present, almost leading the ** of this conference alone. As for Liu Jianyun, except for Luo Cheng's provocative look at him from time to time, others completely forgot him.

Instead, Li Qingshan looked up at Liu Jianyun from time to time, and then asked doubtfully, "You are really Yuan Lei. Why don't you talk to Baili and the old man?"


The conference lasted for half a day and lasted until midnight. Because Li Qingshan's family was relatively strict and sneaked out, he took Liu Jianyun back to the Taishi Mansion after saying hello to Li Li and Sun Lili.

For the next two days, Liu Jianyun stayed in the Taishi Mansion, but Li Qingshan's family was extremely active and always slipped out from time to time. During this period, Taishi Bailihe also specially came to visit Liu Jianyun. In his words, he revealed the idea of taking Liu Jianyun as a disciple, but Liu Jianyun had worshipped four monsters as his teacher at this time, and did not have many ideas. He euphemistically refused the idea of the master, causing hundreds of miles and bursts of sighs.

In Liu Jianyun's eyes, although Bailihe looked 70 or 80 years old, his face was ruddy, and the printing hall was shiny, and there was an endless breath between his eyebrows, giving people a sense of proper prime.

In fact, his feeling is not wrong. Taishi Bailihe has been smart since childhood. When he was young, he once walked through more than half of the continent, and when he grew up, he was even more books. The accumulation can be said to be quite rich. If not unexpected, Bailihe can accumulate in a few years, and he will reach half of the mortals in one fell swoop. The realm of immortals, a hundred years later, it is not impossible to be listed in the holy Confucian temple...

Two days later, early in the morning.

Liu Jianyun packed up his things with Li Qingshan and went to the Holy Confucian Academy to participate in the Beijing examination. The time of this Beijing examination is comparable to that of the township examination. All students who come to take the examination must enter the fully enclosed Holy Confucian Academy, and then be assigned to different small rooms, which will last for a total of half a month. The volume handed in by the examinee will be sealed first, and then handed over to the emperor and the three princes for trial. Select the top ten to participate in the palace examination. In the palace examination, the emperor will personally answer the questions. At that time, if you answer well and get the emperor's appreciation, you will be the champion.

This Holy Confucian Academy is more than ten times bigger than Luxiang Academy. After Liu Jianyun entered it, he was taken to a small closed room, and then like a township examination, a man from Taishifu will send a sealed volume...

Gently opened the volume, and the way of questioning was still the same, but the title of On the Emperor was given, and there was no follow-up.

Seeing the same way of examination, Liu Jianyun was slightly relieved. If this Beijing test needed poetry and other restrictions, he would have cried. However, after seeing the prominent title of On the Emperor, Liu Jianyun was still shocked.

On the emperor?

The emperor is the supreme of a country and a supreme existence. Who dares to comment everywhere?

But today's emperor of Shu is so strange that on such a major day in Beijing, he let scholars all over the world talk about him. Is it conceit or a warning?

In the past, most of the topics of the Beijing test were about rich countries, and strong soldiers were something that ministers should think about, but this time there was a 180-degree change, and they took the initiative to ask their ministers to talk about the emperor.

This is not a joke. How can the emperor talk about it casually? If it is not good and damages the emperor's reputation, it must be a tragic ending of being beheaded instead of Beijing.

So after receiving this question, almost all the candidates were stunned and did not dare to do it. They have never been able to understand what the emperor is thinking at this time. If they can't understand the holy will, they can't do it.

Like Liu Jianyun at this time, when he first saw the title "On the Emperor", an idea flashed in his heart: Is this emperor sick? But he quickly gave up this idea. Not to mention that the emperor of Shu has reigned for more than 100 years, and he has not done anything wrong, and the territory of Shu has increased by about one-third in his hands. He should be a quite talented emperor.

Does he want to see his shortcomings more clearly? Liu Jianyun also knew that this idea was not true. Not to mention how noble the emperor's majesty and status were, even if the emperor asked you to talk about him face to face, it was estimated that few people dared to speak. Although the emperor may smile at you on the surface, he may also be unhappy and order you directly. This is the case with a tiger.

Is it to promote your achievements? Nowadays, the achievements of the emperor's life are infinite. Do you want to take this opportunity to let the students all over the world promote him and make his reputation reach an incomparable position? But he is not a very happy person.


After thinking about it, Liu Jianyun found that he, who came from the 21st century and was extremely open-minded, could not figure out the ideas of the current emperor.

Who dares to do whatever it is when it comes to the emperor and the royal majesty? So three days have passed, and no one has started to write.

At this time, in the emperor's study.

The emperor of Shu was sitting in the first place with an arrogant face, and there were three respectful old men standing under the desk.

Among them, the one on the far left is Taishi Bailihe. Bai Lihe sighed gently, looked at the emperor helplessly, and said slowly, "Your Majesty, this time is really unexpected. No one would have thought that Your Majesty would come up with such a sharp question. I'm afraid it's going to be a big deal."

Bailihe's eyes were a little helpless, happy and excited, so there were some tremors in what he said.

Liu Jin, the emperor of Shu, shook his hand to the master and said, "To achieve great things, you must know how to be free from trifles. I really hope that many candidates can write some articles attacking me this time, so that I can correct them. Second, I can attract more loyal ministers who dare to give direct advice. Why not? In this way, in less than a hundred years, the territory of our Shu country will more than double, hahahaha..."

The three old men below looked at Liu Jin helplessly. Today, there are countless powerful countries in the Yuanyuan mainland, and there are ten powerful countries in the Central Plains. The territory of each of their counties is more than ten times larger than that of the whole Shu. And in some marginal areas, there are also some extremely small countries, whose territory may not be as good as a township in Shu. In such a complicated world, there are more than tens of millions of countries, large and small, but even so, there are still few wise monarchs. The emperors of many countries are either very happy and fight all day long, leading to heavenly resentment and humanity. There are also some monarchs who have been silent in wine and sex all year round. They not only waste the internal affairs of the country, but also promote the power of treacherous ministers. The people are unspeakable.

But Liu Jin of the State of Shu is different. Since he succeeded to the throne more than 100 years ago, not only has the country handled excellent internal affairs, but also the military force has been expanded. Moreover, he also pays attention to his own cultivation, and I'm afraid that his cultivation is no longer under the end of his life. This can be said to be very rare. Ordinary emperors have reached the golden body, and there are very few long lives, because emperors are generally busy with government affairs and don't have much time to practice.

Therefore, Liu Jin is a wise monarch in all aspects, but his thoughts seem to be too advanced to let everyone talk about himself. In this way, what is the majesty of the royal family and the emperor's power? For them, the imperial power is irresistible. In this way, as long as someone says the emperor's shortcomings, it will damage the royal majesty and provoke the imperial power. I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public in the future.