Superman Academy

Chapter 116 Strange Hall Test

After more than an hour, everyone finally rushed to the imperial palace of Shu. This palace gave Liu Jianyun a very magnificent feeling, with a sense of standing out from the crowd. And Liu Jin also gives people a very plain and approachable feeling. He is not as arrogant as Qiao Yiliang, the new moon emperor, but there is always a faint self-confidence between his eyebrows from time to time, giving people a feeling of not angry and self-righteousness.

At the beginning, Liu Jianyun wanted to see the emperor who was brave enough to let his ministers talk about himself. Now as soon as they meet, it is really extraordinary. At first glance, he seems to be a hermit master, extremely plain, but if you look carefully, you will find that what is buried deep in Liu Jin's heart is actually the essence of the hero.

"All of you are brilliant, and the future of Shu will depend on you in the future."

As soon as he appeared, Liu Jin did not go directly on the dragon chair as imagined, but walked to the ten candidates standing in the middle of the hall with a smile.

But the more he is, the more extraordinary Liu Jianyun feels. As soon as he came up, he knew how to praise the courtiers first and affirm their achievements. It can be seen that the imperial man's methods are superb, and it is no wonder that the State of Shu can flourish in his hands, but in a hundred years can be compared with the development of his predecessors for tens of thousands of years.

"Let's thank you."

It is indeed rare for an emperor to be a virtuous and virtuous comoral, so the bottom ten were quickly bought by Liu Jin, and his originally lax eyes immediately gathered together and shouted respectfully.

"Hmm. With you here, I see hope for the future of Shu. Liu Jin then gave another strong shot, "Thinking of my Shu, four small countries that have destroyed the ocean, Xinchu, Naozhong and Huangtang, have expanded west to medium-sized countries - *, and the border has expanded by more than one-third. However, in the past, we fought against small countries, so with the advantages of our medium-sized countries and the mighty hegemony, we easily eradicated it. But this time it's different. When we just wanted to recuperate, a country stronger than us actually began to attack us, intending to erode the territory that should belong to us when our army is tired. It is *. Now the mighty wait is about to be awarded the title of king, and the emperor also intends to let him sit in the north of Shu to prevent the invasion of the northern powers. Therefore, this time, I intend to make this term of champion the general of Zhengdong and Fenghua as the deputy general, so as to solve this attack for me. However, because of this, as long as they can enter the first three of this palace examination, I decided to make an exception for them to enter Wanlong Villa to receive the baptism of the true dragon spirit.

At the beginning, Liu Jin attacked directly with sugar-coated shells, first explained the current situation, and then promised some benefits to everyone. His intention is obvious. Shu wants to continue to expand, but it lacks military talents, so this palace test will focus on military talents. Liu Jin also wants to help them cultivate them into a mighty existence, fight east and north for him, and expand territory.

All the people present were intelligent people. As soon as Liu Jin said this, everyone couldn't help nodding and understood what he thought in an instant.

However, Liu Jianyun also had to admit that in the past, all the emperor's imperial examinations were selected as civil servants for their positions, but Liu Jin did the opposite and actually used the imperial examination to select generals. Generally speaking, 'Wen' is used to settle the country, and 'Wu' is used to expand the territory. This imperial examination focuses on 'Wu'. It seems that Liu Jin's ambition is indeed not small.

"Hmm." Looking at the firm appearance of the ten candidates under the stage, Liu Jin nodded, "In this case, I would like to ask you, what should you do if you want to solve this attack?"

Liu Jin has always been a clean and neat person. After explaining the premise, he directly began to test the palace, and the civil and military officials standing on both sides were not surprised and stared at the ten people in the middle.

The imperial examination of Shu for many years has created countless civil servants in Shu, and there is no shortage of civil servants at all. Therefore, in the past, the top official of Shu could not find a good position as soon as he became an official. However, this imperial examination is different. Although there are many civilian officials in Shu, there are very few generals who can fight bravely. Therefore, Liu Jin directly appointed the champion as the general of Zhengdong this time, and indirectly told others that this champion will definitely be reused. Maybe it will be the next powerful waiter. Thinking of this, civil and military officials can't help but look more carefully, because for them, this may be a good opportunity to pull the relationship. If they are right and have someone to cover it in the future, it will not be a dream.

"Your Majesty."

But for a moment, while everyone was still thinking, Luo Cheng seemed to think of something, took a step forward and said respectfully.

"Well, he is worthy of being a powerful son. Let's talk about it first." Liu Jin was also very happy about Luo Cheng's rapid reaction. He nodded and was very satisfied.

After getting the emperor's affirmation, Luo Cheng looked extremely excited. First, he secretly glanced at Liu Jianyun, which felt as if he was showing off, and then slowly replied, "Your Majesty. Fighting is about knowing yourself and your enemy, and you can win a hundred battles. I heard that * originally planned to use the general Chu Bufan to counterbalance the mighty waiting. Presumably, they have had a deep research on the sending of the mighty waiting, so even if they go there, it will be difficult to get any benefits. But Your Majesty made a sudden move and appointed a newcomer. So under this premise, we have won, because we know Chu extraordinary combat methods, but they know nothing about our generals, so they will not work hard and fail to hit the top. Second, we are newcomers. He will more or less look down on him. We can use his pettishness to destroy him in one fell swoop.

After looking at Liu Jin's satisfied smile, Luo Cheng continued: "* There are many barren mountains there. Although the culture is a little backward, their folk customs are relatively strong, while we Shu people inherit the thinness of the southerners. If we resist hard, I'm afraid we will lose. But the march also said a 'strange' word. Now the two armies are almost the same. Although they attack us, it seems that they have taken the initiative, but in fact, the initiative should be on our side. As long as we take advantage of the natural advantage of defending the city and consume their physical strength, we can destroy them in one blow.

"Luo Aiqing is not bad. It seems that Luo Aiqing is a civil and safe state, and martial arts can determine the country."

Luo Cheng's analysis made Liu Jin very happy. Although he has not come up with a specific combat method, these words are enough to show that he has a very delicate grasp of the overall battle situation. Moreover, at this time, before the war began, people did not know much about General Chu Ifan. If a battle plan was drawn up at this time, Luo Cheng's ignorance would be revealed. Just made a general description, and the point is the most exquisite answer. After waiting for such a military hero for a long time, Luo Cheng naturally understood such a superficial truth.

"Your Majesty. What my subordinates are good at is civilian, which is a little insufficient for marching and fighting.

After Luo Cheng, Li Qingshan also put away his smile and said with a solemn face. His intention is obvious, just to turn around and tell Liu Jin that he is not good at war and don't choose him as the champion.

Li Qingshan's answer, some people who are not familiar with him are very surprised, because the status of this champion is far higher than before. If they get the position of champion, it means that they can be appreciated by the emperor, and the road of officials will inevitably be smooth in the future. But on second thought, everyone was relieved. Who is Li Qingshan? He is a disciple jointly accepted by the three princes. As long as the three princes are there, Li Qingshan's future career will inevitably be unparaveted.

But for people who are familiar with Li Qingshan, they won't think so. Li Qingshan seems to be elegant and noble in front of outsiders, but as long as he is familiar with him, Li Qingshan will reveal his essence - the nerves. I don't care about the front and back, and I can do whatever I want. I don't want to be an official at all. The reason why he came to take the imperial examination is probably due to the pressure of the three public disciples, just for the sake of the examination.

Li Jin was also very familiar with Li Qingshan. He shook his head helplessly and didn't say anything more.

"Your Majesty, my father has led the army to guard Xizhou for many years. Although he is not as powerful as talented as the country, under the leadership of my father, it is difficult for the country in the southwest of Shu to invade the Dingjiao point of Shu. However, I grew up in the barracks, but I understand a truth that if you want to defend the city, you must be one soldier and the people. If you want to win the battle, the rear must be stable.

Zhou Hai's words are not like participating in the palace examination, but like self-recommendation. But it is undeniable that Liu Jin is also very satisfied with Zhou Hai's answer. To win the battle, the rear must be stable. Zhou Hai has probably learned the art of defending the city in front of the governor of Xizhou for more than 20 years. It is indeed possible to appoint Zhou Hai to defend Chu extraordinary.

At this time, Liu Jianyun suddenly had an idea. The purpose of this election is probably to defend the attack of *. Maybe Liu Jin's goal is bigger and wants to bite * in one fell swoop. Therefore, at this time, a general who leads a million army is very important, and a general who can defend the city, stabilize the rear, and let the army fight without worries is also very important. Now, most of these two people have been taken away by Luo Cheng and Zhou Hai. Therefore, if Liu Jianyun still makes self-recommendation in these two aspects, it is likely to be thankless. But after some thoughts, Liu Jianyun found that a vanguard officer was also very important.

Because of combat, a vanguard can not only explore the reality of the enemy, but also serve as a strange soldier and sneak attack when necessary, which is very important for reversing and controlling the war.