Superman Academy

Chapter 188 Magic Sword Breaks the Sky

After hundreds of attacks, the hammer also began to fade, and finally a bang, like a broken glass, turned into a little black light and disappeared in the void.

"Tianque kills demons."

The man in black took advantage of the heat of the iron, suddenly bypassed his arms and pulled up the huge sword tied to his back. He roared, the huge sword cut, and a black light rushed to the place where it was handed over to the void, stirring layers of brilliant sparks.

In the sky, there was a sound of a crash, and there would be dark cracks in the place where the giant sword crossed. Under the interference of these cracks, a shocking sound suddenly broke out of the already sunken sky.


A roar resounded everywhere, and the void above the man in black suddenly collapsed around the black cracks, forming a dark curtain. In the dark, dark energy will continue to spewed out. Under the interference of this dark energy, the surrounding light also began to gradually bend, and finally surrounded the black energy.

After the collapse of the black energy, it is like a flood. From top to bottom, it instantly wraps the airless wind of the Tutian Legion that stays in the void. At this time, looking up from the bottom of Nanyang City, there are basically no more than 1,000 people in the Tutian Legion.

Black energy deposited overwhelmingly, and the sky around it began to fade. At this moment, it was as if the end was coming, and the whole world collapsed. I don't know when a huge pressure has spread in the hearts of everyone. Everything around is particularly clear and hazy at this time, just like the destruction of heaven and earth, the first judgment of Hongmeng. Everyone's hearts are full of horror brought by destruction, and also mixed with the joy brought by rebirth.

"Heaven and earth are broken, chaos emerges, and everything in the world is a cycle of slag. The sky is pathless, and only our world holds a sword and slaughters the sky..."

In such a complex state of mind, in the sinking black energy in the sky, a melodious song suddenly came slowly and melodiously. The song was loud and friendly, and clearly revealed an indomitable determination, which made the hearers inexplicably climb up a kind of sadness in their hearts. Cool and decisive thoughts, driven by this idea, everyone present, regardless of their cultivation or low, opened their mouths to follow the loud song in the sky and said: "The heavens and the earth are broken, chaos emerges, and everything in the world is a cycle of slag. The sky is pathless, and only the people of the world holds a knife. Sword, slaughter the sky..."

The song is full of sadness and with a kind of obsession, melodiously filling every land in Nanyang. Almost everyone present was full of tears and gritting their teeth at this moment, and almost everyone was immersed in this strange atmosphere...

"I am willing to spread the road of slaughtering the sky with my body; yin and yang are in turmoil, and I am willing to dye the sky with my blood. At this moment, I will open the door of the slaughter of the sky that has been passed down since ancient times with my immortal will..."

Soon, this sad atmosphere did not rule Nanyang for a long time. In the void, inside the dark curtain, there was a loud sound. This sound was like heaven. In the past, as soon as it appeared, it drove the aura around, rolling in all directions, and the people around couldn't help but be shocked when they heard the words. Even the clenched fist seemed to be stronger, and the black energy everywhere in the sky was shattered one after another, revealing the originally clear sky.

The people watching in Nanyang also almost couldn't wait to look at the sky. At this time, on the void, more than a thousand people of the Tutian Legion were still staring at the top with a serious face, and they still did not forget to hammering the drum in their hands. The black man standing in front of the Tutian Legion held a magic sword and stabbed fiercely into the sky.

"Wang." With a sound, under the magic sword, a scarlet fog suddenly burst out around the sword body. As soon as these fog appeared, it was like hot wastewater, constantly rolling and finally condensed into the appearance of a huge ape. When the magic sword stopped moving forward, the magic ape condensed by the red fog also shouted fiercely and punched straight into the sky.

There was another loud noise, and under two consecutive attacks, a white fog appeared in the cracks in the void. As soon as the fog appeared, it quickly attacked the magic ape as if it had its own thinking.

Seeing the fog coming, the magic ape's eyes suddenly stared greatly, and his pupils were full of fear. He turned his head and wanted to escape. But the speed of the fog is extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, it wraps around the tail behind the ape's buttocks and keeps burning towards the body of the ape.

Yes, that's right, it's burning, because at the moment when the white fog touched the magic ape's body, the fog seemed to find an energy supply. The fierce white light finally emitted a crackling sound and a burst of fire.

The sparks formed by the fog continue to move towards the body of the demon ape, and everything that touches it will disappear, leaving no ashes. Under the pressure of this situation, the magic ape's eyes appeared fiercely, and finally turned around and cut off his tail.

lost Mo Yuandong's forehead, and as soon as the tail was cut off, it struggled in the void for a moment, it was swallowed by the fog, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"Well, old man, isn't it just a ritual? It's not the real Tu Tian. Do you work so hard? Now not only has the passage of the two worlds not been opened, but I have also lost the most important tail. I'm afraid I can't restore my strength for thousands of years. Humph, dead old man.

He touched his bare buttocks in a stunned way, and the magic ape suddenly grabbed the man in black with his teeth and claws. But when his hands first touched the man in black, he seemed to remember something. His face hesitated for a moment, and finally withdrew his palm and said viciously.

"Hmm. When is it your turn to talk here? Don't come back yet." The man in black also snorted coldly and turned his backhand. The magic sword in his hand suddenly rustled, emitting a lot of black airflow. Seeing this, the magic ape sighed softly and didn't say anything, and obediently turned into a red light and disappeared into the magic sword.

"Alas, the cultivation is still far from enough that even the two worlds can't be connected." After receiving the magic ape, the man in black robe sighed deeply, but because his whole body was wrapped in the black robe, Liu Jianyun could not see his expression clearly. But from this sigh alone, Liu Jianyun can feel the helplessness in the hearts of black-robed people at this moment.

"Tut, this Nanyang city owner is indeed worthy of being in the anti-sky alliance. He is so powerful that he can smash the void with the magic sword in his hand."

At this time, a rich woman around Liu Jianyun suddenly opened her red lips and said with emotion. In her emotion, the people around her woke up one after another and began to talk about the scene just now.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the slaughter ceremony. I actually saw the scene of the broken sky. At the moment when the black fog came, I really thought that the end was coming, and a terrible power made me almost unable to move."

"That's not. This is the real broken void. I don't know what the black fog and white fog are. The former can devour light, and the latter seems that nothing can burn. It must be something that exists in the depths of the void."

"Tut, you don't understand. The black fog is chaotic, and the white fog is the beginning of the light. If the black-robed man can play the red Hongmeng, it will be a real broken void and open the way to the upper world. At that time, they will be able to really go against the sky and kill a few gods.

"Tut, even so, the chaotic spirit and the energy of light they can fight have been created. Presumably this black-robed man is not far from the real god, right?"

"That's not. Which of the elders in the Daqin Anti-Heaven League is not close to a god? Otherwise, Daqin will not be able to resist the absolute hegemon of the Kingdom of Heaven under the loss of the guardian family.


The slaughter ceremony seems to have ended like this, but at this moment, the hearts of the people around still can't calm down, breaking the sky, resulting in the chaos hidden in the void and the exposure of light. Perhaps this ability can only be possessed by the legendary god. How can this not make everyone excited?

"It seems that this Tianslaying ceremony and Nanyang Festival must have hidden a very deep secret, but this Nanyang Festival originated from the ancient Nanyang Emperor. Presumably this Nanyang Emperor must have hated this God very much, otherwise this Tianslaying ceremony would not be held once a decade." Liu Jianyun looked farther than everyone at this time. He stared at the Tu Tian Legion in the void and whispered to himself.

"Ha ha, little brother, you may not know anything about this." At this time, a graceful woman next to Liu Jianyun seemed to hear his self-spoken. She suddenly turned around and said meaningfully to Liu Jianyun, "Ruled that tens of millions of years ago, when this ancient Nanyang country was still strong, their sky-killing ceremony was really successful. It was rumored that they not only opened the way to the upper world at that time The channel slaughtered several gods, and then sprinkled the blood of God all over the corner of Nanyang, which was horrible. However, it is an indisputable fact that Nanyang declined and even the country was destroyed. I'm afraid there will be no chance to slaughter the sky again in the future, alas..."

The woman is only 20 years old, but she has a graceful posture. When she sighs, her red lips flashed, and she is full of charm and sexy.

At this time, she must be a woman with great status and means. Liu Jianyun took a deep look at the woman, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Do you dare to ask the girl's name?"

"Ha ha, if you are predestined to meet, you will meet. Little brother, you face the noble. The slave family just took the liberty to say goodbye." The woman looked a little lazy, took a faint breath, and said goodbye to Liu Jianyun.

"This woman's strength is not below me. Qin is mixed with fish and dragons. Brother Yuan, you should be careful." At this time, Peng Tongsheng suddenly patted Liu Jianyun on the shoulder and interrupted his thoughts.

Liu Jianyun nodded and said, "Sure enough, there are so many people in any place that I can't see through. It seems that after the end of the Nanyang Festival, we must rush to ** Mountain to practice well, otherwise we can no longer be confident."

Liu Jianyun whispered, but his expression was indescribably serious, and his eyes were still looking around and looking at the people around him. Maybe he just threw himself into the slaughter ceremony, and he didn't care much about it, but at this moment, he focused on it. He suddenly found that many people came around him, and none of them were stronger than him, and there were even a few of them. Just by looking at it, there would be bursts of soul throbbing.