Superman Academy

Chapter 194 The Mysterious Shroud

"I am me, Liu Jianyun..."

"The mystery of immortality, everyone is predestined..." Just as Liu Jianyun shouted his name, a dark cloud suddenly floated in the distant sky. In the thunder, such a sentence came immediately, completely covering his voice.

I saw dark clouds coming, lightning and thundering, but under the dark clouds, there was a white figure floating. When the dark clouds approached, Liu Jianyun saw the figure clearly.

This figure is unkempt and has a pair of magic wings. His whole body is black and he can't see his appearance clearly, but his eyes flashed like two flashlights, shining straight ten meters away. He had no clothes all over his body, but wrapped it in a white rag to the extreme layer of cloth, which was like a shroud. As soon as he approached the immortal temple, he muttered, "The immortal spring has come out, and the 100,000-year period has come. Master, it's time to go against the chaos. I don't know who can get my full this time. What about getting the inheritance of Sifang Ding and the Heart Sutra???"

While talking, he shook with one hand, and a black air flowed through, and the blue light reflected from the old temple flowed back into the ancient temple like running water. Then there was a creak, and the broken door of the old temple was also permanently opened.

The mysterious shroud man was wrapped in white rags. He looked around with only two exposed black eyes and suddenly said hoarsely, "The old spring belongs to everyone. Everyone can get it, but whether you can get it or not depends on your personal creation." Before the sound fell, he disappeared with the dark clouds above his head.

The mysterious man came and went in a hurry. After he disappeared, the people around began to talk about it.

"Who the hell is this? It's really horrible that you can lift the ban in the old temple with a shake of your hand.

"More than that, listening to his tone, it seems that we can also enter this immortal temple, and there is also an opportunity to win this anti-sky treasure - the immortal spring."

"Of course, when the ban is gone, we can freely go out of the temple, but think about it, which of the people who entered before is not the top master of the famous continent, and you fight with them? Ha ha, don't overpower yourself."


At this moment, due to the appearance of the mysterious shroud, the Immorable Temple has been completely displayed in front of everyone. But also at this time, the people who were still looking at the immortal spring and muttered that they wanted to enter the immortal temple lost their confidence to enter the immortal temple in an instant.

Are you going in or not? Although everyone is equal in front of the opportunity, you can guarantee that after getting the spring of immortality, other masters will not grab it. I'm afraid that in the aftermath of the competition for the top masters, even their lives will disperse. So at this time, most people are still struggling to get into it...

"Brother Yun, shall we enter it?" At this time, the silver bottle also turned its head and asked.

"As long as we have the opportunity to strengthen our strength, we can't let it go." Before Liu Jianyun answered, Yuan Ming said resolutely, "Don't forget that Luo Weiwu has got the Sunflower Treasure Book, one of the ancient three thousand great arts. From then on, the speed of cultivation may also be soaring. If we don't make full use of every opportunity, there will never be any hope of revenge."

"Well, Yuan Ming is right. Everything is accompanied by interests and dangers. As long as the interests exceed the dangers, we can take risks. Liu Jianyun nodded and agreed with Yuan Ming. After saying that, he then turned to the direction of Huang Tong and said proudly, "I'm going to enter the immortal temple to seize the immortal spring. After I come out, I will deal with you." While talking, Liu Jianyun looked extremely ferocious, as if I had taught my grandson another lesson, and Huang Tong trembled angrily.

"Good, good. If you have the courage, I won't stop you. I'd like to see if your ant has the life to go in and come out? Huang Tong was almost angry and said with the desire to do it.

"Then I will present you with good words. The old spring is a first-class treasure in the world. You don't even have the courage to seize it. What right do you have to call me an ant? You'd better stay here obediently. It's dangerous inside. In a dangerous place, just hand over an old man to break through. Haha." Liu Jianyun laughed loudly. After hitting Huang Tong from his heart, he happily passed by Huang Tong, looking like nothing.

"Why do you fight with Brother Yun, you are a coward..." When passing by Huang Tong, the silver bottle suddenly made a grimace and laughed.

"Hmm, you... You... It seems." Huang Tong's face almost exploded. Finally, he blushed and said, "I wanted to preserve my strength, but I robbed it after the immortal spring came out of the immortal temple. I didn't expect you and your mouths to be so smelly. It seems that I have to show all my strength and teach you a lesson."

After saying that, Huang Tong's momentum suddenly climbed to the peak of the half-immortal. With a slap, the surrounding aura rushed to the direction of the silver bottle like *. At this time, Liu Jianyun's eyes were quick and he pulled the silver bottle. However, because the two are similar in strength, once the battle is held, it will be difficult to get a result for a while, so Liu Jianyun simply pulled the silver bottle and rushed in the direction of the immortal temple. When he approached the immortal temple, he left this sentence: "Good son, wait for me outside..."

"Hahahaha..." As soon as Liu Jianyun said this, many people laughed around. As for some practitioners who were timid and could not afford to provoke Huang Tong, they also held their red cheeks and looked like they wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

Huang Tong is also the first person in the generation of the guardian family of Yungui Kingdom. Although his reputation is not as prominent as Lu Jiutian, there are still countless people who know him on the mainland. Now he is insulted by an unknown boy in such a public place. Huang Tong seems to have an unusual atmosphere. He originally wanted to follow Liu Jianyun rushed into the temple and learned about his life, but when he thought of the majestic face of the elder, he couldn't help shrinking. He could only stop and stared at the direction of the gate of the old temple, waiting for Liu Jianyun's appearance.

"Brother Yuan, wait for us..." In Huang Tong's astonishment, Huang Tang's voice suddenly sounded behind him, and then he saw Huang Tang pulling the two brothers and sisters and rushing into the immortal temple.

"You... You... You... Very good!" Once again, he was looked away by Huang Tang and others. Huang Tang's face looked even more ugly. He wanted to hold Huang Tang's three brothers and sisters, but inadvertently, they had entered the immortal temple. Huang Tong could only sigh and stopped talking.

At this time, Huang Da, who was hiding aside, came close to his body and said flatteringly, "Brother Huang Tong, Huang Huang and his three brothers and sisters simply don't know whether they are alive or dead. Unexpectedly, they don't even listen to the elder's words. The elders asked us to wait outside and never enter it, otherwise, otherwise the family law will deal with it. Hey hey, I think even if the three of them can safely walk out of the temple this time, they will probably be punished to death, quack..." Huang Da smiled extremely insidiously, as if the three people in Huanghuang did not die, and his heart was unhappy, and his eyes were extremely vicious.

"Someone went in. Instead of being so silent for a lifetime, it's better to take the opportunity to fight for it. I admit whether it's dead or alive."

Stimulated by Liu Jianyun and Huang Tang, the people who were still on the verge of struggle came to their minds and rushed to the immortal temple without hesitation. Dongfang Ming's eyes lit up, smiled brightly, and also rushed into the immortal temple. Behind him, there were several plain women...

After everyone almost entered the immortal temple, Ximen Changfeng withdrew his eyes and muttered, "I just realized that I will no longer participate in this matter of immortality. However, Yuan Lei, I have always been most optimistic about you. After I have exhausted the geniuses in the world, it will be the period of duel between you and me... .”

For Liu Jianyun and others, after entering the immortal temple again, the scene in front of them is definitely different from what they saw last time. At this time, there are no old trees, crows, gray rats and so on around. Looking around, the seven people are like entering another vast world, surrounded by blood red, and there is a pungent smell of blood wandering between the air. Huang Yixiang and Yinping, as women, can't stand this kind of disgusting environment. Even if they cover their mouths and pinch their noses, they look like vomiting.

"Oh, brother, what's wrong with you? Why don't you seem to have said anything after the birth of the old temple?" After walking a long way in this red space, Liu Jianyun always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, he patted his thigh fiercely and asked.

Indeed, after Liu Jianyun's reminder, Yinping and Yuan Ming immediately reacted. Although their days with Peng Tongsheng were only seven or eight days, they still knew Peng Tongsheng's nature very well. In their eyes, Peng Tongsheng belongs to the type of nervous and thick-skinned. Once he speaks, he can't stop talking, and no matter what happens, he will have a depraved smile on his face.

At this time, Peng Tongsheng, after the emergence of the old temple, began to have an old face and a serious look, and even said less. If he was fine, no one would believe it.

"I said why I always feel uncomfortable. It turns out that you are silent. Brother Sheng, what's going on? Tell me about it. As long as we can help, we will try our best." Silver bottle also patted Peng Tongsheng on the shoulder with a serious face, as if comforting a child, and said softly.

"Alas..." Unexpectedly, Peng Tongsheng sighed deeply and said with a confused look, "I can't help. You can't help. You'd better get out of here quickly. I just saw a lot of old friends. Once they start, maybe the whole Nanyang will be destroyed..."

Peng Tongsheng looked recalled and seemed to remember something worth remembering, but Liu Jianyun interrupted his words and said, "No, how can you surpass this world without going against the sky? How can you be proud of the world without experiencing risks? Although Liu Jianyun's voice is plain, his momentum is full, because what he said is exactly what he thinks, and it is the performance of his self-confidence. With this self-confidence, his tone is bound to have full momentum.

"Well, it's good. It's not in vain for me to help you everywhere, because you really look like my eldest brother." Peng Tongsheng did not have the original topic. Instead, he patted Liu Jianyun on the shoulder and said mysteriously, "You are really becoming more and more similar to my eldest brother. From the momentum between his hands and feet to the tone of speech, it is very similar. I hope you can also become such a detached existence as my eldest brother. But..."

After a long pause, Peng Tongsheng continued to say, "However, since the emergence of the immortal temple and many old friends have died, I have a little understanding of the world, and I have only somewhat understood the disputes of those bigwigs."

"Alas, it's almost time. He also came, and I should also go. This old temple is left to you to explore..." With a sigh, Peng Tongsheng suddenly said inexplicably, and everyone felt very suspicious.

But soon, everyone understood Peng Tongsheng's words, because in a moment, a dark shadow flashed beside the seven people, and a man in black appeared. Except for not having a huge sword on his back, the man in black robe was almost the same vicissitudes carved in the mold of the death of Nanyang City. , the same indifference.

As soon as the man in black robe appeared, he opened his mouth and said, "Elder Peng, the little white dragon in your hand is now an anti-sky thing. I guess it can help the anti-sky alliance. There is no reason for you to shirk this?"

"Well, let's go." Peng Tongsheng looked a little silent, as if he remembered what had been going on for a long time. "After living for so long, I should also be satisfied. Now I still see a person so similar to my eldest brother. I finally die without regret, but if I have any accident, I hope Daqin and the people of the Heavenly Alliance can take good care of me. These little guys." After saying that, the man in black slowly disappeared into the void with Peng Tongsheng...

However, it is also strange. In an instant, Peng Tongsheng gave people the feeling that he was more than 100 years old. He not only spoke and facial expressions, but also acted very well. How could there be a brother who smiled at the beginning?