the road to becoming a god

Section 65

After landing, these people gasped heavily, and on the other hand, they carried their own magical power to put out the fire. With the joint efforts of everyone, the spreading fire was quickly controlled. Then, several middle-aged women joined hands to cast a formula, and the heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the fire that was still resisting.

After five or six minutes of heavy rain, several people couldn't wait to rush into the center of the fire before the fire was completely extinguished. Qiu Jiu saw that a deep pit had formed there, and the size of the pit could completely accommodate a big mountain. Less than two minutes after several people rushed in, one of them quickly flew out and loudly called on his companions to go in and help.

Dozens of people suddenly rushed to the pit, leaving only two older and well-cultivable men guarding the pit. When Qiu Jiu was curious about what was in the pit, he saw three more small black spots in the distant sky.

The black spot quickly became bigger, and the two big men guarding the pit immediately warned their companions in the pit. More than a dozen people rushed out of the pit again and stood side by side with two big men. The sword came out of its sheath, and the calm momentum of fighting against the enemy suddenly appeared.

The three shadows fell to the ground, and Qiu Jiu only saw their back, but Qiu Jiu's evaluation of their danger level has scored in his heart. These three people are very dangerous to take a look.

As soon as they saw these three people, the large party had a small riot. The two big men who had warned the pit again warned the pit again. In the hurried voice, the anxiety was very obvious. This time, no one ran out of the pit to support, but replied in a voice that Qiu Jiu couldn't understand. At the same time, it is full of anxiety, but the tone is more impatient.

After more than a dozen people outside the pit heard it, their faces suddenly turned pale, but their eyes became more firm. More than a dozen people looked at their companions around them one after another, with eye contact and mutual heart. Everyone nods their heads coincidentally, and the two big men's right axe knocked on the left-handed shield and made a loud "bang" sound.

It's like hearing the advancing army horn. More than a dozen people stepped forward together, then trotted. After that, the weapon raised their heads and shouted unyieldingly in their hoarse voices.

In the face of more than a dozen people who rushed over, the one on the left of the three people untied the two-handed giant sword with a head longer than others on his back. With his right hand holding a sword in front of two struggling companions, he lowered his head and whispered a few words. Judging from the reaction of the two companions shaking their heads, Qiu Jiu guessed that the man seemed to want to fight with a dozen or more.

Although Qiu Jiu classified this person as extremely dangerous. However, with this attitude of more than a dozen, Qiu Jiu suddenly felt that this person was too proud, and his pride had reached the point of complacency.

The man's two companions seemed to be unable to resist him, and both of them took a step back to compromise.

The man suddenly smiled proudly. At this time, the battle array had arrived in front of him, and the sword fell like a mountain!

The man's careless right hand held the huge sword up and lightly held the blade cut off. At this time, a black light shot out of the crowd, fast and urgent, taking the key point of the man's face. Seeing that the blow was about to hit, a strong wind suddenly appeared next to him. Among the two retreating companions, the smaller one took action.

The palm came out, and then the strong wind shot down the black light first.

But when he heard the "jingle" sounded, the dark light fell to the ground, but it was a strange-shaped cone. Just looking at the flashing green light on the cone, you can know that the cone is fed a highly poisonous hidden weapon. Although people who have reached this level of cultivation have long been invulnerable, this statement only means that after toxins enter the body, they can be immediately forced out of the body with profound cultivation, which has no impact on life.

But at this time, it is a life-and-death battle. Who will give the opponent a chance to force poison? Once hit by this awl or scratched the skin, it is equivalent to losing the first hand and has invisibly lost a move.

The man who helped said a few words dissatisfiedly to the sword-wielding man. The swordsman was angry because he was secretly attacked, and was ridiculed by his companions. Suddenly, his anger rushed straight to his head, his hair roots stood upright, and his two-handed swords swept over, forcing more than a dozen people back ten steps with one blow.

Qiu Jiu saw the man stamping the ground with his right foot and suddenly rose to the sky. He held the sword in both hands and raised his head. He immediately blurted out and exclaimed, "Heavenly remnant formula!!"

"A sword comes out, and the mountains and rivers are broken!!"

The two-handed sword split straight down with an unparalleled momentum, and the sword spirit was horizontal. All the people who saw it were unattended and fearful. Even heaven and earth were attracted by the air machine of this sword. The wind and clouds changed color, and the earth shook the mountains. What is really true is that a sword breaks the mountains and rivers!

In the face of such a sword momentum, despair suddenly appeared in the eyes of the dozen people.

At this time, listening to the deep pit, a strange sound suddenly came out, which could be heard, shocking a hundred miles. With the sound of this sound, the vision of heaven and earth caused by the sword spirit suddenly disappeared, and there was a glow in the sky. Invisibly, a pressure came all over the world.

As soon as the popularity of the sword stagnation, the sword of the broken mountain and river had a great flaw.

The strongest point is also the weakest time. The more than a dozen people he faced are all masters who rolled out of the battlefield of life and death, and their experience is extremely vicious. As soon as the flaw came out, the swords were ready over there and rushed up.

Although the sword-wielding man has changed dramatically, he is not surprised.

When he fell into the encirclement, he turned around like a spiral, his hands and sword swept into a circle, and the sound of angry shouting also rose to the sky: "One sword sweeps across thousands of troops, look at my defeated heroes!"

Qiu Jiu was extremely shocked. This situation is clearly the second figure in the heavenly disability formula. However, the knife is painted in the heavenly remnant formula, and this person uses a sword - a giant sword with both hands.

The "defeat hero" he used with his sword is not only much stronger than an ordinary knife, but also uses the weight of the two-handed sword itself, coupled with this person's peerless skills. With this momentum, the giant sword is round and the sword spirit is overflowing. No one dares to try its front, forcing more than a dozen people who surrounded and cut up to retreat continuously, A losing situation has been reversed.

When Qiu Jiu saw him standing proudly in the field with one sword, the world was so big that he suddenly overshadowed the people present.

At this time, something in the deep pit suddenly rose to the sky, and the huge figure and amazing speed completely attracted Qiu Jiu's attention. When the figure stopped in the air, Qiu Jiu only felt that his exhalation was about to stop...

This thing is red, the light flows, and the wings are unfolded, and even the sky is covered by it. Is it the legendary Zhennan holy beast rosefinch?!

The rosefinch appeared, and the three people who chased him changed their faces.

The three exchanged glances quickly, while the rosefinch in mid-air rushed to the three people with a clear sound.

The three were shocked and dispersed in three directions.

The rosefinch flew back to the sky and looked down at the three, who were also nervously paying attention to the next move of the rosefinch. At this time, the group of people who went deep into the huge pit flew out of the huge pit one after another. Qiu Jiu found that these people who flew out of the huge pit looked very bad, and more than a dozen people could not even fly steadily. They relied entirely on the assistance of their companions, so they barely flew out of the pit.

The master who saved the swordsman's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took out his blade - a pair of green daggers, while gesturing to the two companions. Qiu Jiu saw the other two nodded, and the sword-wielding man suddenly jumped up and took the initiative to attack the rosefinch.

The rosefinch showed no weakness and rushed straight to the swordsman.

The fire was so great that the flame tail was dragged out, and the sound of the rosefinch's blow completely overwhelmed the threat that the sword may pose with both hands. The sword-wielding man's face changed, but at this time, the sword move was old and it was impossible to change. In front of the amazing blow of the rosefinch, retreat is death!

The man with the sword gritted his teeth, turned his whole body, and decided to fight hard.

Contempt appeared in the eyes of the rosefinch, and the flame burning on the surface of the body was even stronger.

At this time, another partner of the sword man suddenly appeared on the side of the rosefinch and hit it flatly. The powerful cultivation immediately hit the rosefinch attack half a meter. The man with the sword took advantage of the situation and changed from chopping to sweeping. He had hoped that forcing the rosefinch back more than ten meters would be the best result, but he did not expect that the rosefinch could not even do the most basic dodge and was directly swept 100 meters away by himself.

The sword-wielding man was overjoyed and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue. The man who came out of the hand stopped him first. The sword man's face flashed unhappiness and was about to question. Suddenly, he found that the rosefinch turned around easily and did not pay attention to his sweep. It turned out that the rosefinch would be swept out, which was simply a trap, waiting for the sword-wielding man to fall in by himself.

The sword-wielding man thanked his companion for his eyes. At this time, he found that the companion's body trembled gently, and his right hand out of his palm was black, and he could not recover in a short time.

The air war has temporarily reached a deadlock. But on this side of the ground, dozens of good hands fought around the dagger. Although the man's action is like the wind, his light skills are even more first-class. However, there are many people on one side. Although his cultivation is much higher than them, it is still very difficult to attack by dozens of good hands who cooperate tacitly.

Every time you want to kill or two people, there will always be more than a dozen weapons on the left and right sides at the same time, so that half of the killers have to make a temporary move. Seeing the stalemate in the air, his own heart began to tremble.

The stalemate in the air did not last long, and the rosefinch launched an attack first.

Although the three were afraid of the rosefinch, the sword-wielding man was not afraid of the war. The sword crossed, but was pushed aside by his companions around him. But with a flash of red light, a purple-gold flame completely wrapped the man in it. The man didn't even have time to scream, so that the sword-wielding man could burn into ashes and disperse in the wind.