the road to becoming a god

Section 75

Looking at the morale melting in the ice and snow, the iron eagle shook his head slightly, and then he ordered, "Mingjin."

The allied soldiers of Baihua and Kuntong, who had been bored for a long time, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the speed of retreat was obviously much more aggressive than when attacking. Under their impact, the retreat order of the already rigorous Iron Army suddenly seemed to be scattered. The tigers took the opportunity to chase and kill, and the coalition left a lot of corpses in the city.

Seeing the coalition retreat like a tide, Lengda was finally relieved. The battle on the second day was far more dangerous than the first day. Looking at the momentum of the attack, the enemy's commander made up his mind to break through the city with a strong attack. Such commanders often throw the whole city to soldiers for a few days after breaking the city.

At that time...

Lengda has almost seen that after breaking the city, the fierce tiger city is full of fire, and the good man will first be killed by the invaders. Then the women and children in the clan will tremble under the butcher's knife of the alien, in exchange for the proud and ferocious smile and ferocious response of the alien.

Raise your head and look at the gloomy sky. The thick clouds are so thick that even the personality is depressing. Leng Dayu prayed secretly in his heart: "Lord Jian Tiansi, since fate is destined that I will not die in the Tiger City, please also ask fate to bless my people to escape this disaster safely."

Today's battle is over, but it doesn't mean that the soldiers can rest.

Many corpses on the head of the city blocked the road, and the bloody pulp made the ground slippery. Every step, you should be careful not to fall down. And if these bodies are left unattended, there will soon be a plague in the city. Although the warrior was so tired that he couldn't even lift the knife, he still dragged his heavy footsteps and carefully disposed of these details.

Lengda walked on the wall and saw him passing in front of him, and the fatigue on the faces of the warriors suddenly disappeared. One by one, they jumped up and saluted him hard. Leng Da did not walk straight by with a cold hum like those high-ranking captains. His attitude was kind and he returned every bloody warrior.

When he raises his head, every warrior will see the heartfelt respect in Lengda's eyes.

Many years later, some people still remember that at the head of the cloudy city, a young prince bowed to the bloody warriors. Behind him, the flag of the white-striped tiger clan hunted in the wind. At that moment, people saw two tigers appear in the field.

One is a white tiger flag that condenses the souls of its ancestors, and the other is a modest young tiger that people dare not despise. His demeanor immediately convinced all the warriors present. As long as he calls, the warrior is willing to abandon his wife and son, sacrifice his life and death in the most dangerous place, and is willing to dedicate everything for him.

Leng Da, an amazing legend, began the legendary chapter of his life on the second day of the attack and defense battle of Tiger City.

On the side of the coalition, another contemporary legend, Iron Eagle, was once again questioned about his command ability.

Although in this battle, the Second Army of the Iron Family has always been the main offensive force and suffered the most heavy losses, the disciples of Baihuamen and the Kuntong School who fought together also suffered a lot of losses. After secret talks, the elders of the two factions once again spoke to the Iron Eagle.

Iron Eagle's eyes glanced at Elder Zhiji, Baihua Elder Ye Wanrou, and his dark eyes could see straight hair on their backs. Fortunately, Tieying's eyes quickly turned to the three elders of the Day Gate: "Xingtong Baihua asked for the withdrawal of the army. I don't know what the three elders of the Day Gate mean?"

Elder Jianqiu looked at the two companions, one looking at the ceiling, as if there was a striped beauty dancing on it. The other looked at the desktop in a daze and seemed to be thinking about profound life problems. These two slippery heads are like this when they make a decision. If something goes wrong afterwards, they will say, "Oh, why don't you discuss it with us..."

Finally, Elder Jianqiu stood up and said in a low voice, "I want to know if it will affect the agreement we signed before if we withdraw from the battle of Tiger City day by day?"

Elder Jianqiu refers to the agreement, which means that the Iron Family pays for the elixir, silver and equipment needed by the day in exchange for the day-by-day force to join the crusade against the barbarians. In the future, after calming down the wilderness, a large area of land can also be obtained day by day, which can be used as a branch station of the sect.

Iron Eagle said calmly: "In this three-year crusade war, every battle has given me enough firepower support for the First Army, and the number of enemies killed by Guizong is only slightly behind our Iron Army. With these achievements, Day by Day has perfectly fulfilled the agreement. At this time, it is reasonable for your sect to withdraw. I will not submit any report to Iron-blooded City that harms your interests.

Elder Jianqiu nodded: "In this case, let's withdraw day by day."

Tieying nodded: "Thank you for the efforts of the friendly army in the past three years. Although we came together only by hired people, thanks to the support of Guizong, the casualties of my Iron Family Army have been minimized. This is my order, and your troops can leave at any time.

Zhiji and Ye Wanrou exchanged glances and said at the same time, "Then I don't know if the commander-in-chief can agree to our request equally."

"Hear down." Elder Jianqiu said, "I haven't finished yet. Day by day, I withdrew, but I owe the commander-in-chief a big favor. I took my disciples to stay and help the commander-in-chief calm down the Tiger City.

The iron eagle smiled faintly: " Elder Jianqiu is willing to stay, which gives me great face. Iron eagle is very grateful. As for Kuntong and Baihua..." Iron Eagle said lightly, "People have their own aspirations and can't force them. Since the two factions are unwilling to assist my first army again, I will open a road and ask the two factions to start immediately in an hour to throw them into Iron Star and serve in his second army to complete the agreement. I will give Iron-blooded City a reasonable explanation, and I will not treat the two factions badly. Go ahead, you still have 59 minutes. If the time comes, one soldier and one soldier from the two factions will stay at the original station, and the Iron Eagle will not bear all the adverse consequences arising therefrom. Sensator!"

"Yes!" As soon as the curtain of the camp was lifted, the messenger officer on duty strode in.

"Five the order, 50 minutes later, the first army entered and took over the existing stations of Kuntong and Baihua. Fifty-eight minutes later, if I see non-First Army soldiers wandering there in the station, ask the commander of the First Army to raise his head to see me!"

"Yes, 58 minutes later, if there are non-First Army soldiers wandering in the station after taking over, the commander of the First Army will apologize by himself." The messenger saluted the iron eagle powerfully and turned around and went out of the camp.

"The elders of the two factions, please go ahead. We are going to hold our own military meeting of the Iron Army." Iron Eagle's faint tone was full of unquestionable orders.

Zhiji and Ye Wanrou just wanted to fight for more benefits for their sect, but Tie Ying's attitude was so tough that they rushed, which made them angry and speechless. At present, with a gloomy face, the elders of the second faction quickly left the camp.

As soon as they left the camp, they saw that the first army of the Iron Family was mobilized frequently and their pace was murderous. The senior officials of the two factions immediately understood that there was no room for turning back, so they hurried back to the camp to pack up the troops and horses.

Elder Jianqiu stood up and arched his hand to the iron eagle and was about to leave, but he heard the iron eagle say, "E Elder Jianqiu, this battle needs the assistance of your department. Please stay and listen. As for the other two elders, please decide as soon as possible whether to stay or leave.

The Tiger City was under martial law overnight and purified the practitioners who mixed into the city, but the effect was not ideal.

On the one hand, the cultivation of this group of practitioners is so high that the search team can't find their shadow at all. On the other hand, just after the war, the soldiers of Tiger City began to appear for a short time. Although the Tiger King has issued an order that the whole city at the age of 14 must take up arms to defend the city, the number of troops is still considerable. But in terms of quality, these newly joined children are not as good as those veteran veterans.

In order to train these children into qualified soldiers as soon as possible, the veterans were dispersed and assigned to various newly formed teams. In order to deal with emergencies, the number of guards at the head of the city is more than twice as usual, so there are only less than 1,000 practitioners of the Tiger City who can add a search team. Such a little person has to search the whole Tiger City, just like a drop of water falling into the sea, which has no effect at all. On the contrary, they live in the city. Minna's already uneasy mood provoked even more panic.

This night was particularly long.

The expected sneak attack did not occur again. When the first sunshine of dawn fell on the walls of Tiger City, the warriors stared with red eyes, but unexpectedly found that the besieged coalition forces had retreated cleanly overnight.

It seemed that he didn't believe what he saw. A small captain pinched his face with a pain. Suddenly, ecstasy surged into his heart, like a wolf howling piercing the silence of the dawn: "The enemy is retreating!!"

"H Long live! Long live!" Tens of thousands of machetes raised against the sun, and the eyes of the reflection of the light were white. The waves are endless after wave after wave. The joy of victory is like a stimulant that sweeps away everyone's fatigue.

Leng Da, who had just lay down with Yi for less than ten minutes, was hurriedly called up by the captain of the guard. After listening to the report, he didn't even have time to tidy up his clothes, so he hurried to the city wall.

When he arrived, the Tiger King and a group of elders and generals had already stood on the wall and watched the open space in front of the city. After hurriedly saluted the Tiger King and the elders, Leng Da looked up and looked out of the city. In front of us is thousands of miles of plain, unimpeded. Just before nightfall, there were at least 100,000 invading soldiers stationed in this place.