the road to becoming a god

Section 82

At the thought that if the situation had developed to that point, Tiexing was immediately anxious. He said to the generals of his subordinates, "If the troops can't reach Yanguan City within 15 days, I will take your heads to pave the road!"

When he said this, his face was as murderous as a tiger. Even the generals who were used to seeing the mountain of blood were stunned by his eyes. So, the generals understood that the young commander-in-chief in front of them was not joking.

The order was completely executed, and the whole army was like a machine with a fastened clockwork, moving towards Yanguan City at an alarming speed. Driven by the officers, the strongest soldiers ran their legs. With the permission of the Iron Eagle, a large number of materials that were regarded as dragging were randomly discarded on the roadside - these things were not wasted, and later picked up by the barbarians to equip their own army - despite this, the whole army still gasped, spitting out their tongues and was exhausted.

In contrast, the most relaxed troops also need to count the Fifth Army led by Tie Leng.

When the emergency report of Yanguan City ordered the soldiers to rush into the station of the Fifth Army, it was found that the soldiers of the Fifth Army were scattered, several times worse than Yanguan City. There was not even a soldier standing guard at the gate of the station, so that the messengers rushed to the Chinese army camp, and no one stopped them to ask - it should be said that these scattered soldiers even looked at them, and their eyes were fixed on the three dripping dice in the field.

Gambling is explicitly prohibited in the army!

In the end, the captain of the messenger couldn't stand it anymore. He jumped off his horse and said in a low voice, "There is an emergency military situation in Yanguan City to be submitted to the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army."

A scattered soldier impatiently pointed to the direction of the camp: "Go over there."

The captain of the messenger took six men to the camp. Just a dozen steps, there was a shocking cry behind him, which was happy and loudly asked for money. There are also those who lose this one and keep cursing. In short, the scene is bad and messy. It is really difficult for the captain of the messenger to equate this group of scattered soldiers with the meritorious troops.

Like this kind of legion, barbarians can beat them to tears when they come up with a team of tens of thousands of people.

The captain of the messenger went to the door of the camp as he thought.

There were no guards outside the camp, and they also ran to the pile of gamblers. The captain of the messenger could only raise his voice by himself: "The emergency military situation of Yanguan City will be submitted to the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was still no response in the camp.

The captain of the messenger stiffened his scalp, lifted the curtain by himself, looked inside, and was empty.

The commander-in-chief is not in the battalion, and the big soldiers have no military discipline. The commander only feels that this place is more appropriate than a barracks station as a market vegetable market.

In the end, the unbearable captain turned over his horse with his men, carried out his inner strength, and said in a low voice, "Yanguan City Urgent Report. Guancheng caught fire, and the army's food and grass were burned. The garrison general of Yanguan City suggested that the Legion of the road should withdraw immediately in the direction of Yanguan City. Whether to go or stay, please ask the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army to decide by himself.

After the military information reading, the seven riders waved their whips. **The horses made a long hissing sound, but the hoofs were rapid, and the people and horses had far away, leaving only a scene of yellow sand flying.

but said that Suzaku and Qiu Jiu's side.

The two looked around for the traces of Hanxiao in the wilderness, but after more than ten days of searching, not only did they find nothing, but the excitement of the rosefinch also increased day by day. For more than ten days, the two passed through the settlement of seven small tribes. Well, it can only be said that it was once a settlement.

The small and dilapidated thatched huts, or more than a dozen or more than 20 rooms, are gathered together, which can be regarded as a tribe. However, such a small tribe has not been able to exchange the sympathy of aliens. The thatched house was burned down, and only the low wall of the earth wall stood stubbornly and refused to fall down.

The people in the tribe were driven by the aliens with steel knives and long guns, concentrated in the open open space, and then the slaughter began. This is a truly dehumanizing massacre. In the eyes of this group of aliens, there is ferocity and tyranny, but there is no flash of pity.

First, the young and middle-aged people were stabbed to death with long guns.

The wives who lost their husbands in an instant, and the old people who lost their children suddenly burst into tears. The crying broke, and all the hearers burst into tears, but for the aliens with butcher knives, it became the strongest stimulant.

With the order of the leading officers, the foreign soldiers did not hesitate to cut the steel knives at the women and the elderly.

Every loud cry made the soldiers' bodies tremble.

That's not a tremor of fear.

When a person trembles with fear, his eyes will never be so crazy.

This group of aliens seems to be born to live for killing. The screams of innocent people and the feeling of the steel knife cutting on the bones stimulated their nerves and made them so excited that their hair stood up.

The knife flashed, and life continued to die in the panicked and crying of the children.

Finally, the whole tribe was quiet.

Looking at the bodies on the ground, the officers praised their soldiers and said, "We have just eliminated the most barbaric, impolite and uncivilized alien race in the world. Soldiers, I'm proud of your bravery!" Then, in order to eliminate the evidence of guilt, the body was poured with fire oil, a torch was thrown in, and the majestic flame rose to the sky. The thick black smoke was like the ghost of the dead, making silent shouts and mourning. Then, the spreading fire swallowed up the whole village, and a tribe that was once full of joy and laughter disappeared into the vast world...

Such tragedies are staged almost every day. Different murderers and different victims are all the same innocence and the same ending.

The rosefinch and Qiu Jiu were silent all the way, and the two flew aimlessly.

Suddenly, the rosefinch stagnated and flew in a certain direction without saying a word, and suddenly left Qiu Jiu behind his head. Qiu Jiuwei was stunned and hurried in that direction. Although he didn't know what the rosefinch found, the abnormal performance of the rosefinch made him very worried.

When Qiu Jiu arrived, the rosefinch was surrounded by more than a dozen practitioners in black martial arts. In the footsteps of the rosefinch, five bodies lying horizontally and vertically, all of which have been burned into charcoal by the fire of the rosefinch, and the original appearance can not be seen. Qiu Jiu fell beside the rosefinch. At this time, he found that there were two people behind the rosefinch.

Both are not very old. A man and a woman sit cross-legged. Their faces are sweating like pulp and their faces are painful. They seem to be fighting fiercely with some kind of foreign body that invades the body. And the man on the left, Qiu Jiu is very familiar, but he can't remember where he has seen him for a moment.

"Why did you come here to kill people?" Qiu Jiu turned around gently, and the vest was opposite the rosefinch vest. Although this group of black practitioners are all covered with their faces and their eyes flashing, their cultivation is around the middle and late stage of the ice. It seems that it will be very hard this time. Qiu Jiu put his right hand on the handle of the knife and is ready to take action at any time.

The rosefinch said in a low voice, "These people are handed over to me. You protect these two people."

Qiu Jiuyi was stunned: "Do you know these two people?"

"I don't know." Zhuque said, "But I know they are barbarians. Please take care of them for me."

"I know." As soon as Qiu Jiu's words came out, the rosefinch had already started.

But he saw a fierce flame on the rosefinch and rushed straight to a masked man in front of him.

As soon as the rosefinch moved, the whole encirclement also moved.

The masked man selected by the rosefinch brightened his magic weapon and turned out to be an iron bowl used by the monk.

The rosefinch ignores what kind of magic weapon the other party uses. For her cultivation, the level difference between the two sides is too big, and the magic weapon can't make up for this gap. As soon as the method treasure is shown, the red sparrow's fist has reached his face.

A flame rushed to the opposite side first.

Although this person is prepared, the body protection will always protect the whole body. However, the cultivation contained in this flame fist has exceeded the boundaries that mortals can resist.

There is no scream.

The person hit by the flame of the rosefinch will be burned into coke in an instant. Before the awareness of pain reaches the cerebral cortex, life has ended.

The dull sound came out, which was the sound of the body falling to the ground.

From shooting to killing, a series of actions were completed in the blink of an eye, and the remaining 16 people in black looked at each other and retreated coincidentally.

They have seen the gap in strength between the two sides.

After retreating 20 meters, a sudden whistle, 16 people in black scattered in different directions, moving neatly and uniformly, showing that these people were not ordinary killers.

The rosefinch did not chase. The group of people in black retreated, and she slowly walked back to Qiu Jiu.

At this time, the man's face was slightly calmer, but the girl's face was still very painful. The rosefinch took a step forward, stretched out his hand and patted it, and a small fire force rushed into the girl's body. In an instant, the girl's face suddenly eased a lot.

Qiu Jiu smiled faintly, and his consciousness had been paying attention to the situation in the two people.

The two's cultivation itself is not bad, the male is in the middle of the ice, and the female is in the late stage of the union. It's just that they have a strong toxin in their bodies. And this toxin seems to be particularly harmful to practitioners. The man is fine. His true element is a little stronger than the toxin, which can not only barely suppress it, but also slowly excrete the toxin from the body. However, the woman's cultivation is not enough to suppress the toxin, and can only delay the time of the poison as much as possible.

And this beat of the rosefinch was sent into the girl's body without changing its strong and domineering nature, burning all the toxins in the girl's meridians all the way. After completing the week-long cycle, the toxins in the girl's body were eliminated, which made her get better first.