the road to becoming a god

Section 93

"Yes, general, absolutely obey the general!" Eight hundred voices shouted together, looking at the desperate energy, as if to spew out the last breath in the chest.

"Let's go!"

Qiu Jiu flew first. As early as three days ago, he had collected the information he wanted through the Eagle King. A batch of grain, weapons and military uniforms had departed from the Iron-blooded City and would stay in Yanguan City for a day, and then be transported to the mysterious transit station for storage.

What Qiu Jiu wants to do is to do it before entering the mysterious transit station after the grain comes out of Yanguan City!

At 1236 p.m. eight days later, 100 miles in the western suburbs of Yanguan City.

"General, the scouts of the second team reported that a material transport team from the direction of Iron Blood City will arrive in Yanguan City in six hours. The purpose has been determined. The whole supply team has 126 large carriages, accompanied by the escort troops flying the flag of the Fifth Squadron of the First Army of the Iron Family.

"Well, tell them to continue scouting, but don't get too close so as not to be found by the enemy. In addition, ask each team to expand another 100 miles in the direction of reconnaissance. I want to know if there is another material team to enter Yanguan City. Qiu Jiu didn't raise his head and ordered.

"Yes, General." The Eagle Warrior turned around and strode away, while Qiu Jiu's eyes always fell on the yellow sand ground and his eyebrows were locked. The number of carriages and the number of guards in this team have exceeded his original expectations.

According to the classification of the military forces of the Iron Alliance in the wilderness, 200 people are a small team and six teams are a squadron, so there are 1,200 people escorted this time. And these are by no means the kind of miscellaneous soldiers in Yanguan City who eat and wait to die.

They are the most popular and meritorious first army in the Tiejia Five-way coalition. Under the leadership of the commander-in-chief Iron Eagle, this team has defeated the army of all ethnic groups head-on. I don't know how many times it has fought in the bloody battle of 100,000 people alone. After more than three years of iron-blooded testing, everyone who survived in this army is the elite among the elite. Pulling out one of them can be equal to the barbarians who are known for their bravery.

The power of the five barbarians is still five barbarians. They are used to rushing and sweeping and worshiping those single-handed heroes - this is more obvious in the eagles, and even specially strengthened.

And the same five iron soldiers will work closely, hoping that the group will win. After years of training of the Iron Family and the tacit understanding honed in the real killing field in the past three years, once they meet the enemy, their strength will grow geometrically.

Thinking of facing the 1,200 strong soldiers, Qiu Jiu suddenly felt a headache.

The terrain of the wild plain is as flat as the barbarian's character, connected to the sky without any concealment or obstruction. And this has now become Qiu Jiu's biggest regret. If you change to another terrain, you can set up an ambush and ambush. But in the terrain of the barbaric plain, even a stone on the ground can't hide it from each other's eyes, let alone 800 barbarian warriors?

Withdrawal is absolutely impossible.

It took me six days and seven nights with 800 barbarian soldiers to get here. Then, after a day and a night of arrangement, four five-person reconnaissance teams were sent to monitor the convoys between Tiexue City and Yanguan City respectively. After so much painstaking efforts and making so many preparations, he said to 800 soldiers who didn't trust him, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Now I'm withdrawing from the army." Qiu Jiu can fully imagine that at that time, how many people will really listen to his orders?

The majesty of the army chief is brought back by the * real knife on the battlefield. Now is the time when Qiu Jiu urgently needs to stand up power. He urgently needs a victory to stimulate these suspicious barbarian soldiers and disintegrate their distrust of himself. Therefore, the question now is how many people he is going to suffer to take the grain team, and the loss can't be too big. If more than half of the team is killed, the follow-up plan will not be successfully implemented.

Faced with this dilemma, Qiu Jiu was almost crazy about thinking.

At this time, the new reconnaissance report arrived.

General, the second team sent a new emergency report. Ten miles behind the convoy, it was found that two beautifully decorated light carriages were also moving towards Yanguan City. More than 150 guards accompanying him wore a flag with white letters on a blue background. Although they were wearing armor, it was still obvious that they were all practitioners above the Hehe period.

"White words on blue background?!" Qiu Jiu's eyes suddenly lit up, "That's the flag of the Tie family, protected by 150 practitioners. Sitting in the carriage, even if it is not the decision-making level of the Tie family, is also an extremely important person of the Tie family." He suddenly raised his head and said in a low voice, "Order down, and the four-way reconnaissance team will keep an eye on these two carriages! Before they enter Yanguan City, I want to make a more detailed report!"

"Yes, General." As the footsteps of the messengers faded away, an extremely bold idea had come to Qiu Jiu's mind.

The information all the way came quickly. Only two hours later, Qiu Jiu already knew the exact number of people in the carriage, three men and one woman. The three men sat in the first carriage. According to the description of their clothes sent back by the scouts, they were either elders or the leaders of each room. And it was not these three people who made Qiu Jiu the most important. Although these three people seem to be very high, they are not the focus of the whole team.

In the later description of the scout, the guards in the original team were still divided into two different parts. Most of the guards with higher skills wore dark red armor, and the number was about 100. They concentrated on the edge of the second carriage, looking forward to it, showing solemnity and vigilance. Although the guards on the side of the first horse were also wearing refined armor, the color was light blue, and when they marched, they looked much easier than the other group of people, and they didn't seem to feel that anyone would attack them.

In this way, Qiu Jiu suddenly became curious.

Who the hell is this girl?

But soon, Qiu Jiu put down the curiosity that came up.

No matter what the girl's identity is or her status in the iron family, Qiu Jiu has no time to think about it. Now the whole barbarian force is gathering towards the Tiger City. If you can't find and destroy the mysterious transit station in half a month, then the 500,000 allied forces waiting to work can break through these hurried barbarian forces one by one, and Tiger City will become the last buried bones of soldiers of all ethnic groups. Land.

At that time, even with the assistance of gods and demon masters, the wild races will not have the power to return to heaven. This will be a big blow to the rosefinch and the plan he has just set. Whether it is for himself, Qiu Jiu must ensure that the barbarians will survive in this life-and-death battle!

At this point, Qiu Jiu once again threw his target into the supply team escorted by the regular army. Then, he gritted his teeth and ordered in a low voice, "Call the captains of the teams to come to see me!"

At night, in Yanguan City.

The arrival of light and luxurious carriages in the two cities caused a small sensation in Yanguan City. The new garrison general of Yanguan City waited in person at the gate early. When two carriages appeared in sight, the gate soldiers quickly dispersed the flow of people at the gate, revealing the straight and spacious gate avenue. The garrison general knelt down on one knee on the side of the gate early and bowed his head to salute.

The two carriages did not stop and drove straight into the city at a fast speed. The accompanying guards were even more proud to have no intention of looking at the guard general. The yellow sand raised by the horse's hoof made the guard general cough constantly, but he did not dare to get up. It was not until the wheel of the carriage flew far away that the guard general got up and rushed to the garrison with his own guards.

The city owner's mansion in Yanguan City has been vacant since its construction. However, the two garrison generals did not dare to neglect. They placed more than 100 servants in the house and checked the facilities and cleanliness of the city's mansion from time to time. Because this city owner's mansion was specially built for the iron-blooded city family, if the people of this family are not satisfied with living here, they will go back and gently say to the clan: Oh, the garrison of Yanguan City is much more luxurious than the city owner's mansion. How can he do it with his thin salary?

Then, the next time together with the dismissal order will be the law enforcement force of Iron-blood City. And those people... Every time I think of those people, the body of the guard general will tremble involuntarily.

This time, a messenger sent to the Iron-blood City early. The pearl in the palm of the contemporary city owner is only 19 years old, and has entered the middle of Hehe's cultivation genius. Miss Tiexinling, Miss Tiejia, will stay in Yanguan City for a few days. The owner of Iron-blooded City strictly ordered that anyone who dared to disturb or make her unhappy during her stay in Yanguan City could be killed without reporting. Miss Jiu can change the garrison of Yanguan City at will, and everything can be done cheaply.

For the garrison general, this is a Shangfang sword hanging all the time on his head. As long as she has a little negligence, which causes this Miss Jiu to be not satisfied at all, even if she only frowns slightly, then not only her career is hopeless, but also her life, and even her wife and children are in danger.

Therefore, from the day of receiving the order, the city lord's mansion has become the focus of the garrison general.

From the previous three-day inspection to the current three-day inspection, I have been careful enough to number every bird flying over the city owner's mansion and check the ID card of every ant in the house. I was trembling and afraid that there would be some misthinking. Under great psychological pressure, the garrison general woke up from ** every night, and then looked at the sky outside the window in a daze until dawn.