Dominating the world

003 Dragon Blood Warrior

The place where Chu Mu lives now is called Luohu Village, which is just a small village with dozens of families. There are thousands of such small villages in this wild land.

Wild land, remote and barren land.

Luohu Village belongs to the "Uncle" family. The clan is divided into two clans, one with the surname "Ji" and the other with the surname "Uncle". Although this uncle's family is small, it has all its internal organs. One patriarch and three elders.

As long as there are people, there are intrigues. Whether this is a big palm or not.

The two families of this uncle's family are also separated in appearance. The patriarch and one elder are "Uncle", and the other two elders are "Ji" surnamed. Although there is nothing big on weekdays, the little friction is still constant,

Compared with the whole Uncle family, Chu Mu's family is an outsider.

In the center of the village of Luohu Village, there is a huge statue carved with a young dragon. A huge dragon wrapped around his right arm, and the huge dragon head rose high and stared at the world. The tail hovered in the air, as if it could tear the sky. The young man's whole right arm was blood red, holding a blood fist, as if it contained unparalleled power. The left arm is transparent, and even the blood vessels can be clearly seen.

Legend has it that the dragon blood warrior not only has his own talent, but also has the strongest mythical beast-level pet beast in the world - dragon. Dragon blood warriors are rare. It is the talents that all forces are eager to have. As long as they are carefully trained for decades, they are the top strong in this continent. At the peak, no one can beat them.

And I don't know how many years ago, a dragon blood warrior appeared in this Luohu Village! You know, there were only two dragon blood warriors in the whole ancient Chu continent. The dragon-blooded warriors of Luohu Village galloped around the world and killed everywhere! It can be said that a dragon blood warrior has revitalized a family! Although there are no more mythical beasts like dragons in his descendants, there have also been several mythical beast-level pet beasts, which has led to the glory of the uncle family for more than a thousand years.

However, the next successors have no power to go, so that now they are so defeated, shrinking in small villages in the wild land, scattered, only these dozens of families.

Among the uncle's family, the strongest person is the patriarch, who has a lion pet beast, but the strength of the seventh level of the general. Compared with the several martial emperors who once appeared in his ancestors, their strength is much worse. In this ancient Chu continent, the hierarchical distribution of martial arts practitioners is: martial arts, warriors, generals, martial arts masters, martial arts kings, and martial arts emperors. Legend has it that the power reaches the Emperor of Wu, and the sky and the earth will crack when they wave their hands!

And pet beasts can be battle partners or possess to enhance their own attributes. Moreover, the strength of the pet beast will increase with the increase of its owner's own strength.

Pet beasts are also qualified and different. The first grade is the most dish, up to the ninth grade, and the ninth grade is the legendary mythical beast.

Pet animals are innate, so this is also part of measuring people's qualifications.

The two brothers Tai Shuchen and Tai Shuze are in good health, but the pet beast is a little inexplicable, and they still don't know what they have come out and don't know their grade. Taken together, the qualifications are mediocre.

However, the strength of the pet beast level does not affect its own cultivation. For example, in the village, Taishuyan, an elder surnamed "Uncle", is just a second-level fire rat, which does not prevent him from cultivating to the level of general.

Nowadays, the strong man who dominates the side must be above Wu Zun, which is an unreachable goal for people in this small land.

However, after all, the Uncle family has had dragon blood warriors and has the blood of dragon blood warriors. It can be said that this lonely village can survive until now, partly because of the blood of the dragon blood warrior!

The way to practice really depends on talent! It doesn't mean that diligence can make up for it.



Chu Mu, with his mother's surname Chu Shu, doesn't know who his father is. His mother didn't say that, and Chu Mu didn't ask.

Most of the villagers are not simple. Men and women, old and young, like to chew their tongues behind their backs. Chu Mu's background is a big bite after tea and dinner.

Adults also know how to avoid the parties and wait until you pass before they start to give guidance behind your back.

However, children don't have so many scruples. The bad words learned from the big population, such as wild children, wild breeders and small bastards, can be scolded in front of Chu Mu.

Chu Mu was annoyed, angry, brained, and finally calmed down. Just as if they didn't hear it, they just farted, which was quite a little bit of a Q spirit.

However, not all people treat Chu Mu and her mother like this.

The parents of the Taishuchen brothers have never been like this. They always say that Chu Mu's mother is a miserable woman, and it is not easy to pull Chu Mu alone. If Taishuchen and Taishuze don't bully Chu Mu, the three of them should be brothers.

There are also two little girls. Maybe the story told by Chu Mu is so tortuous that they can't stop, and they don't abuse Chu Mu like other children.

With so many people accompanying him, Chu Mu's childhood life is not lonely.

When others respect them, Chu Mu will return the respect. Therefore, in the village, Chu Mu always walks by with his head held high and is too lazy to pay attention to those people's sarcastic or sarcastic greetings.

And Chu Mu will sincerely greet the parents of the Taishuchen brothers.



In the morning, the soft sunlight sprinkled on Chu Mu through the window, giving Chu Mu, who was as crystal clear as jade, a little more flavor. Chu Mu opened his eyes leisurely, and the crystal on his body retreated like a tide, restoring his flesh and blood. Chu Mu stretched out and felt a little different than usual, which was unclear.

"Oh, where's the gold film?"

Chu Mu turned over** and even looked at the bottom of the bed, but did not find the whereabouts of the golden paper. After checking, the doors and windows were all closed, and there was no possibility of being stolen.

"How did it disappear out of thin air?" Chu Mu sat on the ground and lost his soul.

This golden paper was stolen from his mother, but now it is inexplicably lost. Although Chu Mu has never practiced any famous skills above. But after practicing for so many years, there is still some complex after all.

Chu Mu stood up in frustration and put on his clothes, thinking about whether to tell his mother about the loss of golden paper. After all, in the past, golden paper was in my hand, which was not much different from being locked in my mother's cabinet. However, now it is lost, and the nature is naturally different.

Chu Mu's mother had already made breakfast. Seeing the lonely Chu Mu, she quickly greeted her. She was half distressed and half spoiled and rubbed Chu Mu's hair. "Wake up, A Mu."

Although his mother covered up well, Chu Mu could still clearly see a tired face on his mother's face.

Chu Mu felt a burst of heartache. For the past seven or eight years, he has been living heartlessly and allowing his mother to work for himself. Mother is just an ordinary woman, not a martial artist. But even if he is a strong man, I'm afraid he can't afford these daily trivialities. Chu Mu's nose was sore that he almost burst into tears and hurriedly raised his head and squeezed back.

I really can't be so lazy anymore. Although the golden paper is gone, the route is clearly reflected in Chu Mu's mind. As long as you practice persistently and believe that quantitative change can cause qualitative change, even your waste body can also achieve something.

As soon as the idea passed, Chu Mu was frustrated. Perseverance and quantitative change cause qualitative change, which is just a nonsense to comfort yourself.

Chu Mu's expression changed, and her mother was very ashamed to see it. Chu Mu has been very mature since she was a child, so in addition to providing living materials, she lacks care for him. However, no matter how mature it is, it is just a child, a child who needs to rely on its mother.

As long as it takes a while, I will definitely compensate him for the maternal love. Mother spoiled Chu Mu's hair again, "A Mu, let's go and have breakfast."

"Mother! I will definitely try my best!" Chu Mu assured his mother in his heart.

In the east, at the beginning of a round, it rises slowly.

ps: There will be another update at 8 a.m., and it will be updated with 10,000 words from tomorrow!