Dominating the world

061 Say, is it comfortable?

Tai Shuchen scattered his divine consciousness to the farthest place. After careful exploration, no situation was found. But when I think about it again, I understand a little. Since the hidden person has the strength to scare the mountain mangniu to death, if it wants to hide, it is naturally not something that the two of them can explore.

Taishuchen can't figure out that since he can scare Kaishan Mangniu to death according to the strength of the hidden person, what else can he hide? Looking at the stunned Taishuze, "Aze, hurry up and peel off its skin. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

No matter what the motive is, leaving here quickly is the best choice!

Tai Shuze reacted and quickly got busy.

Tai Shuchen guarded beside Tai Shuze with vigilance. Chu Mu had an accident, and he could not allow Tai Shuze to have another incident.

After a while, Taishuze peeled the wild cow clean, waved it, and spread the cowhide. This cowhide is spread out, seven or eight meters long and wide.

"What do you want this thing to do?"

Tai Shuchen folded back into the woods and folded a tree stick with an adult arm one meter long, and then tied the four corners of the cowhide to the wooden stick.

Tai Shuze looked at Tai Shuchen's movements, and his eyes were still full of doubts. He still couldn't understand what Tai Shuchen was doing by making a piece of cowhide like this.

Tai Shuchen pulled hard and found that he couldn't take it off. Then he was relieved. He grabbed the wooden stick and pointed to the cowhide, "You hold it."

Taishuze picked up the cowhide, and the two carried the newly finished thing to the edge of the cliff.

"Hold this stick, later, I'll shout 123, let's jump together!"

"Oh," Tai Shuze nodded, and then suddenly woke up in a surprised tone, "What are you talking about? You said you wanted to jump down?!"

"Yes!" Taishuchen nodded, "Remember, just jump, I won't hurt you!" Are you ready?"



As soon as the jumping word came out, Taishuchen and the two jumped out at the same time. At the beginning, the descent speed was very fast, and the cowhide suddenly bulged, and the speed of the two fell slowed down. And the breeze blowing from the other side of Zedi made the two slide down against the cliff.

Everything is in Taishuchen's expectation.



Chu Mu woke up leisurely. The first feeling was that the pain was unbearable. He felt that his body was as loose, and there was no place all over his body that was not painful. Chu Mu turned over and was scared into a cold sweat.

Only then did Chu Mu find that he was lying on a big tree, and under him was actually an abyss. After rubbing his head hard, Chu Mu remembered that he had fallen from the cliff.

Chu Mu touched his arms and found that the forgetful grass and the jade snake orchid were well in his arms, so he was relieved.

Chu Mu thought of a problem, hurriedly sat up and observed that the big tree that saved his life was not like the dog-blooded plot in the TV series he watched in his previous life. The trunk was still good, and there was no trace of brokenness.

At this moment, Chu Mu was completely relieved. As long as you can't fall down, how to climb to the top of the cliff, or how to slip out to the bottom of the cliff, it is not a problem. As long as you are willing to use your brain, you can finally think of a way.

Chu Mu lies on the branches of the trees, and the thick leaves are laid down. He doesn't feel the feeling at all, but is very comfortable. Chu Mu was slightly fascinated by his eyes and felt the warm sunshine shining on his body. The slight breeze had a fresh taste and was extremely comfortable.

Chu Mu had no awareness that Taishuchen would worry about himself and fell asleep. Er... Of course, there is another way of Chu Mu's sleep, called cultivation. Different names give people a completely different feeling.

When Chu Mu fell asleep, the true air between his limbs and Dantian meridians instantly condensed into two air masses, one silver white and one red. After such a long period of practice, the true air mass in Chu Mu's body was already the size of an adult fist.

When the two true air masses are formed, they suddenly burst at the same time, and a silvery white and a fiery red converge into a true airflow, running towards the four meridians at the same time. Each burst true airflow is in a cycle composed of the main meridians and capillary meridians. After running for a week, it returns to the main meridians and forms two air masses respectively.

over and over again.

Bathing in the warm sun and waving in the soft breeze, it feels absolutely comfortable and extremely comfortable.

Chu Mu slept soundly and even cried softly and had a very ** dream. In the dream, there is no more pain. Chu Mu returned to his previous life and slept in his room with the customized Simmons**. The bed Chu Mu slept in his previous life was five meters wide and very large, so he could toss around casually without worrying about falling under the bed.

Of course, the dream is not only because of this big bed. Also because ** has two familiar and touching animals, which have a unified title, called women.

Men and women are in **, of course, more than just lying down. So what are they doing?

Hmm... It seems to be a fight? How can they fight well?

What? Do you want to see exactly how they fight?

Well, I can't help but describe it.

"Men press women, women press the bed, the bed presses the ground, and the ground shakes..."

Is it clear?

I don't know, there's nothing I can do. I'm so pure...

Slowly lingered, and the faces of the two women in their arms slowly became familiar. Unexpectedly, they became the two women I met today.

I met one in the morning. At that time, he also saved the lives of three people from under the Fire King Bee. He was very beautiful, and he did not suffer losses. The other one was just met on the top of the cliff. It seems that he also saved the lives of the three of them. He was in excellent shape and did not look good. In addition, he still seemed to take advantage of it.

The two women broke away from Chu Mu's arms, holding a small bell in one hand and was about to shake, "Dare to take advantage of my mother, I'll kill you!"

The other one has also pulled away the bow in his hand, and a dazzling light was shining at herself. The woman had no angry expression and looked at herself with a smile on her face, "Are you comfortable?"

How did Chu Mu's dream of becoming the current situation in the end? It's really unlucky. If you drink cold water, your teeth will be stuffed. Who do you want to talk to?

"Speak well, talk well, calm down, calm down," Chu Mu seemed to be talking about this sentence all the time, but he couldn't remember half of those familiar words.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Say, is it comfortable?"

These two women repeated these two sentences over and over again, and I don't know whose screenwriter made the role so boring. Chu Mu scolded secretly, vaguely remembering the screenwriter's name "...". I have to say that what came out is really good.

Chu Mu scolded and kept saying, "Speak well, calm down, calm down."


"Amu, Amu," a call came from his ear.

Chu Mu was overjoyed and finally waited for reinforcements. He hurriedly shouted, "Achen, Aze, I'm here. Come and save me!"

The two women are still holding bells, one holding bows and arrows, and still repeating the two lines of the past.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Say, is it comfortable?"

Suddenly, the two women moved separately. One shook the bell in her hand, and the other hand gently waved back. The dazzling arrow of light shot at Chu Mu's face.

"Ah!" Chu Mu shouted in pain and suddenly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the face of an unknown creature. He was grabbing his shoulder and shaking himself violently. While shaking, he shouted, "Mu, Amu, what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly."

After seeing Chu Mu open his eyes, Tai Shuze grinned and said, "You're fine. It's really great."

Tai Shuchen carefully hung the cowhide on the trunk. Whether the three Chu Mu can land safely depends on it. Then he walked to Chu Mu's side.