Dominating the world

065 abyss

Taishuchen and the two came over according to their words, walked to Chu Mu's side, grabbed one side of the bastard's lid, worked hard together, and then turned over.

In this way, it is more like a big pot. Of course, whether it's a big pot or not, it's not what Chu Mu is concerned about now. What Chu Mu is concerned about is that what should have been gone.

In the turtle's abdomen, that is, the abdominal armor part, is its turtle plate. The turtle plate is a kind of medicinal material. The medicinal value of this huge turtle plate must be very high, but now it is useless no matter how high it is.

Because its tortoise plate is no longer there.

"Mu, what did you find?" Taishuchen looked at Chu Mu staring at the empty turtle shell in a daze and couldn't help asking.

"No, I thought it could have medicinal value, but now I don't know if there is any other value."

"It took so much effort to drag a piece of waste!" Tai Shuze kicked on the tortoise shell and made a "bang" sound. There was nothing wrong with the turtle shell, but Tai Shuze jumped up with his feet in his arms, and he jumped straight in his mouth.

Tai Shuze suddenly put down his holding foot and looked at Chu Mu full of hope, "A Mu, do you think this thing is so strong, can it be refined into an instrument?"

It's not that Chu Mu has never thought about this problem. It's just that such a big bastard cover is really hard to be refined. Anyway, according to Chu Mu's current strength, if you want to refine it into a device, it is completely a fool's dream.

Chu Mu was very self-aknowledgeable and shook his head, "No, with my current ability, there is no way to refine it at all. Moreover, it will take a long time to refine such a large one.

"Even if I have this strength now, I don't have this time."

Tai Shuze was a little sad. He raised his foot and was about to kick it again on the tortoise shell. Maybe the still painful foot made him remember and abruptly put his foot back.

After tossing for a long time, half of the sun has set, and the sky is reflected by the remaining half of the sun.

"What should we do next?" Taishuchen looked into the distance and saw countless high-level monsters surrounding the swamp. They did not wait, but kept trying to launch attacks, waves of which never stopped.

The idea of these monsters is very simple. No matter what kind of baby you support such a strong shield, under their full impact, there will always be a break. As long as the shield is broken, they can rush in and tear those people to pieces!

Chu Mu observed the nearby environment. The three of them are now in a valley with cliffs on three sides. In front of them is the deep pool that they have just climbed out. The deep pool is in the middle of the valley.

On this side, the beach is very clean, and there is no grass, while on the beach opposite the deep pool, there is vibrant grass growing. There is only a deep pool between the two, but there is such a gap. It's really strange.

"It's too dangerous to march at night. Tonight, let's stay here, adjust well, and start marching tomorrow morning. What do you think?"

"Well, let's do it."

Tai Shuchen and his wife agreed with Chu Mu's decision. The two-day work and rest time were a little chaotic, so they took advantage of this moment to make a good adjustment.

"A Chen, find a place close to the cliff and clean it up. Aze and I will come back with a monster for dinner!"

Chu Mu and Tai Shuze walked along the pool towards the opposite grass. On the one hand, they said that it was to catch a war beast and come back for dinner, and on the other hand, it was to explore to ensure that there were no dangerous monsters here, so that they could sleep soundly at night.

When he walked to the inner side of the valley, Chu Mu suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, as if something was attracting him in the valley.

Chu Mu slowed down, "Aze, do you feel anything?"

"What?" Tai Shuze was very confused and didn't know what Chu Mu was feeling again.

"Shh!" Chu Mu motioned to his uncle Ze to silence, and he walked two steps towards the inside, which made him feel clearer. It was a call, as if there was something connected to its own blood on the inside. Moreover, with this call, Chu Mu's heart immediately beat violently, and there was a panic in his heart.

Tai Shuze was worried that Chu Mu was alone in front of him. He hurried over and stood beside Chu Mu, "A Mu, what's wrong?" He didn't feel anything special at all. At this time, he even released his consciousness to explore the valley without any abnormality.

"Shh!" Chu Mu walked ahead again, took two steps, and reached the edge of the grass. Chu Mu did not stop, but then walked towards the inside.

By this time, the sun had all set, and the sky was also shrouded in a dark shadow. After walking about ten meters in the grass and more than 20 meters away from the cliff, a huge abyss suddenly appeared.

Fortunately, Chu Mu walked carefully and stopped at the edge of the abyss and did not fall down. It was completely dark all of a sudden. This place was so dark that I couldn't see how deep the abyss could be. Standing on the edge of the abyss, a gust of cold wind came out of the abyss, and the whole person was like an ice cave. His hair stood up all over his body, and goose bumps sprung up like bamboo shoots.

Chu Mu can clearly feel that the call came from this abyss. Chu Mu was puzzled about what was under the abyss and why he gave himself such an inexplicable feeling, but Tai Shuze didn't feel it at all.

The whistful wind sounded in Chu Mu was like a person muttering in his ear and telling something.

Tai Shuze didn't know when he came to Chu Mu's side. He looked at the hole with palpitation and gently called, "A Mu, A Mu..."

Chu Mu was immersed in his own world and didn't hear it at all. What echoes in my ears is the whirling sound. My heart feels the inexplicable call. In my mind, I thought about what was going on.

Tai Shuze looked at Chu Mu like this and was a little at a loss. Chu Mu stood on the edge of the abyss. If he frightened him and fell down again, it would not be easy to fix it. The idea of forcibly dragging Chu Mu back, Tai Shuze didn't even move. Fortunately, he didn't move. Chu Mu's brain is not here at all now. Once touched, it will definitely stimulate the stress response. The consequences are even more difficult to imagine.

"What should I do? What should I do? Thinking about this kind of thing is really not Tai Shuze's strength. He wants to run back and call Tai Shuchen to think of a way. At this time, Chu Mu will have any accident.

Tai Shuze suddenly had an inspiration and remembered a way, "The best way now is to wake up Chu Mu quickly and wake up by himself."

Isn't Chu Mu not aware of being attracted by something in this abyss? That's it. Let Chu Mu see this abyss clearly. As long as you see it clearly, you won't be as daze as you are now.

However, he has never used this move and doesn't know if he can succeed. Tai Shuze slowly raised his right hand, his mind moved, and the true air of Dantian in his body surged towards the palm of his right hand.

"Come out, come out!" Tai Shuze shouted loudly in his heart.

Finally, a mung bean-sized true air mass appeared in his palm, emitting a fiery red light. Taishuze was overjoyed. At this moment, he was distracted and paid more attention to controlling the true air gushing out between the meridians in his body. Then, the mung bean-sized true qi group could not accumulate and slowly became bigger. It became the size of a baby's fist.

Taishuze felt tired and knew in his heart that this was his limit. However, this size is enough! The true air mass the size of a baby's fist emitted a dazzling red light, clearly presenting the scene nearby.

Under the light, Tai Shuze saw that Chu Mu was really standing on the edge of the abyss. If he moved forward, he would fall down. Tai Shuze had a burst of heart palpitations, and he was busy controlling the true air mass and slowly left his palm.