Dominating the world

129 Sensitive

Chu Mu explored the room carefully and found nothing else. Sitting on the adobe**, he was stunned for a while, carefully folded the paper and put it in his arms. With this touch, Chu Mu found that the Warcraft Yuandan of the storm dragon was still here.

As soon as the hand touched, I felt the powerful power contained in it.

Chu Mu suddenly remembered that when he was in the Yanyu Mountains, the red dragon in the Yanjiang Lake simply noticed the Warcraft Yuandan carrying a flame mythical beast on his body.

In this way, other powerful people may also find that they have Storm Dragon in their hands.

The man is innocent and guilty. Chu Mu knows this truth well.

Now Chu Mu's strength is really difficult to refine it. If one doesn't do it well, he may be torn to pieces by his powerful energy.

Then where can I hide it? Chu Muu remembered the god-sword. Since the sword is refined from materials that can be made into space rings, it may have the function of storage, rather than simply absorbing gas, **.

Thinking of this, the sword of God-sharp appeared in Chu Mu's hands. Chu Mu held the sword in one hand and the Warcraft Yuandan in the other, thinking about absorbing the Warcraft Yuandan.

I didn't expect it, but it really happened. Warcraft Yuandan disappeared into Chu Mu's hand, and Chu Mu separated a wisp of divine knowledge into the sword body and suddenly found that Warcraft Yuandan stayed in it.

Since this sword has such a wonderful use, make good use of it.

Chu Mu quickly took out all the things in his arms. There was an iron excreta secretly stuffed into his bag. This thing was disgusting and put it in!

I also found the stems of the jade snake orchid. At the beginning, Chu Mu and the three of them just tore a leaf and took it down. The stalks of the jade snake orchid remained.

Holding it in his hand, Chu Mu felt the energy contained in it. This jade snake orchid is relatively mild compared with the Warcraft Yuandan of the Storm Dragon.

Chu Mu is now very thirsty for strength. He breaks a piece, stuffs it into his mouth, chews it, and swallows it. Then, at the moment of sliding down, Chu Mu felt a sense of burning heat. The energy contained in the jade snake orchid stem burst out and rushed to all parts of the body. The true qi between the meridians in Chu Mu's body started to operate by itself.

Two true air masses are formed in the limbs, left and right chest and Dantian respectively. When the true air mass is formed, it suddenly bursts and becomes true filaments, running between the meridians of their respective parts.

The real qi is like a magnet, and the energy scattered all over Chu Mu's body is like iron sand. Wherever the true qi goes, the energy is absorbed into the meridians in Chu Mu's body.

With the addition of energy, the true filament flowing between the meridians becomes stronger. However, when I turned back and condensed into a true air mass again, I found that the size of the true air mass had not changed.

In a short time, the power in the stem of the jade snake orchid was absorbed by Chu Mu. When Zhenqi suddenly absorbs energy and runs between the meridians, it is much thicker. However, when it condenses into an air mass, there is no change.

"Mom! Is it possible that my strength is like this?" Unable to break through, Chu Mu felt irritable.

With a heart and a bite of teeth, he stuffed all the remaining large pieces of jade snake orchid stems into his mouth. Chu Mu just chewed a little, and the large jade snake orchid stem turned into ** and flowed into Chu Mu's abdomen.

Then, it was like an explosion, and the energy suddenly collapsed, and in an instant, it had dispersed all over the body. This time, there are a lot of scattered forces. It's not like eating only a small piece of it, and it feels very comfortable.

This time, I felt a needle-like pain all over my body, which was extremely difficult to bear, as if my body was about to be pierced. Chu Mu twisted his body in pain. During this period, the true qi in Chu Mu's body has never been interrupted.

is still condensed into a true air mass, bursting, and then condensed into a true air mass. Over and over again!

With the operation of Zhenqi between the meridians in the body, the pain all over Chu Mu slowly eased a lot, no longer as violent as at the beginning. Chu Mu's twisted body also slowly stopped and became quiet.

Chu Mu secretly said a fluke in his heart. In my heart, I can't be eager for quick success and quick benefits, and I still have to be down-to-earth step by step. Just now, if the energy is a little stronger, maybe your body will be torn apart!

Just now, Chu Mu was still thinking that if this large piece of jade snake orchid stem has no effect, he would simply refine the Warcraft elixir of the storm dragon. Now, even if he gives Chu Mu three more courages, he dares not.

Still like the last time, after the true qi absorbed the energy scattered in the body, Chu Mu's true qi running between the meridians was much stronger. When it was running, it was like a turbulent wave, and the sound of rolling waves could be heard.

However, when it rotates and condenses into a true air mass, the volume of the true air mass does not increase at all.

Chu Mu is a little depressed. Is this really the same as the novel he has read in his previous life?

If you really have to rely on epiphany and advance, I'm afraid it's terrible!

This time, because there is more energy, the absorption time is much longer than the last time.

It took more than half an hour to absorb all the energy scattered in the body. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is completely impossible to absorb it all, but for Chu Mu, it is extremely simple.

After all, other people, when Zhenqi runs, Zhenqi does not pass through all the meridians. But Chu Mu is different. His body is divided into seven zones, each of which forms a cycle. Therefore, those capillaries have all been opened up.

Chu Mu stood up slowly and heard a series of brittle bones. Although the volume did not increase much when a true air mass was formed between the meridians in the body, it was still very different in Chu Mu's senses.

Visual and auditory are much sharper than just now! Standing by the bed, a spider hanging on the opposite wall crossed the track in the air, which Chu Mu could clearly capture.

The filament pulled out by the spider can hear the sound of cutting the air in the air very clearly.


Chu Mu looked awe-in, slightly tilted his ears, and his ears moved gently. Chu Mu heard that seven or eight people were running towards his position, all of which were some masters. When he ran, he could hardly bring the wind. If I hadn't absorbed the energy of the jade snake orchid stem, my senses would have been much more sensitive and could have been detected. The nearest one is only 100 meters away from me.

Chu Mu is not Tai Shuze, and he won't think that these people just happen to pass by or come to play. If nothing unexpected, the goal of these people is themselves!

However, I have just arrived in this Weir Wucheng, who can I have a grudge against? Besides, except for Zhang Cheng, Qian Feng, Luo Luo and Xiao Wei, who came out of the auction house, others didn't know at all. However, only Xiaowei knows his whereabouts. How did they find it?

In this electric fire, Chu Mu had many questions in his heart. However, this is not the time to consider these issues. No matter who they are, why they find themselves, and how they find them, it is definitely not a good thing, Chu Mu can be sure of this.

Chu Mu also received his mother's paper in the sword, which came out of the room.

Standing in the yard, Chu Mu's consciousness suddenly dispersed, and suddenly felt that there was a breath beside him. Compared with those who came running, this breath is weaker. If it hadn't been carefully explored, it would really be difficult to find it.

Who is this person? When did you come here?

Chu Mu doesn't know at all.

The cold sweat on Chu Mu's back flowed out. There was no chance of winning against such a powerful battle. In addition, the seven or eight people who had rushed to the vicinity of the courtyard had no chance of winning.

Battle with backwater!

It is also a life-and-death battle!

Chu Mu went all out!