Dominating the world

186 Pet Beast Peeling

"I'm going to kill you!" Suddenly, a woman's scream came from the room, and then a figure rushed out from Chu Mu's side, waved the two swords in her hand, and rushed to the owner of Wucheng City of the Yan downstairs.

"Miss Shi Jiu! Don't!" Xuanxuan and Nangong Yaner didn't know what they were thinking. At this time, they reacted and ran to the door and shouted loudly, looking anxiously. This can't be blamed for their poor care. Miss Shi Jiu has been very weak, and it is even very difficult to turn over in **. Who would have thought that he could jump down from ** vigorously and jump downstairs so quickly.

It can be seen that the power of hatred is really endless.

It was too late to stop drinking. As soon as the words fell, Miss Shi Jiu had rushed to the side of the city owner of Yanwu City and suddenly reached out her hand, and the two swords stabbed the heart of the city owner who had condensed into purple armor.

I only heard the crisp sound of the metal impact of "Ding", and the city owner was intact. On the contrary, Miss Shi Jiu was shocked by this force and retreated repeatedly! Although Miss Shi Jiu could rush out and kill the city owner, she was still weak after all. She took two steps back and fell to the ground and couldn't climb up in every way.

"Hmm! It's up to you?!" The city owner looked disdainful and then looked angry. It seems that it is a very faceless thing for people like Miss Shi Jiu to kill him.

The city owner's right machete gently stroked, and immediately a sharp purple knife gas chopped towards Miss Shi Jiu. If this is chopped up, I'm afraid that Miss Shi Jiu can directly break it in two!

"Miss Shi Jiu!" At the door of Yunxi Inn, there were three figures lying down, one of whom leaned his hands in the direction of Miss Shi Jiu with a sad face.

"Luo Birdman, I XX your ancestor!" Zhang Fei beat his chest and stopped his feet, and his hatred was indescribable.

"I'm going to kill you!" Guan Yu tried to stand up several times, but he couldn't stand up. In the roar of the city owner, the power of the three people disappeared quickly. It's like the roar has an inexplicable adsorption force that can absorb all the power.

The three people climbed in when they heard the shout of Miss Shi Jiu. By the time they climbed to the door, the situation had already happened.

Chu Mu was shocked. The true air between the meridians of his legs quickly condensed into a ** true air mass. When the true air mass suddenly exploded, Chu Mu was already standing in front of Miss Shi Jiu. With Chu Mu coming, and the light and shadow lying on the tiger in mid-air, Chu Mu's mind was moved, and the light and shadow quickly fell down, as if they could stick to Chu Mu's scalp.

In an instant, the purple knife gas chopped down and hit the purple light and shadow above Chu Mu's head. The light and shadow just shook slightly, and then it calmed down.

"He killed my brothers for the dragon liver and for those dragon livers!" Miss Shi Jiu cried and said.

That day, after getting the dragon meat sent by Chu Mu, the owner of Yanwu City ordered his puppet to follow Chu Mu all the way. Therefore, he knew all about Chu Mu drinking and farting with a group of brothers of the Shi family and giving the dragon liver to a group of brothers of the Shi family.

When Chu Mu left the inn of a group of Shi family brothers in the morning and went to Yanwu City, he went there, killed all the Shi family's brothers, and then grabbed the dragon liver.

Looking at the owner of Yanwu City beside him, Chu Mu was furious. I remember that when I saw him in no man's land, I also gave him a few pieces of dragon meat to eat, mother! It turned out to be a wolf! Because of the two dragon livers, a group of brothers of the Shi family lost their lives.

Xuanxuan and Nangong Yaner, standing on the second floor, looked at Chu Mu downstairs, or the light and shadow above Chu Mu's head. What they can see now is just a faint touch. If it is delayed for a moment, I'm afraid they will all disappear. He hurriedly shouted at Chu Mu, "Chu Mu, kill him quickly!"

Although Xuanxuan and Nangong Yaner did not say it clearly, the city owner still found the strangeness of light and shadow and was secretly happy, as long as he persisted for a moment. When the light and shadow completely disappeared, the lives of everyone in the Yunxi Inn were all in his hands.

The god-sword appeared in Chu Mu's hand, and his mind was moved, and the light above his head wrapped the god-sword in Chu Mu's hand. Then, the meridians of Chu Mu's legs condensed into a true air mass. When the true air mass suddenly exploded, Chu Mu appeared in front of the city owner.

The sword was suddenly raised, and a dark light suddenly bloomed on the body of the sword. In this day, the place where the sword is located is like a black hole.

"Sword-sman! Eat heaven and earth!" Chu Mu's tone was low and suddenly shouted. With the addition of the power of this world, Chu Mu's shout was extremely powerful! With the wave of Chu Mu, it was like a black hole wandering around, devouring the sky and the earth, and its momentum was very terrible.

In Chu Mu's shouting, the city owner trembling and almost lost his heart. Consciousness suddenly stirred up, and the whole person recovered a little. Above the purple armor, it emitted a dazzling light. The purple machete waved and resisted the god-sword. Under the power of the light and shadow around Chu Mu's sword, the power exerted by the city owner's knife is at most 30%.

There was no sound. When the city owner's purple machete touched Chu Mu's sword, then he saw the purple machete in the city owner's hand, and there was only one knife handle left.

However, the black hole formed by the sword did not stop and shrouded around the city owner. As the black hole approached, the purple armor worn by the city owner was stripped away layer by layer in the black hole.

"Ah!" The city owner let out a painful roar. This armor condensed by the pet beast is connected to its mind. When the armor was hit hard, his mind could feel it. It feels like someone is holding a sharp blade and cutting off the skin and flesh all over his body.

The others present all looked at the scene in front of them in horror and didn't believe it was true at all. Is this true? In doubt, he couldn't help rubbing his eyes with his hands.

Xuanxuan couldn't help rubbing her eyes at the beginning, but suddenly thought of something, so she closed her eyes tightly and looked at her appearance. Obviously, she wanted to vomit. I guess it was the bloody scene caused by Chu Mu's murder a few nights ago.

In her opinion, Chu Mu is bound to win. The city owner is just a slaughtered goods.

It's not just that she thought so, but everyone present thought so. The black hole formed by the sword has suddenly rolled up the left arm of the city owner. Without any accident, the black hole was like a meat grinder, and its left arm was cut off from the shoulder position in an instant.

The black hole still did not stop and rolled towards the city owner's head.

Everyone seemed to see the scene where the city owner's head was crushed.

At this moment, a colorful light suddenly bloomed on the chest of the city owner. Except for purple, the other six colors quickly faded. The purple light condensed into the shape of a two-headed snake. It was completely suicidal, and it hit the black hole condensed by Chu Mu's sword.

At the same time, the city owner staggered back, then turned around and ran towards the door of Yunxi Inn.

"Pet beast stripping?!" Nangong Yaner upstairs let out an exclamation. In the exclamation, Xuanxuan suddenly opened her eyes and saw that the purple two-headed snake-shaped suddenly collided with the black hole formed by the god-sword, "bang!" Then there was a terrible sound.

Under the rolling waves, the whole hall on the first floor disappeared. Shi Jiu, who was in the hall, was suddenly taken out by this wave, and her whole body was thrown out of the inn. Immediately, the second floor fell down.

When the city owner staggered to the door and ran to the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang, the four were swept out by this wave at the same time.

When the whole second floor fell, Xuanxuan standing in the corridor on the second floor and Nangong Yaner's feet suddenly became empty and immediately let out an exclamation. When the cry stopped, the two stood firm again, with a surprised and surprised expression on their faces.