happy concubine

Chapter 43 Frustration

Fu Duoduo took a step forward, bowed his knees slightly, and said, "My concubine is there. I don't know what my wife can do?"

The old lady asked with a calm face, "What did Song Yingjie say when he held you hostage?"

Fu Duoduo was stunned.

It seems that the old lady wants her to be one of the tainted witnesses to defeat the fourth aunt.

However, according to the current point of view, even if Song Yingjie's words are unbearable, she has not shaken the position of the fourth aunt in the mind of the master. Can her small concubine status be this weight? It's better to come in less. After all, although the eldest wife is the mother of the backyard, the eldest master is the owner of the whole Yu family. Compared with the two, it is clear that they are familiar with each other.

With restrained his expression, he replied with a condensed expression, "At that time, the concubine was very panicked, but she didn't pay attention to what he said." If you don't pay attention, it doesn't mean that Song Yingjie didn't say it. A sentence was neither to offend the master nor to explain to the old lady.

The eldest wife's eyebrows were locked, and her heart was annoyed. The corners of her mouth were widened and tightly squeezed up. But a moment later, when she saw Fu Duoduo's body and carefully stay away from Song Yingjie's behavior, her eyebrows gradually relaxed. The small family had never seen the world, and the small hostage was scared like this.

Fuduoduo secretly looked at the old lady with his spare light. Seeing that she looked a little embarrassed and knew that she had escaped this barrier, he was secretly relieved, but he did not dare to take it lightly. Her body trembled slightly and showed her fearful side to her heart's content, because she knew that sometimes it was very good to show weakness in front of the strong. Good weapon.

Since Fuduoduo is unusable, the eldest wife took other cards.

Soon, the one-year-year- old woman was brought up and saluted several people in the upper seat respectfully.

The old lady took the opportunity to introduce to the old master: "Sir, this is Grandma Liu who lives in Lotus Lane. She has seen the fourth aunt and Song Yingjie meet secretly. It is said that their behavior was very close at that time. Do you want to ask her face to face?"

"Ask clearly? What's the question? The old man showed anger and was very unhappy.

The old lady explained with a smile, "If you don't ask clearly, how can you make it clear for your fourth aunt? This fourth aunt has been pregnant for three months, but she will give birth in a few months. At that time, the origin of the child will not be unclear and she will be wronged! Sir, you don't know how powerful those long-mouthed women are, but they will bring life to life. What you say is reasonable and emotional, which is very touching.

The old man also felt that it was very reasonable, so he nodded and said, "There is nothing wrong with what you said, but..."

It's just that Song Yingjie bit Duan Niang and insisted that he had an ambiguous relationship with Duan Niang. If this woman was the same, wouldn't she push Duan Niang to the dark abyss?

The fourth aunt is also a little worried. What's more, she doesn't believe that the eldest wife will have such kindness, and then looks innocently at the old master, hoping not to agree to this matter.

The old lady knew that the old man was shaking, so she couldn't help but winking at the second and third aunts and persuade the old man together.

Although the second aunt is extremely disappointed with the old man, it does not mean that she has lost her fighting spirit and naturally helped the old lady say, "Yes! Sir, that's right. Our big house finally got another Lin'er, but we can't bear unknown stains from an early age. How can we stand in this world when we grow up?

"Yes, yes! That's right, they are right. Let the woman make it clear, so that everyone can understand whether the fourth aunt has suffered injustice. Finally, there was an opportunity to vent his anger. The third aunt would not let go, but she vigorously encouraged the eldest uncle and asked the fourth aunt very hostilely, "Fourth aunt, isn't what we said reasonable!" Squinting, the smiling tiger continued to stimulate, "Or are you afraid?"

"I, what am I afraid of?" The fourth aunt pulled the eldest man's sleeve coquettishly and said helplessly, "Sir, look at what the third aunt said. What is there to be afraid of? I sit upright!"

The old man comforted him and said, "I know what you are. In this case, let them ask them well, lest someone chew their tongues behind their backs, damage your reputation, and..." With that, he gently stroked the fourth aunt's belly and continued, "And our child, he is the child I look forward to the most."

The fourth aunt is affectionate, and the others are sour.

But the old man's final voice also made them feel a little better. Qi Qi looked at the eldest wife, hoping that he could bring down the fourth aunt in this way. Otherwise, there would be no such a good opportunity next time.

Fuduoduo looked at the struggle between his wife and concubine. He didn't have much experience, but came to the conclusion that everyone picked up firewood and the flame was high.

She thought that if she wanted to achieve a goal, it was very thin to rely on her own strength alone, and it would take more people to work together. With such a total, Fuduo had the idea of ganging in Yufu.

This box Fuduoduo is considering his future survival, and the eldest wife is already playing gongs and drums to stage a drama specially prepared for the fourth aunt.

The eldest wife asked Grandma Liu, "Mother Liu, have you seen these two people?" While talking, he pointed to Song Yingjie, who was covered, and the fourth aunt with a bad face.

Grandma Liu narrowed her eyes and looked left and right. After a long time, she replied, "Well, I've seen it. It's very familiar."

As soon as she heard the two words "fasp", the third aunt became energetic. Without waiting for the eldest lady to ask, she interrupted urgently, "Do you often see them? Have you ever seen something you shouldn't have seen?" The question was very excited, as if the day when the fourth aunt ate the front was already in front of her.

"What you shouldn't see?" Grandma Liu asked puzzledly.

The third aunt replied, "Is there anything against women?"

Grandma Liu pondered, shook her head and said, "This is not true."

"No?!" Hearing this, the eldest ladies looked surprised and stunned.

The fourth aunt was secretly relieved, and her waist gradually straightened up, and she smiled confidently at the master.

The old man said impatiently to the old lady, "Since you don't have it, send Song Yingjie to the official earlier. You have detained people for a day and a night. Although you have a relationship with the second brother, others won't say anything, but at least don't leave any words to others and cause trouble for the second brother."

The old lady looked a little impetuous at this time. She dealt with the old man a few words and asked Grandma Liu, "Did this man meet his fourth aunt two years ago? Do they come and go frequently?

"Two years ago?" Grandma Liu asked.

The old lady nod and said, "It was two years ago."

She heard Zhang's mother mention that the two adulterous women only came together two years ago. In this case, the two people with the friendship of childhood sweethearts will definitely continue their relationship. It is difficult to control it. Maybe someone will see it.

After thinking about it, Grandma Liu said, "I don't know exactly which day I saw the man looking for this aunt in a very depressed way, but it seemed that the aunt was very unhappy and let the girl beside her say a few words. As for whether the contact is very frequent, I have seen this man come and see him several times. , but in the end, he walked away in dismay and did not step into the threshold.

"You, do you remember correctly?" The third aunt was in a hurry.

Grandma Liu was a little unhappy and said, "Although the old woman is old and pale, she has not gone to a dizzy place. How can she remember it wrong? Did you see it wrong?"

The eldest wife's hands were full of cold sweat and her face turned blue with anger. She didn't expect things to turn into this. She found Grandma Liu to plead the crime for her fourth aunt. However, there is no other way now. There must be no way to ask Mrs. Liu again, but it will clear the stains on the fourth aunt.

So, the eldest wife waved her hand and asked people to take the mother-in-law Liu down, and she was very angry with Zhang's mother's inability to do things.

The second aunt and the third aunt were disappointed. They thought how powerful the old lady was. In the end, everything they did was just making wedding clothes for the cheap hooves of the fourth aunt. They couldn't help but feel a little sad and quietly quit to see how the old lady ended.

Fuduo also feels confused. Why was it taken by the fourth aunt?

Looking down and thinking, it couldn't be that the so-called Grandma Liu had been bought by the fourth aunt in advance, but the old lady didn't know?

If that's really the case, the fourth aunt's mind is too deep. Not only did she pinch the old man in her hand to death, but now she has beaten the old lady's face. If it goes on like this, won't it cover the sky with one hand after the piece of meat in her belly falls down?

In an instant, Fuduo felt that the old lady was not a good pillar, or it was better to be alone. No matter which side it was, it would not be contaminated, but it was difficult to think about it. After all, how could she live in a crowd and pass among hundreds of flowers? Leaves were never inevitable.

Fuduoduo is very sad, and the old lady can't do anything better.

Now that the situation has come this far, we have to abandon some like the gecko's broken tail.

But before the old lady could say anything, the old man was impatient and said angrily, "Since the matter has come to light, everything is over. I don't want to hear any more gossip about Duan Niang." He also said to the eldest wife, "Send this Song Yingjie to the official for investigation!" And take good care of the mouths of those long tongue women in the backyard!" After saying that, he got up and was about to leave.

If the fourth aunt left proudly in such a simple and refreshing way, the old lady knew that the road ahead would be very difficult, and she quickly let the woman let go of Song Yingjie's mouth and restricted hands and feet.

As soon as Song Yingjie was free, he loudly scolded her fourth aunt as a ** woman, a prostitute and other unbearable words, and also rushed to her without reason, shouting, "Duan Xiaoai, you bitch, you ruined me, and I won't let you live a better!"

In an instant, the hall was very chaotic and screaming continuously.