happy concubine

Chapter 46 Networking

The fact that Fuduoduo was promoted as a noble concubine soon spread to all corners of the house.

Most of the people who can survive in Yufu are human spirits. Seeing that Fuduoduo was actually lifted from a humble concubine to a noble concubine, on her way back to Fushouyuan from the hall, many maids stopped her and kept saying compliments, pretending to say a few words.

Fuduo responded with a smile one by one.

After all, some people in the court and the opposition are doing well, and so is the house.

After these days, Fuduoduo has had such an idea in his heart for a long time. When he was worried that there was no way out, everyone came to the door.

However, most of the people who come to congratulate are the lowest-level servants.

But even so, Fuduoduo did not feel lost, but felt at ease.

Because those powerful stewards or maids can't be climbed in her current situation. If they are too close, they will make the people above think that she has any intentions and then prevent them. It's better to only nod friends and do things smoothly, and those with the lowest level, Fuduoduo does not have There are so many scruples and some gossips, but the bottom is more well-informed.

After a few greetings, Fu Duoduo met Mrs. Chen, who worked on the stove. She was an old man in the house, and the whole family had children. Her husband Chen Shun was looking for horses in the stable, and his son Chen Fugui was responsible for guarding the main door. His daughter-in-law did not pass the door, but she also got the favor of the eldest wife, pointing to Tao Xiaohong in the needle room. As a wife, the family is peaceful, but it is also harmonious, and the small life is not bad.

But people have more or less pursuits. Who doesn't want to get a better job for themselves?

Mrs. Chen said chattingly, "Auntie, this woman is such a thing. She is perfect to live her life from her father at home and married to her husband. But people always have three disasters and eight difficulties. Maybe when you are a girl, it goes smoothly. As soon as you arrive at your mother-in-law's house... Hey hey, there are always some unpleasant things, just like my sister, who is the apple of the family before getting married, but as a daughter-in-law and a wife, life is really hard, but her mother's family is strong, a little trouble, mother-in-in-law's family No matter how much you don't like it, you will be a little afraid. It's not easy to blame again. It's different to rely on your mother's family. It's not like my other sister. Her mother's family doesn't care about it and her family is weak, which makes the girl die alive in her mother-in-law's house. Every time I really think of it, I sigh for her.

After saying that, Mrs. Chen secretly glanced at Fuduoduo and saw that she did not react too much. She just said gently, "um", afraid that she would not understand her deeper meaning. Mrs. Chen said again, "Grandma, do you know? When the old lady entered the door, there were four rooms to accompany her. She did everything neatly. Soon, she stood firm in Yufu and laid a very solid foundation. It didn't look like the aunt was a maidservant who opened her face and had nothing. Up to now, she will only worship Buddha all day..."

"Bah, pooh! What did you say on the day of grandma's great joy? Before Mrs. Chen finished speaking, she was about the same age as her, and her face was relatively round. Mrs. Zhu, who also worked in the kitchen, spat and interrupted dissatisfiedly, "Why are you mentioning her?" What if it is contaminated with bad luck?

Mrs. Chen was very dissatisfied with Mrs. Zhu's interruption, but she also knew that it was indeed a little inappropriate to say this at this time. In order to avoid Fuduo's grudges and bad things, she quickly hit herself a few times and said apologetically, "Grandma, please don't be surprised. It's a slave who said. It's nonsense."

Fuduoduo knew the intention of Mrs. Chen's words, which is nothing more than that she has no support from her mother's family, and there is no contact with anyone in the house. She may end up being depressed, or spend her life with worshiping Buddha like her aunt.

But I know that if you say it so clearly, it will be completely changed.

She doesn't want to be a good flag for herself all day long and be a servant against her will behind her back, which will not only can't help her, but also seriously hold her back and even involve her.

However, at this moment, she refused clearly and could only say euphemistically: "What Mrs. Chen said is not unreasonable. As a woman, she is like this. She honors her parents at home and marries her parents-in-law. She speaks the word 'shun' all her life. She lives a smooth life and is filial to her elders, no Is that right?" Zuo Yan took care of him and spoke vaguely, but he clearly showed a meaning that she could not be the master of her own business.

Mrs. Chen didn't intend to let Fuduoduo agree to her affairs immediately. She also knew that Fuduoduo did not have such power. Today's words only gave her an impression for the time being. If she was such a person, she would think of her if anything happened in the future.

"That's what my aunt said." Mrs. Chen was busy with the way.

Mrs. Zhu was very disdainful. She secretly said that Mrs. Chen was a flatterer, but she also flattered Fu Duoduo's words.

For the subtle dark surge between Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Zhu, Fuduo is more or less aware of it. After all, there are rivers and lakes where there are people. Although she was very dissatisfied with Mrs. Chen's words and behavior, she knew that only Mrs. Chen's foundation was better, and it was convenient to ask about anything. Secondly, Mrs. Zhu, but the family origin was far less than Mrs. Chen's deep in Yufu.

After several calculations, Fu Duoduo has a case in his heart.

Mrs. Chen is unbearable and can be used. Mrs. Zhu can counterbalance Mrs. Chen so that she doesn't jump up and down, forget her shape for a while, and then implicate her. Others are cleaning and chores, some of which are insignificant, but they are not for potential contacts. Cultivating them may also have great achievements.

After understanding it clearly, it is also in vain to stay and chatter. Fuduoduo said on an excuse: "Thank you for coming to say happy, but it's getting late. I want to go early on the young master's side. I won't stay for a long time, you..."

Mrs. Chen and others did not wait for Fu Duoduo to finish speaking, and immediately saluted one after another. The crowded crowd automatically opened a way and said, "Auntie, take your time."

Fu Duoduo nodded and said with deep meaning, "Your sincere congratulations, I will remember it in my heart."

As soon as the words fell, the people present couldn't help showing a bright and flattering smile.

As soon as she went far away, Yihong, the little girl sent by the eldest wife to send her back to Fushouyuan, whispered dissatisfiedly, "Auntie, you are now noble. You don't have to deal with those lower slaves and maidservants. You have reduced your identity in vain. If the eldest wife knew, she will also be angry. ."

A low-class slave?

Fuduoduo sneered secretly.

Yihong himself is just a third-class maidservant, half a catty and eight taels. Do you still have the confidence to talk about others?

I don't know whether her words meant by the eldest wife or what she herself meant. She dared to use her identity and the eldest wife to suppress her. However, no matter how dissatisfied she is, she can't show her face and said pleasantly, "When they meet each other, they come to say happy. I can't put on a bad face, can I?"

Yihong argued, "That's what you say, but you don't have to spend so much time talking to them. The old lady is still waiting for the maidservant to reply."

"Oh?" Fuduo raised his eyebrows.

It turns out that Yihong blames herself for wasting her time.

Some people are like this, holding chicken feathers as arrows and taking themselves too seriously.

Yihong is just a third-class maidservant, and rarely has the opportunity to show her face in front of the eldest wife. This time, she was asked to send herself back because of today's events, many slaves, including Zhang's mother, were punished and could not be free. Otherwise, she would have to be sent by a second-class maid. How could Yihong have this opportunity at ordinary times? It's really a nose and face.

Fuduoduo knew that if he didn't put on her grandmother's prestige to suppress her, he might climb on his head. At that time, those slaves who were used to seeing the wind and steering would not be like it? So, Fu Duoduo stopped and said with a low face, "Since you think it's troublesome for me and your time, you can go back first!" I walked back slowly by myself. This time, I won't know this road of Fushouyuan!"

Yihong turned around and said in surprise, "Auntie, what are you doing?"

Fu Duoduo sneered and said, "What are you doing? Let you go back first, so as not to make you time-consuming and laborious.

Yihong frowned and said, "Auntie, stop it, let's go!" The tone seemed to think that Fu Duoduo was playing a child's temper and impatiently urging.

Fuduoduo simply sat on the stone by the roadside, put his hands on his chest and said, "I'm just making trouble. What can you do to me?" Seeing Yihong's stunned face, as if he didn't know Fu Duoduo, Fu Duoduo continued to say fiercely, "My wife treated me well. She not only raised me as a concubine, but also held a banquet to tell her neighbors, but in the name of the eldest wife, you made all kinds of troubles. What do you want to do? Did anyone make you so humiliate your old lady?

Yihong panicked. She just wanted to send Fuduoduo back early and go back to work early. In this way, she may be favored by the eldest wife and upgrade her position, but it is not as Fuduoduo said! At that moment, he shouted injustice and said, "Auntie, you should not be wronged by good people!" I don't have any maidservants!"

"No?" Fu Duoduo snorted coldly, "Don't tell me, you don't have a little selfishness!"

After all, Yihong is young and a fierce person. Under the pressure of Fuduoduo's pretentiousness, he became extremely guilty and made excuses for himself very weakly. "I'm just a better job of doing my wife's job, no... I don't have any selfishness."

Seeing that Yihong's speech was not fluent, Fu Duoduo knew that he had poked her heart and continued to say, "No? If not, why do you have so no confidence in speaking? Aren't you guilty of being a thief?"