happy concubine

Chapter 65 Separation

Yihong carefully came to Fuduo's side and said in a condensed voice, "I heard that the eldest wife asked Mother Zhang to come to the tooth woman today, saying that the house should be well rectified." After saying that, he looked at Fuduoduo quite flatteringly.

Hearing this, Fu Duoduo frowned slightly and muttered, "Is the news accurate?"

Yihong immediately nodded and promised, "I can't be wrong. I saw Zhang's mother go out of the house this morning and hasn't returned yet."

Fuduoduo nodded, had a plan in his heart, and took out two five-point silver barns from his arms and secretly stuffed them into Yihong's hand. He said meaningfully, "Serve the old lady well. Your honor is not just the treatment of second-class maids now."

Respectfully took over the white silver, Yihong's eyes couldn't help shining, and even answered with a respectful voice, and said, "My aunt's filial piety has moved me. I will follow your guidance and serve my wife carefully." With that, he attentively waited for Fu Duoduo to enter the room and led him to the hall next to the main room where the eldest lady usually treats guests.

The eldest wife was not there. Only two little girl who had left their heads were sweeping the dust. Seeing Fu Duoduo coming in, she hurriedly saluted her sideways and greeted Yihong enthusiastically, so she continued her work.

Seeing this, Fu Duoduo looked at Yihong with a smile on his face.

Yihong saluted Fuduo and explained, "I think your wife is still busy. You sit down first, and the maidservant will make a cup of tea for you to warm your stomach."

Fuduoduo glanced at the scarlet embroidered felt curtain hanging in front of the door frame of the inner room, and nodded.

Time passed quickly. As soon as I sat down, a cup of tea passed, but I didn't see the eldest wife, and no one came out of the inner room to tell him more blessings.

It doesn't matter. Fuduo has been quietly tasting tea, waiting patiently, and there is no trace of impatience.

But the green chrysanthemum beside her was very restless. At first, when she stepped into the door, she looked curiously. Her face was full of surprise and surprise, and sometimes she made a gentle "tut" admiration, just like the novelty of visiting Grand View Garden with Grandma Liu. But after a long time, when she looked through the whole hall and didn't see the elegant old lady, she gradually became anxious. Before she thought about who the seat of the maid fell to, she was even more anxious.

After hesitating for a long time, Green Ju finally whispered to Fu Duoduo, "Auntie, my wife hasn't come out yet. Do you think you have forgotten it?" With that, he pointed to the felt curtain that had been hanging still.

Fuduoduo looked at the green chrysanthemum and scolded dissatisfiedly, "Madam is my elder. As a junior, you have to wait for a day and a night, but you have to wait willingly. What are you worried about? Don't you remember what I taught you when I came here? Don't always scratch behind others' backs!" The voice is neither light nor heavy, nor abrupt, but it can clearly penetrate into the ears of the present, and even as long as you listen carefully in the inner room, you can hear it clearly.

Being reprimanded in front of others, the green chrysanthemum was very wronged, and even her eyes were full of tears and was about to roll down.

Fu Duoduo saw it, and he was bored for a while and gave a winny to Hongmei.

She did intend to lecture the old lady just now to make her respectable, but her original intention was not to make the green chrysanthemum cry. After all, in the early morning, crying in the eldest wife's yard, didn't it make her feel bad? At present, let Hongmei coax green chrysanthes one or two.

Hongmei is also a person with transparent eyebrows. She more or less guessed the intention of Fuduoduo. She didn't want to stop the trouble, but under the reality, she could only try her best to appease the green chrysanthemum and let her take back the golden bean she wanted to fall. She said, "Green chrysan, aunt is also for your own good. Don't be sad. It's not good for others to let others see it."

It's not a comforting thing. Seeing Hongmei's words, tears fell down, as if she had suffered a great grievance, looking at Hongmei with bright eyes.

Hongmei screamed badly. She was afraid that the green chrysanthemum would be angry with Fuduoduo, so she turned to her body and couldn't help looking at Fuduoduo as if asking for help.

Fuduoduo finally got rid of the green chrysanthemum, how could he easily pick up this trouble? Just inadvertently glanced at the corner of the red coat from the fine crack of the felt curtain covering the inner room. In addition, it was also the time to close the red plum. After weighing it, Fu Duoduo said to the green chrysanthemum, "Don't cry! This is my wife's room. Let others see it. Maybe how to arrange it? Besides, I just said a few words to you, just like being wronged. Do I have to apologize to you before you can stop? The tone is slightly asking.

No matter how good or bad the green chrysanthe is, she knows that she can't cry any more. She can only shake her head and say she dares not.

At this time, a pair of well-maintained white and soft clothes opened the thick scarlet felt curtain, and the charming red apricot carefully waited for the eldest lady in a big red silk black and green rolling gold.

Fuduo immediately took the red plum and green chrysanthemum and came forward to salute, with very standardized and respectful movements.

The old lady looked at Fuduoduo faintly, waved her hand and said, "Get up!" With that, he sat down on the main seat by himself.

Fu Duoduo got up and stood aside obediently, like a timid little daughter-in-law.

The old lady took the tea from Yihong, took a sip, and then asked, "Fu's, what's the matter? Why did I hear someone sobbing in the inner room? But what happened?"

Fuduoduo immediately knelt down with a "plop" and said tremblingly, "It's the poor concubine who taught you. It stained your ears in the early morning. Please punish me!"

The old lady narrowed her eyes and said, "The punishment also has to tell a cause and effect. What's going on? I heard a noise here in the inner room, but the servants didn't listen to your discipline, which made you angry?

Fuduoduo glanced at the already frightened green chrysanthemum and said slightly, "No, it's not good to be a cheap concubine." Put things down vaguely.

The eldest wife is not a fool. She insists on breaking the casserole and asking to the end. It can be seen that Fuduoduo has never said anything. The eldest wife pointed to Hongmei and said, "What do you think is going on? Why are her eyes still red? The "she" in the mouth of the old lady refers to the green chrysanthemum.

Hongmei looks at Fuduoduo and green chrysanthemum, and I don't know what to say.

However, the eldest wife didn't want to expose it. Hongmei could only think carefully and say, "It's nothing. It's just that my aunt said a few words about green chrysanthemum."

The old lady frowned and asked, "Just said a few words, and she began to cry?"

Hongmei nodded bravely, after all, this is indeed the case.

The eldest wife's face became gloomy and said to Fuduoduo, "It's really difficult for you. I wanted to send two kind people to take good care of you, but I didn't expect it to be such a thing, and it's difficult for you to speak for her. Since this person has no respect or inferiority, just when the tooth woman is coming, he will sell her and pick a new one. You don't have to bother to teach her so much. Speaking of the last sentence, the old lady deliberately aggravated her words, as if she knew what Fu Duoduo's intention was.

Fuduoduo's play was originally for the eldest wife, and she was not too stupid to see her other purpose.

However, she doesn't want to get the green chrysanthemum out now, because without her, there will be other strange and unfamiliar substitutes. An unknown one is not as good as the old one, so as not to spend more time running in, so Fuduo earnestly pleaded for the green chrysanthemum: "Please be kind to the old lady. Although the green chrysanthemum doesn't know the rules, as long as the concubine takes more attention, she must eventually understand the matter."

Green Ju had been scared for a long time. Seeing that Fuduo pleaded for her, she hurriedly responded, and Hongmei also spoke for her.

Hearing Fu Duoduo's words, the old lady was slightly stunned.

She originally thought that Fuduoduo wanted to borrow her hand to send the green chrysanthemum, and she also had her own plan. After a while, Fuduo came and let Fuduoduo walk into the trap she set, and followed her words, but she didn't expect that things had a 360-degree turn, which was really unexpected.

The old lady pondered for a moment and looked at Fuduoduo thoughtfully. She didn't know what she wanted to do.

After thinking about it, the old lady said, "Since you have the heart to teach well, it's up to you whether this green chrysanthemum goes or stays."

Fuduoduo hurriedly kowtowed and thanked, and the green chrysanthemum also cried with joy. She was secretly glad that there was finally no danger. She was grateful to Fuduoduo in her heart and spoke for her. As for Hongmei, she was very angry and felt that what she had done was very sinister. She stabbed her in the back, but pretended to be a good person and applied plaster for her in front of people.

Hongmei has words of suffering, but she can only swallow the suffering into her stomach.

Who is Fuduoduo is the master, and she is just a little maid who can only carry this black pot.

Fuduoduo thought for a moment and said to the eldest wife, "Madam, I have a merciless invitation. Please make a final determination."

The old lady had been waiting for Fuduoduo's follow-up. Seeing that she finally said the purpose behind the matter, she couldn't help saying, "If you have anything, just say it." But he didn't agree.

Fuduoduo said word by word: "There are now four close maids beside the bitch, including the spring welcome and spring blessings that the young master once served, and the red plum and green chrysanthemum you gave to the bitch. However, the people are complete, and the levels are not divided. The cheap concubine doesn't know much about the rules of Yufu. Please give me some advice. Who is suitable for the big girl? In otherg that there is no law, none of them are big or small, there is no suppression, and similar things will happen again.

The old lady's expression was condensed, and she finally understood the real meaning of Fu Duoduo's trouble.

It turned out that she wanted to push the difference between offending her, and cleverly said that she didn't understand Yufu's rules, so she couldn't refuse at all, so she had to take it abruptly.

However, you have a good plan, and I have a bridge ladder.

The old lady muttered, "Yufu's rules are virtuous, and talented people can be promoted. You should be clear about what's going on in your room, and I can't say anything.