happy concubine

Chapter 85 Repression

Fu Duoduo took a deep breath.

As the saying goes, beating a dog also depends on the owner. These slaves are too arrogant to touch her so blatantly? After the eldest lady was so bold.

It's too strange that Fuduo couldn't figure out how they thought about it.

Shouldn't we avoid the edge at this time? How could this be?

Closing his eyes, Fu Duoduo couldn't help falling into meditation.

After a moment, when she opened her eyes again, her eyes were bright and there was no hesitation.

Calmly nodded slightly to the red plum's comfort, and Fu Duoduo looked at Yu Shiyi, who was faintly angry.

Yu Shiyi knew that although Hongmei was rewarded by his eldest wife to serve Fuduoduo, no matter what, beating Hongmei is equivalent to hitting Fuduoduo in the face, which is also equivalent to him. How can he not be angry?

Lazyly relying on the big welcome pillow, Yu Shiyi asked coldly, "What are you looking for me for?"

The servant below looked left and right, hesitated for a long time, and finally launched a woman who was about 40 years old, dressed in lilac silk cocoons and dressed very neatly as a representative. The woman stepped forward slightly, saluted Yu Shiyi respectfully, slanted her eyes, and said aggrievedly, "The maidservant is Ye's mother, who used to serve in the old lady's room. Since the death of the old lady, she has been sent the old lady to the flowering to serve flowers and plants. Slaves have never been exposed to such errands, but after a period of time, they have adapted and learned. It's just that Ben is fine. I asked the eldest lady to call him this morning. After some arrangements, the maidservant arranged your courtyard. With that, he showed a flattery to Yu Shiyi and said, "I am very happy to serve you in your courtyard, and I am full of thinking of trying my best to serve you. It's just..." After a pause, he glanced at Fu Duoduo, which seemed to be a little difficult to say.

After listening to Mrs. Ye's words, Fu Duoduo sneered in his heart.

I didn't expect that Mrs. Ye was quite good at talking and quietly demeaned the old lady's selfishness. The old man who used to serve around the old lady not only did not treat her well, but also arranged rough work, but raised her to adapt herself. No matter how difficult the old lady was, she adapted to it well one by one, and then she was high-profile. He praised Yu Shiyi for a few words, but the last sentence was squeaky and must have been aimed at her.

He pulled the corners of her mouth coldly. Fu Duoduo was very clear about what Mrs. Ye wanted to say to her, so he was silent and quietly waited for her to continue singing the play.

And Yu Shiyi followed Mrs. Ye's eyes and looked at Fu Duoduo, who was fine. He said harshly, "If you have anything to say, just say it directly. If you can't speak, come back when you think about it!"

Mrs. Ye shrank her neck and finally said bluntly, "After all, my aunt has ignored home, and no one has taught me before. I am now full of strength and have nowhere to use it. So... So the maidservant dared to come and ask for your attention." Seeing that Yu Shiyi's face was very gloomy and obviously unhappy, Mrs. Ye quickly added, "I and other maidservants are rough people. I don't ask for anything. I just hope there is room for you. Please show me." After saying that, he knelt down with a "plop" and pressed his forehead tightly to the cold ground.

Seeing Mrs. Ye like this, other slaves also did the same and knelt down one after another.

Seeing this, Yu Shiyi smiled angrily and asked Fuduoduo, "Now you are in charge of Fushouyuan. What do you think?"

Fu Duoduo knew that Yu Shiyi was helping her establish her power. He nodded gratefully and responded, "There are not many affairs in the yard, but there are not many people, and they are far beyond. In the case of oversupplying demand, the poor concubines are improperly arranged to get them to ask for work. It is the negligence of the concubine. I don't know if they Such loyalty and ability, please forgive the young master!" With that, Yingying knelt down to Yu Shiyi.

Before his knee bent down, Yu Shiyi stretched out his hand and said, "It's not your fault, just like what this woman said. After all, you don't understand it yet, and some omissions are inevitable." After saying that, he looked at Mrs. Ye and asked, "Don't you think?"

The direction of the matter was a little deviated, but it was difficult to get off. Although Mrs. Ye felt that Yu Shiyi's words were a little famous, she could only nod her head and said, "What you said is exactly this, so the maidservant came here bravely and asked my aunt not to be surprised. I just wanted to be better. It's just serving the young master." With that, he looked up slightly, looked at Yu Shiyi with great respect, and said with great remembrance, "The slaves and maidservants were all made up by the old lady. When she was alive, she loved you the young master the most. You are the only heir of Yu's family in the future. I dare not take it lightly. Naturally, everything is you first."

Yu Shiyi nodded and said lightly, "I understand your loyalty, and I also know that when my grandmother was alive, I loved me very much. Since you are so careful, let's do it!" With that, his words paused. Seeing the expectation of the people below, Yu Shiyi raised the corners of his lips and said evilly, "There is a village in the western suburbs. There is a very short supply and the fields are abandoned. All of you go!" You can show your strength."

As soon as the words fell, the slaves were in an uproar, very surprised, and more angry with Mrs. Ye.

Mrs. Ye's body trembled slightly. She knew that this was going to happen. When Zhuangzi went up, why didn't those people peel her off a layer of skin? She never thought that such a result would happen. When they first came to make trouble, they all had a good imagination, thinking that the young master would look at them as the old lady's predecessors and would give them decent again. When he was fully in charge of the Yu family, wouldn't that benefit more? Therefore, these people will make a scene now.

But...but people are not as good as heaven, and things are completely different.

If they had known such a result, they might as well hang out in Fushouyuan.

Mrs. Ye couldn't help swallowing her saliva with difficulty and said cautiously, "Young master, I am loyal to you and hope to serve you closely. Yes, if the maidservants are sent away, it's not impossible..."

Yu Shiyi narrowed his eyes slightly, interrupted Mrs. Ye's words, and said coldly, "Do you think I'm sending you?"

"No, it's not..." It's not something, and Mrs. Ye couldn't say it, so she came.

Looking at Mrs. Ye's stern appearance, Fu Duoduo really wanted to laugh three times.

This is the best performance of stealing chickens and eroding rice, but the result is not as good as the original.

However, looking at Yu Shiyi's thin side face, Fu Duoduo didn't expect him to act so vigorously, thinking that he was just a child with a strange personality, extremely lack of love and bad temper. Now it seems that he is a man.

Before Mrs. Ye's sophistry, Yu Shiyi settled down and said firmly, "That's it. You guys are all very good. I will remember your good in my eyes."

Hearing this, Mrs. Ye's face and lips turned white.

Other servants are very unwilling. They think it's all Mrs. Ye's fault. Why did they even be kicked out of the house together? So when you pleaded with me, the yard suddenly became noisy and very noisy.

Yu Shiyi frowned and was faintly angry.

Seeing this, Fu Duoduo picked up the tea cup on the kang table and fell to the ground fiercely, making a crisp "slam" sound.

In an instant, it suddenly became quiet.

Fuduoduo shouted, "What are you shouting about? Is this a market or a vegetable market? Do you allow you to be so wild? The young master asked you to go to Zhuangzi because he looked up to you, and you said that you didn't have enough things to arrange here, so you came to the young master noisyly. Now that the young master is at your wishes, who do you want to show such aggrieved faces? Or do you think you are the master and can dictate recklessly?

The people below dare not speak, but they are still unwilling.

Yu Shiyi looked at Fuduo thoughtfully, and it was very novel to see her behavior like a shrew.

However, thinking of all kinds of Fuduoduo's previous 'offensive' behaviors to him, Yu Shiyi also felt that her behavior was also ordinary and warm.

Seeing that these people were calm, their arrogance was dispelled a lot, and Fuduoduo began to calculate the old accounts. She would never let Hongmei be beaten for nothing, so she blessed Yu Shiyi and said, "Young master, do you think the most important thing in managing servants is to have clear rewards and punishments? Don't be partial?"

Fu Duoduo's brainless words made Yu Shiyi slightly stunned. Seeing her eyes constantly glance at the red plum whose face was beaten red and swollen, he understood, nodded solemnly and said, "This is natural, otherwise how can it be?"

Fu Duoduo continued, "Thank you for your guidance." With that, he straightened up and asked Hongmei, "What's wrong with the palm prints on your face?"

Hongmei's thoughts are lively. Although she can't guess all the thoughts of Fuduo, she can also know one or two of them, so she knelt down and said aggrievedly, "Please ask your aunt to make the decision for me! The slave's slap was very unfair.

Chunfu is not stupid. When he stopped these slaves outside before, he suffered a lot of their losses and pulled his clothes very messy. There were also many scratches on his arms. He also knelt down with Hongmei, lifted his sleeves in public, revealing raised red marks, and said, "Please also ask your aunt to make the decision for me!"

Seeing the scar on Chunfu's arm, Fu Duoduo's eyes narrowed slightly.

She originally thought that Chunfu had not been hurt, but she wanted to hide the damage under her clothes. The marks of red spots touched her heart too much.

He took a deep breath and asked Mrs. Ye coldly, "I asked the two of them to just comfort you and let you in when the young master woke up from a nap. I didn't expect that you were really loyal enough to do such a cruelty to them!"