happy concubine

Chapter 101 Fat

Fuduoduo hurriedly took Yu Shiyi back to Fushouyuan. After serving ** lying down, he dismissed everyone and had to let Dr. Li stay.

Compared with Fu Duoduo's anxiety, Dr. Li was very leisurely. He sat elegantly on the clinical kang, poured a glass of water by himself, and asked Fu Duoduo if he wanted it.

Although Fuduoduo is dry now, there is no time to drink water now. After settling Yu Shiyi down, he hurriedly asked, "Dr. Li, how's the young master? Why did you suddenly faint? Was it because of yesterday's poisoning that the residual poison was not clear and made the body more decay?

Dr. Li did not answer immediately, but calmly drank the second glass of water, then took out a yellowed and some dilapidated book from his arms and handed it to Fu Duoduo. Then he said slowly, "Look at this first. The answer you want is in it."

"Hmm?" Fuduo was full of puzzlement and anxiety, but he could only press down these factors and take the books from Dr. Li.

Taking it in his hand, it turned out that Dr. Li gave Fu Duoduo an old handwritten medical book.

Fu Duoduo looked up at Dr. Li suspiciously, and then opened the page with a big question mark.

What comes to my face is the strong smell of ink, which doesn't smell good.

But in this case, Fuduoduo can only choose to ignore it and take a closer look at what is written about Yu Shiyi in this medical book.

Unexpectedly, Fuduoduo turned from beginning to end, but nothing useful was found.

There was nothing he could do. Fuduoduo humbly asked Dr. Li, "I'm stupid. I looked through it carefully and didn't see anything from it. You are old, can you make a point or two? Otherwise, just say it bluntly. Anyway, you are the hint. In the end, I can't guess it.

Dr. Li stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Buddha said it can't be said. If you think about it again, you will understand."

Do you think about it?

Fuduoduo couldn't help twitching at the corners of his mouth.

To say that this medical technique is a vernacular and simplified Chinese characters, it will take a few days for Fu Duoduo to slowly study something famous. But this book is not only in the form of classical Chinese, but also in traditional Chinese characters that people think they are illiterate, and it also writes dragons and phoenix dances. How can she think about it?

There's nothing we can do. Fuduoduo didn't have the patience to deal with Dr. Li any more, so he had to brace himself and said frankly, "I... I don't know much, so you just let me think about it for a few years, and I can't understand it. You still have something to say bluntly, how is the young master's health?"

Dr. Li was a little surprised and ignored Fuduoduo's question, but asked seriously, "You can't read? Can't you even read it into a sentence?"

Fuduoduo nodded with some embarrassment, and his face turned slightly red.

You should know that in her last life, she was also an intellectual. Now it is really embarrassing for her to admit that she is illiterate.

With the affirmation of Fu Duoduo, Dr. Li looked at her carefully and looked at her very strangely.

Dr. Li's eyes were too strange. Fu Duoduo quickly diverted his sight and asked, "Don't worry about whether I can read or not. What's the real situation of the young master?" Word by word reminded Dr. Li not to go off the topic.

Dr. Li was a little disappointed and said faintly, "He's fine. How can he have something to do? I can't die for the time being." With that, she looked at Fu Duoduo again and seemed to have not digested the fact that she couldn't read.

Fuduoduo was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

After the big stone held high in his heart fell, Fu Duoduo noticed that the sensitivity of all senses had returned, and he could clearly feel the hot dry pain in his throat.

No matter Dr. Li's strange behavior, Fuduo is busy pouring a glass of water by himself.

When the warm tea moistened her throat, Fuduoduo suddenly remembered what Dr. Li said yesterday that he would bring her a medical book and let her study first.

Looking at the dilapidated book in his hand, Fu Duoduo finally understood what Dr. Li was trying to say just now.

In fact, when he gave her this book, Dr. Li had already revealed Yu Shiyi's story to her, that is, there was nothing serious for the time being, and then asked her to open the book. In fact, he wanted her to study medical books by herself, and then learn some medical skills, so she could act on Yu Shiyi's own judgment. However, I always feel that Dr. Li wants to say more than that, there are other things...

Fuduoduo thought left and right, looking at Yu Shiyi, who was lying ** with his eyes closed, and then at Dr. Li, who was still distressed by her illiterate things, and then recalled everything before. In the flint electric light, Fuduoduo found a trace of shadow, but this shadow quickly slipped from his mind and did not catch it in time.

Involutatingly, Fuduoduo was very anxious and turned his head to look at Yu Shiyi.

Coincidentally, she found something and caught the shadow that slipped away in time.

He came forward and saluted Dr. Li respectfully. Fuduoduo said, "Thank you for reminding me. I understand." With that, his eyes burst into light.

Dr. Li, who was originally distressed by Fuduoduo's illiterateness, saw Fuduoduo's words, all the troubles disappeared in an instant and said in a word, "As long as you are willing to study hard, there will be no result." With that, he paused slightly and said, "It's just enough to work hard, but you still have to learn." He refers to literal.

Fuduo nodded heavily to show his understanding.

Dr. Li was very gratified. He pointed to the medical book in Fuduoduo's hand and said solemnly, "This book is my lifelong medical skill. You are so beautiful. If you don't understand, you can come to Baicao Garden to me." With that, he made a big and small explanation before leaving.

After sending Dr. Li outside the house, Fu Duoduo turned back to the inner room.

Thinking about what had just happened, she thought that Dr. Li was really a wonderful person and as interesting as an old urchin.

Shaking his head and slowly walking to Yu Shiyi's bed, Fuduoduo now has another thing to confirm.

Sitting by the bed and looking at Yu Shiyi's sleeping face, Fu Duoduo felt that his face was not bad. If he had a few more pieces of meat on his face, it would be more pleasing to the eyes.

Thinking of this, Fu Duoduo thought of the two flowery ladies in the second and third aunts's family.

When she was in the main courtyard, she really felt that Yu Shiyi was like a piece of good fat meat, and everyone wanted to eat a bite.

Evil was born to the gallbladder, and the evil thoughts and impulses that came out of nowhere. Fu Duoduo slowly bent down, put his hands on Yu Shiyi's cheeks, then gently pinched his face and said viciously, "Fat, fat, you are a good piece of fat, everyone Come and take a bite! It's fragrant, greasy, and I still want to eat it..." He was proudly and said the improvised smooth words, but Fuduoduo couldn't say it anymore. His body was stiff and his mouth opened slightly, as if he had been touched by a hole and couldn't move at all.

She didn't expect that Yu Shiyi would open her eyes at this moment, and she held her hands desperately. She was so shocked that she just wanted to escape immediately, but it was too late.

No... No, it's not that I didn't expect it, but I had already guessed that Yu Shiyi was pretending to be sick and even dizzy. She came to expose his deception, but how could it become like this now? She...what did she just do? Unexpectedly, he pinched Yu Shiyi's face and said such strange things?

What's wrong with her?

You were hit by a ghost just now!

Fuduoduo thinks that he has always been a very cautious and steady person, with few lively aspects, how can he...

You don't need to point acupoint. Fuduoduo is already as dull as a wooden chicken.

Yu Shiyi grabbed Fuduoduo's hand narrowly and laughed, "Wasn't it quite jubilant just now? Why are you here now? Keep going! What you said is really interesting and consistent. I love to listen to it. You go on and don't have to worry about me. With that, he also exerted a little force to make Fu Duoduo's hand closer to his face.

Fu Duoduo was stunned and didn't know how to deal with the chaotic situation in front of him.

Looking at Yu Shiyi's smile, as if grabbing her braids, Fu Duoduo really wants to hit the wall.

Why is she so haunted?

Slowly close your eyes and immerse yourself in your thoughts. Fuduoduo hypnotized herself. It was just her hallucination.

After a while, when Fu Duoduo opened her eyes again, her eyes were no longer panicked, but clear.

Pull the corners of his mouth, Fuduoduo transferred Yu Shiyi's thoughts and asked, "Young master, why do you pretend to be ill?" In fact, what she wanted to ask more was that when she was in the main courtyard, she thought that Yu Shiyi really fainted and didn't feel pain when she tried her best to pinch others?

Seeing that Fu Duoduo returned to his previous appearance, unlike the mischievousness just now, Yu Shiyi was a little frustrated, but seeing that Fu Duoduo wanted to transfer the embarrassment of the right talent, he pretended to ask questions very seriously. Yu Shiyi wanted to tease her, so he smiled at her and asked, "What do you think?"

She thought that Yu Shiyi wanted to scare away the second and third aunt's daughters and didn't want to marry them.

Although I guessed in my heart, Fuduoduo still wanted to listen to what Yu Shiyi said in person, which... also to avoid the fundamental difference in what they actually think and avoids errors?

At this moment, Fu Duoduo deeply felt that he began to think nonsense again.

Yu Shiyi didn't know what Fu Duoduo was thinking now. He just felt that her expression looked dull and interesting. He was about to reach out and pinch Fu Duoduo's face. He also said that when she just said, Chunfu was outside the house inappropriately and reported through the curtain: "Auntie, Miss Lin San is here. He said he wanted to see the young master, do you see?

Miss Lin San?

Fuduoduo was slightly stunned and didn't realize who it was.

Yu Shiyi gently reminded: "It's the youngest daughter of the third aunt's brother."

"Oh." Fuduo suddenly realized.

However, Miss Lin San came too inexplicably.

No, it's not inexplicable, but it's coming too fast.

How long has it been since you came out of the main courtyard? She came to visit Yu Shiyi so soon. Is she really worried about Yu Shiyi?

Fuduoduo shook his head.

I'm afraid Miss Lin San is not good.

Looking back at Yu Shiyi, I want to ask him what he means.

But Yu Shiyi closed his eyes at this moment and looked like he ignored everything.

Fuduo was angry for a while, and everyone was annoyed that she was used as a gun barrel.

There's nothing she can do. Fuduoduo can only let Chunfu treat Miss Lin San first. She will go out for a while.

After all, a good show has appeared, and she will come to the stage sooner or later.