happy concubine

Chapter 110 Breaking in

Fuduoduo thought about it, but he really couldn't figure out what kind of resentment she had with those young ladies, which led to such harming her.

In an instant, she felt as if she was standing on a single wooden bridge, with wolves in front of them, tigers behind them, eagles on top and crocodiles below. No road was safe.

She really wants to step out of a path even if there is no road, as Mr. Lu Xun said.

But can she?

At this moment, Fuduoduo has doubts about himself.

"Auntie, what are you going to do?" Hongmei pointed to the big red peony flower makeup dress and the red horse-faced skirt in the tray and asked.

Fuduoduo looked down, sighed deeply, and said, "Take it back!" How can I wear this dress? As soon as you go out, you will be drowned by saliva.

Hongmei was very embarrassed and looked at Chunfu.

Chunfu looked back at the red plum, bit her lower lip, and finally grabbed the tray in her hand and said, "You stay here to serve your aunt. I'll send this dress." With that, she saluted Fuduo and turned around to leave, but when she raised her feet, she was grabbed by Hongmei's arm and reached out to grab the tray, arguing, "You still stay. You have been in the house for a long time, which can help your aunt." With that, despite Chunfu's opposition, he used brute force and snatched the tray back.

"You!" Chunfu is in a hurry and wants to take it back.

Hongmei refused, dodged Chunfu, and lowered her voice to scold her not to mess around.

Seeing this, Fuduoduo felt very strange.

So, when Hongmei and Chunfu were forced to grab the tray, she stopped them and asked confusedly, "What are you doing?" Why don't you stop?"

Hongmei and Chunfu were all stunned, and their eyes flashed with a little panic.

Looking at them like this, Fuduoduo wanted to know more. He was more strict in his tone and asked, "Is there anything you hiding from me?"

Hongmei and Chunfu looked at each other quickly, then shook their heads at the same time with a tacit understanding, and repeatedly vetoed, "No, no!"

"No?" Fu Duoduo raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't believe them very much.

Hearing the suspicion of Fu Duoduo's tone, Hongmei and Chunfu still insisted that there was nothing to do. They thought that as long as they didn't say anything, Fuduoduo could do anything about it.

However, they still underestimated Fuduoduo.

Fuduoduo wants to know something, no matter how much obstruction there is, he has to make it clear.

This is her stubbornness and her obsession.

came forward with a sneer. Fu Duoduo unexpectedly took the tray from Hongmei's hand and said to them, "Since you won't say anything, let me ask the young master in person."

"Auntie..." Hongmei and Chunfu both knelt down in front of Fuduoduo and stopped her, "Auntie, you can't go!"

"Can't? So tell me what happened after returning to Fushouyuan? Unexpectedly, you were so gaffed and shouted at each other, as if you were sending clothes as if you were on the execution ground. A slight pause, as if guessing something, suddenly opened his eyes and asked awe-inspiringly, "It's the young master. What did the young master say to you, right?"

"No, no!" Hongmei and Chunfu tried their best to refute, but their panicked expression and the panic in their eyes still betrayed them.

Fuduoduo simply didn't go around with them and said bluntly, "Okay, okay! Since you don't say it, it's not my confidant!"

As soon as these words came out, Hongmei and Chunfu's faces turned pale instantly. They knew that Fuduoduo was serious.

Look at each other and see the meaning of telling the truth from each other.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Chunfu went to stop Fuduoduo, who wanted to return to Fushouyuan, and Hongmei explained anxiously, "Auntie, please listen to me. Young master, before the maidservants came, the young master once told him that if he sent the clothes back intact, he would sell the maidservants and Chunfu, so...so theservants dare not..."

I don't dare anything. I don't need to explain, and I know it.

Fuduoduo's feet were a little floating and staggered slightly.

Chunfu hurriedly supported Fuduoduo, while Hongmei went to pour tea.

Fuduoduo waved his hand, gently pushed away Chunfu, and let Hongmei sit down on the Taishi chair without pouring tea, looking a little trance.

Chunfu and Hongmei were very worried and gently called out.

Fuduoduo didn't pay attention to it immediately. After waiting for a long time, he asked leisurely, "Do you think I'm worth this?"

Chunfu and Hongmei didn't know the meaning of Fu Duoduo's words, and they looked blank.

Seeing this, Fuduoduo sneered and said, "It seems that I am too naive. I always wait to be hurt like this before I know how stupid I am."

took a deep breath and sighed out. Fuduoduo said feebly, "You serve me to dress!"

"Auntie..." Hongmei hesitated and said, "If you wear this red and go out later, they..."

Fu Duoduo hooked the corners of his mouth and asked, "Then what do you think you should do?" It's difficult for me to ride a tiger now, and I can only take one step. With that, there was no need to wait for them to do it. Fuduoduo untied his belt by himself and withdrew the clothes wet with tea one by one. Every time he returned, the chill hit her body, and Fuduoduo could recognize the truth more.

Cousin is always a cousin, Yu Shiyi or Yu Shiyi. Although they have something in common, they still have an essential difference. The former will at least not harm her, but the latter may be. She was too emotional before and thought that she could settle everything with her own enthusiasm, but she didn't know that in the eyes of others It's just a stupid joke.

Chunfu and Hongmei have made up their minds to see Fu Duoduo, and they have no good way to help her, so they can only serve her to change clothes.

Just as the coat faded, leaving only the carambola butterfly-patterned belly pocket, a burst of ** came from the door.

Fuduoduo didn't pay much attention to it. He thought it was Hongrui who came to urge him and let Chunfu and Hongmei speed up their movements in their hands.

But as soon as he untied all the strings of his belly pocket, the windshield felt curtain was lifted from the outside. On the other hand, he was as white as paper, thin and long. A weak-crowned man with black silk like thick ink was surrounded by a white jade crown. He saw that Fuduo's delicate skin was only blocked by a small belly pocket. His His face suddenly turned red, diluting some of his unhealthy symptoms.

Seeing the man staring at Fu Duoduo, Hongmei and Chunfu all screamed, quickly opened their hands and surrounded Fu Duoduo tightly.

Fuduo looked at the intruder, snorted almost inaudiblely, reached out and patted the panicked Hongmei and Chunfu, and said faintly, "It's the young master, don't be nervous." With that, he gently pushed them away, bent his knees and saluted Yu Shiyi coldly, and said coldly, "The young master is fine."

Listening to Fu Duoduo's words, Hongmei and Chunfu also looked at the people and found that it was really Yu Shiyi, and their hearts settled down slightly.

After settling down, they woke up to salute Yu Shiyi, but Fuduoduo only had a small belly pocket. If they saluted, there was no doubt that Fuduoduo would walk away and suddenly became a little difficult.

For good, Yu Shiyi doesn't care too much, and his current attention is all about Fu Duoduo on his shoulders.

"Do you still want to watch it?" After all, Fuduoduo is not a pure-race ancient person. She is dressed like a modern bikini. There is nothing to be ashamed or covered up. What's more, her heart is very cold now. There is nothing to be ashamed of Yu Shiyi's hot eyes. Instead, she generously pushes away the red plum and spring that protect her tightly. The two of them exposed her bare body more.

Seeing Fu Duoduo's behavior, Hongmei and Chunfu blushed and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Yu Shiyi swallowed his saliva, his face turned redder, and stammered, "Come on, put on your clothes so as not to catch a cold." Looking up and inadvertently touching Fuduo's cold eyes, Yu Shiyi was slightly stunned. I don't know why she was like this. She had never seen him like this.

With a thin thought, Yu Shiyi's ears were hot.

He thought that Fuduo must be shy, and he still stared at her with such a thorn. No wonder she would be angry.

Greedy glance again, Yu Shiyi slowly turned around and told Hongmei and Chunfu, "Serve your master to put on your clothes. If you catch a cold, only ask!" After saying that, he said to Fuduoduo extremely gently, "You, don't care about my recklessness. I'm just... just..." Yu Shiyi's words were poor and couldn't say what he was, but Fuduoduo was angry and still reluctantly explained, "I just forgot."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Shiyi gasped and finally said the words.

But after carefully recalling what he had just said, Yu Shiyi was anxious to get angry again.

What did he just say!


Have you forgotten about this kind of thing? It's better not to talk about it.

For a while, Yu Shiyi's heart was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

If you want to explain, but you are afraid that the more you describe it, the darker it will become. If you don't say it clearly, you are afraid that Fuduo will misunderstand.

In a word, it's very entangled.

Fu Duoduo didn't know the struggle in Yu Shiyi's heart at this time. Now she is thinking about how to pull out the whereabouts of Bi Tao from Yu Shiyi's mouth.

Now, nothing is important to Fuduoduo. The only important thing is the safety of Bitao.

Chunfu and Hongmei, who were serving beside her, were keenly aware of the change of Fuduoduo's mood at this time, so they were very worried about her and said something inappropriate to Yu Shiyi because of clothes. If so, there will be no benefit to anyone.

While Yu Shiyi turned his back to them, Hongmei gave Chunfu a wink and asked her to stand in front of Fu Duoduo, and she gently persuaded him, "Auntie, after all, the young master is an old man. He is not as delicate as our women, and some things don't think about it carefully. So..." After a pause, Hongmei continued, "Don't worry about it. Didn't you take a step back and wide the sky?"

Fuduo knew what Hongmei meant. She really didn't have the capital to quarrel with Yu Shiyi now, so she nodded expressionlessly.

Hongmei was relieved and patted Chunfu on the shoulder to show that she had finished speaking, and asked her to continue to help put on this dazzling red dress for Fu Duoduo together.