happy concubine

Chapter 134 Dream

As soon as Xie's mother and others left, Yu Shiyi kicked the dark red Su embroidery brocade covered by Fu Duoduo's body far away, and his behavior was very rude.

Seeing this, Fu Duoduo frowned slightly and asked, "Do you also suspect that there is something wrong with this quilt?"

Yu Shiyi hooked the corners of his mouth and said with a sarcastic smile, "If something abnormal, she will be a demon. She will not do this for no reason, especially at this time. There must be a big article in this quilt. It's better to be careful." With that, he picked up the quilt and went to destroy it.

Fuduoduo hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wait a minute."

Yu Shiyi turned around and looked at her puzzledly.

Fuduoduo came down from **, found a pair of scissors in the needle and thread basket on the kang near the window and asked, "Don't you wonder what's going on in it?"

Hearing this, Yu Shiyi frowned and put the quilt back**.

Fuduoduo grabbed a corner of the quilt, opened the stitched thread with scissors, and slowly opened the bedding.

Inside the bedding is a quilt made of snow-white cotton, which looks fluffy and warm, and is a good product.

Fuduoduo looked through it carefully and didn't find anything suspicious.

Involutatingly, Fuduoduo looked at Yu Shiyi, showing a confused face and asked, "Are we thinking wrong?"

Yu Shiyi also came forward to have a look, but he really didn't find any clue.

Locking his eyebrows and thinking about it, he took the beam pot of purple sand, tilted slightly, and the tea slowly fell on the quilt, and then waited quietly.

After about 20 breaths, under the quilt soaked with tea, something seemed to be slowly squirming.

Fuduoduo was so shocked, exclaimed, and hurriedly asked Yu Shiyi, "What is that?" With that, his hand trembled and pointed to the black thing in the green slowly coming out of the quilt.

Yu Shiyi fixed his eyes and said coldly, "It's a bloodsucker. This kind of bug is as big as an orchid bean when it doesn't suck blood, but after sucking blood, it will slowly grow up, as thick as a thumb, five inches long, and very fast." With that, his tone slowly became cold, like the cold wind in the harsh winter, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

"Blood-sucker?" Fuduoduo had never heard of such a thing. He looked pale and approached the quilt covered with black spots to find out.

After careful inspection, Fuduoduo knew that this bloodsucker was the leech she was familiar with in her previous life. Once it was adsorbed on human skin, it would be difficult to remove it. It had to be washed with salt or water. Otherwise, if you pull it with your hand, it would be difficult to peel it off, and even if it was pulled open, it would leave a wound. Come on, the blood can't stop flowing out.

Thinking of the cognition of leeches in his previous life, Fuduoduo's stomach rolled for a while and couldn't help vomiting.

Yu Shiyi hurriedly poured a glass of warm water, let Fu Duoduo drink it slowly, pressed the sour gas, and gently patted her back to relieve her pain.

After Fuduo touched his chest and took a few breaths, he felt much better.

Slowly straightened up, Fu Duoduo closed his eyes and said feebly, "I didn't expect that Xie's mother would work so hard not only spread rumors to slander me, but also my son also came up with such a sinister and unexpected means to harm. It's really unprevent." After saying that, he sighed for a long time, full of sadness and helplessness.

Yu Shiyi was distressed, took Fuduo into his arms, hugged her tightly, kissed her cheek, and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, everything has me."

Looking up at Yu Shiyi's sincere eyes, Fuduo thought of the third rumor that Chunfu said. He only felt that his head was very painful, as if it was about to explode, which was very uncomfortable. In addition, her heart beat regularly at this time, sometimes very fast, as if she wanted to jump out of her body. She was forced to breathe, and sometimes slowly, which made her feel suffocated, so she had to open her mouth to get fresh air.

In this case, the pain suffered about half a cup of tea. Fuduoduo finally couldn't stand it. He only felt the darkness in front of him, and then his body slowly softened down and gradually slipped down.

It came too suddenly. Yu Shiyi panicked, hurriedly hugged Fu Duoduo, who was already unconscious, and shouted for Chunfu to invite Dr. Li.


Fuduoduo doesn't know how long she has slept, but only knows that she has had a long dream.

In her dream, she was in a cold and gloomy ward.

There are three beds in the ward, two of which are empty, and no one lives there. Only the bed by the window sits with her back and looks out of the window, the girl in white and blue staggered clothes. Her back looks very lonely and lonely, and her whole body exudes a strong sadness.

Seeing this, Fuduo only felt a slight pain in his heart and wanted to comfort the girl.

She knew that the girl was her cousin, very young, but her fate was very bad.

dragging a heavy pace, Fuduoduo slowly walked forward.

When she passed by the first bed, she stopped and looked at the empty bed. Her eyes were very sour.

If there is no mistake, she remembers that this bed was a very beautiful, lively and lovely little girl who was only five years old.

Niang was diagnosed with leukemia, which was detected at birth and received treatment very early.

Just because I couldn't find a suitable bone marrow, the life of flowers and bones disappeared on a sunny morning.

Thinking of this, Fuduoduo sighed deeply.

raised her steps and continued to walk forward. Passing by was the second hospital bed. This ** slept like an elderly lady. She was very kind and kind. She once said to her cousin and little girl, "If God wants to take away you young children, it's better to take me, an old woman, earlier. Anyway I'm so old, and living is also a drag on my children. It's better to leave early to reduce their burden."

Therefore, not long after saying this, the old lady chose to commit suicide and swallowed a large number of private sleeping pills and died.

A few days after the old lady died, Ni Ni Ni's condition suddenly worsened and finally left the prosperous world.

Now there is only one cousin left in this ward.

With a sigh, Fuduoduo came behind his cousin, but he didn't know how to speak.

Because my cousin's condition has worsened, the doctor said that it was difficult for her to survive this cold winter and her life was in danger at any time.

With a deep sigh again, Fu Duo put his hand on his cousin's shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Cousin's body stiffened and immediately let out a strange smile. She slowly turned around and covered her face with her hand and said to Fu Duoduo, "Okay? Of course it will be good. How can I be bad? It's just you who are not good." With that, he let go of his hands covering his cheeks and smiled strangely at the corners of his mouth.

When Fuduoduo saw the familiar but strange face, he was shocked and couldn't help retreating. He muttered, "Impossible, impossible, this can't be true..." With that, he felt a lot of pain all over his body, and everything in front of him became dark with a sound. With a horrible scream, Fuduo woke up from his dream.

Slowly opened his eyes, and Fu Duoduo's mind was a little unclear. He stared at the top of the Qian color tent, as if he didn't know where he was.

"You finally woke up!" Yu Shiyi held Fu Duoduo's hand excitedly, as if as soon as he let go, Fu Duoduo would slip away from his hand and leave.

After holding it for a long time, I was sure that it was not a dream in front of me, but a real thing. Fu Duoduo really had to wake up. Then Yu Shiyi hurriedly asked her, "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? You haven't eaten for a day." With that, without waiting for Fu Duoduo to have any reaction, he quickly raised his voice and woke up Chunfu, who was lying on the table and fell asleep, "Come on! Auntie woke up and got some to eat. After saying that, he quickly changed his words and said, "Don't take it yet. Bring the soup first."

Chunfu woke up sleepyly. Seeing that Fu Duoduo really woke up, he cheered happily and completely forgot his usual rules. With his skirt, he turned around and trotted to get the decoction on the stove. Because he was too excited, he had not woken up from his sleep and staddled a little.

Yu Shiyi laughed and turned his head to look at Fuduo, but saw that her eyes were in a trance, as if she had no soul. He patted her face worriedly and called out, "Duoduo? Duoduo? What's wrong? Wake up! Wake up!" Seeing the simple call, Fu Duoduo didn't wake up at all. Yu Shiyi was cruel and pinched her hard.

The intense numbness stimulated Fuduo's nerves and made her slowly come out of the strange and horrible dream just now. She raised her eyelids to see Yu Shiyi's worried face. She did not mean to be close. Instead, she saw the flood beast and hurriedly moved into the bed, as if Yu Shiyi would harm her. .

A little confusion and puzzle appeared in Yu Shiyi's eyes.

However, now is not the time to find the answer to this mystery. The most important thing is to appease Fuduoduo first.

So, he lowered his voice and said softly to Fu Duoduo: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's me! It's me, Yu Shiyi. I won't hurt you, and I won't let anyone hurt you. With that, regardless of Fuduo's struggle, he held her in his arms and gently patted her on the back to calm her down.

Fuduoduo looked at Yu Shiyi warily and his thoughts were chaotic.

Nowadays, she can't tell which one is dream and which is reality. She feels that both of them are real, and she feels that they are both mirrors and moon. Everything is empty and illusory.

PS: At the end of the year, I began to be busy, and I always couldn't write satisfactory chapters. I simply got up at 3 o'clock in the morning and wrote a chapter while it was quiet. I hope you can understand my interruption yesterday. In addition, I hope you can take good care of yourself, have a good rest and have a good New Year!