happy concubine

Chapter 162

(This chapter has been revised and expanded)

The old lady was so angry that her face was very ugly. After a while, she asked again, "Does he know that Mother Xie is plotting wrong?" Intend to poison and murder?"

Wen Zhu replied, "The young master has heard about it. He asked the little one to tell you that no matter what Xie's mother did, it was his wet nurse, and the young master also said that there was something strange about poisoning. Maybe someone blamed Xie's mother. At that time, he tasted two bowls of bean curd brains."

The old lady's face was gloomy and she stared at Wenzhu for a long time before she said, "I have made my own decision on this matter. Let the young master rest well. Don't worry too much!"

Looking at the old lady gritting her teeth, Wenzhu didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to retreat.

Take a deep breath, and the old lady's thoughts flew around.

Now, with Yu Shiyi's disturbance, Xie's mother can only escape the disaster.

However, she is not the one who suffers.

So, she said to Xie's mother, "The young master is kind. Since he pleads for you, I, a mother, can't help but fear his face. Therefore, although you have a lot of suspicion about poisoning, but... Humph, you can only spare your life, but you can't stay in Yufu anymore. After saying that, without waiting for Xie's mother to react, he said to General Manager Xie, "It's not unreasonable for you to say that you don't teach your husband to marry a wife. Xie's mother will be like this, and your responsibility can't escape. Now, if you continue to sit down, it is inevitable that the people below will not accept the position of the general manager of Yufu. What do you think?

Instead of directly saying that he wanted to remove the position of General Manager Xie, he threw the problem to the other party.

General Xie is not stupid, knowing that this is the old lady's threat to him in disguise.

Anyway, he had no intention of staying in the position of general manager, so he said, "My wife said very well. After such things, the little one has no face to continue to stay in the house." His forehead is close to the cold floor tiles, and his attitude is very sincere.

The old lady smiled faintly and said, "Well, thanks to your self-knowledge." After saying that, waved their hands and asked them to go down to clean up and leave Yu's house tomorrow.

Xie's mother hesitated and glanced straight into the house.

General Manager Xie made it clear in his heart and quietly pulled Xie's mother's cuffs, signaling her to stop doing stupid things at this juncture.

Xie's mother understands, but if she doesn't do it, she won't have a chance in her life, and she will be uneasy to death and not close her eyes. Therefore, in the end, she knelt in front of the eldest wife and said earnestly, "Madam, the young master was brought up by an old slave. Can you say goodbye to the young master before leaving?"

The old lady narrowed her eyes, pulled the corners of her mouth and said, "It's hard for you to remember him, but he may not see you."

Thanks mother didn't say a word, but made her posture lower.

The eldest wife was very happy.

At the beginning, Xie's mother was so majestic, but now she has to crawl at her feet and beg for it.

Well, what a retribution!

In order to show her generosity in front of the crowd, the old lady raised her hand to let her in.

Anyway, at this point, she will no longer have a chance to turn over.

Xie's mother was grateful and kowtowed a few times before she went in trembling.

The room is full of the smell of medicine, which is very choking.

Xie's mother came to Yu Shiyi's bed, knelt down and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, young master."

Yu Shiyi slowly opened his eyes and did not turn his head to look at Xie's mother. Instead, he looked at the emerald green tent and said leisurely, "Yes, I'm sorry, everything has happened. What's the use of saying this now?"

Hearing Yu Shiyi's ruthless words, Xie's mother blushed.

There is a saying that you know today early, why at the beginning.

Now, Xie's mother has a deep understanding of this sentence, but unfortunately it's too late.

"The young master is right. It's the old slave who deserves it." With that, he paused for more than a dozen breaths and whispered, "Before leaving, the old slave has a sentence to tell the young master, so that you won't be blinded and suffer great losses in the future." After saying that, she looked at the door a few times and saw that the people outside the house did not pay attention to her behavior, and there were only her and Yu Shiyi in the room, so she reminded at ease, "Young master, don't treat the eldest wife as your biological mother. She will not be sincere to you, because she is not your real mother, but someone else."

This news is very exciting, but it is a little taken for granted.

Yu Shiyi did not react too much, but responded gently.

Looking at Yu Shiyi like this, Xie's mother was stunned for a moment.

She thought that when Yu Shiyi heard the news, he would immediately ask where his mother was now, instead of not having too much reaction now. It seemed that she had already known it, which made Xie's mother a little frustrated.

With a gentle sigh, Xie's mother said, "Then take care of yourself. I can't take care of you anymore."

As soon as the words fell, Xie's mother stood up, looked at Yu Shiyi with nostalgic, and then staggered and turned away.

Yu Shiyi, who had been lying quietly, finally made a move at this moment and slowly turned his head to look at Xie's mother's back.

Once, he thought that this woman would be his support and really good to him.

It's just that I didn't expect that this was just his wishful thinking.

Just now, although Xie's mother said something sincerely, a trace of heat in her eyes could not escape his eyes.

She still wanted to stay in Yufu and played the last card for this.

Hmm, this is human nature, and this is Xie's mother, who has always been working step by step.

In those years, if he hadn't inadvertently known that Xie's mother was not dedicated to his good, he would have been blinded by Xie's mother's false care and worry.

That year, he was so ill that he couldn't eat anything. Coincidentally, the old lady and the old lady got angry and sprinkled all the dissatisfaction on his head. He secretly told people not to serve him so carefully that he did not eat fine food. Yu Shiyi became more and more appetizing, making it short for a few days. It's as thin as skin and bones.

However, no one sympathizes with him.

At that time, although Yu Shiyi was young, his mind had been promoted early due to environmental problems. Therefore, his heart is getting colder and colder. Sometimes, lying on the cold bed, he would think that if he had not been born, all the pain would be gone.

However, is there an if in the world?

The answer is obvious, absolutely impossible!

God once said that if I close a door for you, there must be a window open for you.

When Yu Shiyi felt that he would starve to death, Xie's mother brought a bowl of hot and fragrant bean curd brains.

The bean curd brain is smooth and tender, melts in the mouth, doesn't have to chew much at all, and it is quite full.

After drinking a slow bowl of bean curd brain, Yu Shiyi felt that his whole body was full of strength and began to be full of hope for life.

It turns out that there are still people in the world who really love him.

Yu Shiyi was full of joy and secretly determined to treat Xie's mother well.

There is just an old saying, which is called "extreme happiness makes sorrow".

He never thought that Xie's mother was just like this. She just obeyed the order and was not very happy at first.

This is simply a great irony for Yu Shiyi. When he wanted to be strong and protect someone, the man looked at himself coldly, as if a cold knife had been stabbed in the chest. It was so painful and desperate.

Since then, Yu Shiyi has completely sealed his heart. No one else wants to come in, and he doesn't want to go out until...

Recalling the first meeting with Fu Duoduo, the stubborn little face, Yu Shiyi laughed silently.

She is different from others. She is not deliberately close to him because of his identity, let alone alienate him because of his identity.

Yu Shiyi likes that kind of light feeling very much, and he has this wonderful feeling for the first time.

Thinking of this, Yu Shiyi was so hot that he couldn't wait to leave Yufu now and go to Zhuangzi to find Fu Duoduo.

However, he had just got up, and there was a noise outside the house, and the voices were boiling.

Yu Shiyi couldn't help but listen carefully. He only heard the old lady's faint voice, with the meaning of gloating, and said, "Oh? Did you move the fetal gas? Is it serious? Has the doctor passed yet?

The little maid who came to inform replied, "D. Li has been invited, but... it's just that the fourth aunt doesn't look optimistic."

"Isn't it optimistic? Why is it not optimistic?" The third aunt asked in a jubilant tone.

The little maid hesitated and replied, "I heard from the experienced woman that the fourth aunt's fetus will be unprepared."

As soon as the words fell, the third aunt smiled very unkindly.

The old lady's tone was also full of relaxation and said, "In this case, we have to take a look, so as not to be known by the master and say that we are cold-blooded and impersonal."

Of course, several aunts are willing to see the stone falling into the well, especially those who usually squeeze themselves and have no face. However, several serious wives are not very interested. Even if there is no separation, it is still a matter of other people's rooms. It is not good to watch the fun like this.

Therefore, the third and fourth wives left in advance.

The eldest wife still wants to go to the third and fourth wives, but she can't be too forceful, so she can only go with them.

When several aunts saw that the old lady was lingling and didn't leave, they hurriedly urged her.

The old lady restrained her thoughts and took the lead in leaving Fushouyuan.

For a while, without this large group of warbler swallows, the noisy courtyard suddenly became deserted.

After listening to the dialogue outside the house, Yu Shiyi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a leisurely look that everything was under his control.

However, when he didn't take a few breath, the raised corners of his mouth bent down again and his face became solemn.

Now is the best time to do it, but in this way, the original opportunity to go to Zhuangzi will be ruined.

After thinking about it, Yu Shiyi called Wenzhu into the house and told him carefully, so that the dog hiding behind the bed left him to pretend to be himself, and he opened the secret path in the house and left quietly.