happy concubine

Chapter 173 ends

There is a bulging bag in the cabinet, which is stained with dark red blood stains and can't see the colors clearly.

The people present were shocked and looked at the fourth aunt in horror and angrily, feeling that perhaps as the third aunt guessed, the old man had been killed.

The old lady's mood is complicated at this moment.

Before that, she hated the old man so much that she couldn't wait to eat his meat and drink his blood.

However, at this moment, looking at the bloody burden, thinking that it might be his body, her body involuntarily shrank slightly.

She is afraid that it is really him in it.

She closed her eyes tightly and immediately opened her eyes. The old lady seemed to have made a major decision. She steadily pointed to one of the rude women who was squeezed in a pile of fear and said, "You! Go and see what's in it!"

The named woman shrank her neck and was a little reluctant.

She looked up at the old lady's cold eyes. No matter how much she wanted to do, she could only harden her scalp and pass like a turtle.

As soon as you get close to the cabinet, the smell becomes stronger and stronger.

Fortunately, it's spring. If it's a hot summer, it will smell even worse.

The woman comforted herself and reached out tremblingly to the strange burden.

Seeing that the burden was about to be opened, the fourth aunt shouted sharply: "Shut! You bitch, this is my inner room. If you dare to open this bag, when the master comes back, I will have to break your hands!"

Hearing this, the woman was stunned and looked at the old lady hesitantly.

The old lady sneered and said, "If you don't listen to me, I can chop your hands off now!"

The words were understated, but the words were as sharp as the wind in the cold winter, which made the woman dare not hesitate and quickly opened the burden.

Seeing that the general trend was gone, the fourth aunt and Xiaoqian both thumped in their hearts and watched the development of the matter feebly.

Ah? What is this?" As soon as I opened the bag, I saw that the first thing exposed in the bag was bloody, only a little white and unknown things were exposed. Even the woman who had prepared in her heart was really shocked when she first saw such a bloody and vague scene, which made the people who didn't know the situation hear the woman's exclamation and scream one after another. What's more, some timid people fell into a coma.

The old lady's heart "banged" and hung several handkerchiefs in her hands. Then she resisted her inner uneasily and told her mother-in-law, "Take out the burden and open it in public!"

The woman swallowed, stretched out her hand and shrank back, tossed it several times, then closed her eyes, took out the bloody burden, put it on the blue brick in front of the fourth aunt's bed, and then slowly opened the burden stained by blood and exposed the contents.

As soon as these were done, the woman immediately bounced up and didn't dare to look at it.

Except for the fourth aunt and Xiaoqian, the people in the inner room are also the same. They dare not look at the things in the bag. Even if they are bold, they also take a look at it, and then quickly shrink their heads back and stand far away from the bag one after another. Only the aunt's expression is cold, and the corners of her mouth seem to be slightly hooked.

The old lady took several deep breaths before looking at the burden.

The same is true for the second aunt. Without much hesitation, she also looked at the eldest wife.

As for the third and fifth aunts, they stood with their backs to their burdens and were frightened to lean on the maid beside them.

"This thing is not..." After seeing the things in the bag, the eldest lady coldly questioned the fourth aunt and said, "Why do you put these pickles in the cabinet? Could it be..." dragged the ending and thought about what the fourth aunt's intention was.

The second aunt's eyes turned again and again, approached the eldest lady, lowered her voice and said a few words.

As soon as the words fell, the old lady frowned tightly, waved her hand to mother Zhang and said, "Contain all the servants and maids in the Jiuguyuan, and have a good trial. About the fourth aunt's fetal abortion!"

Since Chief Manager Xie left at his own request, the general manager of Yu's house is now Zhang's mother's husband, General Manager Zhang, and now the eldest wife holds the backyard to death. She is the most trusted by the eldest wife. Now she can be said to be a figure above 10,000 people under one person, and there is no room to play. Fourth Aunt The mother happened to bump up, quickly rolled up her sleeves, responded with a gloomy smile, and commanded to tie up all the four aunt's people, drag them outside, and tortured them severely. Even if there was nothing, she would spit out a trace of clues.

The fourth aunt trembled with anger and wanted to get out of bed to stop it as soon as she lifted the bedding.

But when she remembered that she had just had a "small labor", she could only shrink back anrily, gritted her teeth and pointed to the eldest lady and said, "You! Are you humiliating me while the master is away? Unexpectedly, the person who tied me up so blatantly! You! You! When the master comes back, I have to talk to him about you, the mother of a virtuous family!" It deliberately aggravated the sound of the word "virtuous".

The eldest wife didn't care about the anger of her fourth aunt. She sat slowly on the kang by the window and said leisurely, "Just in time, I also have something to tell the master. Your fourth aunt unfortunately had a misfortune. How could she hide three bloody chickens in the inner room? What is this? Do you have any estuary hobbies? Or..." After a pause, the gentle voice suddenly became fierce, "Is it that you are a fake pregnancy at all!"

In an instant, the fourth aunt's face turned pale and looked a little flustered.

"You! Don't spray blood!" The fourth aunt resisted calmly and refuted it back, but she still seemed to lack confidence because of her guilty.

The old lady disdained to argue with her fourth aunt here and said coldly, "Yes or no, it will be revealed soon."

The fourth aunt knew that as long as the eldest wife had a little doubt, she would drill into it like a fly when she saw feces, and had to get something out.

She thought that now she was finished, and she couldn't help blaming her secretly. The old man who used to walk around her now disappeared!

When the third aunt saw this situation, her eyes couldn't help shining.

It turns out that the fourth aunt is not pregnant! Like them, they can't lay eggs.

Thinking of this, the third aunt was happy and sarcastically said, "I said fourth aunt, why do you? If you can't lay eggs, you won't lay eggs! Why bother pretending? Now, let's wear it! It's a joke for everyone! Alas, it's really worthy of coming out of the brothel, and the next method is first-class. Speaking of this, the third aunt smiled again, "Speaking of the brothel, you are really good at hiding chickens. Are you afraid that others don't know you are a prostitute?"

The fourth aunt ignored the third aunt's words, but the sad scream of the maid who was tortured by Zhang's mother in the yard fell into her heart.

Now, no matter what she says, things have been nailed to the iron plate and can't be saved.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was a cup of tea, or maybe a few hours, Mother Zhang directed the rough woman to drag the dying little Qian in.

Xiaoqian looked at her fourth aunt's guilty and guilty eyes, which made her feel that the sunlight from the window lattice was particularly dazzling, so that she only saw a white scene in front of her. She couldn't see anything clearly, and her ears seemed to have lost their original function and could not hear any sound.

I don't know how long it will take, the scene of white flowers has turned dark, and the surrounding environment is extremely cold.

"Grandma, I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, a weak voice that seemed to be far away and close penetrated many obstacles and fell into the ears of the fourth aunt.

At this time, as if all organs were normal, she could see and hear.

I don't know when it was dark now, and the people who used to fill the whole inner room suddenly disappeared.

"What time is it now? Have they all left?" The fourth aunt gently opened her lips and asked hoarsely.

Xiaoqian was beaten so soft, but she still held on and replied, "It's all gone. I'll leave after the interrogation." With that, he squeezed his lips tightly and said, "This is the fault of the maidservant. It is the fault of the maidservant. If it hadn't been for this, the third aunt would not have found the strangeness of the cabinet, let alone the contents." As she spoke, she remembered the testimony of the stew manager of the big kitchen. She hated it with her teeth, "Fourth aunt, it's all my maidservant's fault. If you want to kill her, I don't have any complaints!" After saying that, she thought that even if she was a ghost, she would not let go of steward Chen's story about her going to the kitchen to get the chicken at that time.

The fourth aunt sighed and said, "If I blame you, I can't escape any responsibility. If I hadn't had a fake pregnancy, you wouldn't have been beaten today. With that, she got out of bed and picked up the sweaty Xiaoqian, gently wiped away her sweat, pulled away her smile, and said gently, "Today's event is also a wake-up call for us. It's good to be cautious next time. We still have a chance."

"You... don't you blame me?" Xiaoqian asked tremblingly.

She knew that her fourth aunt was a must-have person. She betrayed her for her life, so she let herself go?

The fourth aunt smiled and said, "Then what do you want me to do with you?" Killed? Or torture you?" With that, he shook his head and said, "If I were in your position, I would also confess the truth in order to protect myself. Naturally, we are half a catty. Why should I embarrass you? Now, let's think about our way out. After saying that, he looked up at the distance, in a trance and had no focus, but when Xiaoqian didn't pay attention, her eyes flashed with blood.

Xiaoqian was moved and endured the severe pain on her body. She crawled on the ground and said earnestly, "Auntie, don't worry, I will get it back for you one by one!"

The fourth aunt smiled, but said nothing.

After this fake pregnancy storm, the courtyard was not like the scenery of the past. It was noisy and people came and went, but became extremely cold. The whole courtyard was so quiet that the needle could be heard. Only the inner room where the fourth aunt was located, and sometimes there was some sound of speech.