happy concubine

Chapter 191 Misunderstanding

Now is his opportunity for Chen Er. As long as he seizes this opportunity, the freezing of the right time will be lifted.

It's a good idea, but it's difficult to do.

How to say this and what to do? It is measured by a certain scale. If it goes beyond this range, things will be counterproductive, and Chen Er will never be able to turn over.

secretly glanced at Fu Duoduo and Dr. Li with Yu Guang. Chen Er was full of heart and was not completely sure to bring back the situation.

Time waits for no one, and Fuduoduo is still waiting for his reply. Chen Er can't hesitate any longer.

So, he knelt down and kowtowed his head. Chen Er said sincerely, "Thank you for your love and for the sake of the young." Seeing that Fu Duoduo did not have any change in expression, Chen Er squeezed his lips, took a deep breath, and continued to say, "The little one grew up in Zhuangzi, and going up the mountain and down the river is a daily thing to do. There are many snakes and insects on the mountain, and there are also many biting things in the river. The small ones are used to it. I never thought of seeing a doctor for these minor injuries, so..." After a pause, with a strong nasal sound, he said, "Thank you again for your care of the little one!" After saying that, he kowtowed again with great sincere.

Fu Duoduo and Dr. Li were stunned.

One of them once lived in a metropolis where small wounds had to be diagnosed and treated, and the other was born in the countryside, but later caused a terrible plague and left sequelae due to his contempt for minor diseases. Therefore, just now, they didn't think that in this era, in such a remote place, they don't even have enough to eat, how can they be willing to spend money to see a doctor? And it didn't develop into a serious disease?

Just now, for Chen Er's euphemistic refusal, they all took the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Fuduo hurriedly asked Chen Er to get up and said, "If you don't see a minor illness, it's easy to become a serious illness. What's more, you are not a minor problem. What if the poison invades the body?" With that, he gently comforted Chen Er and then said, "Don't have any burden. Dr. Li is kind to people, and his medical skills are rare and superb."

Who doesn't like to hear good words?

Dr. Li, who was beside him, listened to Fu Duoduo's compliment and said with a smile, "You will wear a high hat as a teacher." With that, he took a sip of tea and said seriously, "However, what you said is really true!"

As soon as the words fell, Fuduoduo couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

Seeing that Fu Duoduo is like this, I know that Dr. Li is really kind, and the people in the room can't help laughing secretly.

For a while, the suppressed laughter diluted the previous dull atmosphere.

Seeing this, Chen Er breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart finally fell down.

He finally turned the situation around and erased Fuduoduo's prejudice against him.

Chen's mother arranged the outfit of Dr. Li and others, cleaned the guest's room, and was entering the room to report the situation with Fu Duoduo. Seeing Chen Er kneeling on the bluestone brick and was about to get up, although his face was full of relaxation, his face was not very good, blue and white, and the people around him were smiling. Extremely annoyed, thinking that she had bullied the second son she held in the palm of her hand, and her face was gloomy. I would like to say good afternoon to my aunt. Dr. Li and others have all been arranged. Can you go and have a look? It's a non-standard gift, and the words are also stiff. It's not as soft as before, and I feel a little uncomfortable when I hear it.

Fu Duoduo frowned slightly and said nothing. He just nodded and turned to ask Dr. Li, "Master, would you like to watch Chen Er's pulse later and accompany you to have a look?" If you are not satisfied, let them change it again?"

Dr. Li doesn't pay too much attention to these, as long as he can make do with it. "No, don't have to be so troublesome. It's good to live in people."

"Then let the servants do something to wash. You are tired all the way. It will be better to wash it. After about half an hour, lunch is almost ready. We picked some wild vegetables and fruits in the mountain this morning. You can just taste it. What do you think?

Dr. Li has only eaten those disdainful food in the small villages where he once lived. After decades, he almost forgot the crisp and tender taste. Now that he can taste it again, he can't help asking, "What is there?" Looking up, he caught a glimpse of Chen Er, who looked pale, stopped the topic and said, "I just talked about it and forgot the business." After saying that, he waved to Chen Er and asked him to go over.

Chen Er looked at Fu Duoduo and asked her.

Fuduo didn't seem to notice it. It was not until a moment later that she seemed to have just seen it and hurried to let him go.

Dr. Li turned a deaf ear to this and focused on Chen Er's pulse.

Fu Duoduo curled his lips secretly.

If you want to hit a person, you are not only pointing directly at yourself. The smartest thing is that a fierce knock on that person's seven inches is the most effective.

Chen's mother cares most about her three sons, Chen Er is seven inches.

She is living a smooth life now, and she even looks at herself openly.

Although she didn't care about these superficial efforts, Yu Shiyi had to be cautious. In the future, Chen Er becomes Yu Shiyi's left and right arm, which can bear heavy responsibilities, and Chen Da also has a good job, and her third son has a good and decent job. Chen's mother is proud that her three sons can speak in front of Yu Shiyi and be arrogant in front of others.

The glory and decline of a family is not only because of the inheritor, but also because of the inconspicuous servants. This is just like in a victorious army, in addition to a general who is good at planning, there are also good soldiers who dare to rush to kill the enemy. Only when the two coordinate with each other can they be invincible.

Therefore, if Chen's mother has not realized that after she made such a statement, no matter how capable she is, it is not easy to introduce it to Yu Shiyi.

Therefore, Fuduoduo stood aside and quietly observed Chen's mother's meticulous expression and movement.

Chen's mother was all on Chen Er, but she didn't notice much about Fu Duoduo's thoughts.

Seeing that Chen Er was called away and asked Dr. Li to diagnose his pulse, her heart beat like a drum, and bad thoughts kept coming out of her mind. She forgot all the rules, and rashly asked Dr. Li, "What's wrong with my son? He doesn't look good. Is he seriously ill? Or did you suffer any injury?" When she said the last sentence, Chen's mother couldn't help but secretly glance at Fuduoduo. She intuitively thought that she had just entered the room and saw Chen Er kneeling on the cold ground. She must have been punished by Fuduoduo. Otherwise, her second son runs around on the farm every day and is in a very good body. He hasn't had any minor illness for a year and a half. How can he look so bad? Just like having a serious illness, what's more, Dr. Li asked her son to make a pulse, but Chen Er looked at Fu Duoduo from time to time and got Fu Duoduo's permission, and her son passed tremblingly. If the occasion didn't allow it, she really wanted to come forward and touch Chen Er's body to see where she had been beaten.

Dr. Li deliberately took a look at Fu Duoduo, twisted his beard, and said, "I didn't get hurt, but Chunfu was bitten by snakes and insects. He helped him take drugs. My aunt was worried and asked me to show him, lest the toxic liquid would invade his body and bury the future. "

Chen's mother was shocked and stared at the boss.

Is the truth of the matter like this?

Chen's mother didn't believe it and asked Chen Er for verification.

Chen Er didn't know the dark speculation in Chen's mother's mind before. He thought that Chen's mother was the same as he thought before. He thought that Fuduoduo's asking Dr. Li to see a doctor was just a polite word. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and misunderstandings, he explained without a trace: "Mom, don't worry, I'm fine. It's my aunt. The breast shirt loves me, and I'm afraid that there will be something wrong with me, so I specially asked Dr. Li, who has excellent medical skills, to show me.

When Chen's mother understood Chen Er's words, an old face couldn't help turning red and looked at Fu Duoduo embarrassedly.

She never thought that the truth of the matter would be so different from what she thought.

"Thank you for your effort!" Chen's mother solemnly saluted Fuduoduo and thanked Dr. Li.

Knowing mistakes can greatly improve.

Fuduoduo saw that Chen's mother was like this, and he had a decision in his heart.

No one is perfect, and most of them have more or less shortcomings and minor problems.

It is desirable for Mother Chen to pull down her face to admit her mistake seriously. I'm afraid she is proud and won't look back when she hits the south wall.

After thinking about it and weighing it, Fuduoduo decided to appoint Chen Er.

As for whether he can become Yu Shiyi as an important left and right hand in the future, it depends on his ability.

After a cup of tea, Dr. Li finished diagnosing his pulse and said, "There is nothing wrong with him. If you drink a few of the soup I prescribed, his bones will be stronger than before!"

Hearing this, Chen's mother was busy and thanked again and again.

It's getting late. Chunfu and Chen Er have nothing to do. Fuduoduo arranged someone to take care of Chunfu. She accompanied Dr. Li to the west wing arranged by Chen's mother to see how the housing was.

After what happened just now, Chen's mother diligently led the way in front of her.

As soon as they walked halfway and passed by the garden, the dog left and the Liang woman, as well as a young but weak man, were hurried over and saw Fu Duoduo and his party. They were all stunned.

"Auntie, the little one brought the doctor." The dog still reacted quickly and pulled the young man out and introduced, "He is Dr. Ye in the village next door, and his medical skills are well-known in the countryside. Hearing about Chunfu's situation, Dr. Ye is sure to cure Chunfu, no..." Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fuduo and said, "Don't need this doctor. Dr. Li has come and has diagnosed Chunfu's pulse. She is fine now."

The dog was surprised again and couldn't help looking at the so-called Dr. Li.

Dr. Li's eyes looked at the woman Liang, who stood behind the dog and couldn't help dodging.

PS: The big fat man passed by with the lid of the pot.