happy concubine

Chapter 245

The second aunt ordered Liu Ye to say a few words and waved her to let her leave.

Liu Ye stood in the porch and looked up at the dark night sky, feeling very heavy.

It seems that she has to work harder to turn the Zhu family upside down so that her second aunt can trust her. Otherwise, she will always be the rootless duckweed, let others slaughter, but she has no resistance.

Compared with Liu Ye's hope for the future, Fu Duoduo, who was far away from Zhuangzi, looked at the four or five strong men brought back by the dog and felt Alexander.

This Zhuangzi is not small, but not big.

But four or five big men were squeezed in at once, and Zhuangzi was instantly stuffed full.

After arranging those people, Fu Duoduo asked the dog, "What do these young masters mean? Really just to protect me and protect me? It's not that Fuduo doesn't believe Yu Shiyi's love for her, but there are so many tall and powerful men without any warning. Her little heart really can't stand it. Maybe Yu Shiyi has other deep meanings, maybe.

At first, when I saw those people, the dog left was also shocked.

He thought that no matter how worried the young master was, it was good to send one or two people, but he didn't expect that it was five strong men.

On the way back, because of the five of them, the pedestrians on the road automatically flashed away, enough to see their power.

Now that my aunt is also full of suspicion, the dog left replied very seriously, "Auntie, this is the young master who was afraid that it is not safe for you to live in this village, and specially asked Wenzhu to select the guard overnight. He also said that if there is anything in the future, you can directly find the head of the five people, that is, there is a long scar on the face. Bao Changxin, who looks fierce and has a rough voice, protects him.

Fuduo recalled that there was indeed such a person.

However, she thought of another thing.

Every time Yu Shiyi comes and goes, he is either accompanied by Yu Zheng or only has a groom, who doesn't have much hair.

This time, he was accompanied by a servant and a groom, so that on the way back, he was suddenly killed by bandits and almost died first. At that time, she thought there was no comparable person around him, but now she has suddenly given her five tall guards...

Thinking of this, Fuduo is angry and distressed.

He is angry that he is not responsible for his life and loves his suffering.

She asked the dog, "Is there anyone around the young master?" Did you get all the guards to Zhuangzi?

Hearing Fu Duoduo's question, the dog was surprised and admired.

Before he came, Yu Shiyi once came to him and repeatedly told him, "When you go back this time, my aunt will definitely ask about the guards around me. Just tell her that the incident of encountering bandits before was purely unexpected, and the blue sky and daytime did not expect such a thing to happen. Now for my safety, the old man has arranged a lot of people in Fushouyuan for me to send her not to worry, but to dispatch those guards at will. Also, there is a very important thing that you need to be clear about what to say, what not to say, and to make a detour. You have to have this in mind. Don't confuse it!"

At that time, the dog left it disapproved.

Now, after listening to my aunt's detailed inquiry, I'm glad that the young master has reconciled the abdominal manuscript with him before.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to say.

So, he organized his words a little, and the dog's heart trembled and talked about it to Fuduo.

Fu Duoduo was slightly relieved.

For the first time, I felt that the old man had finally done a serious thing.

Since the five guards could be sent to Zhuangzi by Yu Shiyi, they should have a lot of trust in them. Fuduoduo handed over the cow eggs temporarily imprisoned in the firewood house to them and let them dispose of them. A few days later, Bao guard and another young guard left Zhuangzi with Niu Dan. It is said that he went to Yufu to correct it.

Fuduoduo was a little worried and secretly prayed in his heart that everything would go well.

In Yu's house, Yu Shiyi took a small porcelain bottle given to him by Dr. Li, and an evil smile rippled from the corners of his mouth.

This medicine was specially made by Dr. Li overnight a few days ago, in order to set a trap for his aunt. He had sent someone to catch the other two bandits who attacked him that day, and secretly arranged for them to identify their aunt's voice. Everything was under control, except for his aunt's confession.

Wen Zhu came in with a smile and said to Yu Shiyi, "Everything is ready."

Yu Shiyi handed him the porcelain bottle in his hand and told him, "Do it well and don't mess it up."

Wenzhu took it respectfully and retreated.

In the middle of the night, Yu's house was quiet, and the needle fell audible and surprisingly quiet.

However, not long after, a tragic scream cut through the silence, followed by messy footsteps and whispers. After another cup of tea, all the sounds slowly disappeared until the original silence was restored.

Yu Shiyi lay in **, which is a sigh of relief.

It's midnight now, but he doesn't have a trace of sleepiness, but is very interested.

One is that he removed the poisonous scorpion of his aunt, and the other is that he knows that the master will come to talk to him later.

Sure enough, thinking about it, the old man hurried over, stood outside the door, hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and tapped the door gently, lowered his voice and asked, "Yi'er, are you asleep?" The attitude of speaking is slightly cautious.

Yu Shiyi did not answer and looked at the figure of the old man outside the window.

Seeing that there was no sound in it, the old man put down his hand and said annoidly, "Since you are asleep, I won't disturb your sleep. Sleep well, Dad... Dad will go first." With that, he sighed deeply and walked down the steps with difficulty.

Today's moon is round and big. It's a reunion night.

However, tonight's Yufu revealed all kinds of secrets, which made the old man suddenly feel like he was ten years old, and his footsteps were a little floating. He stood in the courtyard and looked back at Yu Shiyi's dark inner room with a sad and thoughtful face. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Similarly, Yu Shiyi in the inner room is also thinking.

After a long time, he got up in his clothes, opened the closed door, and looked at the old man with his lonely back.

Hearing the movement behind him, the old man turned around quickly and saw Yu Shiyi, dressed in thin clothes and pale on his face, standing at the door looking at himself.

He rushed forward excitedly and helped Yu Shiyi into the room. He chattered endlessly, "Look at you, you have suffered such a serious injury and still get up wearing so few clothes. How do the people around you serve?" With that, his eyes swept sharply at the servants with shrinking necks and taught him a lesson, "Take good care of your master. Otherwise, you will make any mistakes, only you will ask!"

The servants did not dare to breathe and responded obediently.

Yu Shiyi pulled the stiff corners of his mouth and asked coldly, "Are you here to show me?" You are not polite at all.

The old man Ning said, but he was not angry at all, but felt guilty.

All this situation is caused by him alone.

Now, who can he blame if he doesn't look like a wife or a son?

When he thought of his aunt's fierce and confused face, his heart couldn't help twitching and felt uncomfortable.

He thought that his period had always been an indisputable and quiet woman.

I didn't expect that almost all the evil things were created by her, especially the incident of Yu Shiyi's encounter with bandits and her methods. He was so angry that he slapped her hard on the spot, but he didn't expect that she also had unspeakable secrets. It turned out that she was pregnant with a child and was forced to get rid of it. Then he didn't know this. At that time, he was doing business abroad and didn't know that there was such a thing at home. He heard that his beloved woman was gone and he had a son, so he hurried back.

At that time, he deeply believed that it was the arrival of Yu Shiyi that killed his best man. In addition, he was born to Liang Fangfei, so he was very indifferent to this only son and vented all his anger on him. At one time, he could not wait to strangle him alive.

Now think about it, he is really stupid and hopelessly stupid.

The closest person is by his side, but he treats him like an enemy, which is probably the most ridiculous thing in the world.

He wanted to make up for the father-son relationship between himself and Yu Shiyi. He accepted Yu Shiyi's misdeed and said flatteringly, "Yier, it was Dad who was sorry for you before. He was blinded by lard and made you wronged. Dad will treat you well in the future and won't let you suffer any grievances." After a pause, he carefully inspected Yu Shiyi's expression and saw that there was no sign of anger. He was gently relieved and continued to say, "You can recover from your wounds at ease. Dad will do other things. Dad will give you justice!" Speaking of this, his eyes were full of fierceness, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Yu Shiyi was unmoved.

If he came to do it, he would have been eaten alive. Where is his life?

So, he was very disapproving and asked bluntly, "What's the matter with you coming to me? It's too late. I'm very tired. Very straightforward words.

The old man stiffened, pulled away his smile and said, "Actually, there is nothing to do. I just want to see if you are asleep. Did you sleep well? Does the wound still hurt? I... Speaking of which, it's okay." Seeing Yu Shiyi staring at him coldly, the old man suddenly felt that his throat was choked by something. Suddenly, there was no stubble and he stopped talking lonelyly.

Yu Shiyi sneered and asked, "Don't you think it's too late to ask these questions?"

"I..." The old man wanted to explain something, but Yu Shiyi didn't give him any chance. He pointed to the door and said rudely, "I'm tired. You can also go back and rest early!" I'm afraid you still need to arrange your aunt's affairs properly.