happy concubine

Chapter 248

Before Chen Zhuangtou came, someone had reported to him that a poor-sighted daughter-in-law had seen the theft of melons and fruits in the field before his aunt.

He was so angry that he greeted the eight generations of his daughter-in-law's ancestors.

With his hands hanging on both sides of his body, Chen Zhuang was anxiously waiting for Fu Duoduo to ask questions.

Fuduoduo didn't come to him to question him, but just learned about the situation, so she said calmly, "I heard that there are always melons and fruits stolen in the farm these days. Is it clear? If there is not enough manpower, I will ask Bao to guard them to help you catch the melon thief.

Chen Zhuangtou was slightly stunned.

Don't you come to him to scold him?

He looked uneasily at the red plum standing beside him and nodded slightly to himself. Then he was relieved and listened to Fu Duoduo about the strange things in the field from beginning to end. Finally, he said to Fuduoduo very earnestly: "In recent days, the little one has been really exhausted, but there is no harvest. It is indeed necessary. I need a guard to help me."

Fuduoduo nodded secretly, feeling that Chen Zhuangtou was better than his mother, and there was not too much pompousness.

She looked at Hongmei, and Hongmei turned around and left.

It didn't take long, under the guidance of Hongmei, the guard came majestically.

Fuduoduo told him the reason for the incident, hoping that he would help Chen Zhuangtou catch the melon thief together.

The guard responded boldly, strode over, patted Chen Zhuang's head on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you catch the thief!" The speech was full of breath, which made the ears of the people next to him buzz.

Chen Zhuangtou rubbed the painful shoulder and was busy to be polite to the guard.

Bao guard is straightforward and not used to Chen Zhuangtou's flattery. His face is a little bad, which makes Chen Zhuangtou confused. I don't know why.

After a simple handover, Bao guard followed Chen Zhuangtou to the farm to arrange matters.

Wait for them all to leave, Chunfu gathered in front of Fuduoduo and asked with great interest, "Grandma, what do you think will happen to this?" His face was full of gossip, and his eyes flashed.

Fu Duoduo glanced at Chunfu and said with a bad taste, "Do you want to feel it on the spot?"

Spring blessings are puzzled, looking at the blessings.

Fu Duoduo said, "If you follow them to catch the thief, don't you know what happened? You don't have to ask me now."

"Ah?" Chunfu exclaimed, pulled Fuduoduo's sleeves and begged pitifully, "Auntie, I don't want to go. It's dark at night and I don't see anything. It's so dangerous! It's better to listen to the talk of those servants and chat happily together.

Fuduo smiled, pulled back his sleeves from Chunfu's hand and walked straight to the inner room.

Chunfu was stunned. He looked at Fuduo's back and didn't react for a long time. He looked at Hongmei for help.

Hongmei ignored her and followed Fu Duoduo's footsteps to the inner room.

In the inner room, the corners of Fu Duoduo's raised mouth fell down, and his face was full of sadness.

She vaguely felt that what happened in the Grange seemed to be a little unusual, and something bigger was waiting to break out behind it.

Worry, time still passes like this.

After only one day, guard Bao led his brothers and caught a group of melon thieves.

There are more than a dozen melon thieves, old and young, with ragged clothes, with an accent from other places, and talking about their helplessness with a sad face.

Chen Zhuangtou came to ask Fuduoduo what to do.

Fuduoduo doesn't want to embarrass them. After all, who hasn't suffered? There is no need to forgive others and leave others with a glimmer of life.

So, she asked the guard to let those people go and told them not to steal again.

I didn't expect that those people asked to see Fuduoduo.

Fuduoduo thought about it and asked the guard to arrange it and planned to see them in the hall.

Bitao and others disagreed, afraid that strangers would come in and pose a threat to the safety of Fuduoduo.

Fuduo thought about it and felt that if all of them came, it would be too messy and cause unnecessary burden to Zhuangzi's people.

Thinking left and right, Fuduoduo asked the guard to send a message and asked those people to send several representatives.

As soon as the words spread, it was not long before, under the leadership of the guard, two people came, a man and a woman, an old man and a young man. Probably among more than a dozen of them, their words were quite heavy.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, the old man knelt in front of Fu Duoduo with the help of the young woman.

Fuduoduo was so scared by this sudden kneeling that he stood up and quickly asked Hongmei to help them up, arrange seats and serve tea reception.

The old man gently pushed Hongmei away from helping her, and said to Fuduoduo, "I heard that you are the master of this village. I took my daughter-in-law to thank you on behalf of everyone. Thank you for your tolerance and for not sending us to the government for investigation." After saying that, he pulled his daughter-in-law beside him and kowtowed a few times to Fu Duoduo.

Fuduoduo hurriedly dodged, and he couldn't stand the kowtowed to her by such an old man.

Seeing that the old man was very stubborn, she had to help the old man herself and said, "What are you doing? It's just a trivial matter. Why should I give such a big salute to this young man? Those melons and fruits are picked and will grow again in the future. When people are in trouble, why do they have to work hard and leave others a way out? After all, Fuduoduo once lived in the 21st century. Some ideas did not connect with the people here and could not be the real masters here.

At first, the old man refused to get up and insisted on kowtoing to Fu Duoduo. Hearing her like this, the old man burst into tears and finally trembled with the help of his daughter-in-law. He kept saying that Fuduoduo was a good person and let his daughter-in-law kowtow to Fu Duoduo.

After a lot of toss, the old man finally agreed to sit on the chair arranged by Fuduoduo, but let his daughter-in-law stand behind him.

Fuduoduo didn't say much about this.

In this era, as a woman, she has no status, and she is powerless to resist.

Without further ado, Fuduo asked the old man's intention directly.

When it was mentioned, the old man's tears gushed out again.

He choked and said, "You don't know that our hometown has been in trouble. The people in the village are almost dead, and even my newly married son..." Speaking of sadness, the old man couldn't help but care much. Tears couldn't help rolling down, wet his front, and making the daughter-in-law standing behind him cry.

Sad emotions are generally easy to affect other people's emotions.

Fuduoduo and others were also made red by the sadness of the old man, and they felt sad for their experience.

Especially Chunfu, if her family hadn't been in trouble, she would not have been taken away by people's teeth at a very young age and reselled several times.

For a while, the atmosphere was very depressing and sad.

After a long time, after the old man almost cried and vented his emotions, he embarrassedly wiped his tears with his sleeves, blushed and smiled awkwardly. He said to Fuduoduo, "It's all my fault. Look at what I said about these sad things in the past, which made everyone unhappy." With that, he slowly talked about the experience of more than a dozen of them.

It turned out that because of the natural disaster in their hometown, there was no harvest in the field. In addition, after a month of heavy rain, some people with poor resistance suffered from dysentery, and their families had no money to treat the disease, so they died of illness. This dysentery is contagious. If one person in the family is infected, the whole family will have it. In this way, the whole village almost suffered from it, and only a few survived, including the old man and his daughter-in-law.

There was almost no one in the village. The old man could only take his daughter-in-law away and met many people from the neighboring village who were also suffering along the way.

However, at the beginning, there were more than 30 people together with the elderly. Later, they were sick or separated or left. For various reasons, there are only a dozen people now.

After listening to the old man's words, Fuduoduo and others sighed.

However, Bitao frowned tightly and quietly went out to find Dr. Ye while others didn't care.

She is afraid that the old man and his daughter-in-law will be sick. In this way, won't her aunt be very dangerous?

She knows that dysentery is severe. Once this disease is infected, even if it is cured, she will lose a large circle of weight. If it is not cured...

Bi Tao shook her head quickly and refused to think about these bad things.

Fuduoduo's attention was on the old man and his daughter-in-law, but he didn't notice when Bi Tao had left.

She comforted the old man and asked, "What do you and your villagers plan to do in the future?"

If you have been wandering around like this, it is not a thing. The best way is to find a place to settle down and live a good life in the future.

However, this matter is easy to say, but difficult to do.

The first question is where to settle down? Generally, villages are very resistant to outsiders, especially such a large group of people, which will cause the panic of the villagers and take away their interests. Moreover, they are still afraid that they will bring the disease to the village, not to mention.

Fuduoduo has a headache and wants to help them, but there is nothing he can do.

The old man also intends to take root in his heart. Looking at Fuduoduo, he sighed and said, "If you go first is one step, it will always pass." With that, the old man sincerely apologized to Fuduoduo and said, "We also have no choice but to be hungry. If there is a chance in the future..."

Hearing this, Fuduoduo interrupted him, waved his hand and said, "It's just a small thing. When people are in trouble, you don't have to..." Looking up and see Bi Tao leading Dr. Ye over, Fuduoduo's face suddenly darkened. Knowing the intention of Bitao's behavior, she was very annoyed by her arbitrary decision. On the contrary, the old man, who didn't know why, saw Fu Duoduo's face was not good, and he thought he had said something wrong. He didn't know how to speak.