happy concubine

Chapter 261 Shock

Miss Zhu San knew that if Yufu did not find a backer for herself as soon as possible, she was likely to die for no reason as soon as she walked out of the rockery.

But there are dozens of people up and down in Yufu. Who can give her such a backer?

Helplessly curled up and hugged her arms tightly, Miss Zhu San felt so tired and wronged.

She thought of her mother, Mrs. Zhu.

Once, as long as she showed a little unhappy, Mrs. Zhu would immediately put down the work at hand, turn around her, booed and warmly, patiently coaxed her, and spoiled her in the palm of her hand, afraid that she would suffer a little grievances. As for her two sisters, the treatment would be very different. Treating the children of the former lady like a stepmother, they are noses, not noses, eyes are not eyes, and they are unhappy all over. I can't wait for them to disappear from their eyes as soon as possible.

But now...

Miss Zhu San's intestines are regretful.

Now she calmed down and carefully recalled the past and felt that she was a fool. Unexpectedly, she foolishly listened to the provocation of her second aunt, which made her more and more and more centrifugal from her mother, and now she has become a state of stranger. Now that she is like this, I'm afraid that her mother will not help.

With a sad sigh, Miss Zhu San wanted to go back to the past.

If she had known the current result at that time, she would not have come to Yufu to fight for the position of a young woman.

Just as she felt sorry for herself, her second aunt stood beside her, squatted down, reached out and patted her gently on the shoulder, lowered her voice, and asked softly, "My good niece, why did you come here? It made me find it so hard. His expression looked very charitable, but his eyes were sharp like a sharp knife, staring at the back of Miss Zhu San's head.

She didn't expect that Miss Zhu San was still alive and was not buried at the bottom of the lotus pond, ruining her plan.

However, it doesn't matter. This plan failed, and there are others. Besides, she feels that instead of letting Miss Zhu San die like this, it's better to let her live. Only in this way can she hit Mrs. Zhu and blame the eldest wife, and let Yu Shiyi divert her attention and let herself have a big plan when she makes a big plan. The time of respite deployment is a good thing.

Hearing this, Miss Zhu San stood up, clinging to the stone wall, looking at the second aunt vigilantly, turning her eyes and looking at the smoothest escape route, only to find that all the exits of the rockery were blocked by the second aunt's people, and there was no way to escape.

She really has to finish this time.

Under the service of Shu's mother, the second aunt sat on a smooth stone, looked at Miss Zhu San with cat-and-mouse eyes, and asked in a chat-like tone, "You must have heard my conversation with my mother last night!" Seeing Miss Zhu's head shaking like a rattle drum, the second aunt sneered and said, "In fact, you don't have to be afraid. What I want to deal with is only Yu Shiyi, not you. What are you afraid of? After all, you are my own niece, how can I hurt you? Think about it, how do I usually treat you? OK?"

To tell the truth, the second aunt is indeed not harsh on Miss Zhu San's food and clothing, and she is also generous, spoiling her as if she were her own daughter.

However, although there is no need to worry about food and clothing materially, it is in other aspects...

Miss Zhu San once thought that her second aunt looked at her differently, but after what happened last night and the danger of dying just now, she was no longer so naive. Looking at her second aunt's face, which was particularly beautiful because of proper maintenance, the words "snake and scorpion beauty" couldn't help but appear in her mind.

Seeing that the second aunt asked this, she didn't know whether to nod or shake her head.

On second thought, she knew that no matter how she answered, her second aunt would not let her go today. She simply didn't say anything, lowered her head, and stared at the newly made embroidered shoes a few days ago. These embroidered shoes were specially customized by her second aunt. They were expensive and looked very novel, which made her two sisters envious. Only her mother looked proud to say, but she looked proud and didn't say anything in the end.

She probably wants to remind herself!

It's just a pity that I was ignored by my stupidity, in exchange for the end of me being a fish.

The second aunt didn't want Miss Zhu San to answer anything.

Her favorite game is "Cat and Mouse". Seeing Miss Zhu San trembling like a mouse, she leaned against the stone wall and looked at herself warily. Up to now, she doesn't want to hide it anymore. She simply opened her words, covered her silk handkerchief and smiled, and asked, "Do you remember your grandmother?"

Grandmother? Why did she suddenly ask this?

She has two grandmothers, one is her own grandmother, her mother's mother, and the other is her grandfather's sequel. She has seen it a few days ago. She is dressed beautifully and is afraid that others will not know that she is already an official wife. She hates her very much.

I heard from my mother that if it hadn't been for my grandmother's unlucky, a year after my grandfather's donation, on the way back from Shangxiang's wish, the carriage was suddenly frightened and ran away with her grandmother for several miles, and finally fell out of the carriage, causing her grandmother to die tragically under the horse's hoof. How can it be now? Mrs. Yang is majestic. I'm afraid it's cool and where to stay.

Now listening to her second aunt's question, Miss Zhu San knows that she is asking her grandmother.

But why did she ask this?

When her grandmother didn't have it, her mother hadn't married her father, let alone she hadn't given birth at that time. How could she remember her grandmother? However, I often hear my mother say in her ear, imagining how good it would be if my grandmother was still there.

Looking at Miss Zhu San's confused face, her second aunt smiled and then said, "I forgot that you haven't met your grandmother yet. However, it doesn't matter. You will see her one day. At that time, you should be filial and remember to say hello to her for me!"

The grandmother has already died, and the bones may have turned into mud.

The second aunt said so, and Miss Zhu San knew that her death would not be far away.

She jumped with fear. Miss Zhu San's palms were full of cold sweat, her feet were sore and soft, and she almost fell to the ground.

"What on earth are you trying to say?" I really can't stand the second aunt's cat-and-mouse game, Miss Zhu San couldn't help asking.

The second aunt pulled the corners of her mouth and said, "What do I want to say? I just kindly want to tell you what I didn't know, even what your mother didn't know. After a pause, he recalled the past and asked mischievously, "You and your mother must think the same thing as they thought that your grandmother died by accident. In fact, it was not so simple. I took the lead in that incident. I let your grandmother die tragically under the horse's hoof." After saying that, he laughed crazily.

Every time I think of the miserable appearance of that old woman, my second aunt is in a particularly good mood.

The old woman never thought that she would die in the hands of a common woman who had always looked down on. Even her favorite pair of children, under her own leadership, the once clever son became mediocre and was deeply disliked by her father. In three days, she would be scolded. ; The pampered daughter did not marry the official eunuch as she expected, but was a dilapidated businessman. She was worried about a bite of food every day, but had to beat her swollen face and fat for some face...

All these things were facilitated by her.

Miss Zhu San was stunned when she heard it and hadn't recovered for a long time.

She never thought that the truth of the matter would be like this.

Once, her mother was not without doubting, but the incident was really seamless and seemed to be a frightened accident.

However, the truth is that the second aunt's method is that she killed her grandmother, that caused her mother to marry such a bad family, that she disfigured herself, and made her part with her mother, so that she had no support.

I don't know where the courage came from. Miss Zhu San rushed over and wanted to strangle her second aunt and die with her.

As soon as Shu's mother saw Miss Zhu San rushing over, she immediately stood in front of her second aunt, stretched out her hand and pushed her away, and asked several rude women standing aside to hold her, rewarding her with a few ear scrapes, so that she could be honest and calm and see the situation in front of her.

Miss Zhu San's face had been destroyed, and her face was full of scalded scars. Now she was slapped a few times without mercy, and her face immediately swelled, which was very shocking, especially the blood from the corners of her mouth, which was even more shocking.

The second aunt pushed away her mother who was protecting her, came to Miss Zhu San, and looked at her condescendingly. Like a village woman in the countryside, she spatned regardless of her image and said disdainfully, "I can't see that you, a yellow-haired girl, is a little temperamental. How dare you dare to push me. I didn't have embarrassed you. Anyway, you His face has been ruined and his words are upside down, but now my aunt has decided to give you a big gift to give you a taste of lust and be a real woman. It's not in vain for you to come to the world.

Love\lust? Women?

Miss Zhu San's face turned white.

She knows that in order to please Yu Shiyi and let Yu Shiyi take herself to heart, her second aunt once specially invited a popular fireworks woman to teach her.

How dare this vicious woman do this to her!

Miss Zhu San struggled hard and shouted, hoping to let people know what happened in the rockery.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, someone covered her mouth.

The second aunt shook the silk handkerchief and signaled her mother with her eyes, hating Miss Zhu San's disobedient.

Mom quickly came forward, took the rough stick in the mother-in-law's hand, and hit Miss Zhu San's brain fiercely, making Miss Zhu San faint in an instant.