happy concubine

Chapter 264 on the stage

Just when Shu's mother was in a dilemma, Yu Shiyi came with Dr. Li.

Looking at the medicine box carried by the medicine boy behind Dr. Li, Shu's mother had a bad idea straight to her forehead, making her ears "buzz".

Can't you really avoid it this time?

While everyone's attention was on Yu Shiyi and Dr. Li, Shu's mother quietly ordered the little maid beside her to tell her second aunt about the current situation and make the worst plan. At worst, she really has to take poison. Anyway, with the doctor watching, nothing will happen.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, the little maid hurried to Meiyuan.

As soon as she walked out of the upper house, a dark shadow quickly passed in front of the little maid's eyes, which made her unable to scream.

However, before the sound came out, she was tightly covered her mouth by the people behind her, so that she could not make any sound, and held her to the corridor in a remote corner. As long as ordinary people don't look closely, they can't find that there are two people there.

"Woo-woo..." The little maid made a sound in fear, hoping that someone would find her being held hostage.

Seeing that she was so uncooperative, the people behind her lowered their voices and warned, "If you are not obedient, sell you to the land of fireworks!"

The person holding the little maid is a man.

Because leaning on this man, the little maid can clearly feel the strong physique of the person behind her and knows that if she changes, the man will easily kill her with his fingers, not to mention that the brothel is every woman's nightmare.

The little maid calmed down with tears and shook her head to show that she would not make trouble again.

Seeing this, the man nodded with satisfaction and asked her, "Why did you run out in panic? What does Mom want you to do? Do you want to report the news to your second aunt?

The little maid's heart suddenly tightened.

How could this man know? Do you know that Shu's mother asked her to report to her second aunt?

Before she could think about who sent the man, she felt a coolness in her throat.

She knows very well that this must be a sharp dagger. If her answer is not satisfactory to the man, then the dagger will pierce into her skin, and then blood will flow and be red. Thinking of this, the little maid shivered and hurriedly told the man.

I thought that after saying that, the man would let her go. I didn't expect that he would let himself do things for him and give her poison in case she was not obedient.

There are old and young in her family, and the whole family is counting on her little monthly routine.

Forced by the oppression and helplessness of reality, the little maid can only do so.

After standing in place with a cup of tea, the man let go of the little maid and asked her to go back to the upper house.

In the hall, the sweat of her mother's anxious forehead. Seeing that the little maid who reported the news came back, she quickly turned her head and asked her in a low voice, "How's it going? What did the second aunt say? Is there any way to deal with it? Because of anxiety, I asked several questions.

The little maid looked at her mother's sharp eyes and licked her dry lips with some fear. To tell the truth, the scene that scared her had just now immediately appeared in her mind. She quickly settled down and said in a guilty tone, "I... I have told my aunt what happened in the upper court. My aunt means the same as you. It's better to fake it and take the poison. Because the first time she lied in front of Shu's mother, the little maid only said a few words, and her back was full of sweat and sticky.

Shu's mother only cared about the second aunt's reaction, and she did not notice the abnormal performance of the little maid.

I thought I had no worries. My second aunt had arranged it properly. My mother had confidence and said, "Since the eldest lady doesn't believe it, Dr. Li has come anyway. Why don't you move to Meiyuan and take Dr. Li to check my aunt's pulse? Isn't that everything clear?"

The old lady scoffed, but still agreed.

She saw her mother let a little maid run out secretly before, and then came back secretly. Shu's mother's back suddenly became hard. She knew that her second aunt must have been prepared, so Shu's mother was so fearless.

However, it doesn't matter.

Yu Shiyi will solve it properly. After all, her second aunt is just an aunt and can't be on any table. How can she tolerate her long-term hosting the middle gift of Yufu? Seeing that he came with Dr. Li, the old lady knew that he was going to take action.

The group of people walked to Meiyuan.

The doorkeeper in Meiyuan was dumbfounded when she saw the situation and looked at them coming.

When Mother Shu saw it, she frowned tightly and was very unhappy.

The second aunt will be the owner of Yufu in the future, but the people below are so weak. They want to find an opportunity to mention it to the second aunt. Some people should change what they should change, so as not to have it at hand when they want to use someone.

When the eldest wife saw that her mother was completely in the dark, she couldn't help sneering and followed the army into the plum garden.

At this moment, the second aunt was alone in the room planning how to poison Yu Shiyi. Hearing that there was a movement in the yard, she quickly asked the little maid to have a look.

Soon, the little maid came back and said breathlessly, "Aunt... Auntie is not well. The eldest wife, the young master, Dr. Li and others have come, and there are several officials. Now they are coming here, and Mother Shu is also among them." As soon as the words fell, there was a noise in the hall inside and outside.

Although my second aunt doesn't know what happened.

However, she was very alert and gave a wink to the little maid, asked her to go out to block it, and asked her to find a way to talk to her mother and ask what was going on. They came without notifying her in advance. However, she lay back **, closed her eyes, pretended to be poisoned coma, and her ears were up, holding her breath and listening to the movement outside to understand the situation.

As soon as she came to the hall, the old lady sat on the main seat and swore her identity.

Yu Shiyi sat at her head.

At this time, he didn't have time to care too much about her. Anyway, everyone will take care of it tonight. It's better to let her taste the taste of falling from the high end of life to the bottom in the last stage of her life.

The little maid came out of the inner room in a panic, and her eyes were firmly locked on her mother in the crowd. She looked left and right. Seeing that everyone did not notice her, she carefully moved over. But as soon as she stepped out, Yu Shiyi asked her, "Where did the little girl come from? Looking around, there are no rules at all. Don't you know how to invite the master when you see him? The harsh words made the little maid feel frightened, which made her stunned and a little at a loss.

Looking at her like this, Yu Shiyi directly asked someone to drag her down and beat the 20 boards to kill the chickens to show those monkeys.

Hearing this, the little maid came back scared and shouted that she was wronged.

Yu Shiyi disliked the little maid's noise and made a wink to let the rough women who pulled the little maid drag her down as soon as possible.

In an instant, the room was much quieter.

However, the heart of the second aunt in the inner room could not calm down for a long time.

What does Yu Shiyi mean? Did you come here to put on airs? Beat a little maid with a stick to deter the big guy?

No matter how angry the second aunt in the inner room is, she looks at her nose and nose in the hall. It is as common as eating and drinking water when the little maid is beaten with a stick. Even her mother doesn't have much ups and downs. She feels that this irritable little maid has indeed been beaten. After all, in this case, What do you think of running out in such a panic? I thought my second aunt was afraid of being exposed to poisoning.

Yu Shiyi took a gentle sip of tea, glanced at everyone, and said slowly, "Now let Dr. Li show it to my second aunt?" As he spoke, his eyes deliberately aimed at the inner room and deliberately raised his voice so that his second aunt could hear it.

The people present had no objection, but were a little anxious, especially Mother Shu.

She thought that the little maid told the news, and the second aunt had already been prepared to be notified. Not to mention that Dr. Li went to diagnose the pulse, even if she let the doctors all over the world come, she was not in a hurry at all. Instead, she could take this opportunity to rake and trample the eldest wife and Yu Shiyi into the mud. However, after hearing this, the second aunt opened her mouth slightly and her eyes were a little dull. She didn't expect that these people came to see whether she was really poisoned or fake.

What should I do?

Why didn't that bunch of mothers give a notice in advance? How to muddle through now?

Dr. Li is not an ordinary person. He can't** at all with gold and silver treasures. At present, I'm afraid he can only muddle through with poison.

Thinking of this, the second aunt sat up and looked around, looking for something that could be poisonous.

Unfortunately, how can there be such a thing in her room?

The second aunt fell on the bed decadently and looked at the feet that didn't wear shoes in a daze because she was in a hurry.

At this time, Shu's mother's voice sounded. She said, "My aunt is indeed poisoned. She hasn't woken up yet. The doctors in the city are all helpless. Fortunately, Dr. Li came to see if she can detoxify her." With that, he came forward and took the initiative to help Dr. Li raise the curtain.

The old lady interrupted and said, "It's good that the second aunt is really poisoned. You don't have to go in, as a personal servant of the second aunt, so as not to confuse everyone and confuse everyone and wrong people."

Mom Shu smiled, saluted the eldest wife and said, "Madam said that the old slave is really not suitable to go in, so that the second aunt will be poisoned, and she will also suspect that the old slave has done it. How can the second aunt feel? Let the murderer go unpunished!"

Zhang's mother came forward and squeezed away from her mother and said, "Since the old sister said so, please make way. Let me do these small things!"