happy concubine

Chapter 266

The second aunt was very indignant at the little maid, grinning, and couldn't wait to rush forward to eat her flesh and blood.

Shao's mother can't go anywhere.

However, her behavior was more direct. She stepped forward quickly and slapped the little maid's smooth and tender face. After a while, the little maid's face was swollen, and pink blood flowed down from the corners of her mouth, which was very dazzling. Eat the inside and outside bitches! Which restaurant do you eat? Why are you talking so nonsense? Was it instructed by someone? At the moment of speaking, Shu's mother looked at the old lady sitting in the main seat inadvertently. Because she knew that under such a 'concy' of this little maid, everyone would believe that the facts they heard would be very unfavorable to their second aunt. They could only do so and let the little maid change her words back and save a little bit.

However, she was suspected of being arrogant and domineering in this way.

Of course, the little maid was timid. Seeing that Shu's mother beat her so fiercely, she was afraid that she did not dare to resist at all, nor did she dare to shout for pain, let alone change her words back as Shu's mother's wish, but silently allowed Shu's mother to beat and scold and cry in a low voice.

Seeing that the little maid didn't say anything, her mother was more ruthless, and there was no weight, which made the little maid's ears flow blood and looked very tragic.

Seeing Shu's mother's angry face, the old lady said with a smile, "What's wrong? The facts were exposed and I couldn't lose face, so I asked the little maid to vent my anger? I said, Mom, why do you have to do this? What if this girl changes her mind? Isn't it the result of your condescending move?" With that, he winked at Zhang's mother and asked her to help the little maid and take her to her. She said lovingly, "It's really wronged you. Seeing that your little face has been beaten, you will be broken in the future." He turned his head and said to Yu Shiyi, "Young master, what should I do if this second aunt indulges the people below to beat people without permission?"

Yu Shiyi replied, "I have never been in charge of the inner house. How can I know?"

The old lady was blocked so much that she had nothing to say.

But she is not a soft person. She said in a hard tone, "Since you haven't cared about it, then learn it." After saying that, he ordered someone to pull down his mother and hit the 30 boards to set an example.

The second aunt hurriedly stopped.

Shu's mother is so old that she can't stand such a big punishment at all. If she is not careful, she will die.

What is helpless is that the second aunt is now weak, and the wall is pushed by everyone. Who will pay attention to her?

Sitting on the teacher's chair in the hall, listening to the muffled sound of the staff beating outside and the screams of my mother, the second aunt's heart twitched, staring at the eldest wife and Yu Shiyi angrily, thinking that if I don't completely bring me down this time, I will definitely return today's humiliation when I get up!

It is said that misfortune does not go alone.

After the second aunt's slander of the eldest wife for poisoning her was exposed, Miss Zhu San came in with tears in the help of Mrs. Zhu.

Seeing their two mother and daughter, the second aunt screamed badly.

At this time, Miss Zhu San's eyes were clear, and her face was full of resentment against her second aunt. Where is she still a confused and stupid person? The second aunt knew that she had been given a fight by Miss Zhu San, and now she has come to fight back.

The hands were tightly clenched, and the back of the second aunt's hand was full of blue veins.

The corners of the old lady's lips are raised high.

She asked kindly, "Mrs. Zhu, how did you bring Miss San?" She hasn't recovered yet. She should have a good rest in the house. After saying that, he asked the little maid to move two teachers' chairs, deliberately put them on the head of the second aunt, and pressed her on the position to let her see the form in front of her.

Mrs. Zhu took Miss Zhu San to thank the eldest wife and Yu Shiyi. Instead of sitting down directly, she cried and shouted injustice, "Madam, my little daughter is really wronged. Now she not only has no beauty, but also has no precious reputation of her daughter's family. She also asked her to make the decision and seek justice for my little daughter. " After saying that, Mrs. Zhu's mother and daughter knelt in front of the eldest wife and were very humble.

The second aunt looked coldly and didn't say anything to see what the two bitches would say.

Thinking of all the evidence, she destroyed it in advance. The second aunt's high heart gradually calmed down, and her body relaxed on the back of the Taishi chair. She looked down at Mrs. Zhu and Miss Zhu San condescendingly. Her arrogant eyes were like ants, which was not worth mentioning at all.

The old lady was very happy, but she pretended to be confused and asked, "What's wrong? Didn't you say that Miss San's face was scalded by soup because of you...? What's that reputation..." Looking around, there were men and women, and outsiders. The eldest wife kindly stopped saying bad words to her daughter's family, shifted the conversation, and asked directly, "What's going on? You said, I will do justice for you!" After saying that, he asked Zhang's mother to help Mrs. Zhu and Miss Zhu San and let them sit and talk, "Forget it, we are also relatives. Don't be polite. Sit down and talk."

This time, Mrs. Zhu and Miss Zhu San did not refuse and sat down directly.

Mrs Zhu and Miss Zhu San looked at each other and decided that Mrs. Zhu would first talk about Miss Zhu San's disfigurement.

"That time, it was the conspiracy of this poisonous woman. I never thought of destroying my daughter. I was just angry and splashed the chicken soup in my hand. However, I stood, and the little girl was sitting. I knew that if my hand was raised too high, it would splash on the little girl's face. Even if I was angry again, I lowered my hand. After all, the tiger is poisonous and can't eat children, not to mention that the little girl was spoiled by me. How can I bear to destroy her face? Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhu's mood suddenly rose, pointing angrily to her second aunt with a calm face and Liu Ye kneeling in the middle of the hall. She said indignantly, "I didn't expect this poisonous woman to secretly hit my hand holding the bowl, which caused the tragedy of my little girl..." As she said, thinking of the love at that time Jing, and Miss Zhu San rolled with pain and showed resentful eyes to her. Her heart felt as if she had been stabbed by someone. It was so painful that her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Mom..." Miss Zhu San quickly took out a silk handkerchief to wipe Mrs. Zhu's tears.

The old lady listened to "tut" several times and said with emotion, "It's really the most poisonous woman's heart. The second aunt's heart is really cruel, isn't it, second aunt?"

The second aunt was not shocked and asked, "What about the evidence? If there is no evidence, don't bite whoever you catch like a mad dog!"

"You!" Mrs. Zhu, who was compared to a mad dog, was angry and scolded, "You poisonous woman, don't think I have no evidence. I have so much evidence that you have done absolutely bad things!" With that, he clapped his hands. A strong man came in with a rough woman and asked his second aunt, "Do you remember the two of them?"

The second aunt glanced, and her heart rolled like a stormy wave.

These two women were the two who took Miss Zhu San to the suburbs and asked them to find beggars to stain Miss Zhu San.

She had obviously asked Shu's mother to give silver, so that they could roll as far as they could, but she didn't expect to appear here now.

It seems that she has been targeted for a long time.

Who will this person be?


It can't be her. Although the care of the upper house has been a little loose and the people inside can go in and out since the death of the old master, her vitality is very damaged. There are not many people on hand. It is too late to take care of her health, and it is impossible to pull out people to deal with her. Therefore, during that time, she was self-respecting and covering the sky in Yufu.

Then, only Yu Shiyi has this possibility.

Earlier, because of the marriage problem, there was a great ambiguity between them, and it was impossible not to take precautions against themselves.

Thinking of this, my second aunt couldn't wait to slap herself fiercely.

It's a thousand calculations, but it's a missed illness, causing a dilemma now.

Nowadays, we can only take one step at a time and give up some people when necessary.

The second aunt is now more fortunate that she did not meet the two women directly, but asked her mother to handle it. Therefore, she had a reason to say, "I don't know these two people and have never met them. Sister, you have been incompatible with me since you were a child, and you don't have to frame me in front of everyone like this!"

"not familiar? Is it?" Mrs. Zhu sarcastically asked the two women and said, "Do you know this poisonous woman?"

Out of Mrs. Zhu's expectation, they all shook their heads and said, "I don't know. At that time, it was a very old woman who was quite old and well-dressed gave us two silver to take care of Miss San, not this person."

Mrs. Zhu was stunned.

She thought they were afraid of the second aunt's means and said quickly, "Don't be afraid. Tell the truth, this poisonous woman won't do anything to you."

However, the two women still shook their heads and said they didn't know each other.

The old lady felt strange and looked at Mother Zhang.

Mother Zhang also looks confused.

Only the second aunt smiled proudly and said, "Sister, I told you not to wrong good people. How about now? These two women don't know me at all. With that, as if thinking of something frightening, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was slightly open, and he said with an incredible face, "Is it that you have done evil and are afraid of being known by your niece, so you want to pull me into the water? Tut-tut, sister, your heart is so cruel! It's also good to be good at acting!"

If this charge is not refuted, it will be attached to Mrs. Zhu. Of course, Mrs. Zhu refuted it.

For a moment, the hall was full of women's noisy voices again.

Yu Shiyi sat aside with a frown and was very ashamed of the quarrel between Mrs. Zhu and his second aunt.

Think about how many of his family are, which are gentle and stupid. Not to mention harming people, they can't even quarrel. Like these common people, they quarrel after a few words, but they don't think about solving the problem at all.

With a sigh, Yu Shiyi could only take action and said, "My second aunt is well-reate. How can she take action on some things? Why don't you just move your mouth?"