happy concubine

Chapter 269 Leaving

Looking at Zhang's mother's smile, the old lady hurriedly asked, "How's it going? How's the little rabbit getting?

Mother Zhang took a breath, saluted the eldest lady solemnly, and said, "Congratulations, madam! Mrs. He Xi! Looking at the young master's appearance, I'm afraid there are not many days. Last night, Dr. Li stayed up all night and stayed at the young master's bedside all night. This was unprecedented. Even when he came back from Zhuangzi and met a gangster stabbed him, Dr. Li was not like this. It seems that he was seriously ill.

"Really?" The eldest wife still didn't believe it. She was worried that Yu Shiyi had caused smoke bombs and deliberately confused her.

Zhang's mother told the eldest wife what she had seen.

"The face is as white as a piece of paper, without a little blood, and the gasp is out of breath... The kitchen is full of rows of medicine jars of decoction. The smell is choking to death, and you can smell it standing at the door. Madam, from the perspective of my maidservant, he can live today, and tomorrow will be difficult. Zhang's mother said firmly.

Hearing what Zhang's mother said, the eldest wife opened a big smile and said, "My son is sick, and my wife should always care about him. You go to have a look every day and tell me as soon as there is any situation, so as not to change the situation. We don't even have a chance to think about countermeasures.

Mother Zhang responded respectfully.

When she was going to Fushouyuan the next day, there was news that Yu Shiyi was dying.

The old lady felt strange and said, "Why is it so fast?"

Mother Zhang laughed and said, "Isn't it good so fast? The maidservant said that according to the young master, life will not be too long.

It happened so suddenly that the old lady had no idea.

She said, "Let's go and have a look."

As soon as I arrived at Fushouyuan, I saw that the people in the yard looked happy.

The old lady winned at Zhang's mother.

Zhang's mother fell behind the eldest wife, casually pulled a little maid into the corner, and asked strangely, "What's the matter?" Who do you show your long faces to? Just like a mourning, if the young master sees it, will you still live? With a kind reminder, in fact, she carefully observed the little maid's slight look. After she said so, her face became more sad, and Zhang's mother's heart couldn't help beating quickly.

It seems that nine out of ten is true.

The little maid sighed and said quietly, "If only the young master could see it, but it's a pity..." After saying that, she sighed again.

"What the hell is going on?" Mother Zhang asked, "Why can't the young master see it?"

"Don't you know yet?" The little maid asked strangely, "The young master's time is running out. I'm afraid it won't be a few days. This is what Dr. Li said himself."

Hearing this, the corners of Zhang's mother's mouth couldn't help raising slightly. She noticed that the little maid was looking at her dissatisfiedly. The corners of her mouth immediately drooped, sighed, and pretended to say, "Well, the young master is too bitter." After saying that, I can't wait to tell the good news to the eldest wife.

The old lady nodded and relieved more than half of her heart.

However, she is still worried if she doesn't see Yu Shiyi's arrival with her own eyes.

accelerated the pace under her feet, and the old lady went to Yu Shiyi's inner room.

The inner room was chaotic, and more than a dozen people were busy, and even the old lady didn't notice it.

"What are you doing?" After a few breaths, seeing that everyone was still busy and ignoring her existence, the old lady couldn't help scolding.

Seeing that it was the eldest lady, everyone put down their work, greeted her, and then began to be busy again.

When the old lady saw that she was ignored, she was very angry. Just as she was about to have an attack, Wenzhu came over, saluted, asked the old lady to sit down on the clinical bed, and said, "Madam, the young master's body is getting worse and worse. Dr. Li means that it's better to go to the village in the countryside to recuperate." With that, he turned his head and pointed to the busy people and explained, "I don't know when I will come back. The little one is taking what the young master is used to."

The old lady raised her eyes and asked, "How is the young master's illness?" Why do you have to go to Zhuangzi to rest? There are only so many people in the family now. Isn't it quiet enough? With that, he got up and walked to the bed and said as he walked, "The road to Zhuangzi is not close. Aren't you afraid of to tossing the young master more and more unbearable? What about Dr. Li? I'd like to ask, what does he think? Can you guarantee that my son will not be an accident on the road?"

Actually, the eldest wife was very happy that Yu Shiyi died of illness, but she didn't want him to move out of Yu's house.

Because in this way, Yu Shiyi will not be under her eyes. In case of any change, she doesn't know that it will be a great threat to her. She is more afraid that he will go to Zhuangzi to rest, but he is in good health. What should she do when she comes back? After all, Yu Shiyi is the root of Yu's family. Her wife can't stop him from taking everything from the Yu family. Even if she is in charge of Yu's family for a while, she can't be a lifetime.

Wen Zhu said, "Dr. Li is not here now. He said that the young master's departure was indeed a little dangerous, so he went to the medicinal material shop to see if there were any ginseng for decades. In case something happened on the road, he could hang it with ginseng." Fearing that the eldest wife would be entangled again, Wen Zhu simply moved Yu Shiyi out and said, "When the young master was awake, he also meant this. Thinking of Zhuangzi going up, he said that Yufu did not match his breath, and he would not come back if he could come back in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, the old lady interrupted him harshly and said, "What can you not come back?" Yufu is his home and his root. How can he be so capricious? With that, he quickly walked to the bedside and wanted to take advantage of this hypocritical lesson for Yu Shiyi. Seeing that his eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he looked like he was about to die, and he couldn't say anything.

"He...how did he become like this?" Listening is one thing, and seeing it with her own eyes is another thing. The eldest wife was shocked by Yu Shiyi in front of her.

Wen Zhu choked and said, "The disease is like silk. The young master's health is not good. The previous knife wound has not been completely healed. In the past few days, he has been infected with wind and cold, and his body can't stand it more and more. In just a few days, he has lost a lot of weight. Young master... The young master wants to go to Zhuangzi, but it is actually his last wish.

The eldest wife was silent and looked at Yu Shiyi carefully again.

After a long time, the old lady said, "I'm serving the young master. Since he wants to go to Zhuangzi, then go!"

On the way back, Mother Zhang asked, "Why did you agree?"

The old lady asked, "Can I stop it if I don't agree?" The feet grow on his body, and I can't tie them. Besides, looking at him like that, he is indeed terminally ill, and life will not last long. In this case, let him go, lest the people outside talk about my viciousness, and even let him fulfill his little last wish before his death. After saying that, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and the old lady felt that the grievances she had suffered for more than ten years had returned at this moment.

Looking at the old lady's happy appearance, Mother Zhang asked carefully, "Will the young master take a lot of things away?" It's hard to say too clearly. Mother Zhang just aggravated her tone on the word "thing", and the old lady who knew a little would understand the meaning of her words.

Sure enough, the old lady hummed coldly and said, "Just him? He has never looked at the account book of his family. He doesn't know how many assets there are. He just takes them away, just things from Fushouyuan. He can take all those things if he wants. There is no shortage of Yufu.

Seeing this, Mother Zhang was relieved.

Early the morning, it was still dawn, and Fushouyuan became busy.

The gate of Yufu slowly opened, and three carriages drove out from inside to Zhuangzi in the suburbs.

In the green cloth carriage in front of him, Yu Shiyi was leisurely leaning on the big pillow of bullet ink, leisurely looking out of the window at the scenery that couldn't help retreating back. The corners of his mouth couldn't stop raising high, and he was in a very comfortable mood. His face is as usual, and he is still a little white and red, and he can't see that he was terminally ill yesterday.

"Are you in a good mood to see the people you want to see?" Dr. Li made fun of Yu Shiyi.

Yu Shiyi said without hesitation, "Of course! Finally leaving that damn place, everyone will be happy.

Dr. Li laughed, "What are you going to do in the future? Do you want to live in seclusion like this?"

"It's not that you have done something hideous. Why do you want to live in seclusion? I'm just going to recuperate." A meaningful smile at Dr. Li.

Dr. Li looked back and smiled.

Young people always have young people's ideas, and it's time for him to let go.

On Zhuangzi, Fu Duoduo was very hot, sitting on the clinical kang and fanning hard.

"Why is it so hot on this day? What should I do at noon?

Whether it is in the previous life or this life, Fuduoduo is most afraid of heat, which is much worse than other people's heat resistance. Now she misses the air conditioner and refrigerator in the 21st century, which is also good for her to give her a big ice cube, at least to cool down. However, the reality is so skinny that she can only miss it.

Hongmei and Bitao smiled at each other and accelerated the strength of the shaking fan in their hands.

I was about to say something when I caught a glimpse of someone stepping into the inner room.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be Yu Shiyi in a white shirt. He was behind his back and shook the fan in the other.

Hongmei and Bitao hurried to call Fu Duoduo, but they were stopped by Yu Shiyi and let them out.

Fuduoduo is like the frosted eggplant. He was roasted without any spirit by the hot summer. He shrugged his head and thought about the air conditioner he had enjoyed. He tasted the cold popsicle in his mouth and did not feel the arrival of Yu Shiyi at all. He just felt that the red plum and blue peach fan were getting better and better. That The wind is much worse than before.