Chongzhen Fengshen

Readers must read, the world view of this book can be added at any time

Well, I thought it was written clearly in the chapter, but there were still people who complained. I really had no choice but to explain it!

The worldview of this book is completely different from that of ordinary fairy chivalrous books! Please don't replace the worldview of ordinary fairy and chivalrous books into this book!

1 The author's golden finger is too big! Answer: This book does not have the golden finger of ordinary fairy chivalrous books at all! Is the First Emperor's skill very good? The Taoist couple of the protagonist Ming Dynasty told him that it was something that caused disaster! Let the protagonist not use it at all! In this book, tantra disciples do not *learn Zen skills*, and there is not much difference between learning foreign skills and suicide.

2 The NPC of this book knows how to deliver equipment. Is this the author's high IQ? Answer: The equipment is equipped with a back door. If you want to use it completely, you have to stand on the side of the person who gives the equipment. Whether it is the Buddha map of the heavens or the Xuanyuan sword, the Shennong tripod is a thing that loses itself as long as the protagonist uses it completely!

3 This book is not as domineering as the old Montenegrin demon. How dare you say that it is an enhanced version of Montenegro?

Answer: It is said that the enhanced version of Montenegro is because of the large number of characters. In addition, the world of the protagonist and the world of Montenegro is different! The immortals can be next at any time. The three immortals in Montenegro almost dominate the world. In this book, the immortals are nothing! How dare you be domineering with the cultivation of the protagonist? Didn't Liu Bang pretend to be a grandson at the Hongmen banquet? If the protagonist wants to dominate the world, take out the Pangu axe and add the chaotic clock!

4 The protagonist feels hesitant

Answer: A male college student naturally has this personality, and the character of the character will slowly change. After the protagonist returns to his body and takes out the Pangu axe and the chaotic clock, his murderous heart will only be more fierce than Wang Zhong.

5 Why are all the villains interested in this book? Does the protagonist feel ruthless?

Answer: Many Nazis are also interested in their children's wives. Except for a few crazy people, the villains in this book are affectionate and righteous! It's just a different position! The protagonist is the person who launches the disaster of immortals in the future and kills all the immortals. Naturally, he is a ruthless person

Isn't the protagonist of 6 books the reincarnation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor? It feels completely powerless!

Answer: This reincarnation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor is very watery, but it is just one of the tens of thousands of ideas released by Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor in the future. To make a comparison, the Buddha is just one of the billionaire incarnations of the ancestors of the Styx River in Taoism.

7 Many supporting roles in this book are a little contradictory! Who should readers believe in?

Answer: It's not an online game. NPCs in a small village know the ultimate secret. The supporting actors in this book only know what they should know. Except for Hongjun, the saints only know a general idea, not to mention some immortals.