Chongzhen Fengshen

1 Chinese martial arts? Human lazy worm

An ordinary Christmas in China. In the dormitory building of a third-rate university in Beijing, countless lazy men are sleeping lazily, but there are two broken gong voices in the bedroom on the third floor shouting, disturbing people's dreams and causing countless curses, but those two broken gong voices are unaware of it and still shouting!

"Brother Ping, I beg you, that devil is too arrogant! If you don't treat him, how can we have the face to meet the anti-Japanese martyrs after death!"

"That's right, Brother Ping! That devil claimed to be a great Japanese samurai, but he was awesome. Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and other clubs were killed a few times! By the way, South Korea's taekwondo is also useless, and you have to go out of Brother Ping!"

Surprisingly, these two broken gong voices are still begging for help. It can be seen how excellent the owners of these two broken gong voices are!

"I said two heroes, you also know that I'm not martial arts. There is no routine, it's just a burst of chaos! Besides, I'm heavy. Last time I broke my feet on the two places that came to our school to flirt with girls, which made me run out of money for two months. This time, I really ruined Little Japan. The Japanese are rich and delicate. I can't afford it! Well, I still have to take a nap! Bye, two heroes!" A handsome and tall boy yawned, rubbed his eyes, and covered his face with the quilt. Unexpectedly, under the noise of two broken gong voices, he actually wanted to sleep again.

"Is there any righteousness? We are in the same dormitory! It's three irons! You..." A strong and solid man jumped angrily. His muscles were so strong that he was exaggerated that he was so dense that he was like a piling machine, which made the building tremble slightly. There was a burst of regret in my heart. That time, the two belts were controlled knives, and I wanted safety first. He went to the back and then did it again, but the hairy boy took the opportunity regardless of the danger and made a big hit. He became the idol of all girls. I was jealous for a moment, so I was unwilling to help him pay for two land for the medical expenses that broke the bone because of excessive defense. How could I imagine that I suffered retribution today...

"How dare you say it! How happy you are to invite a girl to dinner for those two months! Just say that my swallow has been dating for more than a year and hasn't invited me, but she has invited you! Two months, I ate with girls, not to mention that you are not hungry. If it were me, it would be worth it if my leg was broken! You...Yanfu!" The thin and tall boy gritted his teeth and wrote the words jealousy on his face. He stretched out his arm like a gibbon and wanted the bed next to him, rattling, as if to protest against the violence of the gibbon! It seems that if you hadn't known that you couldn't beat him, you would be ready to beat people!

The handsome and tall boy threw himself away and got up angrily: "I* have taken advantage of me!? I have a girlfriend in high school, and my girlfriend went to this school with me. How can I be like you two bachelors!? It's still beautiful. Do you know how I have made amends in the past two months!? I almost knelt down on the clothespan all day!"

The fat and thin looked at each other, and then immediately shook their heads together: "As for it? Brother Ping, my sister-in-law is very virtuous. She still eats with those girls with you, and she always smiles. Besides, the quality of my sister-in-law, how can those girls in our school pose a threat? As for it?"

Brother Ping was so angry that he turned his red face white again after a long time. He opened his mouth and scolded, "You know nothing. The gentle and virtuous woman in front of the person is likely to be a tiger queen! Still smiling? In fact, he secretly pinched me while laughing and deliberately stepped on me in high heels! Did she wear high heels except those two months? Her head doesn't have to wear high heels! Do you know that she won't allow me to touch her hand for a whole semester and a holiday!"

After Brother Ping vented his resentment, he patted his abdominal muscles with lingering palpitation and said:

"In a word, women are cunning and cruel animals! The only thing that attracts men is that she wears a layer of cute skin! So a man should... huh? What? Lingwen, you are here. Why don't you ask me to send and send me downstairs? This room smells bad!" Immediately walk out of the door with your girlfriend, because you speak ill of your girlfriend behind your back and then be repaired by your girlfriend. Such a shameful thing can't be seen by others! Well, no! I'm not afraid of this in order to maintain my girlfriend's gentle and beautiful image.

A fat and a thin man suddenly laughed at each other. Legend has it that he was caught saying bad things about his girlfriend behind his back, and this boy encountered it! You deserve it! Let you install it, then you can't do it. How many ham sausages and instant noodles do you usually eat? You have no conscience!

Liu Zhiping outside took out a smiling face and explained, "Lingwen, what I just said is that..."

Seeing Kong Lingwen's little hand bullying Shuang Saixue move slightly, Liu Zhiping hurried aside, because he knew that the white little hand had strong combat effectiveness and could not be provoked, so he hurriedly jumped away: "Lingwen has something to say, don't pinch people! It's summer, and my classmates can see it. It doesn't matter if I'm a coward. The image of your school beauty is important!" However, Lingwen mischievously closed one eye, stretched out the middle finger of her left and shook it and said, "That Japanese is too arrogant. Go and deal with him!" I just thought I didn't hear anything! Otherwise... Humph!!"

As soon as Liu Zhiping heard that he could be forgiven, he was relieved and immediately saluted: "Everything obeys orders and ensures the completion of the task!" As a result, he was knocked down on the head by Kong Lingwen!

Kong Lingwen bullied Shuang Saixue's little hand and knocked fiercely: "Don't talk nonsense. Who is your seat?" Liu Zhiping arrived at the entrance of the stairs. Lingwen had to maintain her image as a lady and said in Lingwen's ear, "I was wrong. Why don't you change the revolutionary name? How is the child's mother?

Kong Lingwen blushed and wanted to beat him, but there were too many people here to grit their teeth secretly: I have a day to clean you up. You remember!

On the way to the gym, Liu Zhiping asked strangely, "That Japanese is Liu Shengjingyun who saw me yesterday!" I feel that they are not arrogant. They smile and want to meet friends with martial arts, and they also ask me to teach them! They are quite modest. They are not like those South Korean guys who can brag. In fact, they don't have any ability!"

Kong Lingwen smiled apologetically and gently hugged Liu Zhiping's arm: "In fact, this is still the trouble my family has caused, but it has caused you trouble! The truth is..."

As soon as Liu Zhiping heard that it was another broken matter of the Lingwen family, he immediately turned his face, which made Kong Lingwen turn his head hard regardless of the lady's image and turned back: "Listen to me, okay! He is an old friend of my family, the second young master of the Tokugawa family in Japan, and that Liu Sheng Jingyun is his subordinate! It's polite to give advice from martial arts friends! I just want to beat you up so that I can propose marriage to my family!"

Liu Zhiping suddenly became angry and jumped wildly: "I thought the Japanese were polite, but it turned out to be a smiling tiger! It turned out to be the devil who robbed the flower girl. I went against Japan! I knew that the devils have nothing good. The more handsome and polite they are, the more they are!"

As soon as he entered the shabby gymnasium, a typical devil translator told Liu Zhiping: "Liu Zhiping, I know you never listen to what I said, but this time even if I beg you for your alma mater, don't win! Otherwise, the education fund that Mr. Tokugawa promised to donate to his alma mater every year will be gone! As long as you can promise to help the school, the school will give you a special scholarship of 2,500 yuan a year! You can also stay in school to give you a leisurely job in the administrative system! I know you are lazy! Is this your appetite!? Can you promise?"

Liu Zhiping's counselor Wang, who wanted to play with this force: "No, what if I stay behind, I will be broken? You pay for it! Besides, I'm all outside*, and if I win, I can get 20,000 yuan! Who cares about the 2,500 yuan special scholarship given by the school every year?

How did the Wang counselor of that force think it would be like this? I had to wipe my sweat and put on a self-sincere and earnest posture to educate Liu Zhiping: "Son, you have shallow social experience. Do you know how difficult it is to find a leisurely job in the administrative system of a university?! Do you care about that 10,000 yuan? You are so stupid!"

As a result, Liu Zhiping hugged his hands and then looked up at the sky. He didn't care about his " painstaking teaching" at all, so he had to gritt his teeth again: "Well, the school has insured you 50,000 yuan! As long as Master Tokugawa is happy, I can give you another 20,000 yuan! But it's agreed that you must not return it! Your hand is too heavy. In case Liu Shengjingyun is injured, it's a diplomatic incident! The relationship between the two countries is a major event! Do you know?

Liu Zhiping said that he should go straight to the ring. Wang counselor of that force was afraid that Liu Zhiping would be excited and forget and hurt Liu Shengjingyun, but there were too many students, and it was hard to say clearly. He could only shout repeatedly: "Liu Zhiping, you have to win glory for the country for the friendship between the two countries! Friendship first, second match! Do you remember?" It's just that he doesn't like sports. Although he is so tired that he has a red face and a thick neck, he can't catch up with Liu Zhiping at all.

Where is the ring in this shabby stadium of this third-rate school? It's just that the school temporarily set up a broken shelf in order to coax the Japanese. The ladder was crooked. Liu Shengjingyun frowned at the crooked ladder and simply smiled. He actually jumped up on both feet and jumped up like a kangaroo! With no difference between men and women, all the students in the school exclaimed: "Michael Jordan! This ring is five meters high!"

Liu Shengjingyun naturally couldn't jump so high, but he stood on the void with a smile. Unexpectedly, he slipped directly as if he could ski in the air. Liu Shengjingyun also posed a few poses unintentionally, making the boys shout Superman, flying immortals! The girl shouted that I love you, handsome man Liu Sheng!

The only thing that is dissatisfied with Liu Shengjingyun is naturally Liu Zhiping. Liu Zhiping knew Dechuan Cikang's thoughts on his girlfriend, so he naturally spoke without a good voice: "Well, Liu Shengjingyun! Sure enough, the martial arts that can really be a flying thief only exist in your Japan. If you have a ladder, take a ladder! What to pack! How can a martial artist become a big weapon without a normal mind? You have to calm down!" In fact, Liu Zhiping is not good at martial arts at all, let alone light kung fu. Naturally, he can only ridicule. However, in fact, Liu Shengjingyun's hand is not martial arts at all, but has stepped into the scope of magic. Students just don't understand!