Chongzhen Fengshen

19 omniscient, bright moon Taoist

"King Xin" was shocked by the fact that he had traveled to the past. He couldn't help but be in a daze for a while. Finally, he made up his mind and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, my body is your brother, but my soul is really not! I have my own friends and lovers, and I can't forget them! Besides, I'm actually an evil spirit now. Even if you don't care, how can the whole royal family tolerate it? I'll just leave tomorrow, but before I leave, I want to ask what dynasty is it now?!"

The Apocalypse Emperor smiled: "As expected, your parents are far away from this era! You may not even find their descendants! Perhaps in ancient times, you are a powerful figure, but whether you are an ancient fairy or a hundred masters, if today's local atmosphere changes and humanitarian beliefs change, I'm afraid that your magical power has been lost! If you don't re-cultivate with the royal resources, you are afraid that you can't find the cause and effect of your previous life, but you will be poisoned by those depraved monks today!"

The "King of Faith" was shocked. It turned out that he did not simply travel to ancient times, but seemed to have traveled to a fairy history of demons! Suddenly, he frowned and meditated, and his heart was in a mess.

When the Apocalypse Emperor saw the "King of Faith" frowned and meditated and knew that there was hope for lobbying, so he continued to say, "Since you have got my brother's body, you have to take over his cause and effect. You may not know that nowadays, Confucianism and Taoism are respected, and the ancient seizing of sacrifices may not be as taboo as before. As long as you are a good son of your father. My good brother, even in his previous life, has some causes and effects, just like being reincarnated with memory. There is nothing to avoid. That's what the so-called parents of the body and skin mean.

"King Xin" was immediately dumbfounded: "So that's what the so-called parents of the body and skin mean! It's just that the soul has changed. As long as you can greet the master of the body, it will be all right? I thought it meant that no matter how long a man's hair is, he can't shave it! But I have a request. I have a loved one. Although she may not be able to find me, I still want to see her, so I don't want to get married, okay? And which emperor are you? Which dynasty is this?"

I thought to my heart that since the world can be cultivated, the so-called hundreds of years are just a moment! Lingwen is also a member of the Kong family that is very easy to find. When she has cultivated her boundless magic power, she is naturally not afraid of Lingwen's mother's snobbish eyes. The two can finally be together happily one day. They can't help smiling and sweet in their hearts.

I didn't think that the emperor's brother's answer was like a thunderbolt: "Although this is difficult, I also agreed!" This is the second year of the apocalypse, and I am Zhu Youxiao, the emperor of the apocalypse.

The father of "Xinwang" is an old scholar and has been chanting all day long, such as "Shenzhou Luchen, Yixia pervert, Shenzhou's great shame and humiliation." As a son, he has been familiar with the historical year of the late Ming Dynasty.

Two years of apocalypse? 1622? The Ming Dynasty will be finished in 22 years! How did I come to be born as a royal in this era! Or is it a magical world? Who played this big joke with me? King Xin?? Isn't the king of Xin in the apocalypse the unlucky ghost Chongzhen?

As soon as the Apocalypse Emperor and Wei Zhongxian heard that the Ming Dynasty would be over in 22 years, they were shocked and wanted to ask again, but found that the "King of Faith" fainted again...

At night, looking at the concerned faces of the Apocalypse Emperor and Wei Zhongxian, "King Xin" rubbed his temples impatiently: "I said, you two, in fact, I'm in good health. Can you give me less medicine? This medicine is so bitter that I can't even eat it for dinner!"

When Emperor Apocalypse and Wei Zhongxian heard this, they suddenly smiled bitterly: How many times have you fainted on this day? How can we be assured? But I heard the "faith king" say again:

"I also thought about it. As a Daming clan, how can this disaster be avoided!? Now is the era of great navigation, and there are Western monks everywhere. How can there be any happiness? It's hard to hide overseas! Well, I'll be your brother in the same boat and turn the end of the day over!"

The "King of Faith" suddenly became lofty. He called the Apocalypse Emperor and said, "Brother, although fate is like this, it may not be irreparable! Zhu Youjian is here, and Liu Zhiping no longer exists! In the future, our brothers will work together to kill a bloody road in this world! But I have to tell you the reason for the demise of the Ming Dynasty first!"

The Apocalypse Emperor and Wei Zhongxian spoke with Liu Zhiping and learned the history of the end of the Ming Dynasty. Overnight, the three of them were red in their eyes. The Apocalypse Emperor is very difficult:

"Brother, how can it be as simple as you said? Confucianism is powerful. How can it move lightly? I don't know that the generals at the border gate and the nest of snakes and rats of Confucianism? But how much power do I have as an emperor? It's not just that you can't collect taxes, but the government order doesn't leave the palace! Even life may not be stable! Wuzong Zhengde was wise and powerful. He did not hesitate to regain military power from the army with the body of the emperor, but he died inexplicably! It's the father. If the red pill doesn't do anything, how can he be poisoned by the secular poison! It's better to take a long-term plan and do it slowly!"

As he spoke, the emperor of Apocalypse looked angry: "And let them be rampant. As long as my Momen town treasure, the five elements extinction god thunder can be killed, and even the immortal title can be killed. What are you afraid of open guns and hidden arrows! However, Brother Wang, let's go to see the old gentleman now. If Wang An's soul is not disposed of and falls into Donglin's hands, I'm afraid there will be trouble!"

The Apocalypse Emperor and King Wei Zhongxian went to see the old gentleman. The Apocalypse emperor also warned: "This old gentleman is the master who guarded our Zhu family in the palace when the Ming Dynasty was founded. The change of the civil castle in the past, the inner palace is empty, and the golden wheel king who taught the Luohan profession is coming, and no one can stop it! Relying on the strength of the old gentleman, this is just one thing. I don't know how much we have helped our Zhu family for hundreds of years. We all see the courtesy of our elders. If we are good, we have a bad temper. Don't put on a prince's appearance and offend him!

As he spoke, the old gentleman's residence arrived. "King Xin" saw that the old gentleman's residence turned out to be a clean and tidy hut. He was impatient and thought to himself: You are the masters of the royal family. If you really keep a low profile, why come to a hut in the palace? Extraordinary style? I think it's just pretending to be thirteen, and I'm very dissatisfied!

In front of the clean and tidy hut, there is a pink jade-carved book boy, like a large doll. When the beautiful book boy saw the Apocalypse Emperor and his party, he hurried forward to see him and said, "Your Majesty has arrived! Master has just dressed up. Please wait a moment, don't worry!"

The Apocalypse Emperor couldn't help but be stunned: This beautiful bookboy is always as stiff as a dead man, as if everyone owes him money. Why is it so easy to talk today?

"Cable and painting, don't talk nonsense, poverty has come." I saw a white-faced Taoist priest with white hair and divine eyes coming quickly and knelt down to the king: "Little Taoist priest Mingyue, I have seen the Holy Emperor!"

The letter king was stunned and pointed to him and said, "This brother said you are an old gentleman. How did you become a priest? Is it also called Mingyue, a road number on a rotten street? It's not just about it, is it?"

The white-faced Taoist priest smiled: "One day, a Taoist priest will be a Taoist priest for life. There is no need to ask all the time. The Holy Emperor is above. The small one is just because the Confucian sect is so powerful that it has to dress up for Confucianism. Holy Emperor, don't misunderstand!"

King Xin trembled with a smile: "You old Taoist priest are also interesting. No matter how powerful Confucianism is, you are not a bandit, how can you be threatened!? Get up and talk. It's too awkward to talk on your knees!"

The white-faced Taoist priest said with a smile and said, "Thank you, if it weren't for the grace of the emperor, how dare the old Taoist priest get up?! The Holy Emperor's kindness has been to everything in the world for thousands of years!" Living is the image of a teasing minister. How can there be no image of a tall man?

Xinwang almost laughed and said, "Just talk nonsense. I've been unifying the world for thousands of years!" But what does it mean to say that you have to dress up as a Confucian for the coercion of Confucianism?

When the white-faced Taoist priest heard this, his face darkened: "It's enough to depose a hundred masters of Confucianism. Children come into contact with words. You have to recite the three-character scripture == human nature is originally good. Hey, human nature is changeable, even if the saints of the Three Qing Dynasty can't master it. Children don't understand the world, so they are first indoctrinated with good and evil, and they have to recite it. Isn't this coercion and what is it?

Zhu Nianci's face suddenly darkened when he heard this. This sentence involved humanitarian faith, but it was quite meaningful. He immediately asked for advice, "What is your opinion on Confucianism?"

The white-faced Taoist priest changed his face with a panicked expression: "Holy Emperor, don't scare me! I'm the Taoist priest Mingyue! I don't know the Four Books and Five Classics, and I don't know Kong Mengcheng Zhu! But anything else, if the Holy Emperor wants to know, I will definitely say what I should say!"

When the Apocalypse Emperor saw the white-faced Taoist priest, he didn't know why he was so talkative today and hurriedly said, "Sir knows everything. Brother, if you don't understand anything, just ask, just seize this opportunity!"