Chongzhen Fengshen

25 Zhongni fell, the number of days

Kong Lingwen has a headache, because as soon as the original text of Confucius came out, countless Confucian beliefs that have accumulated for thousands of years in the world rushed to the original text of Confucius, because this belief is pure and naturally has a great attraction to the countless Confucian beliefs accumulated in thousands of years in the world. This book is fine, but countless contemporary Confucian students also worship the original text of Confucius, who are either impure in knowledge, contain hundreds of beliefs such as Confucian and Mexican names and methods, or contain personal beliefs of good or evil.

The original text of Confucius is a sacred object of Confucianism, which naturally rejects and eliminates these thoughts, but there is a little weak distracting thoughts in the thoughts of tens of millions of people that Kong Lingwen can't accept. Suddenly, Kong Lingwen is like her own reincarnation of a hundred generations: tens of millions of Confucian scholars are either poor or rich, cold and self-serving and vertically across the brothels, and the spring breeze is proud or repeatedly tried repeatedly. No. It's just like Kong Lingwen's own personal experience, which is ten thousand times more powerful than the heart disaster! Kong Lingwen naturally understood that if she could get through it, she was afraid that she would be as firm as the immortal, but the taste was too uncomfortable, like tearing her brain, but her body was completely out of control. Naturally, she could do nothing. She was controlled by the infinite power of Zhou Tianxing, and it was impossible to blow herself up.

A little remnant manuscript of Confucius's original text flew to Kong Lingwen with countless Confucian beliefs accumulated in thousands of years in the world, but relieved Kong Lingwen's pain. Kong Lingwen was sucked by the remnants of Confucius' original manuscript, and even her body and soul flew to an inexplicable space. Kong Lingwen immediately understood why Confucius spent so much effort to make himself a fairy. This world is different from the world. The vitality is strong, and the soul can feel the pressure of vitality. If there is no body to become a fairy, I'm afraid it is impossible to even fly!

Kong Lingwen was shocked again. She was very familiar with her breath. Although she was powerful, she was scattered and floating. When she opened her eyes, she was the ancestor of Confucianism! My hair is scattered and my footsteps are unstable. But I heard a voice saying, "Zhongni, you have messed up the cause and effect with me several times. Your Confucianism has no saint to suppress the spirit, which actually occupies a thousand years of Middle-earth Shenzhou faith! In this fight against Confucianism, you have turned into ashes after destroying the religion! This is a fixed number! It's useless to struggle."

Confucius, the ancestor of Confucianism, looked up to the sky and smiled: "I want Kongqiu to become a quasi-saint, kill all three corpses, and depose hundreds of unique Confucianism. How majestic! It is the war between the two gods that explains that countless people have been killed and injured. But it's just empty! How can you compare with me! Today is doomed to fall. A gentleman will die with endless self-improvement!"

Confucius's strong body was shocked, and his figure doubled, and obviously he was about to explode! But he didn't want to cut it with an axe, just a scream. The real body was smashed, and even the yuan god did not escape. Only a five-color divine light hole saint's body was left. Unexpectedly, the axe light was cut again, and even the five-color divine light was cut in half and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The voice was a sneer: "He said that he was a gentleman who would die with self-improvement, but he escaped from the disaster. How can it be!"

Confucius' strong body turned into countless crystal nuclei. Each crystal nucleus is attached to this belief power of Confucianism for countless years. As long as one escapes, the belief of crystal nucleus Confucianism will be passed on. Of course, the joys, sorrows and joys of being a Confucian saint have indeed all been extinguished, but as Confucianism, they will all exist.

Unexpectedly, the man also had countless faith forces, like cats and mice, devouring and destroying every crystal nucleus of the road that carried the faith power of Confucianism for countless years! These countless crystal nuclei screamed and didn't fly out of them!

"Zhongni, I am the embodiment of humanity! The people of Middle-earth Shenzhou are just my divine thoughts and blood. You are just a part of the spiritual belief of the people of Middle-earth Shenzhou, but you are parasite-like goods on me! How can I escape from my control! Ash!!"

Kong Lingwen saw that Confucius, the ancestor with boundless magical power in his heart, was extinguished in a few times, like a chicken that had been killed. He didn't even escape any thoughts or beliefs.! Suddenly, his soul flew away, and he was even more stunned when he saw the man who destroyed the true spirit of Confucius.

The man wore a dragon robe, the emperor dressed up, and stepped on the fire lotus. The fire of the fire lotus is red, as if there is power that can destroy everything and be reborn. The golden clock behind him shines a golden light to protect his whole body. He held a golden two-handed axe, and the golden two-handed giant axe makes people feel like The Buddha was cut off! A wrist guard in the right hand is like a sickle...

Kong Lingwen looked up at the man's face but shouted in shock! Zhiping! Why is it you! Impossible!" Kong Lingwen's surprise was not only because he did not want to believe that Zhiping let the Monkey King disappear, but she also couldn't believe that Confucius's power was boundless, but it disappeared in a few times. Obviously, that person had become a saint. I want a saint to be immortal. Why is it so good!

I feel that Zhiping's breath is actually five points similar to that of Qin Shihuang, and I wonder that this is the future. Qin Shihuang succeeded in seizing Zhiping! Just as he was about to speak, he saw a Taoist hit Ziping with a lotus flower, and the twelve-grade lotus flowers glowed brilliantly. There are countless Buddha sounds, but the Buddha's voice is as sad as a bloody cuckoo, which can almost assimilate all spirits. Kong Lingwen almost was almost assimilated by this sad Buddha's voice and entered Buddhism with only a little bit. Obviously, this is the most precious treasure of Buddhism! He smashed the red light of Zhiping's body and smashed it fiercely.

Zhiping was annoyed. The protective golden bell behind him hit him fiercely and also emitted tens of thousands of golden lights. The twelve-pin lotus was smashed and almost dispersed, but Zhiping was cut off with another axe. The twelve-pin lotus was cut into several sections, and the sad Buddha sound made a heartbreaking scream and disappeared. The Taoist had no choice but to reassemble the twelve lotus flowers at half a sound, but the Buddha's voice was completely without a trace. Obviously, I suffered a big loss!

Liu Zhiping opened his eyes angrily: "You must be mentioned as a man! You teach destruction, which is the number of days. Why is it endless? Do I have to break all the twelve lotus flowers, the treasure of your religion?

Zunti also shouted angrily: "Although there should be a big disaster. But hundreds of millions of Buddhas and Lan Bhikkhu Bodhisattvas should not have been destroyed! Even the trillions of people in the Buddha country are full of ashes!? How did you get such a hand!" With that, he wanted to call again, but this time he couldn't bear to give up the twelve lotus flowers and picked countless stars like that hidden weapon, all over the sky.

Zhiping did ignore it, and his body did not move, but with a slight finger, Kong Lingwen felt that she was sealed by the magic power of the fairy position covered with a cover, and the connection with the aura of heaven and earth was completely cut off. Suddenly, I was shocked, but I found that this mask cut off all the connection between me and the aura of heaven and earth, but also protected me. Z

In a strange period, a star thrown by quasi-hand fell fiercely on Kong Lingwen's cover. Kong Lingwen was shocked by the aftershocks and couldn't help screaming and returned to the world.

At this time, she finally understood why the song would happen to her. Because it is not the aura and Confucian faith brought by the fall of literary music. I was afraid that the aftermath of being hit by the prospective saint would be extinguished. At the same time, he also understands that it is not the defense given by Zhiping. He is afraid that even if he survives, he will become a useless person who can't move.

Kong Lingwen also understands that Zhiping's will still exists in the most terrible future, so the future may not be irreparable.