Chongzhen Fengshen

78 round defeat, hit the magic whip

Zhu Youjian is entangled about whether he will be calculated when he reshapes his body. The protagonist Yuanyuan Taoist is extremely happy. Huang'er closed her eyes contentedly and enjoyed the aftertaste of **, but Feng'er hugged the broad and strong back of Yuanyuan Taoist with both hands, and her voice was so sweet that it almost melted: "Brother, I feel that I used to How stupid. I was fascinated by those embroidered pillows, but I didn't find that your round brother was the best man. At the beginning, my nine-fold disaster came, not to mention those who were usually attentive, but as the father of the head of the family, I didn't dare to care about it. Only when you tried your best to save me, did you leave my remnant soul reincarnation and protect my soul to protect my soul. Reincarnation to find myself, I have a destination like you, the suffering of a robbery, but it is not in vain..."

The Yuanyuan Taoist smiled: "Sister, you recommended me to the head at the beginning, which made me really embark on the road of cultivation, but I didn't*. Those people pursued you on the surface, but they did whatever they could in private! How dare I look at you more? I'm afraid that if I dare to reveal my true feelings, I will be poisoned! However, don't blame the leader. Our Kunlun is the real sect of the world, and the heavenly disaster has always been a pass. What's more, you are the core disciple. The place to cross the disaster is the safest mine clearance pool, which is the safest place to cross the disaster, claiming to be the place where you can lie down and cross the disaster! But you have suffered the nine disasters that only the demons will suffer! No one is afraid of the above meaning, and naturally they dare not save you!"

Feng'er was annoyed when she heard the words of the Yuanyuan Taoist: "But my father is the peak of Tianxian and has an apricot yellow flag as the head. How can he be afraid of the nine-fold disaster? But I don't care. It seems that the relationship between father and daughter for hundreds of years is actually fake!" As he spoke, it was already pear blossoms with rain, and he became a tearful man. He fell into the arms of the round Taoist, but refused to look up.

The Yuanyuan Taoist tried to pull her up several times, but Feng'er ignored it. The Yuanyuan Taoist sighed helplessly: "The end of the immortals is about to come. Isn't that Xiuzhen afraid? How dare the leader take action? In fact, you don't have to blame them. The practitioners are only for immortality. Naturally, they refuse to take this risk, from the breeze blowing the bright moon to the Holy Emperor stepping on the British move for 300 years! Strange and unpredictable, not to mention the immortal like the master, even the existence of the First Emperor will also fall! Don't blame them too much.

Feng'er is still dissatisfied: "Since they are all practicing for immortality, they are afraid that they will not save me because of the disaster of these 300 immortals. What about you, Brother Yuanyuan! In order to save me, you risked reincarnation and delayed the ascension for 300 years before you encountered these 300 years of immortal disaster. Brother, aren't you afraid?

The round Taoist couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Why am I not afraid? I'm scared to death. If I'm really not afraid, your bodies will be destroyed by Zhu Youjian, I should kill this beast! But I dare not touch him. He is very entangled with cause and effect. I don't know who is behind him! Even the primitive saints are afraid of this man! The destruction of innate magic weapons such as tying fairy ropes and demon-killing gourds are all so-called dooms. How can such a person have cause and effect with him!? But what I'm most afraid of is that I can't fly up to the fairyland with the three of you and be free forever. Fenger, you should also listen to me. Before the end of the disaster of the immortals, try to become immortals. Flying to the sky is serious, and you can't fight for a moment!"

Feng'er was extremely obsessed with her younger brother. She hummed gently, and her big eyes had infinite charm: "Good brother, the world listens to you, but she has to accompany me in the past three days. Well, I didn't expect it to taste really good. Why did you treat me so politely before?"

"Sister, don't listen to him too much. He also hides it from our sisters and can't talk to several female disciples outside! Those female disciples at the outer door are still very beautiful! I was accepted as a preparatory disciple by Brother Yuanyuan, but I don't know if Brother Yuanyuan has ** or not!" Brother Yuanyuan, do you want our sisters to go to see those little sisters and mention their practice? Huang Er didn't know when she woke up and drew a circle on the round Taoist's chest, half joking and half mocking to the round Taoist.

The round Taoist suddenly blushed and stattering for a long time, "I'm also really lonely. I'm just playing a scene with them. I also gave them a lot of elixir and magic weapons to help them improve their cultivation and don't owe them anything!" I'll talk to them and break the relationship!" After saying that, she was about to break free from the arms of the two sisters, but she was held down by the wind. Huang'er took the opportunity to take advantage of it and kept kissing the round Taoist's chest and taking the opportunity to mop oil.

Feng'er smiled with a virtuous face unexpectedly: "The slightly capable men in this world are all three wives and four concubines. Our sisters are just joking, not forcing you. If those outer disciples Yuanyuan really like them, it's not impossible to become concubines. If it's just for the elixir or something, then give it a maidhood! Brother Yuanyuan, you are a person with status. The female disciple you touched by being stained by others is very harmful to your prestige. If it really doesn't work, just erase it. You are now an elder of Kunlun, and your face is a big deal!"

Yuanyuan Taoist didn't expect that after Feng'er recovered her previous memory, she would be so reasonable. Before that the unruly leader of the world, she couldn't help but be moved. She also kissed Feng'er and said softly, "Feng'er, you have really changed, so virtuous! How can those women give fame if they love vanity? Just be a girl, if you don't listen to your sister! Just discipline it well! It's just that I have given Yuanyang to you and Huang'er. You should use the power of Yuanyang to refine it to stabilize the realm of immortals! It will hit the immortal position in the future! As for the ** between husband and wife, after we fly to heaven, it will take a long time, but delaying practice is not worth the loss!"

Although the round Taoist said very euphemistically, Feng'er and Huang'er are still embarrassed. This round Taoist's method is very good. Feng'er and Huang'er, who had just tasted **, were fascinated and were extremely obsessed. As a result, two peerless beauties with the same appearance blushed together and made a grimace to the round Taoist: "You feel good about yourself. All right! Who cares about you!" However, he held hands and went to Kunlun's small world to practice in Kunlun. The round Taoist saw the two leave, but their faces gradually changed...

Ku Zhuzi was about to answer Zhu Youjian's question, but suddenly found that his Yuanying was out of control and couldn't help but be scared. Naturally, he knew what was going on and hurriedly shouted, "Your Highness, please help me. It's of great use! Li Yongfang and Liu Aita have an agreement with me that as long as we work together to respond to His Royal Highness, Manchuria will be destroyed in an instant!"

However, he found that Yuanying, who was as slender as a worm, soared, like a swollen ball. He couldn't help but fly away. He knelt down and begged for mercy and shouted, "Uncle Yuanyuan, let me go. Bitter bamboo will not betray you!" The poor unlucky bamboo burst into tears again, but his body quickly expanded from a ball to a watermelon. With a bang, the Yuanying of bitter bamboo scattered into pieces!

Zhu Youjian sneered and collected all the memory fragments of the bitter bamboo with a wave of his hands. Sure enough, all the magic powers were there, including the strange skills of the parasitic Yuanying baby! Of course, the memory fragments about the scandal inside Kunlun are all gone! But in my heart, I think that the round Taoist is also a wonderful person. What should be left, what should not be left, but it is a person who can be friends.

The bitter bamboo was inspired by the special imprint in the soul by the round Taoist. Yuanying was broken, but dissipated in this world, but the round Taoist was full of confidence: "What if the bitter bamboo disappears! It is not difficult for me to upgrade the soul of the immortals as a top immortal! Luxury Chongming, An Bangyan! You should also be ordered by Shushan to rise up!"

As soon as the round Taoist said calmly, he changed his murderous face. Feng'er and Huang'er would never believe that if they were a daughter, they would be more beautiful and handsome than themselves. The round Taoist who didn't look like a man would get angry. Unexpectedly, his blood-red eyes were like hellish Shura, making a sound. It seems to be more like the wailing of a beast: "Zhu Youjian, I have given you face. My two Taoist couples must get the super blood beads condensed by 200,000 ghosts to be promoted to immortals and escape this 300-year immortal disaster! What I'm most afraid of is that I can't fly to the fairyland with the three of them and be free forever! Zhu Youjian, if you stop me! I don't care who you are, I will kill you at all costs! Do you know? It's easy to beat the gods and ghosts under the whip! What about the magic power of witches? You are not a big witch like Xing Tianxiang Liu. There is only an ashes and smoke under the whip!"

The round Taoist was secretly fierce, but he forgot that he was murderous. The original order made it clear: killing demon gourds, binding fairy ropes, and beating divine whips are all in the catastrophe. The number of doom is doomed and irreparable. Kunlun disciples should not act rashly, let alone revenge for this, and connect cause and effect! The demon gourd and the fairy rope were destroyed by Zhu Youjian's Shennong tripod. This divine whip has long become an ominous thing. What's the use of relying on this ominous thing!?

At the same time, Zhu Youjian listened to Wei Zhongxian's report and interrupted: "Luxury Chongming, An Bangyan and Sha Dingzhou were all assassinated by Dongchang! The soul is destroyed! Very good, these are the seeds of future troubles, which can't be left! Why are they guarded by disciples from Shushan? Regardless of him, Kunlun dares not have cause and effect with me, not to mention Shushan? Wu Sangui's father Wu Xiang, Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong have been transferred to Lingnan. It's good to die there! Juehua Island in Liaodong has retreated, and the materials on Juehua Island have been removed cleanly and sent to General Mao Wenlong of Pi Island? Very good! But Yuan Chonghuan! Why didn't this one retreat back? Play the performance art of resisting life in Ningyuan?

Wei Zhongxian was surprised that Zhu Youjian didn't know why he had such a deep understanding of this ordinary civilian Yuan Chonghuan, so he carefully explained, "Your Highness, Yuan Chonghuan really can't withdraw!"