Chongzhen Fengshen

80 royal conspiracy, universal all sentient beings

Zhu Youjian's face turned pale when he heard Nianbing say that he had become a Buddha! He hurriedly covered Nianbing's so-called little mouth and whispered, "My wife, this can't be said!" I told Maitreya Buddha that if I wanted to become a Buddha, I would have ten thousand Buddhas! What's the result!? As soon as the ten thousand Buddhas came, I almost became a Buddha! If I really become a Buddha and become wood, won't you cry to death? You are a descendant of Guanyin and have enough face to talk nonsense about Buddhism. I'm afraid. Just say less. Or you will be widowed in the future. Where will you cry?

Nian Bing looked at Zhu Youjian's serious expression and had no choice but to take this out of tune with her husband, so he had to bring Zhu Youjian into the sea of consciousness with the soul induction of the two.

Zhu Youjian's sea of consciousness was originally desolate, but was later occupied by the palace of the first emperor. Later, Shennong Ding and Laozihua Hu bracelets all entered. Of course, the largest territory occupied at present is the 3,000 Buddha countries isolated by Lao Zihua Hu bracelets. Zhu Youjian mentioned that his sea of consciousness was afraid. If you can dodge, you have run away for a long time! Where are you still in the mood to decorate and decorate? Entering the sea of consciousness of Nian Bing, I can't help but brighten my eyes. It turns out that the sea of consciousness can be so beautiful?!

At a glance, it is a vast pond as vast as the sea. The water is clear to the bottom, and there is no wind and waves. Colorful meek fish greet each other by touching their bodies. Occasionally, a naughty person secretly kisses other fish's faces and swims away quickly, hiding in the dense lotus flowers, revealing a Let's see if they are chasing them. There are a group of colorful butterflies in the sky, curiously watching the colorful beautiful fish. Unexpectedly, colorful beautiful fish are also watching them! With the fragrant flowers on the land, the seven-color birds that make a crisp and pleasant sound are a harmonious and beautiful picture scroll!

Zhu Youjian was a disreacted person, but he wanted to find something else. Unexpectedly, he had a bad expression. He had been noticed by the animals on land. The docile rabbit and agile deer had already run away, and even the squirrel on the tree didn't feel good. He threw down the pine tower and ran away! Nianbing knocked hard on Zhu Youjian's head!

You don't even say that Zhu Youjian really found something discordant. The man had a golden tail, but his head was observing the water. His front paws were ready to go, and he was about to poison the colorful and beautiful fish! The colorful meek fish is also stupid and looks at this killer curiously!

Zhu Youjian grabbed the man's tail and picked it up: "My wife, you can catch a fish thief. If you don't care, this cat is the most greedy. Soonerable meek fish will be eaten by him sooner or later!" The fish thief was golden all over, his big eyes were extremely bright, covered with tears, and his two front paws kept bowing, but I'm afraid that any girl with a little love would hold it in his arms and cherish it more! Zhu Youjian didn't care. Instead, he carefully observed the top of its head, and a word Wang faintly appeared! I can't help but come forward to see if it is a cat or a tiger. The fish-stealing killer was anxious. He opened his mouth and bit it. Zhu Youjian was so scared that he threw it away, but the fish-stealing killer ran into Nianbing's arms aggrievedly. His big tear-s eyes looked at Zhu Youjian, then looked at Nianbing, and finally lowered his head, which was obviously an aggrieved complaint! With the love of Nianbing, it doesn't matter if you eat a few silly fish or steal a few cute seven-color birds! Even if Nianbing is really angry, as long as her big eyes are covered with tears, Nianbing's anger will immediately dissipate and comfort her coquettish self. How can this guy actually carry his tail and abuse himself!

Zhu Youjian is used to the villain to sue first: "My wife, is this guy a tiger? How to bite people! It's too dangerous. You have to throw it away!"

Nian Bing was half dead and said with tears and laughing, "Husband, he is the cat I transformed into in my sea of consciousness. Because I look like a tiger, I added the word king on his head. It's just funny. What's the danger in the sea of my consciousness? As for biting you? Which cat's tail you hold, it will bite! Good boy! Mimi, husband, don't make any more noise!"

Zhu Youjian was not very happy when he heard that he was side by side with the golden tiger cat in the mouth of Nian Bing. When he took a closer look at the rogue cat who acted coquettishly in his beloved wife's arms, he couldn't help but be angry!

"You scoundrel cat, where do you lick it? That's what I used! Well, that's my future child and I can use it! If you kill this colored cat, I will caste you the worst! Tell you to deceive girls with your appearance!"

Meow? Meow? Meow! Meow!!! Meow..."

"husband, don't be so childish anymore! You even want to eat the cat's vinegar!"

Finally, the poor tiger cat was knocked to the ground by Zhu Youjian and was pardoned after carefully observing between his two lovely legs: "It turned out to be a woman. Forget it, but Lily is not good. You'd better get married and find an excellent husband like me! After all, love has a racial gender!"

"Go to hell, Zhu Youjian, what's in your mind!"

Nianbing was trembling with anger by Zhu Youjian. He pulled the shameful Zhu Youjian away like a dead dog. Zhu Youjian was overjoyed without taking a few steps: "My wife, you still have a national treasure here! It's still the most beautiful one with a round face. It's so cute!"

Nianbing blushed. During the Ming Dynasty, it was common for famous ladies and small jasper to like cats, dogs, deer, horses and squirrels. How many people like bears? Although this chest is cute, the limbs and ears are black, the body is snow-white, and the head is round and cute. When I see people, I still cover my eyes, like a shy lady, after all, I am also a bear. Thinking of Zhu Youjian's out of tune, I simply pulled Zhu Youjian and left, and said, "My husband is talking nonsense again, my consciousness Zhihai, you know, where will there be any bears? You are dazzled!" But regardless of Zhu Youjian's explanation, he was pulled away...

The sea of consciousness of practitioners is no smaller than that of ordinary people, and the sea of consciousness of Nian Bing as a fairy is almost endless. Nianbing could only tear open the space and pull Zhu Youjian to the deepest part of the sea of consciousness. Zhu Youjian was dizzy. He crossed the space and had no roots under his feet. Naturally, he was also high. Naturally, there was a burst of nausea. Fortunately, he understood that he was just a Yuan Ying. How could he vomit? I barely held back!

When Zhu Youjian was not dizzy and looked forward, he couldn't help but be shocked! It turned out that Zhu Youjian looked carefully and saw a giant Buddha sitting on the seven-color lotus platform. The giant Buddha smiled, his eyes were lightly closed, and his hands were held empty. There were countless stars in the void. Although Zhu Youjian had seen a Buddha like Maitreya Buddha, compared with this one, he was obviously pretentious, naturally It's a little worse, and then take a closer look at the face of this Buddha. Zhu Youjian couldn't help shouting, "My God, this Buddha is actually me!" I practice the divine power of the Holy Emperor and feel the past. I will never be wrong. In the dark, this is me. What's the matter? Am I really a Buddha? It was the time when I succeeded in becoming a Buddha in my body. I really became a Buddha, but I didn't know it! What the hell is going on!?

Nianbing was shocked and immediately held Zhu Youjian's stinky mouth and whispered, "You are too loud and seem to wake him up. Don't talk anymore. Let's go!" Nian Bing was about to take Zhu Youjian to tear open the space and leave the sea of his consciousness, but she was shocked. It turned out that his sea of consciousness was not controlled by his Yuanying. He and Zhu Youjian seemed to be living in the customs of his consciousness and became prisoners! At the same time, I also understand that this giant Buddha, which seems to be Zhu Youjian, is indeed boundless and Buddha's karma! Otherwise, if you have become a fairy, how can your control of the sea of consciousness be taken away by a split body? I'm afraid that his ancestor Guanyin can't do it silently by virtue of his blood connection!

Zhu Youjian is also ready to use the magic power of the witch clan and tear open the space, but there is no trace of the magic power all over his body, which has never happened before! The witch magic power smashes the void, and it is extremely difficult to imprison. Even the ancient Buddha's cultivation close to the Buddha is not bad. Although it can easily kill Zhu Youjian, it can't suppress Zhu Youjian's magic power, which is only equivalent to ordinary witches! Is this strange giant Buddha who seems to be alone really a Buddha? Now that you can't leave, just ask for clarification!

"How did you become my appearance and enter my beloved wife's mind? Do you have to be rude to her when you see her beauty? Why don't you stop pestering and withdraw from her sea of consciousness? Zhu Youjian's body trembled, but his mouth was righteous! Thinking that Buddha's noble identity and sneaking on himself and descendants like Nianbing, it's really too disgraceful! Naturally, it can't be done! Of course, if it is a brazen traditional attack of Buddhism, there is nothing we can do. Let's test it first!

The giant Buddha didn't say anything, but his voice went straight into Zhu Youjian's mind, which was the magic power of the Buddha's heart: "I am you! Liu Zhiping! With the magic power of practicing the Holy Emperor, sensing the past of the future, it can never be wrong. Feel it in the dark, you are me! Thinking of Zhu Ming's royal family's evil heart, he found that Liu Zhiping used the soul transfer method after the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, transferred the soul to Zhu Youjian's body, in an attempt to use the throne as bait, and steal the great luck brought by your reincarnation of the Holy Emperor! It is so ambitious to change its fate and continue the spirit of the Ming Dynasty. It is even more ambitious to survive the end of the world after the disaster of immortals and become the emperor of the co-owners of generations inside and outside Kyushu! I, that is, you in the future, were almost fascinated by Zhu Ming's royal family with the greatness of Han Wu's thousands of emperors, and connected the unique atmosphere brought by the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor to the Ming Dynasty. After a lifetime of wealth, it became the cornerstone of Zhu Ming's ambition of the co-owners internal and foreign generations in Kyushu in the era after the end of the disaster of immortals! Liu Zhiping, you are not Zhu Youjian! You are me, the future Buddha! The third saint of Buddhism in charge of the chaotic clock! In the era of the end of the Immortals, the Buddha will be in charge of the chaotic bell in the future, but all laws will be destroyed, only Buddhism will flourish! The whole world has become an endless Buddha country, regardless of the world, the fairyland and the underworld! Everyone in the world, regardless of their magical power, is equal and happy! This is what we -- what the Buddha did in the future -- universalize all sentient beings!