Chongzhen Fengshen

101 World War I Demon Ape

Zhu Youjian always thought that some plots in Xiuzhen novels or TV series were stupid! The protagonist is full of nonsense when he beats people, and the supporting role is also a fool and cultivates immortals! Can't you secretly take out the magic weapon? Can't you escape from the clouds? You have to be beaten like a mentally retarded person! While fighting and explaining, are you afraid that the audience will not look at it from the beginning, so explain the plot and the cause and effect? Now he understands that it is not the protagonist who is stupid, but that he is smart!

The blood-red eyes of the demon ape seemed to be dripping blood, staring at Zhu Youjian, and there was no longer the manner of a gentleman in the demon, only endless murderous intent! Suddenly, the demon ape made a thunderous roar! Then he shouted, "Zhu Yujian, I once said that if you offend me, I won't be polite. Don't you have ears and don't hear me? Look at the boxing!"

"Zhu Youjian, you kidnapped my wife's benefactor and the whole family, I can bear it!"

"Zhu Youjian, you take my wife's benefactor as a pig and sheep, and absorb the essence after cultivating a half demon, and I can also endure it!"

"Zhu Youjian, I can still bear to kill her benefactor Xiao Jin in front of my wife!"

"Zhu Youjian, you destroyed my incarnation, and I gritted my teeth and endured!"

"Zhu Youjian, but you actually want to kill my beloved wife, I can't stand it!"

The demon ape Ba said continuously, and there was no stagnation in his hand. He hit Zhu Youjian as a live target, but Zhu Youjian's body was too strong. Unexpectedly, he punched a few times. Several hills collapsed, and the earth also shook back and down, which just made Zhu Youjian's mouth fresh * dizzy!

With Zhu Youjian's temperament, how can he feel guilty and be beaten without hiding, making the demon ape angry? It is his original intention to take the magic weapon, but every word of the demon ape made him dizzy, the direction was unclear, and he could not say anything. It was naturally impossible to plot, teleport, and escape. He knew in his heart that the demon ape's roar was probably similar to the Buddha's words to deter the enemy's mind and lock the enemy. Hands, the top magic power of blocking space and magic weapons! I secretly complained in my heart. Although the several attacks of the demon ape Ba are heavier, they are pure physical power. Looking at the murderous posture of the demon ape Ba, I am afraid that I will die, but I have regained the top magic power similar to the words of Buddhism. My body is like a beaten sandbag, and there is no reaction. Yes! Because I can't say anything, I can't beg for mercy. What else can I do but wait to die?

The demon ape Bana Zhu was beaten as a sandbag. Because of the earth-shaking battle, several hills collapsed and the earth shook. It was difficult for the Shushan faction to seal the mountain as a turtle. After a while, the battlefield was surrounded by Shushan's Xiuzhen. Both sides of Shushan's fighting at first sight were their own rivals, which repeatedly damaged the good Zhu Youjian was beaten by the demon ape Badang sandbag, but there was a burst of darkness: Ba Monkey had a unique skill, and even the two micro-dust arrays were broken! No matter how strong your body is, how can you compare with the ancient fairy array like two dust arrays? Zhu Youjian, you are dead! Huh? No, this place is too close to Shushan. If Ba Monkey uses that unique skill, our two dust arrays in Shushan will have to be repaired again!

Sure enough! The demon ape took a deep breath, then closed his abdomen and lifted his buttocks, and his upper body and fists swelled several times! The blue veins of the tree roots appeared on his face, and his eyes emitted a green light! Finally, he exhaled that breath, and his swollen fist was like Zhu Youjian! He shouted, "Everything in the world, return to the flood!" This sound shocked the monk whose cultivation was lower than Yuanying in Shushan's cultivation that he could not fly in the air and fell to the ground like dumplings! Even Xiuzhen, who crossed the disaster period, also turned blue and hurriedly fell to the ground. The attack range of the demon ape was too wide, and it was still safe to fall on the ground!

Xiuzhen, who fell on the ground, looked carefully and suddenly turned blue. Isn't this the stunt of the demon ape Ba making a big hole in the dust array of the two instruments? Run, there is a risk in the sky! In an instant, the cultivation of Shushan fled like mortals, so that he fell down several times and was trampled by everyone's paving stone!

Shushan's cultivation is so good that it is not easy to stand firm, but he feels that the true qi in his body is unstable, and he is faintly going to break out. When he blocks his work, the true qi in his body is going to rebel and impact everywhere. If the impact can't be opened, it will first solidify, and then violently hit the weak point of the body! It seems that the body is going to explode!

Jin Yangzi, the head of Shushan, hurriedly shouted, "Go! Go back ten miles away! In case of being affected, I will be affected by the disaster of the pond fish!" Shushan's Xiuzhen family hurriedly retreated, but several unlucky people shouted, and their bodies swelled like balloons and then exploded. Not to mention that the bodies and bones were gone, even Yuan Ying was blown up! Jin Yangzi, the head of Shushan, took a deep breath: How did this monkey's stunt become so powerful? Under the suppression of the Kyushu boundary, his cultivation is high, that is, the last time he broke the level of our two micro dust arrays in Shushan! It can't be higher! Is there any support for Zhu Youjian, who was beaten as a sandbag, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? He hurriedly gave his two-cult priest Jin Yuzi a wink. The Jin Yuzi was not only as beautiful as a flower, but also beautiful and wise. He suddenly understood it and arranged for his disciples to provoke him with dead men and test the depth. If either side consumes too much, he will ambush and beat the water dog!

After arranging the killing moves, Jin Yangzi, the head of Shushan, looked at the center of the battle between Zhu Youjian and the demon ape Ba, but was shocked. The demon ape Ba was an ancient demon and good at close hand-to-hand combat. Zhu Youjian was just a witch. How could he actually punch and fight hard against the demon ape? How can you hold on! It seems that he will soon be defeated, and the humiliation of Shushan can only be reported another day!

Zhu Youjian was beaten by the demon ape and was dizzy! But I found that the aura of the space around me had completely changed! The aura has increased a hundred times, but it has also become violent. The unconscious aura actually attacks its body for no reason! Suddenly, I was shocked, and the demon ape really didn't brag! The aura of everything in the world has indeed returned to the flood in a short time in a small range!

In this Honghuang period, there were many aura and violent spirits, and the strong and disorderly chaotic demon cultivation naturally took advantage of. The small and fine human meridians were under the many and violent auras in the Honghuang period. Either they exploded when they were bold, or they were timid and were thrown away by the demon clan far away. This is the reason why the Honghuang demon clan is powerful and weak. . With the passage of time, the aura becomes less and less and more docile. The advantages of the strong meridians of the demon clan gradually become useless, but the disadvantages are gradually enlarged. The small and fine human meridians are becoming more and more dominant. With countless skills, the demon clan can only escape for their lives.

In this aura and violent environment during this flood and famine, Zhu Youjian gradually understood the true meaning of the power of the great witch. It turned out that the power of the great witch is not simple and unbreakable! Instead, it can control all the aura in the sky and underground to a certain extent, even the enemy's own aura! This! It is the real magic power of Pangu's physical evolution! The strong body of the witch is so strong just to prevent the aura from storming away!

Zhu Youjian suddenly realized that since then, he is no longer afraid of the realm far above himself. He tries to blow up his demon ape with his strong body, control all the controllable aura of the surrounding heaven and earth to wrap his fist, and do not hesitate to touch the fist of the demon ape!