Chongzhen Fengshen

120 countries fight, conspiracy under the moon

Zhu Youjian came in and looked along the voice. He was a white man dressed in the governor's mansion. Although he was dressed well, like a nobleman, his politeness was not enough. His face was red and ears were red. His collars were loosened, and the sleeves of his arms were also rolled up. The most prominent thing was that he stepped on the master's chair and was alive. It's just a pirate image that tries to divide the stolen goods!

This guy actually also knew that it was indecent, and saw Zhu Youjian's clothes. Although he could not tell the difference between the dragon robe and the prince's clothes, he also knew that it was the Ming royal family. He couldn't help taking back his feet and tidying up his clothes by the way. By the way, he did the orthodox etiquette of an aristocrat, but the ridicule of Zhu Youjian was a silk. No concession: "Dear Ming Dynasty royal family, Valdes says hello to you! It's a pity to be rude in front of you! It's just that the people's right to trade freely is inalienable! I hope you, as the representative of the royal family of the civilized empire, can give freedom and human rights to the people!"

The Valdes Antonio CarrenodeValdes was the only chicken cage freshwater officer in Spain in 1626. When he spoke, he winked at another blonde man. The man was Martinus Sonck1624 of the Netherlands. The first Taiwanese officer, Spain and the Netherlands competed fiercely for Taiwan, but for some reason they had a tacit understanding

Zhu Youjian was strange and hurriedly called Zhu Changwen: "Didn't we agree to free trade? What's the wind here?" Zhu Changwen said, "General things are naturally free to trade!" It's just that these Westerners have to open up and sell..."

A blonde man interrupted Zhu Changwen's words: "We advocate that the people's right to trade is inalienable, and the goods that defend freedom and human rights are naturally medicinal materials! A special medicine that can cure all diseases! Your country's medical book Kaibao Herbs: It was once said that it was "sweet, flat and non-toxic." The great poet Homer called it "forgettable grass" and it is a "happy plant" and a gift from the gods! However, Zhu Changwen said that your country prohibits the import of the gifts of these gods! I think this is inconsistent with the good image of your civilized empire. I, Song Ke, think it should be decided by the people of your country!"

Song Ke of the Netherlands thought he was proud of fooling for a long time, but Zhu Youjian's nose was crooked: Isn't it you Westerners who shamelessly want to sell*? Zhu Youjian immediately stared into Song Ke's eyes: "Mr. Song Ke, this poppy addiction can coerce the victims to keep buying and ruin their property. I still know that this trick doesn't have to be played in front of me! But I would like to ask you two, Mr. Songke, Mr. Valdes, where is the governor of you?

Song Ke and Valdes looked at each other and felt bad. Fortunately, they closed their eyes and ignored Zhu Youjian, but Zhu Youjian did not give up: "Mr. Song Ke of the Netherlands is the first Taiwanese governor, and Mr. Valdes of Spain is the chief of chicken cage fresh water, but the two also know that before you came, there was There are Chinese people living, so please follow the example of Macao. My Ming royal family admits that you rent and temporarily manage it, but outside the castle is managed by me. How about it? It's the best of both!" Song Ke and Valdes rushed to the crown angrily, and Zhu Youjian bullied people too much! Song Ke was the most witty and sneered: "Your Highness! Before, there were Chinese people living, so they had to be managed by Daming? Then Nanyang is a bright place, but I don't know if the Governor of Manila will agree? Song Ke was familiar with China and counterattacked to question Zhu Youjian. He heard that the dynasty was overwhelmed by the Manchurians in the north. How dare you be tough?

This time, Zhu Youjian is in a dilemma. Not to mention that Manchuria is still there, even if Manchuria is not there, you can only deal with Westerners individually. How can the attack range be so wide at once!? Seeing that Zhu Youjian was in a dilemma, Song Ke knew that the plot was successful and was about to force Zhu Youjian to give up Taiwan. But there is a traitor inside!

Two southern and northern Chinese voices sounded: "Churchill, general manager of the East India Company of the British Empire, agrees with His Royal Highness! Nanyang, Taiwan is indeed better managed by the Ming Dynasty!" Charles de Gaulle, general manager of the French Empire East India Company, agrees with His Royal Highness! Nanyang, Taiwan is indeed better managed by Daming!"

The man who claimed to be the general manager of the French Empire East India Company also dressed up as a good man: "Mr. Song Ke, Your Excellency Valdes! His Royal Highness is right. According to the law, civilized people who go to the place of ignorance first have sovereignty! His Royal Highness King Xin's claim is completely reasonable! You two accept it! Don't you two agree that the Ming Empire is as civilized as our Europeans? If the two do not agree that the Ming Empire is a civilized man, then the trade of silk and tea with the Ming Empire may be affected, right?

The man who claimed to be Churchill, the general manager of the British Empire East India Company, said: "The British Empire East India Company has always advocated free trade! Does the Netherlands and Spain have any other ability to indulge pirate ships of unknown nationality besides high transit taxes? In the honor of a British gentleman, I question whether the Netherlands and Spain represented by Song Ke and Valdes are qualified to promote free trade! Your Highness, you can trade directly with the East Indian companies opened by the French Empire and the British Empire in India, so that you can get higher profits! It is the real free trade!" Churchill, the general manager of the East India Company of the British Empire, turned Song Ke and Valdes into rural buns. He was also full of superiority. After saying that, he closed his eyes, as if he had lost his identity when he saw both of them.

Valdes was the most impatient and simply jumped up and scolded the street: "Shameless British! What right do you have to blame hard-working Spain? Who doesn't know about Europe? The British navy likes to pretend to be pirates and plunder the hard-working Spain's hard-earned gold and silver from the colony?! The British are the embodiment of robbers and liars, and dare to say that they believe in free trade?

Song Ke sneered: "Dear Mr. Churchill, your grandfather and great-grandfather are free sailors! [ It's the obscure name of pirates] Your father really became a nobleman! Nobles should fulfill their obligations first! Dear Mr. Churchill, Mr. Charles de Gaulle, you'd better do your own things first, completely suppress the Mongolian emperor of India, and then reach out to East Asia! Otherwise, the East Asian cake will not be eaten, but the Indian chair will be gone. I really doubt whether the two will be sent to prison when they return to China!" Song Ke's mouth was really bad. At that time, neither the British nor the French had the prestige of future generations to be suppressed by the Mughal dynasty in India. Several colonies were also bribed like Macao!

Song Ke and Valdes and de Gaulle and Churchill began to fight two-on-two, which also reflected the many benefits of European languages. Zhu Youjian's head was so big that he couldn't hear what they were saying! However, it was useless to understand. In the end, Song Ke and Valdes vs Charles de Gaulle and Churchill simply began to fight. A bunch of governors in Nanyang not only did not persuade, but also took the opportunity to revenge and fight black fists. Of course, it is hard to say whether it was because of national conflicts or personal grudges!

Zhu Youjian was stunned with Zhu Changwen: a group of masters who survived the robbery and even approached the fairy position fought like little hooligans? Why is this Western cultivation like this? This cultivation is not as good as the evil way of the Central Plains! Is this the precursor to the end of the immortal disaster? Zhu Youjian felt for the first time that the red tape of Confucianism was also a little useful!

A bunch of governors in Nanyang finally became a chaotic war, which is not revenge. In order to protect themselves, they all fought at first. They all fought at first sight, and the battle circle also expanded and bigger. In order to protect themselves, Zhu Youjian and Zhu Changwen had to turn around and run away without being beaten for no reason. Zhu Changwen said with lingering heart: "It's been seven days, and I haven't stopped in my house. It seems that they are all civilized people, earth immortals or disasters, or local officials and so on. Why are they the same as little scoundrels? His Royal Highness! Hurry up and sign the free trade and open sea ban agreement. Let them get out of here! Why don't more than a dozen immortals fight in my house every day? If we can't control it one day, won't our family immediately become ruins?

Zhu Youjian can't laugh or cry: Is this what civil officials say about the Nanyang foreigner coalition? Isn't this intentionally scary? However, most civil servants do not understand the current situation and history of Europe. How can they figure it out? I guess it's hard to know who is from which country! Hearing what Zhu Changwen said, Zhu Youjian nodded, took the dozens of pages of the agreement, scanned the Chinese content, and added one: Your Highness can't understand bird language. Everything is mainly Chinese characters, and he is willing to sign it or not! He handed it back to Zhu Changwen and said softly, "Changwen, the place where I live will be very lively tonight. If you know the elder in the family, you don't have to send someone to protect me!" Anyway, in the face of these immortals or governors who have crossed the disaster, ordinary people are useless, but they hinder me from talking to them!"

Just at night, His Royal Highness King Xin, who was drinking tea in the pavilion, waited for his first guest. It was Valdes, the only chicken cage freshwater officer in Spain! However, Valdes at night was not reckless during the day, nor arrogant at all. He bowed politely to Zhu Youjian: "Your Highness Xinwang, it's inconvenient to talk during the day! I don't know if His Royal Highness can guarantee that only you and I can talk to you?

Valdes looked serious, which made people suddenly feel trusting. Zhu Youjian nodded casually: "Mr. Valdes, I can only guarantee myself that our conversation can only be you. I know it's up to you! But I'm very curious, is it possible for Lord Valdes to be so nervous?

Zhu Youjian was a casual joke, but Valdes really nodded: "Treason is not so bad. I just want to talk to His Royal Highness King Xin about how to cut off the head of the governor of Manila!" What price do I need to replace it? Your Highness, are you interested?"

The following are not counted. Antonio Carrenode Valdes and Martinus Sonck1624 are all historical figures. At that time, the British East India Company and the French East India Company were too small to completely suppress Chinese names by India. I really couldn't find it, so I had to take a spoof like Churchill de Gaulle! If any of you know, please help me improve this book. Thank you!