Chongzhen Fengshen

128 saints soaring, two souls in one

No wonder the German handsome man and the mad believer Ilo, who incarnated the angel of destruction, are stunned. This great law and the great prophecy are essentially different. The great law is dedicated to gods. Naturally, they just say what I am. The great prophecy can be used by believers, but the god's son's wife is more favored by the gods and is more convenient to use. That's all. However, the power of the gods varies greatly. The twelve disciples of Jesus once let the gods of ancient Greece fall. The power of the great prophecy of the twelve disciples of Jesus is still above the great law of the ancient Greek gods!

It's just that although Zhu Youjian's copycat law order is very effective, it really ordered the holy power, not like the crazy believer Ilo who cheated the holy power by blaspheming the priest. What's going on? The angel of destruction is the blood descendant of the saint needle, that is, the direct descendant of the Virgin Mary. Naturally, he knows that Zhu Youjian has nothing to do with God. As soon as he saw Zhu Youjian posing as God, he was naturally angry. He was already murderous. He just slowly dealt with the crazy believer Ilo, but he was ready to raid this bigger one. The heresy!

Ilo, a fanatic, is even more surprised! He himself is a blasphemous priest. Naturally, he knows that using means to deceive the Holy Power and pretend to be God are completely different. Just like in modern society, one is to intercept corruption, and the other is to pretend to be the head of state. The severity of the leak is very different! This oriental heresy is bolder than me! He learned the almost crazy faith of the destroying angel, and naturally had a tacit understanding with the destroying angel. He was ready to let the destroying angel attack Zhu Youjian and take the opportunity to escape.

Zhu Youjian doesn't even know the difference between the great law and the great prophecy. How do you know that the angel of destruction and the crazy believer Ilo have a tacit understanding? As soon as I saw that my copycat spell had an effect, I was happy. Naturally, I also understood that the great prophecy was just a kind of spiritual skill, which was a spiritual attack on the enemy. Although my soul was strong, my cultivation was only to cross the disaster. The crazy believers Ilo and the blood clan Ilo Xiuwei were immortals before they changed. After the transformation, they were close to the golden immortals. No matter how strong the prophetic attack is, it is just a kind of mental attack! Interfering with the other party's actions is still the principle of spiritual curse. If you are a beginner, there is no secret, not a believer of God, and without God's blessing, I'm afraid the impact on the crazy believer Ilo is extremely limited!

However, Zhu Yujian thought again and thought that the great prophecy is a spell that integrates attack and defense, integrating spiritual defense and spiritual attack. Since the spiritual attack curse has little effect on the crazy believer Ilo, won't he change to bless the destruction of the angel?

So Zhu Youjian said, "I said that believers who believe in piety will be blessed by the power of heaven..." Zhu Youjian was stunned and didn't dare to say anything more, but he scolded in his heart, what's the matter! The blessing of his great prophecy did not bless the angel of destruction, but the crazy believer Ilo shone with holy light! Obviously, it is blessed!

A sacred silver gate slowly appeared in the sky. The power of God came from the sacred silver gate. Under the soft holy light, all the magical powers lost their function. The destruction angel and Zhu Youjian were also shrouded in the soft holy light from the sacred silver gate and slowly fell to the ground! His own magical power has not even been suppressed!

Only the crazy believer Ilo was led by the golden holy light from the sacred silver gate and slowly flew to the sacred silver gate. Countless little angels flew out of the sacred silver gate and played the holy sound to welcome the mad believer Ilo, the saint! Countless holy lights shone on Manila, and the doomsday scene suddenly disappeared, but it was replaced by the bright spring, the fragrance of birds and flowers, the fruits quickly, and the crops also matured quickly. Among the wounded who were seriously injured in the last attack by indigenous robbers, the disabled arms and thighs regenerated, so they knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. The people thought that it was God's test for themselves, and they became more pious!

Ilo, a mad believer, is comfortably floating. Naturally, he knows that this is the power of Zhu Youjian's great law, but he is shocked! Who the hell is this person? The great law can actually send himself to fly to Eden! Or welcome the ascension of the saints! The ascension of this saint is the treatment of the most pious and meritorious believers, which is also a rare honor among successive popes! But it is used to greet yourself as a blasphemy priest?

Different lives, that is, a real person also has a different fate. Ilo, a crazy believer, wants to soar as a saint. Even after ascending to Eden, he can keep his magical power and even be reincarnated as a powerful blazing angel! However, under the soft holy light of welcoming the rising of the saints, Ilo screamed repeatedly, and his body turned into blue smoke, leaving only his soul turned into a black smoke, like a headless fly! But there is nowhere to escape, and the color of black smoke is gradually transparent!

Ilo, a blood clan, was inspired to deal with the crazy believer who wanted to fly as a saint. Ilo, a mad believer, also softened his heart and gritted his teeth and pulled out the erect eyes of his eyebrows! The erect eyes of the crazy believer Ilo's eyebrows are transformed by the power of his centuries-collected faith, which are specially used to release the great protection of life-saving! Ilo, a fanatic, saved his life for the blood clan Ilo, but gave up without hesitation.

Ilo's mother was originally a devout saint of a monastery. She was holy and did not marry. She was deeply pitied by God and was not even inferior to the archbishop, but she was too rigid. In order to protect the nuns from falling into the hands of some wolf bishops of the Holy See, she not only repeatedly sued, but she even killed several * profound, from a family. The pervert bishop, with a strong temper, did not form gangs and did not rely on the dignitaries, was finally framed, besieged by several blood princes, and captured!

Several blood princes tried their best to turn Ilo's mother into a blood clan, because as long as Ilo's mother degenerated into a blood clan, Ilo's mother would become a blood prince-level existence if she was not less than the archbishop! For the blood clan that died in large numbers of female members, even if the prince could not find a marriage partner, it was extremely significant, and the reproductive ability of the blood clan transformed by human beings was strong, and it was also possible for the descendants of several blood princes for decades! Ilo's mother was firm in faith, but her spirit was not degenerate. Several blood princes finally lost their patience and finally regarded Ilo's mother as a fertility machine. Except for being forced to eat some food, she could not rest all day and night.

In a few years, Ilo's mother was finally pregnant with twins, but the poor twins were born with a deformity of the same body! The elder brother is a human and the younger brother is a blood clan. Because his parents are excellent, he has sanity one month before delivery. For several blood princes, human beings are food, that is, human beings with their own blood are not food, but just slaves. Blood slaves and their own children are all a pile, which is not rare!

The younger brother is a genius in the blood clan. He is not born with the power of the marquis! No matter whose child is, it is the treasure of the blood clan! So several blood clan princes told their younger brother to teach him the blood clan secrets and let him refine his brother with the power of the blood clan! In this way, you can be born with the strength of the Duke! The blood brother was about to devour his brother, but he heard his mother crying!

Illo's mother cried and begged the two brothers to cross the race and support each other, but when she saw that the blood brothers did not respond, she broke her arteries while several blood princes were relaxed because of her pregnancy! He condensed his completely sealed holy power into a seed and gave it to his brother!

It was not until the morning that the blood princes found that Ilo's mother committed suicide! I can't help cursing myself for being stupid, which makes such a good fertility machine broken! It's just that the boat has been completed, so I have to dig open Ilo's mother's towering stomach and see if the blood brother has refined his brother!

But the result was that only the human brother was found, and what's more strange is that the blood brother seemed to have been swallowed up instead! Several blood princes were distressed by the fall of a genius in a blood clan and wanted to sacrifice Ilo's blood to Cain's ancestors!

The father of Ilo's blood found that Ilo's mother's handwritten blood words: No matter who you are, why do you marry me, please protect our children! I couldn't bear to give a lot of jewelry to other blood princes, and finally changed Ilo's life!

The truth is that the brother who is a human should have been born and died because of deformity. The blood brother remembered what his mother said in tears and sacrificed himself to repair the body of his brother who is a human brother with the secret method of the blood clan, making him a normal person!

This is why, according to reason, a person's body with both holy power and blood power is bound to explode, with the exception of Ilo! Because he is a two-soul existence!