Chongzhen Fengshen

165 heavenly changes, Li Jing's blood sacrifice

Zhu Youjian laughed: "Tota Li Tianwang, don't pretend to be a ghost!" If you can't use the Pangu axe virtual shadow, Xuanyuan sword, Shennong tripod for the time being, how dare you bring down the disaster! It is the doomsday disaster you have brought down now, because the power of the world and the fairyland has been sealed. Your so-called doomsday disaster is just an empty shelf! Tota Li Tianwang, just wait for me to kill the fairyland and disappear under the Xuanyuan sword!"

Tota Li Tianwang didn't say much, snorted coldly and said softly, "I don't know the devil!" The blood-red erect eyes closed and disappeared. Then the sky was abnormal. The day suddenly darkened, and the stars appeared in the sky. What was surprising was that the sun was more dazzling, and the cool autumn became a sultry summer for a hundred years! Sun Star, Taiyin Star, Nandou, Beidou, all the brilliance gathered into the endless void. On the endless void, a thunder and lightning pit was generated. There were countless lightning creaks in the pit, where dazzling light was emitted. Endless pressure passed down. Even Zhu Youjian stood unsteadily and his knees were bent, almost Kneeling down.

Finally, not only did the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty kneel down. Under the suppression of this heat and thunder, Wei Zhongxian could not stand it and could only kneel down. Finally, he knew how powerful the heavenly court the First Emperor faced in those years! He also knew that under the doomsday disaster, the heat attached to the preparation stage of the doomsday disaster was unbearable for ordinary Yuanying monks. If Zhu Youjian had a Pangu axe shadow, Xuanyuan sword, and Shennong Ding protection, it would be fine, but now Zhu Youjian can't use all of them, what should he do? What? Is Zhu Youjian crazy?

It turned out that Zhu Youjian was not afraid that the wind and thunder wings flashed to the thunder and lightning pit, and unexpectedly entered the thunder and lightning pit!

At the same time, in the thunder disaster division where the gods of the heavenly court and thunder are located, King Tota Li turned around anxiously and shouted at the gods in charge of the thunder: "This demon actually flew into the center of thunder! What a bold! Give me the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and thunder to the maximum, and wipe him down! Hurry up!"

A god in charge of thunder was helpless: "Tota Li Tianwang, these five elements are balanced, and the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and thunder are all opened to the maximum, which offset each other! You won't know! Use the five elements of thunderstorming! This is the most powerful thunderstorm!" Tota Li Tianwang also knew that he was very stupid because he was anxious, so he had to change the topic:

"The power of the five elements thunder array is too small, and the general five thunder parts can be launched. Sky thunder is a gas array, floating thunder destroys the world array, what about the sky mine robs? Put it all down! Hurry up! Csle that evil!"

"Tota Li Tianwang, those formations need to be hosted by Wen Zhong, who is in charge of the Thunder Department. How can we small gods launch? Or when Lord Wen Zhong comes back, he will definitely kill the evil, how about it? This is not only in the mortal world but also in the sky. The little civil servants are the most slippery. King Li Tianwang took the Jade Emperor's edict in his hand, but deliberately avoided Lord Wen Zhong. The water is deep in it. What's the conflict between the Sanqing saints and the Jade Emperor Tianzun? How dare these little officials dare to participate in such a big event!?

The thunder department is in charge of the heavenly disaster. Although the oil and water are the most abundant, any larger sect should take some filial piety, but sometimes it is also extremely dangerous. Let's say that those who were ordered to go to the thunder to kill Sun Wukong at the beginning were just ordered to act. Sun Wukong killed them all in the heavenly court, but no one even paid attention! This person directly scolded King Tota Li, and King Tota Li can only take advantage of the opportunity that other people's magic weapons can't use, which is more powerful than the Monkey King in those years. In addition, King Tota Li dares not tell Wen Zhong, and the fool dares to get in again!

Tota Li Tianwang is preparing to continue to threaten these thunder gods, but the thunder gods said one after another:

"Tota Li Tianwang, I'm sorry, I was not good at practicing just now, so I have to go home to recuperate!"

"Tota Li Tianwang, I'm sorry, I'm too tired to manipulate the magic weapon. Let me go home and rest!"

"Tota Li Tianwang, I'm sorry, I manipulated the magic weapon of the thunder department just now and accidentally thundered myself to heal my wounds!"

"Tota Li Tianwang, I'm sorry..."

In a blink of an eye, there were 500 people in the thunder department, and each of them found an excuse to have something to do! Although Tota Li Tianwang was strong, he had no idea to strike together in the face of 500 people, so he had to change his face:

"All of you, 500 of you are the pillars of heaven! The Jade Emperor will not forget you! As long as you participate in the lightning demons! Peach, Jindan, and the Jade Emperor will be rewarded! And it's all at the ten-thousand-year level! It's not as coaxing as a hundred years! You can also be appreciated and promoted by the Jade Emperor! Who is willing to help me!?"

Tota Li Tianwang took out the ability to fool his heavenly soldiers and was ready to fool the god of the thunder department. He thought that there were always a few fools in 500 people. How could he think that the god of the thunder department was a human spirit: just a routine heavenly disaster can get the reward of ten-thousand-year peaches and golden elixir!? The one next door to Mary must have offended people! It's still the job of offending a big man! Life is in danger! Five hundred people each used immortality and ran one by one! Before the Tota Li Tianwang didn't react, he said one by one:

"Don't go! It's just that the routine disaster can get the reward of ten thousand-year-level peaches and golden elixir! How many times in tens of thousands of years?"

"You can still be promoted! How difficult it is to be promoted in heaven! It's just a routine disaster that you can be promoted. Don't miss this opportunity!"

King Li Tianwang didn't expect that the Leibu Zhengshen were all so oily. He couldn't help drooping his head and turned around and found that the five Leifu Zhengshengs who first helped him carry out the disaster were still there. He was a joy in his heart and said with a smile: "You are loyal to the Jade Emperor, not only can you get ten-thousand-year-level peaches, golden elixir. As a reward, the Jade Emperor will also let you be promoted! Come on, this is the reward of ten-thousand-year-level peach and golden elixir. Pick it up! Work well for the Jade Emperor and kill the evil!"

"Thank you for the reward of the ten-thousand-year-old peach and golden elixir! Thank you for cultivating Tota Li Tianwang! I will wait for it!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, carry out the routine disaster with me and kill the evil! Ah? How did you go!? Come back!"

"King Tota Li, we have carried out the routine disaster. We did the robbery just now! Have you forgotten!?

Ah? Then you continue to carry out the routine disaster, and I will give you a reward of ten-thousand-year-level peaches and golden elixir! It's okay!?"

"Tota Li Tianwang, these 500 people of Leibu Zhengshen are all understanding people! What routine disaster can you get the reward of ten-thousand-year peaches and golden elixir? What kind of evil is this! I'm afraid of the reincarnation of a big man who can't afford to provoke!"

"King Tota Li, I'm sorry, it's not that we are not loyal to the heavenly court, but what the heavenly court does makes loyal ministers chill! Let's say that those who were ordered to go to the thunder to kill Sun Wukong were just ordered to act. Sun Wukong killed in the heavenly court and killed them all. This is the heavenly disaster that you dares to carry out the routine without telling Wen Zhong! I'm afraid * is similar to Sun Wukong. We are afraid!"

"Tota Li Tianwang, I'm sorry, you only dare to sneak up on others, or take advantage of their magic weapons when they can't be used! He is still a monk who has not ascended. Do you dare to provoke him after flying? What's more, we!"

"King Li Tianwang, our Leibu Zhengshen is not those brainless heavenly soldiers. Just now, the monk who did not fly said that he had a Pangu axe virtual shadow, Xuanyuan sword, Shennong Ding, these are all artifacts that open the sky, and you don't have it! How dare we provoke people who can have these things! Don't make things difficult for us!"

Tota Li Tianwang was furious: a group of cunning villains, if it weren't for the magic weapon of the thunder department. It's extremely exquisite. It's not that the god of thunder can't be manipulated at all! Why should I beg you! That's all right! Don't eat anything to toast!

Those who had just helped Tota Li Tianwang arrange the right god of the thunder department and got the ten-thousand-year-level peach. The reward of the golden elixir used magic power to escape, but they found that the five elements of escape, and the escape of heaven and earth were all invalid, and they couldn't help crying secretly! Sure enough, the reward of this ten-thousand-year-level peach is not for nothing! He had to turn around and plead with King Li, ready to return the reward of ten-thousand-year-old peaches and golden elixir!

The result was that Tota Li Tianwang ignored it! Blood-red eyes smiled maliciously! Let those people who have just helped Tota Li Tianwang arrange the robbery of the cloud and thunder department feel that their whole body is hairy and their feet are soft! How dare you say the reward of the ten-thousand-year-old peach! However, I heard Tota Li Tianwang say coldly, "I also feel that it is difficult for you to execute the routine heavenly disaster to kill that demon! That's good too! Let me send 3,000 heavenly soldiers to help you! How about!?" With one move, he recruited 3,000 heavenly soldiers and took away those Leibu Zhengjia chickens!

The thunder gods were weak all over. It turned out that in the heavenly court, in order to be afraid of the rebellion of the generals, the most taboo was to collect the heavenly soldiers and generals into the space magic weapons. This is the biggest warning in the heavenly court. Even the Jade Emperor can't violate it. King Li Tiantian is a confidant of the Jade Emperor. Once this matter is poked out! No one can protect it! I have seen such a taboo thing as King Li, and I won't be blamed for being silenced! Even if he died, it was extremely simple for King Li to find a heavenly soldier to be a ghost!

When the thunder gods opened the thunder magic weapon, King Li Tianwang of Tota smiled grimly and put out a red light on his left hand, covering the 3,000 heavenly soldiers he had recruited. The 3,000 heavenly soldiers did not even make a sound and turned into blood fog, but it was Tota Li Tianwang who recruited 3,000 heavenly soldiers to unify himself. Blood sacrifice!

Those thunder gods were shocked. King Li actually sacrificed himself with blood and recruited 3,000 heavenly soldiers. This was already a magic method that had committed a great taboo. Suddenly, he was so scared that he collapsed to the ground and couldn't even say anything. However, King Li was not in a hurry to kill his mouth, but he turned the three thousand heavenly soldiers into a blood fog and sucked it in. His mouth was blood red, and he jumped into the thunder pool, the strongest magic weapon of the thunder department, with a ferocious smile.