Chongzhen Fengshen

205 Immortal Last Disaster, smash the Taoist heart!

Zhu Youjian fled for his life, and the blood-red world controlled by Zeng Daru was tightly chased and killed. Zhu Youjian fought with these masters many times. Naturally, he was also full of tricks, but he collided with the eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou in the blood-red world controlled by Zeng Daru, and shocked the eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou to get the treasures left by Zhuge Wuhou. On the one hand, he shattered the bloody world controlled by Zeng Daru and plotted Zeng Daru's idea!

Zeng Daru is actually embarrassed. Zhu Youjian holds a Xuanyuan sword, and Pangu axe virtual shadow. It is also extremely deadly when he meets him. He is also a great witch, and his soul is extremely strong. If his speed and combat experience are far beyond himself, he is afraid that it is difficult to say who will chase and kill anyone, which is too much worse than being sucked by himself at the beginning. The Eastern King of the Kingdom of Heaven is very difficult to deal with! It's just that Zhu Youjian is not only rebellious, anti-Confucian and anti-Qing, but also a must-kill person of his blood father, so he has to bravely follow!

Zhu Youjian wanted to use the bloody world controlled by Zeng Daru to fight against the eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou. How did Zeng Daru not know? However, before the suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Daru also went to the tomb of Zhuge Wuhou and forcibly broke the eight arrays. However, at that time, the treasures in the tomb of Zhuge Wuhou have been taken away. Zeng Daru was empty, but it was calculated that the treasures in the tomb of Zhuge Wuhou were taken away during the Kangxi period. It is said that the treasures in the tomb of Zhuge Wuhou are said to be and Hong The Pangu axe in the wilderness is related to the cave of ordinary immortals. He lost his arms. Zeng Daru thought it was a pity, and his intestines were regretful!

This time, Zeng Daru returned to the end of the Ming Dynasty. As soon as he appeared, he knew that he appeared next to the mausoleum of Zhuge Wuhou, just to kill Zhu Youjian, but he could not free his hands. This time, he suddenly found that he could not only kill Zhu Youjian, but also obtain the treasures in the mausoleum of Zhuge Wuhou. Zeng Daru had been happy for a long time, just to paralyze. Zhu Youjian pretended to be a trick to drive Zhu Youjian away!

Zhu Youjian and Zeng Daru were pregnant with ghosts. They all thought that they had calculated the other party, but Wang Xianren didn't know what to do, so he had to follow Zeng Daru and finally entered the eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou! Wang Xianren couldn't help but be shocked. It turned out that he thought that the eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou were the array of folk rumors, which trapped Lu Xun's simple illusion array. How could he know that this illusion array was unpredictable and was as many as 129,000,600 yuan, and the change was more than hundreds of millions? Wang Xianren's immortal position was made like a headless fly. He turned around in place, and hundreds of expressions changed. Obviously, he was confused by the eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou and didn't know which array his consciousness was lost to!

"Useless things! Zhuge Villageman, don't accept this blindfold! If you want to stop me, Zeng Guofan, show your real ability!" Zeng Daru shouted, and the blood-red world he controlled turned into an endless sea of blood, overturning everything, and the turbid waves were surging, swallowing hundreds of the arrays of one yuan of Zhuge Wuhou's eight arrays! Zeng Daru actually cracked the eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou with his strength!

Wang Xianren is a gentleman in Confucianism, but he is deeply dissatisfied with Zeng Daru's words to Zhuge Wuhou. Although he was afraid of Zeng Daru, he still said, "Zeng Daru, although you are a person who can be compared with Yangming, Zhuge Wuhou is a predecessor of Confucianism. Isn't it too disrespectful to his mausoleum? Divided!?"

"Wang Xianren, you don't know anything about changing sugar! Zhuge Villager is a native of Momen, and the wonderful skills such as wooden cattle and flowing horses** are not a decent way of Confucianism! Moreover, as a person in Momen, Zhuge Villager also tried to reverse the number of days when he entered the Han Dynasty. He gathered more than a dozen immortals from the side gate in the upper valley in an attempt to refine Sima Yi, the incarnation of the Haotian God. He was extremely guilty and was killed alive by the doomsday thunder of the heavenly court! It's the same as Zhu Youjian, who is anti-sky!"

"I was summoned to the end of the Ming Dynasty this time. In addition to assisting the Qing Dynasty to enter the customs from the dragon and completing the days when the breeze blows the bright moon, I also had to bombard Zhu Youjian all the anti-sky and rebellious goods! Only then can Confucianism always be prosperous and end the future troubles!" As soon as Wang Xianren saw this Zeng Daru, he was full of blood, and his eyes were blood red, like a god of murder! But how dare you say half a word? It can only be Nuonuo's voice!

The eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou will naturally not be simply swallowed up by Zeng Daru's endless blood sea. The eight arrays of Zhuge Wuhou have indeed changed dramatically, that is, the illusion array swallowed by Zeng Daru's endless sea of blood also escaped. All the illusion arrays have changed, and one by one have changed from virtual to reality, evolving one between virtual. The small world between real people!

A small world of one yuan! If this is transformed, I'm afraid that there will be no beginning and no end, or frankly speaking, the body separated from the soul will be destroyed, and the soul will not escape! Wang Xianren turned around and was about to escape, but Zeng Daru sneered:

"Zhuge Cunfu, after all, your body and soul are completely destroyed, leaving only a remnant soul. If you fight with me at the peak, it may be difficult to win or lose, but now! This small world of thousands of yuan is just a tonic for my endless sea of blood!"

"The heart of heaven is my heart, my will is God's will, and I don't speak nonsense! All foreign magical power, break it!" As Zeng Daru's roar and endless sea of blood turned into a blood-red world again, covering all the small world of one yuan and forming a huge blood-red cocoon. The huge blood-red cocoon is like the heart of a giant monster, surrounded by blood and desperate black resentment, and the heart is Countless blood vessels are entangled. With the beating of the heart, a small world is swallowed up by a huge blood-red cocoon, which is obviously about to refine this small world!

Zhu Youjian didn't think that Zeng Daru's magical power was so vast. He thought that Zeng Daru's endless blood sea and Zhuge Wuhou's eight arrays could be defeated. Unexpectedly, Zeng Daru seemed to transform the small world of Zhuge Wuhou's eight arrays into a thousand yuan, and actually gave it to Zeng Da in disguise. Did Confucian send supplements? Next to Mary, Zeng Daru is too fierce. The human world can actually cultivate this kind of cultivation. His heart is so hard that he is far from it. However, although Zeng Daru concentrates on refining a small world of one yuan, he has not forgotten Zhu Youjian at all. The endless blood released by the huge blood-red cocoon. Zhu Youjian is firmly locked, and it is difficult to move his hands and feet! Not to mention taking the opportunity to escape!

"Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, this Zeng Daru is powerful. If I were in my heyday, I might still be able to fight with him. Now I only have a remnant soul. Naturally, I am far from Zeng Daru's opponent! However, if Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend is willing to help me, turn the world around and seriously injured Zeng Daru, it is not difficult. Is Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend willing to help me? However, a person appeared in Zhu Youjian's sea of consciousness, with a white face and short beard, sitting on a four-wheeled car, with a feather fan scarf, shining with wisdom in his eyes and a fairy temperament. It was Zhuge Wuhou who only had a remnant soul left!

Although Zhu Youjian believes in the character of Zhuge Wuhou, he also knows the truth that you have to guard against people in the world of cultivation. He asked vigilantly with his big eyes open, "Zhu Wuhou, how can I help you? If I barely use a little flesh and blood, or a little soul fragment, I can grit my teeth and endure, but if it is too much, such as losing myself, Zhuge Wuhou will avoid opening his mouth!"

Zhuge Wuhou shook his fan and smiled, "Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, subdue this Zeng Daru. Where do you need these? Just let me have a look at your memory!" Although Zhu Youjian was half skeptical, he had been restrained by Zeng Daru and could not move. The small world of one yuan transformed by Zhuge Wuhou's eight arrays was also refined by Zeng Daru one by one. The two grasshoppers in the same boat had to be happy and let Zhuge Wuhou feel the end of the Dharma era after the disaster of immortals. The world!

Zhu Youjian felt that it was just a breath, and he heard Zhuge Wuhou laugh and said, "Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, this Zeng Daru will be handed over to me. If it hadn't been for his blood power, I'm afraid he would have run out!"

When Zhu Youjian felt that Zhuge Wuhou was bragging casually, Zeng Daru's huge blood-red cocoon changed dramatically! It turned out that the small world of one-yuan, which was covered by this blood-red huge cocoon, was helplessly refined by Zeng Daru one by one and had no resistance. At this time, in the small world of one yuan, the figure of Zhuge Wuhou appeared. Zhuge Wuhou's figure emitted thousands of golden light, and Zeng Daru's blood red The huge cocoon danced as fast as a snail. Even the blood and black gas were illuminated by Zhuge Wuhou's figure and squeaked, making a beast-like cry, ashes and smoke disappeared, and even the color of the huge blood-red cocoon gradually faded and became colorless and transparent!

As soon as Zeng Daru saw Zhuge Wuhou's full resistance, he was also anxious. His real body appeared in the huge blood-red cocoon, with a ferocious smile: "Zhuge Villager, your body and soul are all destroyed, and there is only a remnant soul left. In addition to fantasy to confuse others, how can there be any fairy art!? I have long killed the proof of life, and the law has not been invaded. How can I shake my Confucian Yongchang and slaughter all the Chinese people's determination! Zhuge Villager, you are just a waste of time!"

Although Zeng Daru faced the incarnation of wisdom, even if Zhuge Wuhou only has a remnant soul, there are still countless in his heart, otherwise he will not talk to himself and strengthen himself!

In a small world of one yuan. All the figures of Zhuge Wuhou laughed at the same time and said, "Zeng Guofan! You think others will confuse you with fantasy! But I don't know that your Confucian Yongchang's Taoism is fake. The person who lied to you is not someone else, but yourself! Zeng Guofan! Take a closer look! This is the world of the end of the Dharma era after the end of the disaster of immortals. Is there Confucianism?