Chongzhen Fengshen

248 nail-headed seven arrows black nest Zen master

As soon as the Great Sage opened the Tianmen, a large white lotus appeared. There was a golden light bodhi tree on the white lotus, which was six feet high. The golden bodhi changed. The golden bodhi changed, and the dense branches suddenly turned into many heads and hands. It was the golden Buddha with 24 heads and 18 hands. This bodhi golden body, with a flower cover on its head, golden lamp shell leaves, and three crystal reliths, also hang above the head, emitting infinite light.

At the same time, a Buddha in the upper seat, which is somewhat similar to Amitabha, appeared on the body, but it was a divine building!

In the blink of an eye, he defeated the Buddha and the Monkey King held the sea god needle, the Wukong Taoist held the seven treasures and wonderful trees, and Qi Tian Dasheng held the divine power of the divine building with three clear breaths. The three incarnations killed the real Liu Zhiping without hesitation!

The real connection between Liu Zhiping and the heavenly and humanitarian law of the world was all blocked by the Wukong Taoist holding the seven treasures and Miaoshu. The fire of the end of the disaster and the power of bright red faith lost a steady stream of support. If they knew it well, they were about to change their secrets. They attacked again, but they sensed to defeat the nine heavens in the Buddha's Monkey King's country. There is a great risk of hiding! It seems that there is a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, ready to make a fatal blow!

Qi Tian Dasheng held a roll of the divine spirit and fixed the power of the bright red faith. The victory over the Buddha and Monkey King held the sea god needle in his hand, but locked the space and slapped his face down like raindrops! Qi Tian Dasheng's close combat ability is famous in the three worlds. How can the real Liu Zhiping compare? After a few rounds, he was beaten in a mess. He even rolled and crawled and barely escaped, and I didn't know how many times he had been hit by the sea god needle.

The real Liu Zhiping had to rise to nine heavens and wanted to avoid this fatal blow! As for the hidden great risks, it can't be ignored!

At this time, in the struggle to defeat the Buddha's Monkey King, suddenly appeared a shining peak with hot waves in the sky. This peak is surrounded by countless Buddha lights. The sound of Buddha is the legendary Buddha's Futu Mountain!

This floating mountain is very strange. The whole mountain is in a treasure shape. There are no tall trees in the mountain, all of which are shrubs with fiery red leaves. The most strange thing is that there is a big tree on the top of the mountain, which is thousands of feet high. The tree is thick and needs hundreds of people to surround it. The tree is straight up. The green leaves on the crown are lush, like a big umbrella, almost covering the whole Futu Mountain. Among the green leaves of the canopy, there is a bird's nest one-mile in size, and I don't know what kind of grass it is. The fragrance is striking. The grass is fiery red, but it emits five colors of auspiciousness and colorful glow. There are auspicious clouds above and below the nest, and are covered by green leaf branches. Even if people come under this huge tree, they can't see the nest on it.

In the middle of the bird's nest, there is actually a bald monk, who wears a big red jacket. Take a string of fiery wooden Buddha beads and recite the scriptures in your mouth.

When the real Liu Zhiping had to rise to nine heavens, the monk suddenly opened his eyes and glowed golden all over his body. There is a silky flame in the golden light. Fortunately, the red grass that built the bird's nest is not afraid of fire, otherwise it will burn into ashes.

The monk put down his beads, narrowed his eyes, pinched his fingers to calculate, and suddenly laughed and said to himself, "Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, you and I have a father's hatred. I hid in Buddhism, and you came to destroy Buddha again! It's unbearable that you don't give me a glimmer of life! Xiu wants to blame me for being hot!"

After saying his words, the monk still picked up the crystal mahogany rosary. He didn't know what was talking about in his mouth. The canopy of a big tree on the top of the red mountain covered the mountain, and the inside of the crown seemed to be a gem, and the red light flashed and rippled up. Ripples, originally the vegetation on the mountain were red, but the big tree was green, like a little green in the red bush, which had a unique taste, but now even that green has turned red, and the whole mountain seems to burn.

At the same time, when it came to the victory over the Buddha, the Monkey King, ten suns suddenly appeared in the sky! In the ten days, golden flames sprayed down, and in an instant, the ocean dried up, and the mountains, rocks, plants and trees burned into ashes. The earth is black.

The real Liu Zhiping will know who came as soon as he sees the ten-day jux in the sky! He is really the youngest son of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who escaped when he fell, the lord of the Hinayana Buddhist tantra, the three-legged golden black, the one who is good at the sun Buddha, and the one who oppresses the Taoist people! His bright red power of faith was held by the great saint of Qitian, and he had to use the fire of the last disaster to protect himself and resist the unique skill of the ten-day juxta.

On the big day, the Buddha saw that he was tied for ten days, but he couldn't help the real Liu Zhiping. His face was slightly surprised, and he simply sacrificed the three-legged golden black! On the big day, the body of the Buddha's body has a long sound. These ten days suddenly turned into ten golden tripod birds and flew down together, spreading their wings tens of thousands of kilometers. The golden three-legged claws were like a pillar of Optimus Primera. These ten golden birds flew more and further, and every time they raised their wings, there were overwhelming golden flames falling down like meteors, dragging the long meteor tail and constantly hitting the real Liu Zhiping!

The real Liu Zhiping protected himself with the fire of the last disaster, only defending but not attacking. Although the attack turned into ten golden three-legged birds, he only heard thunder and did not see the rain. The fire of the end of the disaster did not see any darkness at all!

These ten golden blacks were furious and no longer ran away. They spit out flames and kept catching around the real Liu Zhiping, but to no success!

At the same time, the Wuchao Zen master on Futu Mountain laughed and said, "Today is the day of the disaster of the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan. Although you have thousands of magical power and all kinds of creations, it is useless! You used to plot to kill my nine brothers, and today your death is also a retribution for me!"

Zen Master Wuchao also said no longer. Fang bowed three times to the east, summoned a pair of golden bows, a suspended grass man, then picked up the small bow, put an arrow, and shot at the eyes of the suspended grass man. With a bang, the grass man's eyes shot blood out. What a black nest Zen master laughed and was not soft at all. Another arrow shot out the grass man's eyes. Blood splashed out and sprinkled on his clothes. It was shocking, but he ignored it. Then pull the bow and arrow, and aim at the grassman's heart!

The grassman's heart was hit by the Wuchao Zen master with an arrow. The real Liu Zhiping screamed, and the newly condensed body collapsed again. Under the nailed seven arrow book of the Wuchao Zen master, the newly condensed body was like paper paste, which was vulnerable!

Zen Master Wuchao snorted coldly: "He is smart, but in fact he is stupid. He just throws himself into the net!" It turned out that Liu Zhiping knew that he could not withstand the Wuchao Zen Master's nail-headed seven arrow book. At the moment when the nail-headed seven arrow book hit him, he exploded his body with the power of the nail-headed seven arrow book, and blew himself up his body and the power of the nail-headed seven arrow book. Finally, it was the real Liu Zhiping's soul out of the body and tore the battle to defeat the Buddha and Sun Wukong. Buddha has rushed back to the world!